updating for version

This commit is contained in:
Jesse McConnell 2016-06-20 16:47:46 -05:00
parent d073780dde
commit d9ceeb4ecd

View File

@ -1,4 +1,23 @@
jetty-9.3.10.v20160620 - 20 June 2016
+ 388 Provide pluggable RemoteEndpoint service
+ 605 Guard concurrent calls to WebSocketSession.close()
+ 608 reset encoding set from content type
+ 609 ignore failing test
+ 610 Ignore failing test
+ 620 Fixed missing call to super(pattern)
+ 622 NoSqlSessionManager test for expired session does not use session.maxInactiveInterval
+ 623 Add gzip suffix to etags in 304 response
+ 624 Fix onCompleted race
+ 628 resolve by checking for existing jar: prefix on uri - additional fix for
scanForResources and scanForWebFragments
+ 632 JMX tests rely on fixed port
+ 638 ConnectHandler responses should have Content-Length
+ 639 ServerContainer stores WebSocket sessions twice
+ 640 ClientContainer should store WebSocket sessions as beans
+ 641 MongoSessionIdManager uses deprecated ensureIndex
+ 647 HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frame parsing throws IllegalStateException
+ 648 Problem using InputStreamResponseListener to handle HTTP/2 responses
+ 663 Cleanup
jetty-9.3.10.M0 - 26 May 2016
+ 354 Spin loop in case of exception thrown during accept()