
205 lines
5.8 KiB

import { ajax } from 'discourse/lib/ajax';
import { default as computed, observes } from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators";
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
isMultiple: Ember.computed.equal("poll.type", "multiple"),
isNumber: Ember.computed.equal("poll.type", "number"),
isClosed: Ember.computed.equal("poll.status", "closed"),
isPublic: Ember.computed.equal("poll.public", "true"),
// shows the results when
// - poll is closed
// - topic is archived
// - user wants to see the results
showingResults: Em.computed.or("isClosed", "post.topic.archived", "showResults"),
showResultsDisabled: Em.computed.equal("poll.voters", 0),
hideResultsDisabled: Em.computed.or("isClosed", "post.topic.archived"),
_updatePoll() {
this.set("model", this.get("post.pollsObject")[this.get("model.name")]);
@computed("model", "vote", "model.voters", "model.options", "model.status")
poll(poll, vote) {
if (poll) {
const options = _.map(poll.get("options"), o => Em.Object.create(o));
if (vote) {
options.forEach(o => o.set("selected", vote.indexOf(o.get("id")) >= 0));
poll.set("options", options);
return poll;
selectedOptions() {
return _.map(this.get("poll.options").filterBy("selected"), o => o.get("id"));
min(min) {
min = parseInt(min, 10);
if (isNaN(min) || min < 1) { min = 1; }
return min;
@computed("poll.max", "poll.options.length")
max(max, options) {
max = parseInt(max, 10);
if (isNaN(max) || max > options) { max = options; }
return max;
votersText(count) {
return I18n.t("poll.voters", { count });
totalVotes() {
return _.reduce(this.get("poll.options"), function(total, o) {
return total + parseInt(o.get("votes"), 10);
}, 0);
totalVotesText(count) {
return I18n.t("poll.total_votes", { count });
@computed("min", "max", "poll.options.length")
multipleHelpText(min, max, options) {
if (max > 0) {
if (min === max) {
if (min > 1) {
return I18n.t("poll.multiple.help.x_options", { count: min });
} else if (min > 1) {
if (max < options) {
return I18n.t("poll.multiple.help.between_min_and_max_options", { min, max });
} else {
return I18n.t("poll.multiple.help.at_least_min_options", { count: min });
} else if (max <= options) {
return I18n.t("poll.multiple.help.up_to_max_options", { count: max });
@computed("isClosed", "showResults", "loading", "isMultiple", "selectedOptions.length", "min", "max")
canCastVotes(isClosed, showResults, loading, isMultiple, selectedOptionCount, min, max) {
if (isClosed || showResults || loading) {
return false;
if (isMultiple) {
return selectedOptionCount >= min && selectedOptionCount <= max;
} else {
return selectedOptionCount > 0;
castVotesDisabled: Em.computed.not("canCastVotes"),
castVotesButtonClass(castVotesDisabled) {
return `cast-votes ${castVotesDisabled ? '' : 'btn-primary'}`;
@computed("loading", "post.user_id", "post.topic.archived")
canToggleStatus(loading, userId, topicArchived) {
return this.currentUser &&
(this.currentUser.get("id") === userId || this.currentUser.get("staff")) &&
!loading &&
actions: {
toggleOption(option) {
if (this.get("isClosed")) { return; }
if (!this.currentUser) { return this.send("showLogin"); }
const wasSelected = option.get("selected");
if (!this.get("isMultiple")) {
this.get("poll.options").forEach(o => o.set("selected", false));
if (!this.get("isMultiple") && !wasSelected) { this.send("castVotes"); }
castVotes() {
if (!this.get("canCastVotes")) { return; }
if (!this.currentUser) { return this.send("showLogin"); }
this.set("loading", true);
ajax("/polls/vote", {
type: "PUT",
data: {
post_id: this.get("post.id"),
poll_name: this.get("poll.name"),
options: this.get("selectedOptions"),
}).then(results => {
const poll = results.poll;
const votes = results.vote;
this.setProperties({ vote: votes, showResults: true });
this.set("model", Em.Object.create(poll));
}).catch(() => {
}).finally(() => {
this.set("loading", false);
toggleResults() {
toggleStatus() {
if (!this.get("canToggleStatus")) { return; }
const self = this,
confirm = this.get("isClosed") ? "poll.open.confirm" : "poll.close.confirm";
function(confirmed) {
if (confirmed) {
self.set("loading", true);
ajax("/polls/toggle_status", {
type: "PUT",
data: {
post_id: self.get("post.id"),
poll_name: self.get("poll.name"),
status: self.get("isClosed") ? "open" : "closed",
}).then(results => {
self.set("model", Em.Object.create(results.poll));
}).catch(() => {
}).finally(() => {
self.set("loading", false);