diff --git a/VERSION.txt b/VERSION.txt index 17d9d138f81..7bdb0d052e8 100644 --- a/VERSION.txt +++ b/VERSION.txt @@ -11,6 +11,85 @@ jetty-9.4.0.v20161208 - 08 December 2016 + 123 AbstractSessionIdManager can't atomically check for uniqueness of new session ID +jetty-9.3.16.v20170120 - 20 January 2017 + + 486 JDK 9 ALPN implementation + + 592 Support no-value Host header in HttpParser + + 612 Support HTTP Trailer + + 1073 JDK9 support in Jetty 9.3.x + + 1195 Problem using STOP.PORT and STOP.KEY with --exec + + 1197 WebSocketClient not sending `Authorization` request header + + 1200 Context path not set for symlink from root + + 1202 NPE in JsrSession when dealing with a response missing the + `Sec-WebSocket-Extensions` header + + 1228 Internal error during SSL handshake + + 1229 ClassLoader constraint issue when using NativeWebSocketConfiguration + with WEB-INF/lib/jetty-http.jar present + + 1234 onBadMessage called from with handled message + + 1259 HostnameVerificationTest.simpleGetWithHostnameVerificationEnabledTest + is broken + + 1261 Intermittent H2C test failure AsyncIOServletTest.testAsyncReadEarlyEOF + + 1262 BufferUtil.isMappedBuffer() uses reflection on private JDK fields + + 1265 JAXB not available in JDK 9 + + 1267 Request.getRemoteUser can throw undeclared IllegalStateException via + DeferredAuthentication & FormAuthenticator + + 1268 incorrectly handled when the jsp is at the top directory + + 1269 Extensible assumed charset for mimetypes + + 1270 GzipHandler rework on dispatches + + 1272 Update ALPN versions for 8u111 + + 1274 Distinguish no tlds vs no MetaInfConfiguration tld scanning for + quickstart + + 1275 Get rid of Mockito + + 1276 Remove org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketServerFactory from + SPI + + 1277 http2 alpn test error + +jetty-9.3.15.v20161220 - 20 December 2016 + + 240 Missing content for multipart request after upgrade to Jetty > 9.2.7 + + 905 Jetty terminates SSL connections too early with Connection: close + + 1020 Java Util Logging properties in wrong location + + 1050 Add multiple FilterHolder to a ServletContextHandler may cause problems + + 1051 NCSARequestLog/RolloverFileOutputStream does not roll day after DST + ends + + 1054 Using WebSocketPingPongListener with empty PING payload results in + NullPointerException + + 1057 Improve WebSocketUpgradeFilter fast path performance + + 1062 Jetty allows requests to hang under PUT load + + 1063 HostPortHttpField should handle port-only values + + 1064 HttpClient sets chunked transfer-encoding + + 1065 Response.setBufferSize checks for written content + + 1069 Host header should be sent with HTTP/1.0 + + 1072 InetAccessHandler needs InetAddress & Path based restrictions like + IPAccessHandler did + + 1078 DigestAuthentication should use realm from server, even if unknown in + advance + + 1081 DigestAuthenticator does not check the realm sent by the client + + 1090 Allow WebSocketUpgradeFilter to be used by WEB-INF/web.xml + + 1092 jetty-runner jstl support + + 1098 MimeTypes.getCharsetFromContentType() unable parse "application/pdf;;; + charset=UTF-8" + + 1099 PushCacheFilter pushes POST requests + + 1108 Please improve logging in SslContextFactory when there are no approved + cipher suites + + 1114 Add testcase for WSUF for stop/start of the Server + + 1118 Filter.destroy() conflicts with ContainerLifeCycle.destroy() in + WebSocketUpgradeFilter + + 1123 Broken lifecycle for WebSocket's mappings + + 1124 Allow configuration of WebSocket mappings from Spring + + 1130 PROXY protocol support reports incorrect remote address + + 1134 Jetty HTTP/2 client problems + + 1135 Avoid allocations from Method.getParameterTypes() if possible + + 1146 jetty.server.HttpInput deadlock + + 1161 HttpClient and WebSocketClient should not remove all cookies on stop + + 1169 HTTP/2 reset on a stalled write does not unblock writer thread + + 1171 jetty-client throws NPE for request to IDN hosts only when + `HttpClient#send(...)` is called + + 1175 Reading HttpServletRequest InputStream from a Filter then accessing + getParameterNames() results in java.io.IOException: Missing content for + multipart request + + 1181 Review buffer underflow cases in SslConnection + + 1186 Where can i find SocketConnector .java and + BlockingChannelConnector.java etc? + jetty-9.4.0.RC3 - 05 December 2016 + 1051 NCSARequestLog/RolloverFileOutputStream does not roll day after DST ends