Quickstart attribute normilazation #1038

Removed a lot of bad tests that incorrection assumed it was OK to mix Paths and URIs like:

refactored to keep PathAttributes and URIAttributes separate
This commit is contained in:
Greg Wilkins 2016-10-27 16:29:52 +11:00
parent dadb86c831
commit 0f7028e9fa
3 changed files with 164 additions and 439 deletions

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@ -29,9 +29,15 @@ import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.URIUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
@ -55,199 +61,118 @@ public class AttributeNormalizer
private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(AttributeNormalizer.class);
private static final Pattern __propertyPattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=[^$]|^)\\$\\{([^}]*)\\}");
private static class PathAttribute
private static class Attribute
public final Path path;
public final String key;
private boolean isUriBased = false;
private int weight = -1;
final String key;
final String value;
public PathAttribute(String key, Path path) throws IOException
public Attribute(String key, String value)
this.key = key;
this.path = toCanonicalPath(path);
// TODO: Don't allow non-directory paths? (but what if the path doesn't exist?)
this.value = value;
public PathAttribute(String key, String systemPropertyKey) throws IOException
private static Path toCanonicalPath(String path)
if (path == null)
this(key, toCanonicalPath(System.getProperty(systemPropertyKey)));
return null;
private static Path toCanonicalPath(String path) throws IOException
return toCanonicalPath(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(path));
private static Path toCanonicalPath(Path path)
if (path == null)
if (path == null)
return null;
return toCanonicalPath(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(path));
return null;
private static Path toCanonicalPath(Path path) throws IOException
if (Files.exists(path))
if (path == null)
return null;
if (Files.exists(path))
return path.toRealPath();
return path.toAbsolutePath();
public String toUri()
if (isUriBased)
catch (IOException e)
// Return "{KEY}" -> "<uri>" (including scheme)
return path.toUri().toASCIIString();
// Return "{KEY}" -> "<path>" (excluding scheme)
return path.toUri().getSchemeSpecificPart();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
return path.toAbsolutePath();
private static class PathAttribute extends Attribute
public final Path path;
public String getNormalizedScheme()
public PathAttribute(String key, Path path)
if (isUriBased)
// If we are treating the {KEY} -> "<uri>" (scheme is expanded)
return "";
// If we are treating the {KEY} -> "<path>" (scheme is not part of KEY)
return "file:";
public PathAttribute treatAsUri()
this.isUriBased = true;
return this;
public PathAttribute weight(int newweight)
this.weight = newweight;
return this;
this.path = path;
public String toString()
return String.format("PathAttribute[%s=>%s,%d]",key,path,weight);
private static class PathAttributeComparator implements Comparator<PathAttribute>
public int compare(PathAttribute o1, PathAttribute o2)
if( (o1.path == null) && (o2.path != null) )
return -1;
if( (o1.path != null) && (o2.path == null) )
return 1;
if( (o1.path == null) && (o2.path == null) )
return 0;
// Different lengths?
int diff = o2.path.getNameCount() - o1.path.getNameCount();
if(diff != 0)
return diff;
// Different names?
diff = o2.path.compareTo(o1.path);
if(diff != 0)
return diff;
// The paths are the same, base now on weight
return o2.weight - o1.weight;
return String.format("PathAttribute[%s=>%s]",key,path);
private static class PathAttributes extends ArrayList<AttributeNormalizer.PathAttribute>
private static class URIAttribute extends Attribute
public boolean add(AttributeNormalizer.PathAttribute pathAttribute)
public final URI uri;
public URIAttribute(String key, URI uri)
if (pathAttribute.path == null)
return false;
return super.add(pathAttribute);
this.uri = uri;
public String toString()
return String.format("URIAttribute[%s=>%s]",key,uri);
public static String uriSeparators(String path)
private static void addPath(List<PathAttribute>paths,String key)
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : path.toCharArray())
if ((c == '/') || (c == '\\'))
return ret.toString();
String value = System.getProperty(key);
if (value!=null)
paths.add(new PathAttribute(key,toCanonicalPath(value)));
private URI warURI;
private PathAttributes attributes = new PathAttributes();
private Map<String,Attribute> attributes = new HashMap<>();
private List<PathAttribute> paths = new ArrayList<>();
private List<URIAttribute> uris = new ArrayList<>();
public AttributeNormalizer(Resource baseResource)
// WAR URI is always evaluated before paths.
warURI = baseResource == null ? null : baseResource.getURI();
// We don't normalize or resolve the baseResource URI
if (baseResource==null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No base resource!");
warURI = baseResource.getURI().normalize();
if (!warURI.isAbsolute())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("WAR URI is not absolute: " + warURI);
// Track path attributes for expansion
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("jetty.base", "jetty.base").weight(9));
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("jetty.home", "jetty.home").weight(8));
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("user.home", "user.home").weight(7));
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("user.dir", "user.dir").weight(6));
if(warURI != null && warURI.getScheme().equals("file"))
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("WAR", new File(warURI).toPath().toAbsolutePath()).treatAsUri().weight(10));
Collections.sort(attributes, new PathAttributeComparator());
uris.add(new URIAttribute("WAR", warURI));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
int i = 0;
for (PathAttribute attr : attributes)
LOG.debug(" [{}] {}", i++, attr);
catch (Exception e)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
for (Attribute attr : attributes.values())
@ -264,11 +189,11 @@ public class AttributeNormalizer
// Find a URI
URI uri = null;
if (o instanceof URI)
uri = (URI)o;
uri = ((URI)o).normalize();
else if (o instanceof URL)
uri = ((URL)o).toURI();
uri = ((URL)o).toURI().normalize();
else if (o instanceof File)
uri = ((File)o).toURI();
uri = ((File)o).toURI().normalize();
String s = o.toString();
@ -299,10 +224,6 @@ public class AttributeNormalizer
String suffix = raw.substring(bang);
return "jar:" + normal + suffix;
else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()))
return normalizePath(new File(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()).toPath());
@ -320,30 +241,49 @@ public class AttributeNormalizer
public String normalizeUri(URI uri)
String uriStr = uri.toASCIIString();
String warStr = warURI.toASCIIString();
if (uriStr.startsWith(warStr))
for (URIAttribute a : uris)
return "${WAR}" + uriStr.substring(warStr.length());
if (uri.compareTo(a.uri)==0)
return String.format("${%s}",a.key);
if (!a.uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()))
if (a.uri.getHost()==null && uri.getHost()!=null)
if (a.uri.getHost()!=null && !a.uri.getHost().equals(uri.getHost()))
if (a.uri.getPath().equals(uri.getPath()))
return a.value;
if (!uri.getPath().startsWith(a.uri.getPath()))
String s = uri.getPath().substring(a.uri.getPath().length());
if (s.charAt(0)!='/')
return String.format("${%s}%s",a.key,new URI(s).toASCIIString());
catch(URISyntaxException e)
return uriStr;
return uri.toASCIIString();
public String normalizePath(Path path)
String uriPath = path.toUri().getSchemeSpecificPart();
for (PathAttribute attr : attributes)
for (PathAttribute a : paths)
if (attr.path == null)
if (path.startsWith(attr.path) || path.equals(attr.path) || Files.isSameFile(path,attr.path))
return attr.getNormalizedScheme() + uriSeparators(URIUtil.addPaths("${" + attr.key + "}", attr.path.relativize(path).toString()));
if (path.startsWith(a.path) || path.equals(a.path) || Files.isSameFile(path,a.path))
return String.format("${%s}%s",a.key,a.path.relativize(path).toString());
catch (IOException ignore)
@ -351,7 +291,7 @@ public class AttributeNormalizer
return uriSeparators(path.toString());
return path.toString();
public String expand(String str)
@ -433,19 +373,14 @@ public class AttributeNormalizer
private String getString(String property)
if(property == null)
return null;
// Use known path attributes
for (PathAttribute attr : attributes)
if (attr.key.equalsIgnoreCase(property))
return attr.toUri();
Attribute a = attributes.get(property);
if (a!=null)
return a.value;
// Use system properties next
return System.getProperty(property);

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@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2016 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
// The Eclipse Public License is available at
// http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
// The Apache License v2.0 is available at
// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php
// You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
// ========================================================================
package org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.test.FS;
import org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.test.MavenTestingUtils;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
public class AttributeNormalizerPathTest
@Parameters(name="{0} = {1}")
public static List<String[]> data()
String[][] tests = {
{ "jetty.home", EnvUtils.toSystemPath("/opt/jetty-distro") },
{ "jetty.base", EnvUtils.toSystemPath("/opt/jetty-distro/demo.base") },
{ "user.home", EnvUtils.toSystemPath("/home/user") },
{ "user.dir", EnvUtils.toSystemPath("/etc/init.d") },
return Arrays.asList(tests);
private static Path testRoot;
private static String origJettyBase;
private static String origJettyHome;
private static String origUserHome;
private static String origUserDir;
testRoot = MavenTestingUtils.getTargetTestingPath(AttributeNormalizerPathTest.class.getSimpleName());
public static void initProperties()
origJettyBase = System.getProperty("jetty.base");
origJettyHome = System.getProperty("jetty.home");
origUserHome = System.getProperty("user.home");
origUserDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
public static void restoreProperties()
if(origJettyBase != null) System.setProperty("jetty.base",origJettyBase);
if(origJettyHome != null) System.setProperty("jetty.home",origJettyHome);
if(origUserHome != null) System.setProperty("user.home",origUserHome);
if(origUserDir != null) System.setProperty("user.dir",origUserDir);
public String key;
public String path;
private AttributeNormalizer normalizer;
public AttributeNormalizerPathTest(String key, String path) throws MalformedURLException
this.key = key;
this.path = AttributeNormalizer.uriSeparators(path);
this.normalizer = new AttributeNormalizer(Resource.newResource(testRoot.toFile()));
private void assertExpand(String line, String expected)
assertThat("normalizer.expand(\"" + line + "\")", normalizer.expand(line), is(expected));
public void testEqual()
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("file:" + path), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testExpandEqual()
String expectedPath = new File(path).toPath().toUri().getRawSchemeSpecificPart();
assertExpand("file:${" + key + "}", "file:" + expectedPath);
public void testEqualsSlash()
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("file:" + path + "/"), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testEqualsSlashFile()
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("file:" + path + "/file"), is("file:${" + key + "}/file"));
public void testURIEquals() throws URISyntaxException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path)), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURIEqualsSlash() throws URISyntaxException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path + "/")), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURIEqualsSlashFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path + "/file")), is("file:${" + key + "}/file"));
public void testURLEquals() throws MalformedURLException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path)), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURLEqualsSlash() throws MalformedURLException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path + "/")), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURLEqualsSlashFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path + "/file")), is("file:${" + key + "}/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_BangFile()
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "!/file"), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_SlashBangFile()
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file"), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_FileBangFile()
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file"), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file"));
public void testExpandJarFileEquals_FileBangFile()
String expectedPath = new File(path).toPath().toUri().getRawSchemeSpecificPart();
assertExpand("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file", "jar:file:" + expectedPath + "/file!/file");
public void testJarFileEquals_URIBangFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URISlashBangFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URIFileBangFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URLBangFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URLSlashBangFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URLFileBangFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file"));

View File

@ -18,10 +18,7 @@
package org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import java.io.File;
@ -57,9 +54,8 @@ public class AttributeNormalizerTest
result = normalizer.normalize(testWar);
assertThat(result, is(testWar)); // only URL, File, URI are supported
URI testWarURI = new File(testWar).toURI();
// Normalize as URI
URI testWarURI = new File(testWar).toURI();
result = normalizer.normalize(testWarURI);
assertThat(result, is("${WAR}"));
@ -75,6 +71,7 @@ public class AttributeNormalizerTest
// Normalize deep path as URI
result = normalizer.normalize(testWarDeep.toURI());
assertThat(result, is("${WAR}/deep/ref"));
@ -83,6 +80,50 @@ public class AttributeNormalizerTest
public void testNormalizeURIs() throws MalformedURLException
String testWar = EnvUtils.toSystemPath("/opt/jetty-distro/demo.base/webapps/FOO");
Resource webresource = Resource.newResource(testWar);
AttributeNormalizer normalizer = new AttributeNormalizer(webresource);
String result = null;
// Normalize as String path
result = normalizer.normalize(testWar);
assertThat(result, is(testWar)); // only URL, File, URI are supported
// Normalize as URI
URI testWarURI = new File(testWar).toURI();
result = normalizer.normalize(testWarURI);
assertThat(result, is("${WAR}"));
// Normalize as URI
URI subURI = new File(testWar,"WEB-INF/web.xml").toURI();
result = normalizer.normalize(subURI);
assertThat(result, is("${WAR}/WEB-INF/web.xml"));
// Normalize fake prefix
URI fakeURI = Resource.newResource(EnvUtils.toSystemPath("/opt/jetty-distro/demo.base/webapps/FOOBAR")).getURI();
result = normalizer.normalize(fakeURI);
assertThat(result, is(fakeURI.toASCIIString()));
// Normalize as no host
result = normalizer.normalize("file:"+testWarURI.getRawPath());
assertThat(result, is("${WAR}"));
// Normalize as null host
result = normalizer.normalize("file://"+testWarURI.getRawPath());
assertThat(result, is("${WAR}"));
// Normalize jar file
result = normalizer.normalize("jar:file:"+testWarURI.getRawPath()+"!/some/path");
assertThat(result, is("jar:${WAR}!/some/path"));
public void testNormalizeExpandWAR() throws MalformedURLException
@ -107,26 +148,7 @@ public class AttributeNormalizerTest
result = normalizer.expand(line);
uri = URI.create("jar:" + webrefFile.toPath().toUri().toASCIIString() + "!/other/file");
assertThat("expand(\"" + line + "\")", URI.create(result), is(uri));
public void testWindowsTLD() throws MalformedURLException
// Setup AttributeNormalizer
String webref = "http://localhost/resource/webapps/root";
Resource webresource = Resource.newResource(webref);
AttributeNormalizer normalizer = new AttributeNormalizer(webresource);
// Setup example from windows
String javaUserHome = System.getProperty("user.home");
String realUserHome = EnvUtils.toSystemPath(javaUserHome);
String userHome = AttributeNormalizer.uriSeparators(realUserHome);
String path = "jar:file:" + userHome + "/.m2/repository/something/somejar.jar!/META-INF/some.tld";
String result = normalizer.normalize(path);
assertThat(result, is("jar:file:${user.home}/.m2/repository/something/somejar.jar!/META-INF/some.tld"));
String expanded = normalizer.expand(result);
assertThat(expanded, not(anyOf(containsString("\\"), containsString("${"))));