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synced 2025-03-03 09:49:42 +00:00
This is a feature that used to be present in discourse-assign but is much easier to implement in core. It also allows a topic to be assigned without it claiming for review and vice versa and allows it to work with category group reviewers.
199 lines
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199 lines
5.9 KiB
import createStore from "helpers/create-store";
QUnit.test("createRecord", assert => {
const store = createStore();
const widget = store.createRecord("widget", { id: 111, name: "hello" });
assert.ok(!widget.get("isNew"), "it is not a new record");
assert.equal(widget.get("name"), "hello");
assert.equal(widget.get("id"), 111);
QUnit.test("createRecord without an `id`", assert => {
const store = createStore();
const widget = store.createRecord("widget", { name: "hello" });
assert.ok(widget.get("isNew"), "it is a new record");
assert.ok(!widget.get("id"), "there is no id");
QUnit.test("createRecord doesn't modify the input `id` field", assert => {
const store = createStore();
const widget = store.createRecord("widget", { id: 1, name: "hello" });
const obj = { id: 1, name: "something" };
const other = store.createRecord("widget", obj);
assert.equal(widget, other, "returns the same record");
assert.equal(widget.name, "something", "it updates the properties");
assert.equal(obj.id, 1, "it does not remove the id from the input");
QUnit.test("createRecord without attributes", assert => {
const store = createStore();
const widget = store.createRecord("widget");
assert.ok(!widget.get("id"), "there is no id");
assert.ok(widget.get("isNew"), "it is a new record");
"createRecord with a record as attributes returns that record from the map",
assert => {
const store = createStore();
const widget = store.createRecord("widget", { id: 33 });
const secondWidget = store.createRecord("widget", { id: 33 });
assert.equal(widget, secondWidget, "they should be the same");
QUnit.test("find", assert => {
const store = createStore();
return store.find("widget", 123).then(function(w) {
assert.equal(w.get("name"), "Trout Lure");
assert.equal(w.get("id"), 123);
assert.ok(!w.get("isNew"), "found records are not new");
assert.equal(w.get("extras.hello"), "world", "extra attributes are set");
// A second find by id returns the same object
store.find("widget", 123).then(function(w2) {
assert.equal(w, w2);
assert.equal(w.get("extras.hello"), "world", "extra attributes are set");
QUnit.test("find with object id", assert => {
const store = createStore();
return store.find("widget", { id: 123 }).then(function(w) {
assert.equal(w.get("firstObject.name"), "Trout Lure");
QUnit.test("find with query param", assert => {
const store = createStore();
return store.find("widget", { name: "Trout Lure" }).then(function(w) {
assert.equal(w.get("firstObject.id"), 123);
QUnit.test("findStale with no stale results", assert => {
const store = createStore();
const stale = store.findStale("widget", { name: "Trout Lure" });
assert.ok(!stale.hasResults, "there are no stale results");
assert.ok(!stale.results, "results are present");
return stale.refresh().then(function(w) {
"a `refresh()` method provides results for stale"
QUnit.test("update", assert => {
const store = createStore();
return store.update("widget", 123, { name: "hello" }).then(function(result) {
QUnit.test("update with a multi world name", function(assert) {
const store = createStore();
return store
.update("cool-thing", 123, { name: "hello" })
.then(function(result) {
assert.equal(result.payload.name, "hello");
QUnit.test("findAll", assert => {
const store = createStore();
return store.findAll("widget").then(function(result) {
assert.equal(result.get("length"), 2);
const w = result.findBy("id", 124);
assert.ok(!w.get("isNew"), "found records are not new");
assert.equal(w.get("name"), "Evil Repellant");
QUnit.test("destroyRecord", function(assert) {
const store = createStore();
return store.find("widget", 123).then(function(w) {
store.destroyRecord("widget", w).then(function(result) {
QUnit.test("destroyRecord when new", function(assert) {
const store = createStore();
const w = store.createRecord("widget", { name: "hello" });
store.destroyRecord("widget", w).then(function(result) {
QUnit.test("find embedded", function(assert) {
const store = createStore();
return store.find("fruit", 1).then(function(f) {
assert.ok(f.get("farmer"), "it has the embedded object");
const fruitCols = f.get("colors");
assert.equal(fruitCols.length, 2);
assert.equal(fruitCols[0].get("id"), 1);
assert.equal(fruitCols[1].get("id"), 2);
assert.ok(f.get("category"), "categories are found automatically");
QUnit.test("embedded records can be cleared", async assert => {
const store = createStore();
let f = await store.find("fruit", 4);
f.set("farmer", { dummy: "object" });
f = await store.find("fruit", 4);
QUnit.test("meta types", function(assert) {
const store = createStore();
return store.find("barn", 1).then(function(f) {
"Old MacDonald",
"it has the embedded farmer"
QUnit.test("findAll embedded", function(assert) {
const store = createStore();
return store.findAll("fruit").then(function(fruits) {
assert.equal(fruits.objectAt(0).get("farmer.name"), "Old MacDonald");
"points at the same object"
"it can supply extra information"
const fruitCols = fruits.objectAt(0).get("colors");
assert.equal(fruitCols.length, 2);
assert.equal(fruitCols[0].get("id"), 1);
assert.equal(fruitCols[1].get("id"), 2);
assert.equal(fruits.objectAt(2).get("farmer.name"), "Luke Skywalker");