Updating VERSION.txt top section

This commit is contained in:
Jesse McConnell 2014-02-10 10:48:14 -06:00
parent 206b2ebf35
commit 86f46c9ee4

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@ -1,4 +1,37 @@
jetty-9.1.2.v20140210 - 10 February 2014
+ 408167 Complex object as session attribute not necessarily persisted.
+ 423421 remove org.slf4j and org.ow2.asm from jetty-all artifact
+ 424171 Old javax.activation jar interferes with email sending
+ 424562 JDBCSessionManager.setNodeIdInSessionId(true) does not work
+ 425275
returns null when debug is enabled.
+ 425638 Fixed monitor module/xml typos
+ 425696 start.jar --add-to-start={module} results in error
+ 425703 Review [Queued]HttpInput.
+ 425837 Upgrade to jstl 1.2.2
+ 425930 JDBC Session Manager constantly reloading session if save intervall
expired once
+ 425998 JDBCSessionIdManager fails to create maxinterval column
+ 426250 jetty-all should be deployed on release
+ 426358 NPE generating temp dir name if no resourceBase or war
+ 426481 fix < java 1.7.0_10 npn files
+ 426739 Response with Connection: keep-alive truncated.
+ 426750 isReady() returns true at EOF
+ 426870 HTTP 1.0 Request with Connection: keep-alive and response content
+ 427068 ServletContext.getClassLoader should only check privileges if a
SecurityManager exists
+ 427128 Cookies are not sent to the server.
+ 427245 StackOverflowError when session cannot be de-idled from disk
+ 427254 Cookies are not sent to the client.
+ 427512 ReadPendingException in case of HTTP Proxy tunnelling.
+ 427570 externalize common http config to start.ini
+ 427572 Default number of acceptors too big.
+ 427587 MessageInputStream must copy the payload.
+ 427588 WebSocket Parser leaks ByteBuffers.
+ 427690 Remove Mux Extension and related support.
+ 427699 WebSocket upgrade response sends Sec-WebSocket-Protocol twice.
jetty-9.1.1.v20140108 - 08 January 2014
+ 408912 JDBCSessionIdManager should allow configuration of schema