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# NOTE: When changing auto-join logic, make sure to update the `settings.auto_join_users_info` translation as well.
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Jobs
class AutoJoinChannelBatch < ::Jobs::Base
def execute(args)
return "starts_at or ends_at missing" if args[:starts_at].blank? || args[:ends_at].blank?
start_user_id = args[:starts_at].to_i
end_user_id = args[:ends_at].to_i
return "End is higher than start" if end_user_id < start_user_id
channel =
id: args[:chat_channel_id],
auto_join_users: true,
chatable_type: "Category",
return if !channel
category = channel.chatable
return if !category
query_args = {
chat_channel_id: channel.id,
start: start_user_id,
end: end_user_id,
suspended_until: Time.zone.now,
last_seen_at: 3.months.ago,
channel_category: channel.chatable_id,
permission_type: CategoryGroup.permission_types[:create_post],
everyone: Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone],
mode: Chat::UserChatChannelMembership.join_modes[:automatic],
new_member_ids = DB.query_single(create_memberships_query(category), query_args)
# Only do this if we are running auto-join for a single user, if we
# are doing it for many then we should do it after all batches are
# complete for the channel in Jobs::AutoJoinChannelMemberships
if start_user_id == end_user_id
Chat::Publisher.publish_new_channel(channel.reload, User.where(id: new_member_ids))
def create_memberships_query(category)
query = <<~SQL
INSERT INTO user_chat_channel_memberships (user_id, chat_channel_id, following, created_at, updated_at, join_mode)
SELECT DISTINCT(users.id), :chat_channel_id, TRUE, NOW(), NOW(), :mode
FROM users
INNER JOIN user_options uo ON uo.user_id = users.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN user_chat_channel_memberships uccm ON
uccm.chat_channel_id = :chat_channel_id AND uccm.user_id = users.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN group_users gu ON gu.user_id = users.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN category_groups cg ON cg.group_id = gu.group_id AND
cg.permission_type <= :permission_type
WHERE (users.id >= :start AND users.id <= :end) AND
users.staged IS FALSE AND
users.active AND
NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM anonymous_users a WHERE a.user_id = users.id) AND
(suspended_till IS NULL OR suspended_till <= :suspended_until) AND
(last_seen_at IS NULL OR last_seen_at > :last_seen_at) AND
uo.chat_enabled AND
uccm.id IS NULL AND
(NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM category_groups WHERE category_id = :channel_category)
OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM category_groups WHERE category_id = :channel_category AND group_id = :everyone AND permission_type <= :permission_type)
OR cg.category_id = :channel_category)
RETURNING user_chat_channel_memberships.user_id