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{"version":3,"file":"workbox-sw.js","sources":["../_version.mjs","../controllers/WorkboxSW.mjs","../index.mjs"],"sourcesContent":["try{self['workbox:sw:4.3.1']&&_()}catch(e){}// eslint-disable-line","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.\n*/\n\nimport '../_version.mjs';\n\nconst CDN_PATH = `WORKBOX_CDN_ROOT_URL`;\n\nconst MODULE_KEY_TO_NAME_MAPPING = {\n // TODO(philipwalton): add jsdoc tags to associate these with their module.\n // @name backgroundSync\n // @memberof workbox\n // @see module:workbox-background-sync\n backgroundSync: 'background-sync',\n broadcastUpdate: 'broadcast-update',\n cacheableResponse: 'cacheable-response',\n core: 'core',\n expiration: 'expiration',\n googleAnalytics: 'offline-ga',\n navigationPreload: 'navigation-preload',\n precaching: 'precaching',\n rangeRequests: 'range-requests',\n routing: 'routing',\n strategies: 'strategies',\n streams: 'streams',\n};\n\n/**\n * This class can be used to make it easy to use the various parts of\n * Workbox.\n *\n * @private\n */\nexport class WorkboxSW {\n /**\n * Creates a proxy that automatically loads workbox namespaces on demand.\n *\n * @private\n */\n constructor() {\n this.v = {};\n this._options = {\n debug: self.location.hostname === 'localhost',\n modulePathPrefix: null,\n modulePathCb: null,\n };\n\n this._env = this._options.debug ? 'dev' : 'prod';\n this._modulesLoaded = false;\n\n return new Proxy(this, {\n get(target, key) {\n if (target[key]) {\n return target[key];\n }\n\n const moduleName = MODULE_KEY_TO_NAME_MAPPING[key];\n if (moduleName) {\n target.loadModule(`workbox-${moduleName}`);\n }\n\n return target[key];\n },\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates the configuration options. You can specify whether to treat as a\n * debug build and whether to use a CDN or a specific path when importing\n * other workbox-modules\n *\n * @param {Object} [options]\n * @param {boolean} [options.debug] If true, `dev` builds are using, otherwise\n * `prod` builds are used. By default, `prod` is used unless on localhost.\n * @param {Function} [options.modulePathPrefix] To avoid using the CDN with\n * `workbox-sw` set the path prefix of where modules should be loaded from.\n * For example `modulePathPrefix: '/third_party/workbox/v3.0.0/'`.\n * @param {workbox~ModulePathCallback} [options.modulePathCb] If defined,\n * this callback will be responsible for determining the path of each\n * workbox module.\n *\n * @alias workbox.setConfig\n */\n setConfig(options = {}) {\n if (!this._modulesLoaded) {\n Object.assign(this._options, options);\n this._env = this._options.debug ? 'dev' : 'prod';\n } else {\n throw new Error('Config must be set before accessing workbox.* modules');\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Load a Workbox module by passing in the appropriate module name.\n *\n * This is not generally needed unless you know there are modules that are\n * dynamically used and you want to safe guard use of the module while the\n * user may be offline.\n *\n * @param {string} moduleName\n *\n * @alias workbox.loadModule\n */\n loadModule(moduleName) {\n const modulePath = this._getImportPath(moduleName);\n try {\n importScripts(modulePath);\n this._modulesLoaded = true;\n } catch (err) {\n // TODO Add context of this error if using the CDN vs the local file.\n\n // We can't rely on workbox-core being loaded so using console\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n console.error(\n `Unable to import module '${moduleName}' from '${modulePath}'.`);\n throw err;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * This method will get the path / CDN URL to be used for importScript calls.\n *\n * @param {string} moduleName\n * @return {string} URL to the desired module.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _getImportPath(moduleName) {\n if (this._options.modulePathCb) {\n return this._options.modulePathCb(moduleName, this._options.debug);\n }\n\n // TODO: This needs to be dynamic some how.\n let pathParts = [CDN_PATH];\n\n const fileName = `${moduleName}.${this._env}.js`;\n\n const pathPrefix = this._options.modulePathPrefix;\n if (pathPrefix) {\n // Split to avoid issues with developers ending / not ending with slash\n pathParts = pathPrefix.split('/');\n\n // We don't need a slash at the end as we will be adding\n // a filename regardless\n if (pathParts[pathParts.length - 1] === '') {\n pathParts.splice(pathParts.length - 1, 1);\n }\n }\n\n pathParts.push(fileName);\n\n return pathParts.join('/');\n }\n}\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.\n*/\n\nimport {WorkboxSW} from './controllers/WorkboxSW.mjs';\nimport './_version.mjs';\n\n/**\n * @namespace workbox\n */\n\n// Don't export anything, just expose a global.\nself.workbox = new WorkboxSW();\n"],"names":["self","_","e","CDN_PATH","MODULE_KEY_TO_NAME_MAPPING","backgroundSync","broadcastUpdate","cacheableResponse","core","expiration","googleAnalytics","navigationPreload","precaching","rangeRequests","routing","strategies","streams","workbox","constructor","v","_options","debug","location","hostname","modulePathPrefix","modulePathCb","_env","this","_modulesLoaded","Proxy","get","target","key","moduleName","loadModule","setConfig","options","Error","Object","assign","modulePath","_getImportPath","importScripts","err","console","error","pathParts","fileName","pathPrefix","split","length","splice","push","join"],"mappings":"yBAAA,IAAIA,KAAK,qBAAqBC,IAAI,MAAMC,ICUxC,MAAMC,EAAY,4DAEZC,EAA6B,CAKjCC,eAAgB,kBAChBC,gBAAiB,mBACjBC,kBAAmB,qBACnBC,KAAM,OACNC,WAAY,aACZC,gBAAiB,aACjBC,kBAAmB,qBACnBC,WAAY,aACZC,cAAe,iBACfC,QAAS,UACTC,WAAY,aACZC,QAAS,WCZXhB,KAAKiB,QAAU,IDqBR,MAMLC,0BACOC,EAAI,QACJC,EAAW,CACdC,MAAkC,cAA3BrB,KAAKsB,SAASC,SACrBC,iBAAkB,KAClBC,aAAc,WAGXC,EAAOC,KAAKP,EAASC,MAAQ,MAAQ,YACrCO,GAAiB,EAEf,IAAIC,MAAMF,KAAM,CACrBG,IAAIC,EAAQC,MACND,EAAOC,UACFD,EAAOC,SAGVC,EAAa7B,EAA2B4B,UAC1CC,GACFF,EAAOG,sBAAsBD,KAGxBF,EAAOC,MAsBpBG,UAAUC,EAAU,OACbT,KAAKC,QAIF,IAAIS,MAAM,yDAHhBC,OAAOC,OAAOZ,KAAKP,EAAUgB,QACxBV,EAAOC,KAAKP,EAASC,MAAQ,MAAQ,OAiB9Ca,WAAWD,SACHO,EAAab,KAAKc,EAAeR,OAErCS,cAAcF,QACTZ,GAAiB,EACtB,MAAOe,SAKPC,QAAQC,kCACwBZ,YAAqBO,OAC/CG,GAYVF,EAAeR,MACTN,KAAKP,EAASK,oBACTE,KAAKP,EAASK,aAAaQ,EAAYN,KAAKP,EAASC,WAI1DyB,EAAY,CAAC3C,SAEX4C,KAAcd,KAAcN,KAAKD,OAEjCsB,EAAarB,KAAKP,EAASI,wBAC7BwB,GAMsC,MAJxCF,EAAYE,EAAWC,MAAM,MAIfH,EAAUI,OAAS,IAC/BJ,EAAUK,OAAOL,EAAUI,OAAS,EAAG,GAI3CJ,EAAUM,KAAKL,GAERD,EAAUO,KAAK"}