
390 lines
13 KiB

/*global Modernizr:true*/
/*global assetPath:true*/
/*global FastClick:true*/
(function() {
var csrf_token;
window.Discourse = Ember.Application.createWithMixins({
rootElement: '#main',
// Data we want to remember for a short period
transient: Em.Object.create(),
hasFocus: true,
scrolling: false,
// The highest seen post number by topic
highestSeenByTopic: {},
logoSmall: (function() {
var logo;
logo = Discourse.SiteSettings.logo_small_url;
if (logo && logo.length > 1) {
return "<img src='" + logo + "' width='33' height='33'>";
} else {
return "<i class='icon-home'></i>";
titleChanged: (function() {
var title;
title = "";
if (this.get('title')) {
title += "" + (this.get('title')) + " - ";
title += Discourse.SiteSettings.title;
if (!this.get('hasFocus') && this.get('notify')) {
title = "(*) " + title;
// chrome bug workaround see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2952384/changing-the-window-title-when-focussing-the-window-doesnt-work-in-chrome
window.setTimeout((function() {
document.title = ".";
document.title = title;
}), 200);
}).observes('title', 'hasFocus', 'notify'),
currentUserChanged: (function() {
var bus, user;
bus = Discourse.MessageBus;
// We don't want to receive any previous user notifications
bus.callbackInterval = Discourse.SiteSettings.anon_polling_interval;
bus.enableLongPolling = false;
user = this.get('currentUser');
if (user) {
bus.callbackInterval = Discourse.SiteSettings.polling_interval;
bus.enableLongPolling = true;
if (user.admin) {
bus.subscribe("/flagged_counts", function(data) {
return user.set('site_flagged_posts_count', data.total);
return bus.subscribe("/notification/" + user.id, (function(data) {
user.set('unread_notifications', data.unread_notifications);
return user.set('unread_private_messages', data.unread_private_messages);
}), user.notification_channel_position);
notifyTitle: function() {
return this.set('notify', true);
// Browser aware replaceState
replaceState: function(path) {
if (window.history &&
window.history.pushState &&
window.history.replaceState &&
!navigator.userAgent.match(/((iPod|iPhone|iPad).+\bOS\s+[1-4]|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/)) {
if (window.location.pathname !== path) {
return history.replaceState({
path: path
}, null, path);
openComposer: function(opts) {
// TODO, remove container link
var composer = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:composer');
if (composer) composer.open(opts);
// Like router.route, but allow full urls rather than relative one
// HERE BE HACKS - uses the ember container for now until we can do this nicer.
routeTo: function(path) {
var newMatches, newTopicId, oldMatches, oldTopicId, opts, router, topicController, topicRegexp;
path = path.replace(/https?\:\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
// If we're in the same topic, don't push the state
topicRegexp = /\/t\/([^\/]+)\/(\d+)\/?(\d+)?/;
newMatches = topicRegexp.exec(path);
newTopicId = newMatches ? newMatches[2] : null;
if (newTopicId) {
oldMatches = topicRegexp.exec(window.location.pathname);
if ((oldTopicId = oldMatches ? oldMatches[2] : void 0) && (oldTopicId === newTopicId)) {
topicController = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:topic');
opts = {
trackVisit: false
if (newMatches[3]) {
opts.nearPost = newMatches[3];
// Be wary of looking up the router. In this case, we have links in our
// HTML, say form compiled markdown posts, that need to be routed.
router = Discourse.__container__.lookup('router:main');
return router.handleURL(path);
// The classes of buttons to show on a post
postButtons: (function() {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.post_menu.split("|").map(function(i) {
return "" + (i.replace(/\+/, '').capitalize());
bindDOMEvents: function() {
var $html, hasTouch,
_this = this;
$html = jQuery('html');
/* Add the discourse touch event */
hasTouch = false;
if ($html.hasClass('touch')) {
hasTouch = true;
if (Modernizr.prefixed("MaxTouchPoints", navigator) > 1) {
hasTouch = true;
if (hasTouch) {
this.touch = true;
this.hasTouch = true;
// work around jshint hating side-effects
// its just the way the FastClick api is
var ignore = new FastClick(document.body);
} else {
this.touch = false;
jQuery('#main').on('click.discourse', '[data-not-implemented=true]', function(e) {
return false;
jQuery('#main').on('click.discourse', 'a', function(e) {
var $currentTarget, href;
if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
$currentTarget = jQuery(e.currentTarget);
href = $currentTarget.attr('href');
if (href === void 0) {
if (href === '#') {
if ($currentTarget.attr('target')) {
if ($currentTarget.data('auto-route')) {
if ($currentTarget.hasClass('lightbox')) {
if (href.indexOf("mailto:") === 0) {
if (href.match(/^http[s]?:\/\//i) && !href.match(new RegExp("^http:\\/\\/" + window.location.hostname, "i"))) {
return false;
return jQuery(window).focus(function() {
_this.set('hasFocus', true);
return _this.set('notify', false);
}).blur(function() {
return _this.set('hasFocus', false);
logout: function() {
var username,
_this = this;
username = this.get('currentUser.username');
return jQuery.ajax("/session/" + username, {
type: 'DELETE',
success: function(result) {
/* To keep lots of our variables unbound, we can handle a redirect on logging out.
return window.location.reload();
/* fancy probes in ember
insertProbes: function() {
var topLevel;
if (typeof console === "undefined" || console === null) {
topLevel = function(fn, name) {
return window.probes.measure(fn, {
name: name,
before: function(data, owner, args) {
if (owner) {
return window.probes.clear();
after: function(data, owner, args) {
var ary, f, n, v, _ref;
if (owner && data.time > 10) {
f = function(name, data) {
if (data && data.count) {
return "" + name + " - " + data.count + " calls " + ((data.time + 0.0).toFixed(2)) + "ms";
if (console && console.group) {
console.group(f(name, data));
} else {
console.log(f(name, data));
ary = [];
_ref = window.probes;
for (n in _ref) {
v = _ref[n];
if (n === name || v.time < 1) {
k: n,
v: v
ary.sortBy(function(item) {
if (item.v && item.v.time) {
return -item.v.time;
} else {
return 0;
}).each(function(item) {
var output = f("" + item.k, item.v);
if (output) {
return console.log(output);
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null) {
if (typeof console.groupEnd === "function") {
return window.probes.clear();
Ember.View.prototype.renderToBuffer = window.probes.measure(Ember.View.prototype.renderToBuffer, "renderToBuffer");
Discourse.routeTo = topLevel(Discourse.routeTo, "Discourse.routeTo");
Ember.run.end = topLevel(Ember.run.end, "Ember.run.end");
authenticationComplete: function(options) {
// TODO, how to dispatch this to the view without the container?
var loginView;
loginView = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:modal').get('currentView');
return loginView.authenticationComplete(options);
buildRoutes: function(builder) {
var oldBuilder;
oldBuilder = Discourse.routeBuilder;
Discourse.routeBuilder = function() {
if (oldBuilder) {
return builder.call(this);
start: function() {
Discourse.SiteSettings = PreloadStore.getStatic('siteSettings');
Discourse.KeyValueStore.init("discourse_", Discourse.MessageBus);
// subscribe to any site customizations that are loaded
jQuery('link.custom-css').each(function() {
var id, split, stylesheet,
_this = this;
split = this.href.split("/");
id = split[split.length - 1].split(".css")[0];
stylesheet = this;
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/file-change/" + id, function(data) {
var orig, sp;
if (!jQuery(stylesheet).data('orig')) {
jQuery(stylesheet).data('orig', stylesheet.href);
orig = jQuery(stylesheet).data('orig');
sp = orig.split(".css?");
stylesheet.href = sp[0] + ".css?" + data;
jQuery('header.custom').each(function() {
var header;
header = jQuery(this);
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/header-change/" + (jQuery(this).data('key')), function(data) {
return header.html(data);
// possibly move this to dev only
return Discourse.MessageBus.subscribe("/file-change", function(data) {
Ember.TEMPLATES.empty = Handlebars.compile("<div></div>");
return data.each(function(me) {
var js;
if (me === "refresh") {
return document.location.reload(true);
} else if (me.name.substr(-10) === "handlebars") {
js = me.name.replace(".handlebars", "").replace("app/assets/javascripts", "/assets");
return $LAB.script(js + "?hash=" + me.hash).wait(function() {
var templateName;
templateName = js.replace(".js", "").replace("/assets/", "");
return jQuery.each(Ember.View.views, function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.get('templateName') === templateName) {
this.set('templateName', 'empty');
return Em.run.next(function() {
_this.set('templateName', templateName);
return _this.rerender();
} else {
return jQuery('link').each(function() {
if (this.href.match(me.name) && me.hash) {
if (!jQuery(this).data('orig')) {
jQuery(this).data('orig', this.href);
this.href = jQuery(this).data('orig') + "&hash=" + me.hash;
window.Discourse.Router = Discourse.Router.reopen({
location: 'discourse_location'
// since we have no jquery-rails these days, hook up csrf token
csrf_token = jQuery('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content');
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (!options.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', csrf_token);