diff --git a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/chapter.adoc b/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/chapter.adoc
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--- a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/chapter.adoc
+++ b/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/chapter.adoc
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
This chapter discusses various ways to deploy applications with Jetty.
Topics range from deployment bindings to deploying third party products.
-It also includes information about the Deployment Manager, WebApp Provider, and Overlay Deployer.
+It also includes information about the Deployment Manager and WebApp Provider.
diff --git a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/deployment-architecture.adoc b/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/deployment-architecture.adoc
index bc58be3c299..55000f4fe6c 100644
--- a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/deployment-architecture.adoc
+++ b/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/deployment-architecture.adoc
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ image:images/Jetty_DeployManager_DeploymentManager_Roles.png[image,width=195]
==== Application Providers
-Before Jetty deploys an application, an link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/AppProvider.html[AppProvider] identifies the App and then provides it to the `DeploymentManager`.
-The main `AppProvider` with the Jetty distribution is the link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/providers/WebAppProvider.html[WebAppProvider.]
+Before Jetty deploys an application, an link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/AppProvider.html[`AppProvider`] identifies the App and then provides it to the `DeploymentManager`.
+The main `AppProvider` with the Jetty distribution is the link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/providers/WebAppProvider.html[`WebAppProvider`.]
==== Application LifeCycle Graph
@@ -63,15 +63,35 @@ Examples of new `AppLifeCycle.Binding` implementations that can be developed inc
There are four default bindings:
-* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardDeployer.html[StandardDeployer] — Deploys the ContextHandler into Jetty in the appropriate place.
-* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardStarter.html[StandardStarter] — Sets the ContextHandler to started and start accepting incoming requests.
-* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardStopper.html[StandardStopper] — Stops the ContextHandler and stops accepting incoming requests.
-* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardUndeployer.html[StandardUndeployer] — Removes the ContextHandler from Jetty.
+* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardDeployer.html[`StandardDeployer`] — Deploys the ContextHandler into Jetty in the appropriate place.
+* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardStarter.html[`StandardStarter`] — Sets the ContextHandler to started and start accepting incoming requests.
+* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardStopper.html[`StandardStopper`] — Stops the ContextHandler and stops accepting incoming requests.
+* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/StandardUndeployer.html[`StandardUndeployer`] — Removes the ContextHandler from Jetty.
A fifth, non-standard binding, called link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/DebugBinding.html[DebugBinding], is also available for debugging reasons; it logs the various transitions through the Application LifeCycle.
+===== Using GlobalWebappConfigBinding
+In addition to the LifeCycle bindings discussed above, there is also the link:https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/current/org/eclipse/jetty/deploy/bindings/GlobalWebappConfigBinding.html[`GlobalWebappConfigBinding`] which, when added to the `DeploymentManager` will apply an additional configuration XML file to each webapp that it deploys.
+This can useful when setting server or system classes, or when defining link:#override-web-xml[override descriptors.]
+This configuration XML file will be _in addition to_ any context XML file that exists for the webapp; it will be applied _after_ any context XML files but _before_ the webapp is started.
+The format for the XML file is the same as any context XML file and can be used to same parameters for a webapp.
+To use this binding, you can either modify the existing `jetty-deploy.xml` which comes with the Jetty distribution (be sure to link:#startup-base-and-home[copy it to your $JETTY_BASE/etc directory first]), or by link:#custom-modules[creating a new module] file which calls to an additional XML file.
+[source, xml, subs="{sub-order}"]
+ /etc/global-webapp-config.xml
==== Understanding the Default WebAppProvider
@@ -119,7 +139,7 @@ monitoredDirName::
The file path or URL to the directory to scan for web applications.
Scanning follows these rules:
1. A base directory must exist.
2. Hidden Files (starting with `"."`) are ignored.
3. Directories with names ending in `".d"` are ignored.
diff --git a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/setting-deployment-bindings.adoc b/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/setting-deployment-bindings.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc961b3530..00000000000
--- a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/setting-deployment-bindings.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// ========================================================================
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-// You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
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-=== Setting Deployment Bindings
-Jetty provides __deployment bindings__, which allows access to the application lifecycle of `DeploymentManager`.
-There are a handful of bindings that exist within the core distribution of Jetty:
-* `StandardDeployer` (deploying)–Standard binding that deals with deploying a webapp.
-* `StandardStarter` (starting)–Standard binding that deals with starting a webapp.
-* `StandardStopper` (stopping)–Standard binding that deals with stopping a webapp.
-* `StandardUndeployer` (undeploying)–Standard undeployer that deals with undeploying a webapp.
-* `DebugBinding` (any specified)–Attaches a binding and prints logging information of a context going through the specified binding target.
-* `GlobalWebappConfigBinding` (deploying)–Allows the user to override various settings of a webapp's context globally for all contexts.
-[source, xml, subs="{sub-order}"]
- file:///etc/global-webapp-context-config.xml
-* OrderedGroupBinding (any specified)–Allows the user to set a specific order for bindings to process in a given binding target.
diff --git a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/static-content-deployment.adoc b/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/static-content-deployment.adoc
index dfe2fbcf72e..275bae8f056 100644
--- a/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/static-content-deployment.adoc
+++ b/jetty-documentation/src/main/asciidoc/configuring/deploying/static-content-deployment.adoc
@@ -24,20 +24,17 @@ Create a file called `scratch.xml` in the `${jetty.base}/webapps` directory and
[source, xml, subs="{sub-order}"]
- /home/jesse/scratch
+ /home/scratch
This is a very basic setup for serving static files.