diff --git a/VERSION.txt b/VERSION.txt index 8a973b743fa..4188c020ecc 100644 --- a/VERSION.txt +++ b/VERSION.txt @@ -1,4 +1,163 @@ -jetty-9.1.0-SNAPSHOT +jetty-9.1.0.M0 - 13 August 2013 + + 393473 Add support for JSR-356 (javax.websocket) draft + + 396562 Add an implementation of RequestLog that supports Slf4j + + 398467 Servlet 3.1 Non Blocking IO + + 402984 WebSocket Upgrade must honor case insensitive header fields in + upgrade request + + 403280 Update to javax.el 2.2.4 + + 403380 Introduce WebSocketTimeoutException to differentiate between EOF on + write and Timeout + + 403510 HttpSession maxInactiveInterval is not serialized in HashSession + + 403591 do not use the ConcurrentArrayBlockingQueue for thread pool, selector + and async request log + + 403817 Use of WebSocket Session.close() results in invalid status code + + 405188 HTTP 1.0 with GET returns internal IP address. + + 405422 Implement servlet3.1 spec sections 4.4.3 and 8.1.4 for new + HttpSessionIdListener class + + 405432 Check implementation of section 13.4.1 @ServletSecurity for + @HttpConstraint and HttpMethodConstraint clarifications + + 405435 Implement servlet3.1 section 13.6.3 for 303 redirects for Form auth + + 405437 Implement section 13.8.4 Uncovered HTTP methods + + 405525 Throw IllegalArgumentException if filter or servlet name is null or + empty string in ServletContext.addXXX() methods + + 405526 Deployment must fail if more than 1 servlet maps to same url pattern + + 405531 Implement Part.getSubmittedFileName() + + 405533 Implement special role ** for security constraints + + 405535 Implement Request.isUserInRole(role) check security-role-refs + defaulting to security-role if no matching ref + + 405944 Check annotation and resource injection is supported for + AsyncListener + + 406759 supressed stacktrace in ReferrerPushStrategyTest + + 407708 HttpUpgradeHandler must support injection + + 408782 Transparent Proxy - rewrite URL is ignoring query strings. + + 408904 Enhance CommandlineBuilder to not escape strings inside single quotes + + 409403 fix IllegalStateException when SPDY is used and the response is + written through BufferUtil.writeTo byte by byte + + 409796 fix and cleanup ReferrerPushStrategy. There's more work to do here, + so it remains @Ignore for now + + 409953 return buffer.slice() instead of buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer() in + ResourceCache to avoid using inefficent path in BufferUtil.writeTo + + 410083 Jetty clients submits incomplete URL to proxy. + + 410098 inject accept-encoding header for all http requests through SPDY as + SPDY clients MUST support spdy. Also remove two new tests that have been to + implementation agnostic and not needed anymore due to recent code changes + + 410246 HttpClient with proxy does not tunnel HTTPS requests. + + 410341 suppress stacktraces that happen during test setup shutdown after + successful test run + + 410800 Make RewritePatternRule queryString aware + + 412418 HttpTransportOverSPDY fix race condition while sending push streams + that could cause push data not to be sent. Fixes intermittent test issues in + ReferrerPushStrategyTest + + 412729 SPDYClient needs a Promise-based connect() method. + + 412829 Allow any mappings from web-default.xml to be overridden by web.xml + + 412830 Error Page match ServletException then root cause + + 412840 remove Future in SPDYClient.connect() and return Session instead in + blocking version + + 412935 setLocale is not an explicit set of character encoding + + 412940 minor threadsafe fixes + + 413018 ServletContext.addListener() should throw IllegalArgumentException if + arg is not correct type of listener + + 413020 Second call to HttpSession.invalidate() should throw exception 413019 + HttpSession.getCreateTime() should throw exception after session is + invalidated + + 413291 Avoid SPDY double dispatch + + 413531 Introduce pluggable transports for HttpClient. + + 413901 isAsyncStarted remains true while original request is dispatched + + 414167 WebSocket handshake upgrade from FireFox fails due to keep-alive + + 414635 Modular start.d and jetty.base property + + 414640 HTTP header value encoding + + 414725 Annotation Scanning should exclude webapp basedir from path + validation checks + + 414731 Request.getCookies() should return null if there are no cookies + + 414740 Removed the parent peeking Loader + + 414891 Errors thrown by ReadListener and WriteListener not handled + correctly. + + 414913 WebSocket / Performance - reduce ByteBuffer allocation/copying during + generation/writing + + 414923 CompactPathRule needs to also compact the uri + +jetty-9.0.5.v20130813 - 13 August 2013 + + 404468 Ported jetty-http-spi to Jetty-9 + + 405424 add X-Powered-By and Server header to SPDY + + 405535 implement Request.isUserInRole(role) check security-role-refs + defaulting to security-role if no matching ref + + 408235 SPDYtoHTTP proxy fix: remove hop headers from upstream server + + 409028 Jetty HttpClient does not work with proxy CONNECT method. + + 409282 fix intermittently failing MaxConcurrentStreamTest + + 409845 add test that makes sure that DataFrameGenerator correctly prepends + the header information + + 410498 ignore type of exception in + GoAwayTest.testDataNotProcessedAfterGoAway + + 410668 HTTP client should support the PATCH method. + + 410800 Make RewritePatternRule queryString aware + + 410805 StandardSession: remove all frameBytes for a given stream from queue + if the stream is reset + + 411216 RequestLogHandler handles async completion + + 411458 MultiPartFilter getParameterMap doesn't preserve multivalued + parameters 411459 MultiPartFilter.Wrapper getParameter should use charset + encoding of part + + 411538 Use Replacement character for bad parameter % encodings + + 411545 SslConnection.DecryptedEndpoint.fill() sometimes misses a few network + bytes + + 411755 MultiPartInputStreamParser fails on base64 encoded content + + 411844 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on wild URL. + + 411909 GzipFilter flushbuffer() results in erroneous finish() call + + 412234 fix bug where NetworkTrafficSelectChannelEndpoint counted bytes wrong + on incomplete writes + + 412318 HttpChannel fix multiple calls to _transport.completed() if handle() + is called multiple times while the channel is COMPLETED + + 412418 HttpTransportOverSPDY fix race condition while sending push streams + that could cause push data not to be sent. Fixes intermittent test issues in + ReferrerPushStrategyTest + + 412442 Avoid connection timeout after FIN-FIN close + + 412466 Improved search for unset JETTY_HOME + + 412608 EOF Chunk not sent on inputstream static content + + 412629 PropertyFileLoginModule doesn't cache user configuration file even + for refreshInterval=0 + + 412637 ShutdownMonitorThread already started + + 412712 HttpClient does not send the terminal chunk after partial writes. + + 412713 add dumpOnStart configuration to jetty-maven-plugin + + 412750 HttpClient close expired connections fix + + 412814 HttpClient calling CompleteListener.onComplete() twice. + + 412846 jetty Http Client Connection through Proxy is failing with Timeout. + + 412938 Request.setCharacterEncoding now throws UnsupportedEncodingException + instead of UnsupportedCharsetException + + 413034 Multiple webapps redeploy returns NamingException with AppDynamics + javaagent + + 413066 accept lower case method: head + + 413108 HttpClient hardcodes dispatchIO=false when using SSL. + + 413113 Inconsistent Request.getURI() when adding parameters via + Request.param(). + + 413154 ContextHandlerCollection defers virtual host handling to + ContextHandler + + 413155 HttpTransportOverSPDY remove constructor argument for version and get + version from stream.getSession instead + + 413371 Default JSON.Converters for List and Set. + + 413372 JSON Enum uses name rather than toString() + + 413393 better logging of bad URLs in Resources + + 413486 SessionCookieConfig setters should throw IllegalStateException if + called after context started + + 413568 Made AJP worker name generic + + 413684 Trailing slash shows JSP source + + 413901 isAsyncStarted remains true while original request is dispatched + + 414085 Add jetty-continuations to plugin dependencies + + 414101 Do not escape special characters in cookies + + 414235 RequestLogHandler configured on a context fails to handle forwarded + requests + + 414393 StringIndexOutofBoundsException with > 8k multipart content without + CR or LF + + 414449 Added HttpParser strict mode for case sensitivity + + 414507 Ensure AnnotationParser ignores parent dir hierarchy when checking + for hidden dirnames + + 414625 final static version fields + + 414640 HTTP header value encoding + + 414652 WebSocket's sendMessage() may hang on congested connections. + + 414727 Ensure asynchronously flushed resources are closed + + 414763 Added org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.stderr.ESCAPE option + + 414833 HttpSessionListener.destroy must be invoked in reverse order + + 414840 Request.login() throws NPE if username is null + + 414951 QueuedThreadPool fix constructor that missed to pass the idleTimeout + + 414972 HttpClient may read bytes with pre-tunnelled connection.i jetty-9.0.4.v20130625 - 25 June 2013 + 396706 CGI support parameters