486674 - Quickstart path attribute normalization should be based on longest path match

This commit is contained in:
Joakim Erdfelt 2016-01-27 11:55:08 -07:00
parent 1aef09acc2
commit 83bc83a99d
2 changed files with 264 additions and 93 deletions

View File

@ -19,9 +19,19 @@
package org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.URIUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
@ -30,7 +40,8 @@ import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource;
* Normalize Attribute to String.
* <p>Replaces and expands:
* <p>
* Replaces and expands:
* <ul>
* <li>${WAR}</li>
* <li>${jetty.base}</li>
@ -42,116 +53,237 @@ import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource;
public class AttributeNormalizer
private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(AttributeNormalizer.class);
private final Path _warPath;
private final Path _jettyBasePath;
private final Path _jettyHomePath;
private final Path _userHomePath;
private final Path _userDirPath;
private static final Pattern __propertyPattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=[^$]|^)\\$\\{([^}]*)\\}");
private static class PathAttribute
public final Path path;
public final String key;
public PathAttribute(String key, Path path) throws IOException
this.key = key;
this.path = toCanonicalPath(path);
// TODO: Don't allow non-directory paths? (but what if the path doesn't exist?)
public PathAttribute(String key, String systemPropertyKey) throws IOException
this(key, toCanonicalPath(System.getProperty(systemPropertyKey)));
private static Path toCanonicalPath(String path) throws IOException
if (path == null)
return null;
return toCanonicalPath(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(path));
private static Path toCanonicalPath(Path path) throws IOException
if (Files.exists(path))
return path.toRealPath();
return path.toAbsolutePath();
private static class PathAttributeComparator implements Comparator<PathAttribute>
public int compare(PathAttribute o1, PathAttribute o2)
if( (o1.path == null) && (o2.path != null) )
return -1;
if( (o1.path != null) && (o2.path == null) )
return 1;
return o2.path.getNameCount() - o1.path.getNameCount();
private List<PathAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
public AttributeNormalizer(Resource baseResource)
// Track path attributes for expansion
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("WAR", baseResource == null ? null : baseResource.getFile().toPath()));
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("jetty.base", "jetty.base"));
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("jetty.home", "jetty.home"));
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("user.home", "user.home"));
attributes.add(new PathAttribute("user.dir", "user.dir"));
Collections.sort(attributes, new PathAttributeComparator());
catch(Exception e)
catch (Exception e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
private static Path systemPath(String property) throws Exception
String p=System.getProperty(property);
if (p!=null)
return new File(p).getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile().toPath();
return null;
public String normalize(Object o)
// Find a URI
URI uri=null;
URI uri = null;
if (o instanceof URI)
uri = (URI)o;
else if (o instanceof URL)
uri = ((URL)o).toURI();
else if (o instanceof File)
uri = ((File)o).toURI();
String s=o.toString();
uri=new URI(s);
if (uri.getScheme()==null)
String s = o.toString();
uri = new URI(s);
if (uri.getScheme() == null)
return s;
if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()))
String raw = uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart();
int bang=raw.indexOf("!/");
String normal=normalize(raw.substring(0,bang));
String suffix=raw.substring(bang);
return "jar:"+normal+suffix;
int bang = raw.indexOf("!/");
String normal = normalize(raw.substring(0,bang));
String suffix = raw.substring(bang);
return "jar:" + normal + suffix;
else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()))
return "file:"+normalizePath(new File(uri).toPath());
return "file:" + normalizePath(new File(uri).toPath());
catch(Exception e)
catch (Exception e)
return String.valueOf(o);
public String normalizePath(Path path)
if (_warPath!=null && path.startsWith(_warPath))
return URIUtil.addPaths("${WAR}",_warPath.relativize(path).toString());
if (_jettyBasePath!=null && path.startsWith(_jettyBasePath))
return URIUtil.addPaths("${jetty.base}",_jettyBasePath.relativize(path).toString());
if (_jettyHomePath!=null && path.startsWith(_jettyHomePath))
return URIUtil.addPaths("${jetty.home}",_jettyHomePath.relativize(path).toString());
if (_userHomePath!=null && path.startsWith(_userHomePath))
return URIUtil.addPaths("${user.home}",_userHomePath.relativize(path).toString());
if (_userDirPath!=null && path.startsWith(_userDirPath))
return URIUtil.addPaths("${user.dir}",_userDirPath.relativize(path).toString());
for (PathAttribute attr : attributes)
if (attr.path == null)
if (path.startsWith(attr.path) || path.equals(attr.path) || Files.isSameFile(path,attr.path))
return URIUtil.addPaths("${" + attr.key + "}",attr.path.relativize(path).toString());
catch (IOException ignore)
return path.toString();
public String expand(String s)
public String expand(String str)
int i=s.indexOf("${");
if (i<0)
return s;
int e=s.indexOf('}',i+3);
String prop=s.substring(i+2,e);
return expand(str,new Stack<String>());
public String expand(String str, Stack<String> seenStack)
if (str == null)
case "WAR":
return s.substring(0,i)+_warPath+expand(s.substring(e+1));
case "jetty.base":
return s.substring(0,i)+_jettyBasePath+expand(s.substring(e+1));
case "jetty.home":
return s.substring(0,i)+_jettyHomePath+expand(s.substring(e+1));
case "user.home":
return s.substring(0,i)+_userHomePath+expand(s.substring(e+1));
case "user.dir":
return s.substring(0,i)+_userDirPath+expand(s.substring(e+1));
return s;
return str;
if (str.indexOf("${") < 0)
// Contains no potential expressions.
return str;
Matcher mat = __propertyPattern.matcher(str);
StringBuilder expanded = new StringBuilder();
int offset = 0;
String property;
String value;
while (mat.find(offset))
property = mat.group(1);
// Loop detection
if (seenStack.contains(property))
StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
err.append("Property expansion loop detected: ");
int idx = seenStack.lastIndexOf(property);
for (int i = idx; i < seenStack.size(); i++)
err.append(" -> ");
throw new RuntimeException(err.toString());
// find property name
// get property value
value = getString(property);
if (value == null)
LOG.debug("Unable to expand: {}",property);
// recursively expand
value = expand(value,seenStack);
// update offset
offset = mat.end();
// leftover
// special case for "$$"
if (expanded.indexOf("$$") >= 0)
return expanded.toString().replaceAll("\\$\\$","\\$");
return expanded.toString();
private String getString(String property)
// Use known attributes first
for (PathAttribute attr : attributes)
if (attr.key.equalsIgnoreCase(property))
return attr.path.toString();
// Use system properties next
return System.getProperty(property);

View File

@ -18,12 +18,17 @@
package org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
@ -43,16 +48,50 @@ public class AttributeNormalizerTest
public static List<String[]> data()
String[][] tests = {
{ "WAR", "/opt/jetty-distro/demo.base/webapps/root" },
{ "jetty.home", "/opt/jetty-distro" },
{ "jetty.base", "/opt/jetty-distro/demo.base" },
{ "user.home", "/home/user" },
{ "user.dir", "/etc/init.d" },
{ "WAR", toSystemPath("/opt/jetty-distro/demo.base/webapps/root") },
{ "jetty.home", toSystemPath("/opt/jetty-distro") },
{ "jetty.base", toSystemPath("/opt/jetty-distro/demo.base") },
{ "user.home", toSystemPath("/home/user") },
{ "user.dir", toSystemPath("/etc/init.d") },
return Arrays.asList(tests);
* As the declared paths in this testcase might be actual paths on the system
* running these tests, the expected paths should be cleaned up to represent
* the actual system paths.
* <p>
* Eg: on fedora /etc/init.d is a symlink to /etc/rc.d/init.d
private static String toSystemPath(String rawpath)
Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(rawpath);
if (Files.exists(path))
// It exists, resolve it to the real path
path = path.toRealPath();
catch (IOException e)
// something prevented us from resolving to real path, fallback to
// absolute path resolution (not as accurate)
path = path.toAbsolutePath();
// File doesn't exist, resolve to absolute path
// We can't rely on File.toCanonicalPath() here
path = path.toAbsolutePath();
return path.toString();
private static String origJettyBase;
private static String origJettyHome;
private static String origUserHome;
@ -97,108 +136,108 @@ public class AttributeNormalizerTest
public void testEqual()
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}",normalizer.normalize("file:" + path));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("file:" + path), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testEqualsSlash()
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}",normalizer.normalize("file:" + path + "/"));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("file:" + path + "/"), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testEqualsSlashFile()
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}/file",normalizer.normalize("file:" + path + "/file"));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("file:" + path + "/file"), is("file:${" + key + "}/file"));
public void testURIEquals() throws URISyntaxException
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}",normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path)));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path)), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURIEqualsSlash() throws URISyntaxException
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}",normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path + "/")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path + "/")), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURIEqualsSlashFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}/file",normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path + "/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("file:" + path + "/file")), is("file:${" + key + "}/file"));
public void testURLEquals() throws MalformedURLException
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}",normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path)));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path)), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURLEqualsSlash() throws MalformedURLException
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}",normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path + "/")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path + "/")), is("file:${" + key + "}"));
public void testURLEqualsSlashFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertEquals("file:${" + key + "}/file",normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path + "/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("file:" + path + "/file")), is("file:${" + key + "}/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_BangFile()
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file",normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "!/file"));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "!/file"), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_SlashBangFile()
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file",normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file"));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file"), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_FileBangFile()
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file",normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file"));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file"), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URIBangFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file",normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "!/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URISlashBangFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file",normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URIFileBangFile() throws URISyntaxException
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file",normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URI("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URLBangFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file",normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "!/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URLSlashBangFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file",normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "/!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}!/file"));
public void testJarFileEquals_URLFileBangFile() throws MalformedURLException
assertEquals("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file",normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file")));
assertThat(normalizer.normalize(new URL("jar:file:" + path + "/file!/file")), is("jar:file:${" + key + "}/file!/file"));