Improvements to the Jetty documentation.

Added sections on server logging.

Signed-off-by: Simone Bordet <>
This commit is contained in:
Simone Bordet 2021-03-09 19:19:50 +01:00
parent 8de7b83966
commit c2181ec566
13 changed files with 306 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
=== Eclipse Jetty Logging
=== Logging
There are two types of logging that can be configured in Jetty:
* The logging of Jetty itself, that logs the server activity
* The HTTP request logging, that logs information about HTTP requests and responses processed by Jetty

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2021 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
//, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
// which is available at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
// ========================================================================
==== Request Logging

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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2021 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
//, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
// which is available at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
// ========================================================================
==== Server Logging
The Jetty code uses the link:[SLF4J] API for its logging.
Thanks to the SLF4J library, the logging of the Jetty server can therefore be directed to the implementation (called SLF4J _binding_) of your choice.
The Jetty project provides an SLF4J binding (via the `jetty-slf4j-impl` Maven artifact) that is used as the default SLF4J binding.
The logging of the Jetty server itself is enabled by default with the `logging` Jetty module, which is a transitive dependency of the `server` module and therefore it is typically always enabled.
The `logging` Jetty module is a _virtual_ module (see xref:og-modules-names[this section]) and its default implementation is provided by the `logging-jetty` Jetty module, which uses the Jetty SLF4J binding.
===== Default Configuration
The Jetty SLF4J binding is configured with an appender (`org.eclipse.jetty.logging.StdErrAppender`) that directs the logging to `System.err`, and reads its configuration from a file named `` that must be found in the class-path.
The `StdErrAppender` format is:
<datetime>:<level>:<logger name>:<thread name>:<message>
where `<datetime>=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS`.
You can configure `StdErrAppender` by specifying the following properties in ``:
Specifies whether to condense logger names, so that for example `org.eclipse.jetty.util.QueuedThreadPool` becomes `oeju.QueuedThreadPool`.
Default value is `true`.
Specifies the column at which the logging `<message>` should be printed.
The value `0` specifies no alignment.
Default value is `0`.
Specifies whether to escape ISO control characters such as `\r` or `\n` present in the message.
Character `\r` is replaced with `<` and character `\n` is replaced with `|`; all other ISO control characters are replaced with `?`.
Default value is `false`.
org.eclipse.jetty.logging.appender.ZONE_ID=<timezone id>::
Specifies the timezone ID (such as `PST`, or `America/Los_Angeles` or `GMT-8:00`) for the `<datetime>` part of the logging line.
The empty string specifies the `UTC` timezone.
Default value is the local timezone.
// TODO: add a xref to the console-capture module.
The `logging-jetty` Jetty module, enabled transitively, provides the configuration file `$JETTY_BASE/resources/` to configure the logging levels, for example:
$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-modules=http
├── resources
│ └──
└── start.d
└── http.ini
# Do not condense logger names.
# By default, log at INFO level all Jetty loggers.
# However, the Jetty client loggers log at DEBUG level.
The logging levels that you can specify in the `` file are the usual SLF4J logging levels, `TRACE`, `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARN` and `ERROR`, plus two additional levels:
* `ALL`, which is an alias for `TRACE`
* `OFF`, which disables entirely the logging (not even `ERROR` level messages are logged)
When using the Jetty SLF4J binding, the logging levels can be dynamically changed via JMX, see xref:og-troubleshooting-logging[the troubleshooting section] for more information.
====== Capturing Logs to a Rolling File
Having the logging output on `System.err` may be fine at development time, but you typically want the logs to be captured in a file so that they can be looked at even if you don't have a terminal (for example, you started Jetty as a service).
The `console-capture` Jetty module allows you to capture what is written to `System.out` and `System.err` and write it to a log file, by default under the `$JETTY_BASE/logs/` directory.
The `console-capture` Jetty module defines a number of properties that you can customize to control the log directory, the number of days rolled files are retained, etc.
See the xref:og-module-console-capture[`console-capture` module] for more information.
The `console-capture` Jetty module should be used only in conjunction with the `logging-jetty` module, as other SLF4J bindings such as LogBack or Log4J2 have their own, more sophisticated, rolling file appenders.
===== Custom Configuration
You can use a different SLF4J binding if you are more familiar with other logging libraries, or if you need custom logging appenders.
There are a number of out-of-the-box Jetty modules that you can use:
* `logging-logback`, to use the link:[LogBack] binding
* `logging-log4j2`, to use the link:[Log4J2] binding
* `logging-log4j1`, to use the link:[Log4J1] binding (note that Log4J 1.x is end-of-life)
* `logging-jul`, to use the `java.util.logging` binding
* `logging-noop`, to use the SLF4J no-operation binding (discards all logging)
====== Logging with LogBack
You can enable, for example, the `logging-logback` Jetty module in this way (from the `$JETTY_BASE` directory):
$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-modules=logging-logback,http
Since LogBack is released under a license that is different from Jetty's, you will be prompted to accept the LogBack license.
Once you accept the LogBack license, you will have the following directory structure:
├── lib
│ └── logging
│ ├── logback-classic-<version>.jar
│ └── logback-core-<version>.jar
├── resources
│ └── logback.xml
└── start.d
├── http.ini
└── logging-logback.ini
As you can see, the Jetty module system downloaded the required LogBack `+*.jar+` files, and created a `$JETTY_BASE/resources/logback.xml` file that you can configure to customize your LogBack logging.
Please refer to the link:[LogBack configuration manual] for more information about how to configure LogBack.
====== Logging with Log4J2
Similarly to xref:og-logging-server-custom-logback[logging with LogBack], you can enable the `logging-log4j2` Jetty module in this way (from the `$JETTY_BASE` directory):
$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-modules=logging-log4j2,http
After accepting the Log4J2 license, you will have the following directory structure:
├── lib
│ └── logging
│ ├── log4j-api-<version>.jar
│ ├── log4j-core-<version>.jar
│ └── log4j-slf4j18-impl-<version>.jar
├── resources
│ └── log4j2.xml
└── start.d
├── http.ini
└── logging-log4j2.ini
The Jetty module system downloaded the required Log4J2 `+*.jar+` files, and created a `$JETTY_BASE/resources/log4j2.xml` file that you can configure to customize your Log4J2 logging.
===== Bridging Logging to SLF4J
When you use libraries that provide the features you need (for example, JDBC drivers), it may be possible that those libraries use a different logging framework than SLF4J.
SLF4J provides link:[bridges for legacy logging APIs] that allows you to bridge logging from one of these legacy logging frameworks to SLF4J.
Once the logging is bridged to SLF4J, you can use the xref:og-logging-server-default[default configuration] or the xref:og-logging-server-custom[custom configuration] so that your logging is centralized in one place only.
Jetty provides out-of-the-box modules that you can enable to bridge logging from other logging frameworks to SLF4J.
====== Bridging `java.util.logging`
For libraries that use `java.util.logging` as their logging framework you can enable the `logging-jul-capture` Jetty module.
$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-modules=logging-jul-capture
The `logging-jul-capture` Jetty module implies `--exec` and therefore spawns a second JVM (see xref:og-start-start[this section]) because it needs to provide the system property `java.util.logging.config.file` (so that `java.util.logging` can read the configuration from the specified file), and because it needs to make available on the System ClassLoader the class `org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler`.
For example, a library that uses `java.util.logging` as its logging library is the Postgresql JDBC driver.
With the `logging-jul-capture` Jetty module, the logging follows this diagram:
skinparam backgroundColor transparent
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam shadowing false
participant "Postgresql JDBC" as postgresql
participant java.util.logging
participant SLF4JBridgeHandler
participant Jetty
participant SLF4J
participant "Jetty SLF4J Binding" as binding
postgresql -> java.util.logging
java.util.logging -> SLF4JBridgeHandler
SLF4JBridgeHandler -> SLF4J
SLF4J -> binding
Jetty -> SLF4J
SLF4J -> binding
Note how Jetty logs directly to SLF4J, while the Postgresql JDBC driver logs to SLF4J through the `SLF4JBridgeHandler`.
They both arrive to the SLF4J binding, in this case the Jetty SLF4J binding (but could be any other SLF4J binding such as LogBack).
// TODO: add the other bridges

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2021 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
//, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
// which is available at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
// ========================================================================
===== Module `console-capture`
The `console-capture` module captures `System.out` and `System.err` output and appends it to a rolling file.
The file is rolled every day at the midnight of the configured timezone.
Old, rolled files are kept for the number of days specified by the `jetty.console-capture.retainDays` property.
The module properties are:

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@ -234,3 +234,5 @@ $JETTY_BASE
Enabling the custom auditing component will create the `$JETTY_BASE/start.d/acme-audit.ini` module configuration file that you can edit to configure auditing properties.
// TODO: it's possible to have an *.ini file without a correspondent *.mod -- it's just a list of command line arguments, so make an example of a custom connector with a custom-connector.ini and XML file, but no module file.

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@ -26,3 +26,4 @@ include::module-ssl.adoc[]

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@ -38,3 +38,6 @@ include::protocols-ssl.adoc[]
// TODO: old_docs/connectors/*.adoc
// TODO: add documentation for how to add an additional connector e.g. with a name
// we have 2 connectors out of the box, but a third would need an additional XML.

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@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Modern TLS clients (e.g. browsers) always send the SNI extension; however, older
Being able to handle the SNI is important when you have xref:og-deploy-virtual-hosts[virtual hosts] and a KeyStore with multiple certificates, one for each domain.
For example, you have deployed over a secure connector two web applications, both at context path `/`, one at virtual host `` and one at virtual host ``.
For example, you may have deployed over a secure connector two web applications, both at context path `/`, one at virtual host `` and one at virtual host ``.
The KeyStore contains two certificates, one for `` and one for ``.
There are three `ssl` module properties that control the SNI behavior on the server: one that works at the TLS level, and two that works at the HTTP level.
@ -194,13 +194,11 @@ The property that works at the TLS level is:
Whether SNI is required at the TLS level, defaults to `false`.
Its behavior is explained by the following table:
.Behavior of the `jetty.sslContext.sniRequired` property
| `sniRequired=false`
| `sniRequired=true`
@ -216,9 +214,8 @@ Its behavior is explained by the following table:
| SNI = ``
| client receives `` certificate
| client receives `` certificate
The _default certificate_ is the certificate returned by the TLS implementation in case there is no SNI match, and you should not rely on this certificate to be the same across Java vendors and versions, or Jetty versions, or TLS provider vendors and versions.
@ -233,13 +230,11 @@ For this reason, other two properties are defined at the HTTP level, so that cli
Whether SNI is required at the HTTP level, defaults to `false`.
Its behavior is similar to the `jetty.sslContext.sniRequired` property above, and is explained by the following table:
.Behavior of the `jetty.ssl.sniRequired` property
| `sniRequired=false`
| `sniRequired=true`
@ -255,7 +250,6 @@ Its behavior is similar to the `jetty.sslContext.sniRequired` property above, an
| SNI = ``
| Accept
| Accept
When `jetty.ssl.sniRequired=true`, the SNI is matched against the certificate sent to the client, and only if there is a match the request is accepted.
@ -264,13 +258,11 @@ When the request is accepted, there could be an additional check controlled by t
Whether the certificate sent to the client matches the `Host` header, defaults to `true`.
Its behavior is explained by the following table:
.Behavior of the `jetty.ssl.sniHostCheck` property
| `sniHostCheck=false`
| `sniHostCheck=true`
@ -284,7 +276,6 @@ Its behavior is explained by the following table:
| Accept
| Accept
In the normal case with the default server configuration, for a TLS clients that sends SNI, and then sends an HTTP request with the correct `Host` header, Jetty will pick the correct certificate from the KeyStore based on the SNI received from the client, and accept the request.

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@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ maven://org.postgresql/postgresql/${postgresql-version}|lib/postgresql-${postgre
# Postgres JDBC version
## Postgres JDBC version.
# postgresql-version=42.2.18

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
=== Eclipse Jetty Troubleshooting
=== Troubleshooting
To troubleshoot Jetty when used as a production server, there are two main tools: the Jetty Server Dump and enabling DEBUG level logging.

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
==== Troubleshooting: Jetty Server Dump
==== Server Dump
The Jetty Server Dump is obtained by invoking, via JMX, the `Server.dump()` operation, as shown below.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ At the end of the dump output there is a legend that explains the type of tree n
===== Jetty Server Dump at Server Start/Stop
===== Dump at Server Start/Stop
The `Server.dump()` operation may also be invoked just after the `Server` starts (to log the state of the freshly started server), and just before the `Server` stops (which may be useful to log the state of server that is not working properly).
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ See the xref:og-module-threadpool[`threadpool` module] configuration for more in
Detailed thread pool information can also be turned on/off on-the-fly via JMX, by finding the `ThreadPool` MBean under `org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread:type=queuedthreadpool,id=0`, then selecting the `detailedDump` attribute and setting it to `true`. You can now perform the `Server.dump()` operation as explained above, and then set `detailedDump` back to `false`.
===== Jetty Server Dump Example
===== Dump Example
Below you can find a simple example of a Jetty Server Dump, with annotations for the principal components:

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
==== Troubleshooting: DEBUG Logging
==== Enabling DEBUG Logging
Enabling DEBUG level logging for the `org.eclipse.jetty` logger name provides the maximum amount of information to troubleshoot Jetty issues.

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# DO NOT EDIT - See:
# DO NOT EDIT - See:
Redirects JVMs console stderr and stdout to a log file.
Includes output from Jetty's default StdErrLog logging.
Redirects the JVM console stderr and stdout to a rolling log file.
@ -16,18 +15,17 @@ etc/console-capture.xml
## Logging directory (relative to $jetty.base)
# tag::documentation[]
## Logging directory (relative to $JETTY_BASE).
# jetty.console-capture.dir=./logs
## Whether to append to existing file
## Whether to append to existing file.
# jetty.console-capture.append=true
## How many days to retain old log files
## How many days to retain old log files.
# jetty.console-capture.retainDays=90
## Timezone of the log timestamps
## Timezone ID of the log timestamps, as specified by java.time.ZoneId.
# jetty.console-capture.timezone=GMT
# end::documentation[]