
93 lines
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A form to create an IP address that will be blocked or whitelisted.
Example usage:
{{screened-ip-address-form action=(action "recordAdded")}}
where action is a callback on the controller or route that will get called after
the new record is successfully saved. It is called with the new ScreenedIpAddress record
as an argument.
import ScreenedIpAddress from "admin/models/screened-ip-address";
import computed from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators";
import { on } from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators";
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ["screened-ip-address-form"],
formSubmitted: false,
actionName: "block",
adminWhitelistEnabled() {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.use_admin_ip_whitelist;
actionNames(adminWhitelistEnabled) {
if (adminWhitelistEnabled) {
return [
{ id: "block", name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.block") },
id: "do_nothing",
name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.do_nothing")
id: "allow_admin",
name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.allow_admin")
} else {
return [
{ id: "block", name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.block") },
id: "do_nothing",
name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.do_nothing")
actions: {
submit() {
if (!this.formSubmitted) {
this.set("formSubmitted", true);
const screenedIpAddress = ScreenedIpAddress.create({
ip_address: this.ip_address,
action_name: this.actionName
.then(result => {
this.setProperties({ ip_address: "", formSubmitted: false });
Ember.run.schedule("afterRender", () =>
.catch(e => {
this.set("formSubmitted", false);
const msg =
e.jqXHR.responseJSON && e.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors
? I18n.t("generic_error_with_reason", {
error: e.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors.join(". ")
: I18n.t("generic_error");
bootbox.alert(msg, () => this.$(".ip-address-input").focus());
_init() {
Ember.run.schedule("afterRender", () => {
this.$(".ip-address-input").keydown(e => {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {