
1873 lines
79 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
format: '%n %u'
one: Bajt
few: Bajta
other: Bajta
gb: GB
kb: KB
mb: MB
tb: TB
thousands: "{{number}} hiljada"
millions: "{{number}} miliona"
time: "h:mm a"
long_no_year: "MMM D h:mm a"
long_no_year_no_time: "MMM D"
long_with_year: "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a"
long_with_year_no_time: "MMM D, YYYY"
long_date_with_year: "MMM D, 'YY LT"
long_date_without_year: "MMM D, LT"
long_date_with_year_without_time: "MMM D, 'YY"
long_date_without_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D <br/>LT"
long_date_with_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D, 'YY <br/>LT"
half_a_minute: "< 1m"
one: "< 1 sekunda"
few: "< %{count} sekundi"
other: "< %{count} sekundi"
one: "1 sekunda"
few: "%{count} sekundi"
other: "%{count} sekundi"
one: "<1 minuta"
few: "%{count} minuta"
other: "%{count} minuta"
date_month: "MMM D"
date_year: "MMM 'YY"
one: "1 minuta"
few: "Par minuta"
other: "%{count} minuta"
one: "1 sahat"
few: "Par sahati"
other: "%{count} sahati"
one: "1 dan"
few: "Par dana"
other: "%{count} dana"
date_year: "MMM D, 'YY"
one: "Prije 1 minutu"
few: "Prije par minuta"
other: "%{count} minuta prije"
one: "Prije 1 sahat "
few: "Prije par sahati"
other: "%{count} sahati prije"
one: "prije 1 dan "
few: "Prije par dana "
other: "%{count} dana prije"
one: "Prije 1 dan"
few: "Prije par dana"
other: "%{count} dana prije"
one: "Prije 1 mjesec"
few: "Prije par mjeseci"
other: "%{count} mjeseci prije"
one: "Prije 1 godinu"
few: "Prije par godina"
other: "%{count} godine/a prije"
topic: 'podjeli link ka ovoj temi'
post: 'podjeli link ka ovom postu #%{postNumber}'
close: 'zatvori'
twitter: 'podjeli link na Twitteru'
facebook: 'podjeli link na Facebooku'
google+: 'podjeli link na Google+'
email: 'pošalji ovaj link na email'
topic_admin_menu: "topic admin actions"
edit: 'izmjeni naslov i kategoriju ove teme'
not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
no_value: "Ne"
yes_value: "Da"
generic_error: "Uff, došlo je do greške."
generic_error_with_reason: "Došlo je do greške: %{error}"
sign_up: "Kreiraj Nalog"
log_in: "Uloguj se"
age: "Godište"
joined: "Registrovan"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Opomene"
show_more: "pokaži još"
links: "Linkovi"
one: "Link"
few: "Link"
other: "Linkovi"
faq: "Upoznavanje Foruma"
guidelines: "Guidelines"
privacy_policy: "Privacy Policy"
privacy: "Privacy"
terms_of_service: "Terms of Service"
mobile_view: "Mobilni Ekran"
desktop_view: "Desktop Ekran"
you: "Ti"
or: "ili"
now: "upravo sada"
read_more: 'pročitaj'
more: "Više"
less: "Manje"
never: "nikada"
daily: "dnevno"
weekly: "nedeljno"
every_two_weeks: "svake dvije nedelje"
every_three_days: "Svako 3 dana"
max_of_count: "maksimalno {{count}}"
alternation: "ili"
one: "{{count}} karakter"
few: "{{count}} karaktera"
other: "{{count}} karaktera"
title: "Savetujemo Teme"
simple_title: "O Nama"
title: "O Nama %{title}"
stats: "Statistika Sajta"
our_admins: "Naši Admini"
our_moderators: "Naši Moderatori"
all_time: "Svih Vremena"
last_7_days: "Zadnjih 7 Dana"
last_30_days: "Zadnjih 30 dana"
like_count: "Broj Lajkova"
topic_count: "Broj Tema"
post_count: "Broj Postova"
user_count: "Broj Članova"
active_user_count: "Aktivnih korisnika"
contact: "Kontaktirajte nas"
contact_info: "U slučaju da forum ne radi, molimo kontaktirajte nas na %{contact_info}."
title: "Bookmark"
clear_bookmarks: "Očisti bookmark"
bookmark: "Klikni da bookmarkuješ prvi post u temi"
unbookmark: "Klikni da ukloniš sve bookmarke iz ove teme"
not_logged_in: "sorry, you must be logged in to bookmark posts"
created: "you've bookmarked this post"
not_bookmarked: "you've read this post; click to bookmark it"
last_read: "this is the last post you've read; click to bookmark it"
remove: "Remove Bookmark"
confirm_clear: "Jeste li sigurni da želite očistiti sve bookmarke iz ove kategorije?"
one: "{{count}} nova ili tema sa editovanim postom."
few: "{{count}} novih ili tema sa editovanim postovima."
other: "{{count}} novih ili tema sa editovanim postovima."
one: "{{count}} nepročitana tema."
few: "{{count}} nepročitanih tema."
other: "{{count}} nepročitanih tema."
one: "{{count}} nova tema."
few: "{{count}} novih tema."
other: "{{count}} novih tema."
click_to_show: "Klikni da pokažeš."
preview: "pregledaj"
cancel: "otkaži"
save: "Sačuvaj Promjene"
saving: "Čuvam..."
saved: "Sačuvano!"
upload: "Uploaduj"
uploading: "Uploduje se..."
uploaded: "Uplodovano!"
enable: "Enable"
disable: "Disable"
undo: "Undo"
revert: "Revert"
failed: "Failed"
switch_to_anon: "Anonimni mod"
close: "Dismiss this banner."
edit: "Uredite ovaj baner >>"
none_found: "Nema pronađenih tema."
search: "Search for a Topic by name, url or id:"
placeholder: "type the topic title here"
topic: "Tema:"
approve: 'Odobri'
reject: 'Odbij'
delete_user: 'Izbriši korisnika'
title: "Potrebno odobrenje"
none: "Nema postova za pregled."
edit: "Uredi"
cancel: "Odustani"
view_pending: "Vidi postove na čekanju"
one: "Ova tema ima <b>1</b> post koji čeka odobrenje"
few: "Ova tema ima <b>{{count}}</b> postova koji čekaju odobrenje"
other: "Ova tema ima <b>{{count}}</b> postova koji čekaju odobrenje"
confirm: "Sačuvaj promjene"
delete_prompt: "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati <b>%{username}</b>? Ovo će izbrisati sve njihove postove i blokirati njihovu email i IP adresu."
title: "Post treba odobrenje"
description: "Primili smo Vaš novi post ali on treba biti odobren od strane moderatora prije nego bude javno dostupan. Molimo budite strpljivi."
one: "Imate <strong>1</strong> post na čekanju."
few: "Imate <strong>{{count}}</strong> postova na čekanju."
other: "Imate <strong>{{count}}</strong> postova na čekanju."
ok: "OK"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> posted <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>You</a> posted <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
user_replied_to_post: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> replied to <a href='{{postUrl}}'>{{post_number}}</a>"
you_replied_to_post: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>You</a> replied to <a href='{{postUrl}}'>{{post_number}}</a>"
user_replied_to_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> replied to <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
you_replied_to_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>You</a> replied to <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
user_mentioned_user: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>{{user}}</a> mentioned <a href='{{user2Url}}'>{{another_user}}</a>"
user_mentioned_you: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>{{user}}</a> mentioned <a href='{{user2Url}}'>you</a>"
you_mentioned_user: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>You</a> mentioned <a href='{{user2Url}}'>{{another_user}}</a>"
posted_by_user: "Posted by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
posted_by_you: "Posted by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>you</a>"
sent_by_user: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_you: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>you</a>"
title: "Korisnici"
topic_count: "Teme"
post_count: "Replike"
days_visited: "Posijete"
one: "%{count} korisnik"
few: "%{count} korisnika"
other: "%{count} korisnika"
visible: "Grupa je vidljiva svim korisnicima"
one: "grupa"
few: "grupe"
other: "grupe"
members: "Članovi"
posts: "Postovi"
nobody: "Niko"
only_admins: "Samo admini"
mods_and_admins: "Samo moderatori i Admini"
members_mods_and_admins: "Samo članovi grupe, moderatori i admini"
everyone: "Svatko"
'1': "Dati Lajkovi"
'2': "Dobijeni Lajkovi"
'3': "Sačuvano"
'4': "Teme"
'5': "Postovi"
'6': "Odgovori"
'7': "Spemenute"
'9': "Citirane"
'11': "Izmjenjene"
'12': "Poslato"
'13': "Inbox"
all: "Sve kategorije"
all_subcategories: "sve"
no_subcategory: "nijedna"
category: "Kategorija"
posts: "Odgovori"
topics: "Teme"
latest: "Najnovije"
latest_by: "zadnje od"
toggle_ordering: "toggle ordering control"
subcategories: "Podkategorije"
topic_stats: "Broj novih tema."
post_stats: "Broj novih postova."
title: IP Address Lookup
hostname: Hostname
location: Location
location_not_found: (unknown)
organisation: Organization
phone: Phone
other_accounts: "Other accounts with this IP address"
said: "{{username}}:"
profile: "Profil"
mute: "Mutiraj"
edit: "Uredi Postavke"
download_archive: "skini arhivu mojih odgovora"
private_message: "Privatne Poruke"
private_messages: "Poruke"
activity_stream: "Aktivnost"
preferences: "Postavke"
bookmarks: "Sačuvano"
bio: "O Meni"
invited_by: "Pozvan Od"
trust_level: "Nivo Povjerenja"
notifications: "Obaviještenja"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to your new post after replying"
dynamic_favicon: "Show incoming message notifications on favicon (experimental)"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Open all external links in a new tab"
enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text"
change: "promjeni"
moderator: "{{user}} je moderator"
admin: "{{user}} je admin"
moderator_tooltip: "This user is a moderator"
admin_tooltip: "This user is an admin"
suspended_notice: "This user is suspended until {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Reason: "
mailing_list_mode: "Receive an email for every new post (unless you mute the topic or category)"
watched_categories: "Watched"
tracked_categories: "Tracked"
muted_categories: "Muted"
delete_account: "Delete My Account"
delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
deleted_yourself: "Your account has been deleted successfully."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "You cannot delete your account right now. Contact an admin to do delete your account for you."
unread_message_count: "Poruke"
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
deleted_posts: "deleted posts"
suspensions: "suspensions"
warnings_received: "warnings"
all: "Sve"
success: "(email poslat)"
in_progress: "(šaljem email)"
error: "(greška)"
action: "Pošalji Email za Resetovanje Šifre"
set_password: "Namjesti Šifru"
title: "Promjeni o Meni"
title: "Change Username"
confirm: "If you change your username, all prior quotes of your posts and @name mentions will be broken. Are you absolutely sure you want to?"
taken: "Sorry, that username is taken."
error: "There was an error changing your username."
invalid: "That username is invalid. It must only include numbers and letters"
title: "Change Email"
taken: "Sorry, that email is not available."
error: "There was an error changing your email. Perhaps that address is already in use?"
success: "We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions."
title: "Promjeni sliku"
gravatar: "<a href='//gravatar.com/emails' target='_blank'>Gravatar</a>, baziran na"
refresh_gravatar_title: "Osvježi Gravatar"
letter_based: "Avatar dodjeljen od sistema"
uploaded_avatar: "Vaša slika"
uploaded_avatar_empty: "Dodajte vašu sliku"
upload_title: "Uploduj sliku"
upload_picture: "Upload slike"
image_is_not_a_square: "Upozorenje: morali smo izrezat vašu sliku; nije bila kvadrat."
title: "Pozadina profila"
title: "Email"
instructions: "Nikada se ne pokazuje javno."
ok: "Izgleda dobro. Poslat ćemo email sa konfirmacijom."
invalid: "Molimo vas unesite validnu email adresu."
authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by {{provider}}."
title: "Ime"
instructions: "Vaše puno ime."
too_short: "Vaše ime je prekratko."
ok: "Vaše ime izgleda ok."
title: "Nadimak"
instructions: "Originalno, bez razmaka, kratko."
short_instructions: "Ljudi vas mogu spomenuti preko @{{username}}."
available: "Vaš nadimak je dostupan."
global_match: "Email već postoji kao član foruma."
global_mismatch: "Već ste registrovani. Probajte {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Nije dostupan. Pokušaj {{suggestion}}?"
too_short: "Vaš nadimak je prekratak."
too_long: "Vaš nadima je predugačak."
checking: "Provjeravamo dostupnost..."
enter_email: 'Nadimak nađen. Unesite vaš email.'
prefilled: "Email je registrovan na ovaj nadimak."
title: "Interface language"
instructions: "User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page."
default: "(default)"
title: "Šifra Opet"
last_posted: "Posljednji Odgovor"
last_emailed: "Poslat Email"
last_seen: "Viđen"
created: "Registrovan"
log_out: "Izloguj se"
location: "Lokacija"
website: "Sajt"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Kada ne dolazite na sajt, šaljevo vam email sa novim temama:"
daily: "dnevno"
weekly: "nedeljno"
email_direct: "Receive an email when someone quotes you, replies to your post, or mentions your @username"
email_private_messages: "Receive an email when someone sends you a private message"
other_settings: "Other"
categories_settings: "Categories"
label: "Consider topics new when"
not_viewed: "you haven't viewed them yet"
last_here: "created since you were here last"
auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics you enter"
never: "never"
search: "kucaj da potražiš pozivnice..."
title: "Pozivnice"
user: "Pozvan Korisnik"
redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
pending: "Pending Invites"
topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
expired: "This invite has expired."
rescind: "Remove"
rescinded: "Invite removed"
reinvite: "Resend Invite"
reinvited: "Invite re-sent"
time_read: "Read Time"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
create: "Pošalji Pozivnicu"
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet. You can send individual invites, or invite a bunch of people at once by <a href='https://revolucionar.com/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>uploading a bulk invite file</a>."
text: "Bulk Invite from File"
uploading: "Uploading..."
success: "File uploaded successfully, you will be notified shortly with progress."
error: "There was an error uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}"
title: "Šifra"
too_short: "Vaša šifra je prekratka."
common: "Vaša šifra je previše obična."
ok: "Vaša šifra izgleda ok."
instructions: "Barem %{count} karaktera."
associated_accounts: "Associated accounts"
title: "Zadnja IP Adresa"
title: "IP Adresa prilikom registracije"
title: "Slika"
title: "Title"
all: "Sve"
posted_by: "Stavljeno od"
sent_by: "Poslato od"
private_message: "private message"
the_topic: "tema"
loading: "Učitava se..."
prev_page: "dok pokušava da uloduje"
network: "Network Greška"
server: "Server Greška"
forbidden: "Pristup Nedostupan"
unknown: "Greška"
network: "Please check your connection."
network_fixed: "Looks like it's back."
server: "Error code: {{status}}"
forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
unknown: "Something went wrong."
back: "Idi Nazad"
again: "Pokušaj Opet"
fixed: "Uloduj Stranicu"
close: "Zatvori"
assets_changed_confirm: "Ovaj sajt je upravo unaprijeđen. Osvježi stranicu za novu verziju?"
login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
learn_more: "learn more..."
year: 'godina'
year_desc: 'teme kreirane u zadnjih 365 dana'
month: 'mjesec'
month_desc: 'teme kreirane u zadnjih 30 dana'
week: 'nedelja'
week_desc: 'teme kreirane u zadnjih 7 dana'
day: 'dan'
first_post: Prvi post
mute: Mutiraj
unmute: Odmutiraj
last_post: Zadnji post
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
description: "There are <b>{{count}}</b> replies."
description_time: "There are <b>{{count}}</b> replies with an estimated read time of <b>{{readingTime}} minutes</b>."
enable: 'Summarize This Topic'
disable: 'Show All Posts'
enabled_description: "This topic contains deleted posts, which have been hidden. "
disabled_description: "Deleted posts in the topic are shown."
enable: "Hide Deleted Posts"
disable: "Show Deleted Posts"
title: "Privatna Poruka"
invite: "Pozovi Druge..."
remove_allowed_user: "Do you really want to remove {{name}} from this private message?"
email: 'Email'
username: 'Ime'
last_seen: 'Viđen'
created: 'Kreiran'
created_lowercase: 'kreiran'
trust_level: 'Nivo Povjerenja'
search_hint: 'ime'
title: "Kreiraj Nalog"
failed: "Something went wrong, perhaps this email is already registered, try the forgot password link"
title: "Zaboravili ste Šifru"
action: "Zaboravio šifru"
invite: "Upišite vaš email ili korisničko ime i mi ćemo vam poslati link za resetovanje šifre."
reset: "Resetuj Šifru"
complete_username: "Ako se vaš nalog podudara sa korisnikom <b>%{username}</b>, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_email: "Ako se vaš nalog podudara sa <b>%{email}</b>, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_username_found: "Našli smo nalog koji odgovara korisniku <b>%{username}</b>, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_email_found: "Našli smo nalog koji odgovara email-u <b>%{email}</b>, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_username_not_found: "Nema naloga sa korisničkim imenom <b>%{username}</b>"
complete_email_not_found: "Nema naloga sa email-om <b>%{email}</b>"
title: "Uloguj se"
username: "Korisnik"
password: "Šifra"
email_placeholder: "email ili korisnik"
caps_lock_warning: "Uključena su vam velika slova"
error: "Nepoznata greška"
blank_username_or_password: "Please enter your email or username, and password."
reset_password: 'Resetuj Šifru'
logging_in: "Ulogujem se..."
or: "Or"
authenticating: "Autorizacija..."
awaiting_confirmation: "Vaš nalog čeka aktivaciju, koristite opciju za ponovno slanje aktivacije."
awaiting_approval: "Your account has not been approved by a staff member yet. You will be sent an email when it is approved."
requires_invite: "Sorry, access to this forum is by invite only."
not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at <b>{{sentTo}}</b>. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account."
not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't login from that IP address."
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
title: "sa Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "sa Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "sa Twitterom"
message: "Identifikujemo se sa Twitterom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
title: "sa Facebukom"
message: "Identifikujemo sa Facebukom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
title: "sa Yahoo"
message: "Authenticating with Yahoo (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "sa GitHub"
message: "Authenticating with GitHub (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
add_warning: "Ovo je zvanično upozorenje."
posting_not_on_topic: "Na koju temu želite da odgovorite?"
saving_draft_tip: "čuvam"
saved_draft_tip: "sačuvano"
saved_local_draft_tip: "sačuvano lokalno"
similar_topics: "Tvoja tema je slična..."
drafts_offline: "offline sačuvano"
title_missing: "Naslov je obavezan"
title_too_short: "Naslov mora biti najmanje {{min}} karaktera"
title_too_long: "Naslov ne može biti više od {{max}} karaktera"
post_missing: "Odgovor ne može biti prazan"
post_length: "Odgovor mora biti najmanje {{min}} karaktera"
category_missing: "Morate odabrati kategoriju"
save_edit: "Sačuvaj Izmene"
reply_original: "Odgovori na Originalnu Temu"
reply_here: "Odgovori Ovde"
reply: "Odgovori"
cancel: "Otkaži"
create_topic: "Započni Temu"
create_pm: "Kreiraj Privatnu Poruku"
title: "Ili pritisni Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Dodaj člana"
title_placeholder: "O čemu je ova diskusija u jednoj rečenici?"
edit_reason_placeholder: "zašto pravite izmjenu?"
show_edit_reason: "(dodaj razlog izmjene)"
view_new_post: "Pogledaj svoj novi post."
saved: "Sačuvano!"
saved_draft: "Imate sačuvan post. Kliknite ovdje da nastavite sa izmjenama"
uploading: "Uplodujem..."
show_preview: 'pokaži pregled &raquo;'
hide_preview: '&laquo; sakri pregled'
quote_post_title: "Citiraj cjeli post"
bold_title: "Bold"
bold_text: "bold tekst"
italic_title: "Ukošen"
italic_text: "ukošen tekst"
link_title: "Link"
link_description: "ubaci opis linka"
link_dialog_title: "Unesi Link"
link_optional_text: "naslov neobavezan"
quote_title: "Blok Citat"
quote_text: "citat u bloku"
code_title: "Formatiran Tekst"
code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces"
upload_title: "Upload"
upload_description: "unesi opis uploada"
olist_title: "Numbered List"
ulist_title: "Bulleted List"
list_item: "List item"
heading_title: "Naslov"
heading_text: "Naslov"
hr_title: "Horizontalna Crta"
help: "Markdown Editing Help"
toggler: "sakrij ili pokaži komposer"
admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
label: "Auto-close topic time:"
error: "Please enter a valid value."
based_on_last_post: "Don't close until the last post in the topic is at least this old."
examples: 'Enter number of hours (24), absolute time (17:30) or timestamp (2013-11-22 14:00).'
units: "(# of hours)"
examples: 'Enter number of hours (24).'
title: "obaviještenja na spomenuti @nadimak, odgovori na vaše teme i postove, privatne poruke, itd"
none: "Nemate obavijesti trenutno."
more: "pogledaj starija obaviještenja"
total_flagged: "ukupno opomenutih postova"
mentioned: "<i title='spomenut' class='icon'>@</i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='citiran' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='odgovoren' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='odgovoren' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='izmjenjen' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='lajkovan' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='privatna poruka' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='privatna poruka' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invitee_accepted: "<i title='prihvatio pozivnicu' class='fa fa-user'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> accepted your invitation</p>"
moved_post: "<i title='pomjerio post' class='fa fa-sign-out'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> moved {{description}}</p>"
linked: "<i title='linkovo post' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
granted_badge: "<i title='bedž dobijen' class='fa fa-certificate'></i><p>Zaslužen '{{description}}'</p>"
title: "Dodaj sliku"
title_with_attachments: "Dodaj sliku ili fajl"
from_my_computer: "Sa mog uređaja"
from_the_web: "Sa neta"
remote_tip: "link do slike http://primjer.com/slika.jpg"
hint: "(možete i mišom prenijeti vaše slike direktno iz vašeg foldera ovdje)"
uploading: "Uplodujem"
image_link: "link do vaše slike će pokazivati"
title: "traži teme, postove, članove ili kategorije"
no_results: "Nema rezultata."
searching: "Potražujem..."
post_format: "#{{post_number}} od {{username}}"
user: "Traži postove od @{{username}}"
category: "Traži \"{{category}}\" kategoriju"
topic: "Pretraži ovu temu"
go_back: 'go back'
not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences'
current_user: 'go to your user page'
reset_read: "Reset Read"
delete: "Delete Topics"
dismiss_new: "Dismiss New"
toggle: "toggle bulk selection of topics"
actions: "Bulk Actions"
change_category: "Change Category"
close_topics: "Close Topics"
archive_topics: "Archive Topics"
notification_level: "Change Notification Level"
unread: "Nemate više nepročitanih tema."
new: "Nemate više novih tema."
read: "Niste pročitali nijednu temu."
posted: "Niste odgovorili ni na jednu temu."
latest: "Nema više novih tema. To je tužno."
hot: "Nema popularnih tema."
category: "Nema više tema u {{category}}."
top: "Nema više popularnih tema."
new: '<p>Tvoje nepročitane teme se pojavljuju ovdje.</p><p>Nove teme imaju <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">nova</span> indikaciju.</p><p>Možete promjeniti notifikacije preko vaših <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">postavki</a>.</p>'
unread: '<p>Tvoje nepročitane teme se pojavljuju ovdje.</p><p>Ako imate nepročitanih postova vidjet ćete njihov broj <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> ako ste:</p><ul><li>Kreirali tu temu</li><li>Odgovorili na tu temu</li><li>Proveli čitajući temu više od 4 minuta</li></ul><p>Ili ako ste na dnu teme označili da motrite i pratite temu.</p><p>Možete promjeniti notifikacije preko vaših <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">postavki</a>.</p>'
latest: "Nema više novih tema."
hot: "Nema više popularnih tema."
posted: "There are no more posted topics."
read: "Nema više pročitanih tema."
new: "Nema više novih tema."
unread: "Nema više nepročitanih tema."
category: "Nema više tema na kategoriji {{category}}."
top: "Nema više popularnih tema."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} odgovora u temi"
create: 'Započni Temu'
create_long: 'Započni novu Temu'
private_message: 'Započni privatnu konverzaciju'
list: 'Teme'
new: 'nova tema'
unread: 'nepročitana'
title: 'Tema'
title: "Topic is private"
description: "Sorry, you don't have access to that topic!"
login_required: "You need to log in to see that topic."
title: "Topic failed to load"
description: "Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us know."
title: "Topic not found"
description: "Sorry, we couldn't find that topic. Perhaps it was removed by a moderator?"
back_to_list: "Vrati se na Listu Tema"
options: "Opcije Teme"
show_links: "pokaži linkove unutar ove teme"
toggle_information: "uključi detalje teme"
read_more_in_category: "Želite da pročitate još? Pogledajte druge teme u kategoriji {{catLink}} ili {{latestLink}}."
read_more: "Želite da pročitate još? {{catLink}} ili {{latestLink}}."
read_more_MF: "There { UNREAD, plural, =0 {} one { is <a href='/unread'>1 unread</a> } other { are <a href='/unread'># unread</a> } } { NEW, plural, =0 {} one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} <a href='/new'>1 new</a> topic} other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} <a href='/new'># new</a> topics} } remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}."
browse_all_categories: Pogledajte sve Kategorije
view_latest_topics: pogledaj posljednje teme
suggest_create_topic: Zašto ne kreirati novu temu?
jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply
jump_reply_down: jump to later reply
deleted: "Ova tema je obrisana"
auto_close_notice: "This topic will automatically close %{timeLeft}."
auto_close_notice_based_on_last_post: "This topic will close %{duration} after the last reply."
auto_close_title: 'Auto-Close Settings'
auto_close_save: "Sačuvaj"
auto_close_remove: "Don't Auto-Close This Topic"
title: progres teme
go_top: "vrh"
go_bottom: "dno"
go: "idi"
jump_bottom_with_number: "skoči na post %{post_number}"
total: ukupan broj
current: trenutni post
position: "post %{current} od %{total}"
'3_6': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite ovu temu.'
'3_5': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite temu automatski.'
'3_2': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što pratite ovu temu.'
'3_1': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što ste kreirali ovu temu.'
'3': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite ovu temu.'
'2_8': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite ovu temu.'
'2_4': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što ste ostavili odgovor na ovoj temi.'
'2_2': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što pratite ovu temu.'
'2': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što <a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">pročitao ovu temu</a>.'
'1_2': 'Dobiti ćete notifikaciju kada neko spomene tvoje @name ili odgovori na tvoj post.'
'1': 'Dobiti ćete notifikaciju kada neko spomene tvoje @name ili odgovori na tvoj post.'
'0_7': 'Ignorišete sve notifikacije u ovoj kategoriji.'
'0_2': 'Ignorišete sve notifikacije u ovoj temi.'
'0': 'Ignorišete sve notifikacije u ovoj temi.'
title: "Motrenje"
title: "Motrenje"
title: "Praćenje"
title: "Praćenje"
title: "Regularan"
description: "Dobiti ćete notifikaciju kada neko spomene tvoje @name ili odgovori na tvoj post."
title: "Regularan"
description: "Dobiti ćete notifikaciju kada neko spomene tvoje @name ili odgovori na tvoj post."
title: "Mutirano"
description: "You will never be notified of anything about this private message."
title: "Mutirano"
recover: "Un-Delete Topic"
delete: "Delete Topic"
open: "Open Topic"
close: "Close Topic"
multi_select: "Select Posts"
auto_close: "Auto Close"
pin: "Pin Topic"
unpin: "Un-Pin Topic"
unarchive: "Unarchive Topic"
archive: "Archive Topic"
invisible: "Make Unlisted"
visible: "Make Listed"
reset_read: "Reset Read Data"
pin: "Prikači temu"
unpin: "Otkači temu"
title: 'Odgovori'
help: 'počni sa pisanjem odgovora na ovu temu'
title: "Clear pin"
help: "Clear the pinned status of this topic so it no longer appears at the top of your topic list"
title: 'Sheruj'
help: 'podjeli link do ove teme'
title: 'Opomena'
help: 'anonimno prijavi ovu temu ili pošalji privatnu notifikaciju'
success_message: 'Uspješno ste opomenuli ovu temu.'
title: "Istakni ovu temu."
inviting: "Inviting..."
automatically_add_to_groups_optional: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (optional, admin only)"
automatically_add_to_groups_required: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (<b>Required</b>, admin only)"
title: 'Invite to Private Message'
email_or_username: "Invitee's Email or Username"
email_or_username_placeholder: "email address or username"
action: "Invite"
success: "We've invited that user to participate in this private message."
error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user."
group_name: "group name"
title: 'Pozivnica'
action: 'Email pozivnica'
help: 'pošalji pozivnicu svojim prijateljima tako da i oni mogu odgovoriti na ovu temu. Bey registracije.'
to_forum: "We'll send a brief email allowing your friend to immediately join by clicking a link, no login required."
email_placeholder: 'name@example.com'
error: "Sorry, we couldn't invite that person. Perhaps they are already a user?"
login_reply: 'Uloguj se da odgovoriš'
cancel: "Show all posts in this topic again."
title: "Move to New Topic"
action: "move to new topic"
topic_name: "Ime Nove Teme"
error: "There was an error moving posts to the new topic."
title: "Move to Existing Topic"
action: "move to existing topic"
error: "There was an error moving posts into that topic."
title: "Change Owner of Posts"
action: "change ownership"
error: "There was an error changing the ownership of the posts."
label: "New Owner of Posts"
placeholder: "username of new owner"
instructions_warn: "Note that any notifications about this post will not be transferred to the new user retroactively.<br>Warning: Currently, no post-dependent data is transferred over to the new user. Use with caution."
select: 'select'
selected: 'selected ({{count}})'
select_replies: 'select +replies'
delete: delete selected
cancel: cancel selecting
select_all: select all
deselect_all: deselect all
quote_reply: "citiraj odgovor"
edit: "Editing {{link}} by {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
edit_reason: "Razlog: "
post_number: "post {{number}}"
last_edited_on: "post last edited on"
reply_as_new_topic: "Odgovori kroz novu povezanu Temu"
continue_discussion: "Nastavak diskusije od teme {{postLink}}:"
follow_quote: "idi na citiran post"
show_full: "Pogledaj Cijeli Post"
show_hidden: 'Pogledaj sakriven sadržaj.'
expand_collapse: "digni/spusti"
more_links: "{{count}} više..."
unread: "Post je nepročitan"
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
attachment_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, you can only upload one file at a time."
upload_not_authorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extension: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload images."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload attachments."
attachment_download_requires_login: "Sorry, you need to be logged in to download attachments."
confirm: "Da li ste sigurni da želite otkazati vaš post?"
no_value: "Ne, sačuvaj"
yes_value: "Da, otkaži"
via_email: "this post arrived via email"
save: 'Save Options'
reply: "počni da sastavljaš odgovor na ovaj post"
like: "lajkuj ovaj post"
has_liked: "lajkovali ste ovaj post"
undo_like: "otkaži lajk"
edit: "izmjeni ovaj post"
edit_anonymous: "Sorry, but you need to be logged in to edit this post."
flag: "anonimno prijavi ovaj post ili pošalji privatnu notifikaciju"
delete: "obriši ovaj post"
undelete: "povrati obrisan post"
share: "podijeli link do ovog posta"
more: "Još"
yes_value: "Yes, delete the replies too"
no_value: "No, just this post"
admin: "post admin actions"
wiki: "Make Wiki"
unwiki: "Remove Wiki"
convert_to_moderator: "Add Staff Color"
revert_to_regular: "Remove Staff Color"
rebake: "Rebuild HTML"
unhide: "Unhide"
flag: 'Opomena'
off_topic: "Opomeni i ti"
spam: "Opomeni i ti"
inappropriate: "Opomeni i ti"
custom_flag: "Opomeni i ti"
bookmark: "Bookmark it too"
like: "Lajkuj i ti"
vote: "Glasaj i ti"
off_topic: "Otkaži opomenu"
spam: "Otkaži opomenu"
inappropriate: "Otkaži opomenu"
bookmark: "Otkaži bookmark"
like: "Otkaži lajk"
vote: "Otkaži glas"
off_topic: "{{icons}} označio ka ne-relevatno"
spam: "{{icons}} označio kao spam"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} notified moderators"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>notified moderators</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} sent a private message"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} sent a <a href='{{postUrl}}'>private message</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bookmarked this"
like: "{{icons}} lajkovali ovo"
vote: "{{icons}} glasali za ovo"
off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "Opomenuo si ovo kao spam"
inappropriate: "You flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "You flagged this for moderation"
notify_user: "You sent a private message to this user"
bookmark: "You bookmarked this post"
like: "Lajkovao si ovo"
vote: "Glasao si za ovaj post"
first: "First revision"
previous: "Previous revision"
next: "Next revision"
last: "Last revision"
hide: "Hide revision"
show: "Show revision"
title: "Show the rendered output with additions and removals inline"
button: '<i class="fa fa-square-o"></i> HTML'
title: "Show the rendered output diffs side-by-side"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> HTML'
title: "Show the raw source diffs side-by-side"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> Raw'
can: 'can&hellip; '
none: '(no category)'
choose: 'Select a category&hellip;'
edit: 'edit'
edit_long: "Edit"
view: 'View Topics in Category'
general: 'General'
settings: 'Settings'
delete: 'Delete Category'
create: 'Create Category'
save: 'Save Category'
creation_error: There has been an error during the creation of the category.
save_error: There was an error saving the category.
name: "Category Name"
description: "Description"
topic: "category topic"
logo: "Category Logo Image"
background_image: "Category Background Image"
badge_colors: "Badge colors"
background_color: "Background color"
foreground_color: "Foreground color"
name_placeholder: "One or two words maximum"
color_placeholder: "Any web color"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category?"
delete_error: "There was an error deleting the category."
list: "List Categories"
no_description: "Please add a description for this category."
change_in_category_topic: "Edit Description"
already_used: 'This color has been used by another category'
security: "Security"
images: "Images"
auto_close_label: "Auto-close topics after:"
auto_close_units: "hours"
email_in: "Custom incoming email address:"
email_in_allow_strangers: "Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts"
email_in_disabled: "Posting new topics via email is disabled in the Site Settings. To enable posting new topics via email, "
email_in_disabled_click: 'enable the "email in" setting.'
allow_badges_label: "Allow badges to be awarded in this category"
edit_permissions: "Edit Permissions"
add_permission: "Add Permission"
this_year: "this year"
position: "position"
default_position: "Default Position"
position_disabled: "Categories will be displayed in order of activity. To control the order of categories in lists, "
position_disabled_click: 'enable the "fixed category positions" setting.'
parent: "Parent Category"
title: "Motrenje"
title: "Praćenje"
title: "Regularan"
description: "Dobiti ćete notifikaciju kada neko spomene tvoje @name ili odgovori na tvoj post."
title: "Mutirano"
title: 'Zašto prijavljujete ovaj post?'
action: 'Opomeni Post'
take_action: "Poduzmi Akciju"
notify_action: 'Privatna Poruka'
delete_spammer: "Obriši Spamera"
delete_confirm: "You are about to delete <b>%{posts}</b> posts and <b>%{topics}</b> topics from this user, remove their account, block signups from their IP address <b>%{ip_address}</b>, and add their email address <b>%{email}</b> to a permanent block list. Are you sure this user is really a spammer?"
yes_delete_spammer: "Da, Obriši Spamera"
ip_address_missing: "(N/A)"
hidden_email_address: "(hidden)"
submit_tooltip: "Predaj privatnu opomenu"
take_action_tooltip: "Reach the flag threshold immediately, rather than waiting for more community flags"
cant: "Nažalost, ne možete opomenuti ovaj post trenutno."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Zašto ovaj post nalaže da kontaktirate korisnika privatno. Budite detaljni, pristojni i korektni."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Zašto ovaj post zaslužuje pažnju moderatora. Navedite vaš razlog po mogućnosti ostavite link ako je nužno."
at_least: "enter at least {{n}} characters"
more: "{{n}} to go..."
left: "{{n}} remaining"
title: "Zašto privatno opominjete ovu temu?"
action: "Opomeni Temu"
notify_action: "Privatna poruka"
title: "Pregled Teme"
links_shown: "pogledaj {{totalLinks}} linkova..."
help: "Ovo je zvanično upozorenje."
help: "Ova tema je zatvorena; zvanično ne prima nove postove"
help: "Ova tema je arhivirana; zaleđena je i ne može biti promjenjena"
title: "Unpinned"
help: "This topic is unpinned; it will display in default order"
title: "Zakačena Globalno"
title: "Zakačena"
help: "Ova tema je zakačena; biće na vrhu svoje kategorije"
help: "Ovu temu sajt ne lista među najnovijim temama. Neće biti prisutna ni među listama tema unutar kategorija. Jedini način da se dođe do ove teme je direktan link"
posts: "Odgovori"
posts_lowercase: "odgovori"
posts_long: "postoji {{number}} odgovora u ovoj temi"
posts_likes_MF: |
This topic has {count, plural, one {1 post} other {# posts}} {ratio, select,
low {with a high like to post ratio}
med {with a very high like to post ratio}
high {with an extremely high like to post ratio}
other {}}
original_post: "Originalni Odgovor"
views: "Pregleda"
replies: "Odgovora"
views_long: "ova tema je pregledana {{number}} puta"
activity: "Aktivnost"
likes: "Lajkovi"
likes_long: "postoji {{number}} lajkova u ovoj temi"
users: "Korisnici"
category_title: "Kategorija"
history: "Istorija"
changed_by: "od {{author}}"
categories_list: "Lista Kategorija"
with_topics: "%{filter} teme"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} teme"
help: "teme sa nedavnim postovima"
title: "Popularne"
help: "selekcija popularnih tema"
title: "Pročitane"
help: "teme koje ste pročitali, zadnje pročitane na vrhu."
title: "Kategorije"
title_in: "Kategorija - {{categoryName}}"
help: "sve teme grupisane po kategoriji"
help: "teme koje trenutno pratite i motrite sa nepročitanim postovima"
lower_title: "nova"
help: "teme kreirane u zadnjih nekoliko dana"
title: "Moji Odgovori"
help: "teme u kojima imate postove"
help: "zadnje teme u {{categoryName}} kategoriji"
title: "Popularne"
help: "najaktivnije teme u zadnjih godinu, mjesec, sedmicu i dan"
title: "Popularne Godišnje"
title: "Popularne Mjesečno"
title: "Popularne Sedmično"
title: "Popularne Dnevno"
today: "Danas"
browser_update: 'Nažalost, vaš internet browser je prestar za ovaj korišćenje ovog foruma</a>. Idite na i <a href="http://browsehappy.com">obnovite vaš browser</a>.'
full: "Kreiraj / Odgovori / Vidi"
create_post: "Odgovori / Vidi"
readonly: "Vidi"
type_to_filter: "kucaj da sortiraš..."
title: 'Revolucionar Admin'
moderator: 'Moderator'
title: "Dashboard"
last_updated: "Dashboard last updated:"
version: "Version"
up_to_date: "You're up to date!"
critical_available: "A critical update is available."
updates_available: "Updates are available."
please_upgrade: "Please upgrade!"
no_check_performed: "A check for updates has not been performed. Ensure sidekiq is running."
stale_data: "A check for updates has not been performed lately. Ensure sidekiq is running."
version_check_pending: "Looks like you upgraded recently. Fantastic!"
installed_version: "Installed"
latest_version: "Najnovije"
problems_found: "Problemi su nađeni sa instalacijom Revolucionara:"
last_checked: "Zadnje pogledani"
refresh_problems: "Osvježi"
no_problems: "No problems were found."
moderators: 'Moderators:'
admins: 'Admins:'
blocked: 'Blocked:'
suspended: 'Suspended:'
private_messages_short: "PP"
private_messages_title: "Privatne Poruke"
today: "Today"
yesterday: "Yesterday"
last_7_days: "Last 7 Days"
last_30_days: "Last 30 Days"
all_time: "All Time"
7_days_ago: "7 Days Ago"
30_days_ago: "30 Days Ago"
all: "All"
view_table: "View as Table"
view_chart: "View as Bar Chart"
latest_changes: "Latest changes: please update often!"
by: "by"
title: "Opomene"
old: "Stare"
active: "Aktivne"
agree: "Slažem se"
agree_title: "Confirm this flag as valid and correct"
agree_flag_modal_title: "Agree and..."
agree_flag_hide_post: "Agree (hide post + send PM)"
agree_flag_hide_post_title: "Hide this post and automatically send the user a private message urging them to edit it"
agree_flag_restore_post: "Agree (restore post)"
agree_flag_restore_post_title: "Restore this post"
agree_flag: "Agree with flag"
agree_flag_title: "Agree with flag and keep the post unchanged"
defer_flag: "Defer"
defer_flag_title: "Remove this flag; it requires no action at this time."
delete: "Delete"
delete_title: "Delete the post this flag refers to."
delete_post_defer_flag: "Delete post and Defer flag"
delete_post_defer_flag_title: "Delete post; if the first post, delete the topic"
delete_post_agree_flag: "Delete post and Agree with flag"
delete_post_agree_flag_title: "Delete post; if the first post, delete the topic"
delete_flag_modal_title: "Delete and..."
delete_spammer: "Delete Spammer"
delete_spammer_title: "Remove the user and all posts and topics by this user."
disagree_flag_unhide_post: "Disagree (unhide post)"
disagree_flag_unhide_post_title: "Remove any flags from this post and make the post visible again"
disagree_flag: "Disagree"
disagree_flag_title: "Deny this flag as invalid or incorrect"
clear_topic_flags: "Done"
clear_topic_flags_title: "The topic has been investigated and issues have been resolved. Click Done to remove the flags."
more: "(more replies...)"
agreed: "agreed"
disagreed: "disagreed"
deferred: "deferred"
flagged_by: "Flagged by"
resolved_by: "Resolved by"
took_action: "Took action"
system: "System"
error: "Something went wrong"
reply_message: "Odgovori"
no_results: "There are no flags."
topic_flagged: "This <strong>topic</strong> has been flagged."
visit_topic: "Visit the topic to take action"
was_edited: "Post was edited after the first flag"
previous_flags_count: "This post has already been flagged {{count}} times."
primary: "Primary Group"
no_primary: "(no primary group)"
title: "Groups"
edit: "Edit Groups"
refresh: "Refresh"
new: "New"
selector_placeholder: "add users"
name_placeholder: "Group name, no spaces, same as username rule"
about: "Edit your group membership and names here"
group_members: "Group members"
delete: "Delete"
delete_confirm: "Delete this group?"
delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed."
generate_master: "Generate Master API Key"
none: "There are no active API keys right now."
user: "User"
title: "API"
key: "API Key"
generate: "Generate"
regenerate: "Regenerate"
revoke: "Revoke"
confirm_regen: "Are you sure you want to replace that API Key with a new one?"
confirm_revoke: "Are you sure you want to revoke that key?"
info_html: "Your API key will allow you to create and update topics using JSON calls."
all_users: "All Users"
note_html: "Keep this key <strong>secret</strong>, all users that have it may create arbitrary posts as any user."
title: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Logs"
none: "No backup available."
title: "Enable the read-only mode"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to enable the read-only mode?"
title: "Disable the read-only mode"
none: "No logs yet..."
filename: "Filename"
size: "Size"
uploading: "Uploading..."
success: "'{{filename}}' has successfully been uploaded."
error: "There has been an error while uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}"
is_running: "An operation is currently running..."
failed: "The {{operation}} failed. Please check the logs."
title: "Cancel the current operation"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to cancel the current operation?"
title: "Create a backup"
confirm: "Do you want to start a new backup?"
without_uploads: "Yes (do not include files)"
title: "Download the backup"
title: "Remove the backup"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to destroy this backup?"
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to restore this backup?"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
success: "Export has been initiated, you will be notified shortly with progress."
failed: "Export failed. Please check the logs."
title: "Customize"
long_title: "Site Customizations"
css: "Stylesheet"
header: "Header"
override_default: "Do not include standard style sheet"
enabled: "Enabled?"
preview: "preview"
undo_preview: "remove preview"
rescue_preview: "default style"
explain_preview: "See the site with this custom stylesheet"
explain_undo_preview: "Go back to the currently enabled custom stylesheet"
explain_rescue_preview: "See the site with the default stylesheet"
save: "Save"
new: "New"
new_style: "New Style"
delete: "Delete"
delete_confirm: "Delete this customization?"
about: "Modify CSS stylesheets and HTML headers on the site. Add a customization to start."
color: "Color"
opacity: "Opacity"
copy: "Copy"
title: "CSS/HTML"
long_title: "CSS and HTML Customizations"
title: "Colors"
long_title: "Color Schemes"
about: "Modify the colors used on the site without writing CSS. Add a scheme to start."
new_name: "New Color Scheme"
copy_name_prefix: "Copy of"
delete_confirm: "Delete this color scheme?"
undo: "undo"
undo_title: "Undo your changes to this color since the last time it was saved."
revert: "revert"
revert_title: "Reset this color to Discourse's default color scheme."
name: 'primary'
description: 'Most text, icons, and borders.'
name: 'secondary'
description: 'The main background color, and text color of some buttons.'
name: 'tertiary'
description: 'Links, some buttons, notifications, and accent color.'
name: "quaternary"
description: "Navigation links."
name: "header background"
description: "Background color of the site's header."
name: "header primary"
description: "Text and icons in the site's header."
name: 'highlight'
description: 'The background color of highlighted elements on the page, such as posts and topics.'
name: 'danger'
description: 'Highlight color for actions like deleting posts and topics.'
name: 'success'
description: 'Used to indicate an action was successful.'
name: 'love'
description: "The like button's color."
name: 'wiki'
description: "Base color used for the background of wiki posts."
settings: "Settings"
preview_digest: "Pregled Sajta"
sending_test: "Sending test Email..."
test_error: "There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again."
sent: "Sent"
skipped: "Skipped"
sent_at: "Sent At"
time: "Time"
user: "User"
email_type: "Email Type"
to_address: "To Address"
test_email_address: "email address to test"
send_test: "Send Test Email"
sent_test: "sent!"
delivery_method: "Delivery Method"
refresh: "Refresh"
format: "Format"
html: "html"
text: "text"
last_seen_user: "Last Seen User:"
reply_key: "Reply Key"
skipped_reason: "Skip Reason"
none: "No logs found."
title: "Filter"
user_placeholder: "username"
address_placeholder: "name@example.com"
type_placeholder: "digest, signup..."
reply_key_placeholder: "reply key"
skipped_reason_placeholder: "reason"
title: "Logs"
action: "Action"
created_at: "Created"
last_match_at: "Last Matched"
match_count: "Matches"
ip_address: "IP"
topic_id: "Topic ID"
post_id: "Post ID"
delete: 'Delete'
edit: 'Edit'
save: 'Save'
block: "block"
do_nothing: "do nothing"
title: "Staff Actions"
instructions: "Click usernames and actions to filter the list. Click avatars to go to user pages."
clear_filters: "Show Everything"
staff_user: "Staff User"
target_user: "Target User"
subject: "Subject"
when: "When"
context: "Context"
details: "Details"
previous_value: "Previous"
new_value: "New"
diff: "Diff"
show: "Show"
modal_title: "Details"
no_previous: "There is no previous value."
deleted: "No new value. The record was deleted."
delete_user: "delete user"
change_trust_level: "change trust level"
change_site_setting: "change site setting"
change_site_customization: "change site customization"
delete_site_customization: "delete site customization"
suspend_user: "suspend user"
unsuspend_user: "unsuspend user"
grant_badge: "grant badge"
revoke_badge: "revoke badge"
check_email: "check email"
delete_topic: "delete topic"
delete_post: "delete post"
title: "Screened Emails"
description: "When someone tries to create a new account, the following email addresses will be checked and the registration will be blocked, or some other action performed."
email: "Email Address"
allow: "Allow"
title: "Screened URLs"
description: "The URLs listed here were used in posts by users who have been identified as spammers."
url: "URL"
domain: "Domain"
title: "Screened IPs"
description: 'IP addresses that are being watched. Use "Allow" to whitelist IP addresses.'
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove the rule for %{ip_address}?"
block: "Block"
do_nothing: "Allow"
allow_admin: "Allow Admin"
label: "New:"
ip_address: "IP address"
add: "Add"
title: "Error Logs"
title: "Impersonate"
help: "Use this tool to impersonate a user account for debugging purposes. You will have to log out once finished."
title: 'Users'
create: 'Add Admin User'
last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
not_found: "Sorry, that username doesn't exist in our system."
active: "Active"
new: "Novi"
active: "Active"
pending: "Pending"
suspended: 'Suspended'
blocked: 'Blocked'
approved: "Approved?"
active: 'Active Users'
new: 'New Users'
pending: 'Users Pending Review'
newuser: 'Users at Trust Level 0 (New User)'
basic: 'Users at Trust Level 1 (Basic User)'
admins: 'Admin Users'
moderators: 'Moderators'
blocked: 'Blocked Users'
suspended: 'Suspended Users'
not_verified: "Not verified"
title: "Reveal this user's email address"
text: "Show"
suspend_failed: "Something went wrong suspending this user {{error}}"
unsuspend_failed: "Something went wrong unsuspending this user {{error}}"
suspend_duration: "How long will the user be suspended for?"
suspend_duration_units: "(days)"
suspend_reason_label: "Why are you suspending? This text <b>will be visible to everyone</b> on this user's profile page, and will be shown to the user when they try to log in. Keep it short."
suspend_reason: "Reason"
suspended_by: "Suspended by"
delete_all_posts: "Delete all posts"
delete_all_posts_confirm: "You are about to delete %{posts} posts and %{topics} topics. Are you sure?"
suspend: "Suspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
suspended: "Suspended?"
moderator: "Moderator?"
admin: "Admin?"
blocked: "Blocked?"
show_admin_profile: "Admin"
edit_title: "Edit Title"
save_title: "Save Title"
refresh_browsers: "Force browser refresh"
refresh_browsers_message: "Message sent to all clients!"
show_public_profile: "Show Public Profile"
impersonate: 'Impersonate'
ip_lookup: "IP Lookup"
log_out: "Log Out"
logged_out: "User was logged out on all devices"
revoke_admin: 'Revoke Admin'
grant_admin: 'Grant Admin'
revoke_moderation: 'Revoke Moderation'
grant_moderation: 'Grant Moderation'
unblock: 'Unblock'
block: 'Block'
reputation: Reputation
permissions: Permissions
activity: Activity
like_count: Likes Given / Received
last_100_days: 'in the last 100 days'
private_topics_count: Private Topics
posts_read_count: Posts Read
post_count: Posts Created
topics_entered: Topics Viewed
flags_given_count: Flags Given
flags_received_count: Flags Received
warnings_received_count: Warnings Received
flags_given_received_count: 'Flags Given / Received'
approve: 'Approve'
approved_by: "approved by"
approve_success: "User approved and email sent with activation instructions."
approve_bulk_success: "Success! All selected users have been approved and notified."
time_read: "Read Time"
delete: "Delete User"
delete_forbidden_because_staff: "Admins and moderators can't be deleted."
delete_confirm: "Are you SURE you want to delete this user? This is permanent!"
delete_and_block: "Delete and <b>block</b> this email and IP address"
delete_dont_block: "Delete only"
deleted: "The user was deleted."
delete_failed: "There was an error deleting that user. Make sure all posts are deleted before trying to delete the user."
send_activation_email: "Send Activation Email"
activation_email_sent: "An activation email has been sent."
send_activation_email_failed: "There was a problem sending another activation email. %{error}"
activate: "Activate Account"
activate_failed: "There was a problem activating the user."
deactivate_account: "Deactivate Account"
deactivate_failed: "There was a problem deactivating the user."
unblock_failed: 'There was a problem unblocking the user.'
block_failed: 'There was a problem blocking the user.'
deactivate_explanation: "A deactivated user must re-validate their email."
suspended_explanation: "A suspended user can't log in."
block_explanation: "A blocked user can't post or start topics."
trust_level_change_failed: "There was a problem changing the user's trust level."
suspend_modal_title: "Suspend User"
trust_level_2_users: "Trust Level 2 Users"
trust_level_3_requirements: "Trust Level 3 Requirements"
trust_level_locked_tip: "trust level is locked, system will not promote or demote user"
trust_level_unlocked_tip: "trust level is unlocked, system will may promote or demote user"
lock_trust_level: "Lock Trust Level"
unlock_trust_level: "Unlock Trust Level"
title: "Requirements for Trust Level 3"
value_heading: "Value"
requirement_heading: "Requirement"
visits: "Visits"
days: "days"
topics_replied_to: "Topics Replied To"
topics_viewed: "Topics Viewed"
topics_viewed_all_time: "Topics Viewed (all time)"
posts_read: "Posts Read"
posts_read_all_time: "Posts Read (all time)"
flagged_posts: "Flagged Posts"
flagged_by_users: "Users Who Flagged"
likes_given: "Likes Given"
likes_received: "Likes Received"
likes_received_days: "Likes Received: unique days"
likes_received_users: "Likes Received: unique users"
qualifies: "Qualifies for trust level 3."
does_not_qualify: "Doesn't qualify for trust level 3."
will_be_promoted: "Will be promoted soon."
will_be_demoted: "Will be demoted soon."
on_grace_period: "Currently in promotion grace period, will not be demoted."
locked_will_not_be_promoted: "Trust level locked. Will never be promoted."
locked_will_not_be_demoted: "Trust level locked. Will never be demoted."
title: "Single Sign On"
external_id: "External ID"
external_username: "Nadimak"
external_name: "Ime"
external_email: "Email"
external_avatar_url: "Avatar URL"
title: "User Fields"
help: "Add fields that your users can fill out."
create: "Create User Field"
untitled: "Untitled"
name: "Field Name"
type: "Field Type"
description: "Field Description"
save: "Save"
edit: "Edit"
delete: "Delete"
cancel: "Cancel"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete that user field?"
title: "Required at signup?"
enabled: "required"
disabled: "not required"
title: "Editable after signup?"
enabled: "editable"
disabled: "not editable"
text: 'Text Field'
confirm: 'Confirmation'
title: 'Text Content'
show_overriden: 'Only show overridden'
title: 'Settings'
reset: 'reset'
none: 'none'
no_results: "No results found."
clear_filter: "Clear"
all_results: 'All'
required: 'Required'
basic: 'Basic Setup'
users: 'Users'
posting: 'Posting'
email: 'Email'
files: 'Files'
trust: 'Trust Levels'
security: 'Security'
onebox: "Onebox"
seo: 'SEO'
spam: 'Spam'
rate_limits: 'Rate Limits'
developer: 'Developer'
embedding: "Embedding"
legal: "Legal"
uncategorized: 'Other'
backups: "Backups"
login: "Login"
title: Bedž
new_badge: Novi Bedž
new: Novo
name: Ime
badge: Bedž
display_name: Prikazano Ime
description: Opis
badge_type: Bedž Tip
badge_grouping: Grupa
modal_title: Grupiranje bedževa
granted_by: Dat od
granted_at: Dato na
save: Sačuvaj
delete: Obriši
delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this badge?
revoke: Revoke
revoke_confirm: Are you sure you want to revoke this badge?
edit_badges: Edit Badges
grant_badge: Grant Badge
granted_badges: Granted Badges
grant: Grant
no_user_badges: "%{name} has not been granted any badges."
no_badges: There are no badges that can be granted.
allow_title: Allow badge to be used as a title
multiple_grant: Can be granted multiple times
listable: Show badge on the public badges page
enabled: Enable badge
icon: Icon
query: Badge Query (SQL)
target_posts: Query targets posts
auto_revoke: Run revocation query daily
show_posts: Show post granting badge on badge page
trigger: Trigger
none: "Update daily"
post_action: "When a user acts on post"
post_revision: "When a user edits or creates a post"
trust_level_change: "When a user changes trust level"
user_change: "When a user is edited or created"
link_text: "Preview granted badges"
plan_text: "Preview with query plan"
modal_title: "Badge Query Preview"
sql_error_header: "There was an error with the query."
error_help: "See the following links for help with badge queries."
header: "WARNING!"
text: "There are missing grant samples. This happens when the badge query returns user IDs or post IDs that do not exist. This may cause unexpected results later on - please double-check your query."
sample: "Sample:"
with: <span class="username">%{username}</span>
with_post: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link}
with_post_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link} at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
download: "skini"
title: 'Prečice na Tastaturi'
title: 'Skoči na'
home: '<b>g</b>, <b>h</b> Home (Najnovije)'
latest: '<b>g</b>, <b>l</b> Najnovije'
new: '<b>g</b>, <b>n</b> Nove Teme'
unread: '<b>g</b>, <b>u</b> Nepročitane'
categories: '<b>g</b>, <b>c</b> Kategorije'
top: '<b>g</b>, <b>t</b> Popularne'
title: 'Navigacija'
jump: '<b>#</b> Idi na post #'
back: '<b>u</b> Nazad'
up_down: '<b>k</b>/<b>j</b> Move selection &uarr; &darr;'
open: '<b>o</b> or <b>Enter</b> Open selected topic'
next_prev: '<b>shift j</b>/<b>shift k</b> Next/previous section'
title: 'Aplikacija'
create: '<b>c</b> Započni novu temu'
notifications: '<b>n</b> Otvori notifikacije'
user_profile_menu: '<b>p</b> Otvori meni korisnika'
show_incoming_updated_topics: '<b>.</b> Pročitaj promjenje teme'
search: '<b>/</b> Tragaj'
help: '<b>?</b> Otvori pomoć za tastaturu'
dismiss_new_posts: '<b>x</b>, <b>r</b> Dismiss New/Posts'
dismiss_topics: '<b>x</b>, <b>t</b> Dismiss Topics'
title: 'Akcije'
share_topic: '<b>shift s</b> Sheruj temu'
share_post: '<b>s</b> Sheruj post'
reply_as_new_topic: '<b>t</b> Odgovori kroz novu temu'
reply_topic: '<b>shift r</b> Odgovori na Temu'
reply_post: '<b>r</b> Odgovori na post'
quote_post: '<b>q</b> Citiraj odgovor'
like: '<b>l</b> Lajkuj post'
flag: '<b>!</b> Opomeni post'
bookmark: '<b>b</b> Bookmark post'
edit: '<b>e</b> Izmjeni post'
delete: '<b>d</b> Obriši post'
mark_muted: '<b>m</b>, <b>m</b> Mutiraj temu'
mark_regular: '<b>m</b>, <b>r</b> Regularna tema'
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> Prati temu'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Motri temu'
title: Bedževi
allow_title: "allow badge as title?"
multiple_grant: "awarded multiple times?"
select_badge_for_title: Izaveri bedž za svoj naslov
none: "<nijedna>"
name: Da započnete
name: Zajednica
name: Nivo Povjerenja
name: Drugi
name: Postiranje
name: Urednik
description: Prvi post izmjenjen
name: Osnovni
description: <a href="https://revolucionar.com/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/4">Odobrene</a> sve osnovne funkcije foruma
name: Član
description: <a href="https://revolucionar.com/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/5">Odobrene</a> pozivnice
name: Regularan
description: <a href="https://revolucionar.com/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/6">Granted</a> recategorize, rename, followed links and lounge
name: Vođa
description: <a href="https://revolucionar.com/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/7">Granted</a> global edit, pin, close, archive, split and merge
name: Dobrodošao
description: Dobio Lajk
name: Autobiografičar
description: Popunio biografiju na svom <a href="/my/preferences">profilu</a>
name: Godišnjica
description: Aktivan član godinu dana, pisao najmanje jednom
name: Dobar Post
description: Dobio 10 lajkova na postu. Ovaj se bedž može dobiti više puta
name: Odličan Post
description: Dobio 25 lajkova na postu. Ovaj se bedž može dobiti više puta
name: Super Post
description: Dobio 50 lajkova na postu. Ovaj se bedž može dobiti više puta
name: Dobra Tema
description: Dobio 10 lajkova na postu. Ovaj se bedž može dobiti više puta
name: Odlična Tema
description: Dobio 25 lajkova na postu. Ovaj se bedž može dobiti više puta
name: Super Tema
description: Dobio 50 lajkova na postu. Ovaj se bedž može dobiti više puta
name: Dobar Share
description: Podijelio je post sa više od 25 posjetilaca
name: Good Share
description: Shared a post with 300 unique visitors
name: Great Share
description: Shared a post with 1000 unique visitors
name: Prvi Lajk
description: Lajkovao post
name: Prva Opomena
description: Opomenuo post
description: Pozvao 5 članova (trust level 2)
name: Prvi Share
description: Podijelio post
name: Prvi Link
description: Dodao interni link na drugu temu
name: Prvo Citiranje
description: Citirao korisnika
name: Pročitao Pravila
description: Pročitao <a href="/guidelines">naša pravila</a>
name: Čitač
description: Pročitao post na temi sa više od 100 postova