Manually bringing over updated documents

Signed-off-by: Chris Walker <>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Walker 2019-07-22 11:22:11 -04:00
parent 7a8e29856d
commit 041ff5b62c
2 changed files with 15 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -254,4 +254,11 @@ Enable the `session-store-gcloud` and `session-store-cache` modules.
Sessions stored into Memcached by earlier versions of jetty are incompatible with Jetty 9.4. Previous versions of jetty stored `org.eclipse.jetty.gcloud.memcached.session.SerializableSessionData` whereas Jetty 9.4 stores `org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionData`.
Sessions stored into Memcached by earlier versions of jetty are incompatible with Jetty 9.4.
Previous versions of jetty stored `org.eclipse.jetty.gcloud.memcached.session.SerializableSessionData` whereas Jetty 9.4 stores `org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionData`.
==== ServletContainerInitializers
As of Jetty-9.4.4, unless the `web.xml` is version 3.0 or greater, only `ServletContainerInitializers` that are on the container classpath will be discovered.
Users wishing to use `ServletContainerInitializers` from within the webapp with older versions of `web.xml` must either upgrade their `web.xml` version, or call `WebAppContext.setConfigurationDiscovered(true)` either programmatically or in xml.
Upgrading the `web.xml` version is preferable.

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@ -119,6 +119,13 @@ By default Jetty will call them in the following order:
As is the case with annotation scanning, the link:#using-extra-classpath-method[extraClasspath] is fully considered for `ServletContainerInitializer` callbacks. `ServletContainerInitializer` derived from a classes directory on the `extraClasspath` and jars from an `extraClasspath` for the webapp are called in step 2 and 3, respectively.
As of Jetty-9.4.4, unless the `web.xml` is version 3.0 or greater, only `ServletContainerInitializers` that are on the container classpath will be discovered.
Users wishing to use `ServletContainerInitializers` from within the webapp with older versions of `web.xml` must either upgrade their `web.xml` version, or call `WebAppContext.setConfigurationDiscovered(true)` either programmatically or in xml.
Upgrading the `web.xml` version is preferable.
===== Controlling the order of ServletContainerInitializer invocation
If you need `ServletContainerInitializer` classes called in a specific order that is different from that outlined above, you can use the link:#context_attributes[context attribute] `org.eclipse.jetty.containerInitializerOrder`.