Our goal is to support web protocols like HTTP, HTTP/2 and WebSocket in a high volume low latency way that provides maximum performance while retaining the ease of use and compatibility with years of servlet development.
Jetty is a modern fully async web server that has a long history as a component oriented technology easily embedded into applications while still offering a solid traditional distribution for webapp deployment.
all | `jetty-home/target/jetty-home-<ver>.tar.gz` | The Jetty Home standalone tarball
`jetty-10.0.x` | `jetty-runner/target/jetty-runner-<ver>.jar` | The Jetty Runner uber jar
`jetty-11.0.x` | `jetty-runner/target/jetty-runner-<ver>.jar` | The Jetty Runner uber jar
`jetty-12.0.x` | `jetty-ee10/jetty-ee10-runner/target/jetty-ee10-runner-<ver>.jar` | The Jetty Runner uber jar for ee10/Servlet 6 (jakarta.servlet) webapps
`jetty-12.0.x` | `jetty-ee9/jetty-ee9-runner/target/jetty-ee9-runner-<ver>.jar` | The Jetty Runner uber jar for ee9/Servlet 5 (jakarta.servlet) webapps
`jetty-12.0.x` | `jetty-ee8/jetty-ee8-runner/target/jetty-ee8-runner-<ver>.jar` | The Jetty Runner uber jar for ee8/Servlet 4 (javax.servlet) webapps
Note: The tests are running in parallel using [Junit5 parallel execution](https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-parallel-execution).
This is configurable using the following properties:
If a test cannot be runned in parallel because accessing/modifying some static fields or for any other reasons, the test should be marked with the annotation
@Isolated("Access static field of Configurations")