set for release

This commit is contained in:
Jesse McConnell 2013-09-16 12:15:36 -05:00
parent a5e1f0d8f7
commit a816863c30

View File

@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
jetty-8.1.13.v20130916 - 16 September 2013
+ 412629 PropertyFileLoginModule doesn't cache user configuration file even
for refreshInterval=0
+ 413484 setAttribute in nosql session management better handles _dirty status
+ 413684 deprecated unsafe alias checkers
+ 414235 RequestLogHandler configured on a context fails to handle forwarded
+ 414393 StringIndexOutofBoundsException with > 8k multipart content without
CR or LF
+ 414431 Avoid debug NPE race
+ 414507 Ensure AnnotationParser ignores parent dir hierarchy when checking
for hidden dirnames
+ 414652 WebSocket's sendMessage() may hang on congested connections.
+ 415192 <jsp-file> maps to JspPropertyGroupServlet instead of JspServlet
+ 415401 Add XmlConfiguration.initializeDefaults that allows to set default
values for any XmlConfiguration that may be overridden in the config file
+ 416266 HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() encodes on first request when only
SessionTrackingMode.COOKIE is used
+ 416585 WebInfConfiguration examines webapp classloader first instead of its
parent when looking for container jars
+ 416787 StringIndexOutOfBounds with a pathMap of ""
+ 416990 JMX names statically unique
jetty-8.1.12.v20130726 - 26 July 2013
+ 396706 CGI support parameters