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This controller supports the interface for granting and revoking badges from
individual users.
@class AdminUserBadgesController
@extends Ember.ArrayController
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.AdminUserBadgesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ["adminUser"],
user: Em.computed.alias('controllers.adminUser'),
sortProperties: ['granted_at'],
sortAscending: false,
Array of badges that have not been granted to this user.
@property grantableBadges
@type {Boolean}
grantableBadges: function() {
var granted = {};
this.get('model').forEach(function(userBadge) {
granted[userBadge.get('badge_id')] = true;
var badges = [];
this.get('badges').forEach(function(badge) {
if (!granted[badge.get('id')]) {
return badges;
}.property('badges.@each', 'model.@each'),
Whether there are any badges that can be granted.
@property noBadges
@type {Boolean}
noBadges: Em.computed.empty('grantableBadges'),
actions: {
Grant the selected badge to the user.
@method grantBadge
@param {Integer} badgeId id of the badge we want to grant.
grantBadge: function(badgeId) {
var self = this;
Discourse.UserBadge.grant(badgeId, this.get('user.username')).then(function(userBadge) {
Ember.run.next(function() {
// Update the selected badge ID after the combobox has re-rendered.
self.set('selectedBadgeId', self.get('grantableBadges')[0].get('id'));
}, function() {
// Failure
Revoke the selected userBadge.
@method revokeBadge
@param {Discourse.UserBadge} userBadge the `Discourse.UserBadge` instance that needs to be revoked.
revokeBadge: function(userBadge) {
var self = this;
return bootbox.confirm(I18n.t("admin.badges.revoke_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), function(result) {
if (result) {
userBadge.revoke().then(function() {