Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/jetty-9.4.x' into jetty-10.0.x

This commit is contained in:
Lachlan Roberts 2020-09-03 13:29:22 +10:00
commit fcca9e07d2
2 changed files with 384 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2020 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// ========================================================================
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
// The Eclipse Public License is available at
// The Apache License v2.0 is available at
// You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
// ========================================================================
=== Writing Custom Handlers
The Handler is the Jetty component that deals with received requests.
Many users of Jetty never need to write a Jetty Handler, but instead use the link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/servlet/package-summary.html[Servlet API.]
You can reuse the existing Jetty handlers for context, security, sessions and servlets without the need for extension.
However, some users might have special requirements or footprint concerns that prohibit the use of the full servlet API.
For them implementing a Jetty handler is a straight forward way to provide dynamic web content with a minimum of fuss.
See the section on xref:basic-architecture[] to understand more about Handlers vs. Servlets.
==== The Handler API
The link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/Handler.html[Handler] interface provides Jetty's core of content generation or manipulation.
Classes that implement this interface are used to coordinate requests, filter requests and generate content.
The core API of the Handler interface is:
[source, java, subs="{sub-order}"]
public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
An implementation of this method can handle a request and pass the request onto another handler (or servlet), or it can modify and/or wrap the request before passing it on.
This gives three styles of handler:
* Coordinating Handlers - Handlers that route requests to other handlers (`HandlerCollection`, `ContextHandlerCollection`)
* Filtering Handlers - Handlers that augment a request and pass it on to other handlers (`HandlerWrapper`, `ContextHandler`, `SessionHandler`)
* Generating Handlers - Handlers that produce content (`ResourceHandler` and `ServletHandler`)
===== The Target
The target of a handler is an identifier for the resource that should handle the passed request.
This is normally the URI that is parsed from an HTTP Request.
However, in two key circumstances the target may differ from the URI of the passed request:
* If the request has been dispatched to a named resource, such as a named servlet, the target is the name of that resource.
* If the request is being made by a call to link:[`RequestDispatcher`], the target is the URI of the included resource and is different to the URI of the actual request.
===== The Request and Response
The request and response objects used in the signature of the handle method are
link:[`ServletRequest`] and link:[`ServletResponse`].
These are the standard APIs and are moderately restricted in what they can do to the request and response.
More often than not, access to the Jetty implementations of these classes is required: link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/Request.html[`Request`] and link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/Response.html[`Response`].
However, as the request and response may be wrapped by handlers, filters and servlets, it is not possible to pass the implementation directly.
The following mantra retrieves the core implementation objects from under any wrappers:
[source, java, subs="{sub-order}"]
Request base_request = request instanceof Request ? (Request)request : HttpConnection.getCurrentConnection().getHttpChannel().getRequest();
Response base_response = response instanceof Response ? (Response)response : HttpConnection.getCurrentConnection().getHttpChannel().getResponse();
Notice that if the handler passes the request on to another handler, it should use the Request/Response objects passed in, and not the base objects.
This is to preserve any wrapping done by up stream handlers.
===== The Dispatch
The dispatch argument indicates the state of the handling of the call and may be:
* `REQUEST == 1` - An original request received from a connector.
* `FORWARD == 2` - A request being forwarded by a RequestDispatcher.
* `INCLUDE == 4` - A request being included by a RequestDispatcher.
* `ERROR == 8` - A request being forwarded to a error handler by the container.
These mostly have significance for servlet and related handlers.
For example, the security handler only applies authentication and authorization to REQUEST dispatches.
==== Handling Requests
A Handler may handle a request by:
* xref:generating-response[]
* xref:filtering-request-or-response[]
* xref:passing-request-and-response[]
===== Generating a Response
The link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/embedded/OneHandler.html[`OneHandler`] embedded example shows how a simple handler can generate a response.
You can use the standard servlet response API, which will typically set some status, content headers and then write out the content:
[source, java, subs="{sub-order}"]
response.getWriter().println("<h1>Hello OneHandler</h1>");
It is also very important that a handler indicate that it has completed handling the request and that the request should not be passed to other handlers:
[source, java, subs="{sub-order}"]
Request base_request = (request instanceof Request) ? (Request)request:HttpConnection.getCurrentConnection().getHttpChannel().getRequest();
===== Filtering the Request and/or Response
Once the base request or response object is obtained, you can modify it.
Typically you would make modifications to accomplish:
* Breaking the URI into contextPath, servletPath and pathInfo components.
* Associating a resource base with a request for static content.
* Associating a session with a request.
* Associating a security principal with a request.
* Changing the URI and paths during a request dispatch forward to another resource.
You can also update the context of the request:
* Setting the current threads context classloader.
* Setting thread locals to identify the current `ServletContext`.
Typically Jetty passes a modified request to another handler and undoes modifications in a finally block afterwards:
[source, java, subs="{sub-order}"]
The classes that implement the link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/handler/HandlerWrapper.html[`HandlerWrapper`] class are typically handler filters of this style.
===== Passing the Request and Response to Another Handler
A handler might simply inspect the request and use the target, request URI or other information to select another handler to pass the request to.
These handlers typically implement the link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/HandlerContainer.html[`HandlerContainer`] interface.
Examples include:
* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/handler/HandlerCollection.html[Class `HandlerCollection`] -
A collection of handlers, where each handler is called regardless of the state of the request.
This is typically used to pass a request to a link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/handler/ContextHandlerCollection.html[`ContextHandlerCollection`,] and then the link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/handler/RequestLogHandler.html[`RequestLogHandler`.]
* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/handler/HandlerList.html[`HandlerList`] - A list of handlers that are called in turn until the request state is set as handled.
* link:{JDURL}/org/eclipse/jetty/server/handler/ContextHandlerCollection.html[`ContextHandlerCollection`] - A collection of Handlers, of which one is selected by best match for the context path.
==== Injecting Handlers
The `Handler` needs to be added to the server classpath as described in xref:startup-classpath[].
Then it can be added to the server, either by overriding some existing XML configuration files such as `jetty.xml` as shown below, or by defining a custom module as described in xref:custom-modules[].
[source, xml]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">
<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
<Call name="setHandler">
<New id="myCustomJettyHandler" class="" />
==== More About Handlers
See the link:{JDURL}/[latest Jetty JavaDoc] for detailed information on each Jetty handler.

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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2020 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// ========================================================================
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
// The Eclipse Public License is available at
// The Apache License v2.0 is available at
// You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
// ========================================================================
=== Jetty Server Dump
The dump feature in Jetty provides a snapshot of the bean containment tree of the main Jetty components together with a summary of their configuration. This includes threadpool, connectors, contexts, webapplications, servlets and so forth.
==== Configuring the Jetty Server Dump
You can request that Jetty do a dump immediately after starting and just before stopping by calling the appropriate setters on the `Server` instance.
For embedded usage this can be used by calling the setters directly.
Standalone Jetty uses two properties to control this behaviour which are referenced in `jetty.xml` to call these setters.
These properties are `jetty.server.dumpAfterStart` and `jetty.server.dumpBeforeStop`.
These can be temporarily enabled by supplying these properties as command line arguments,
or they can be enabled via the `server.ini` file (see xref:quick-start-configure[]).
java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar jetty.server.dumpAfterStart=true jetty.server.dumpBeforeStop=true
==== Extra ThreadPool Information
To get maximum detail from the `QueuedThreadPool` in the dump, you need to `setDetailDump(true)` on any instances of `QueuedThreadPool` you are using.
This extra detail in the detailed dump consists of full stack traces for every running thread, and a list of queued jobs waiting to be run.
For embedded usage this can be used by calling the setters directly.
For standalone jetty you can enable the `threadpool` module and configure the `jetty.threadPool.detailedDump` property.
See xref:startup-modules[] for information on how to enable a module.
This same property can also be set via the command line the same as the server dump property.
==== Using the Dump Feature via JMX
The `dump` method is on the Server instance and many of its nested components (Handlers, Connectors, and so forth).
Dumps may be obtained by calling these methods either in code or via JMX (see xref:using-jmx[]).
The Server MBean has a `dump()` method, which dumps everything, plus a `dumpStdErr()` operation that dumps to StdErr rather than replying to JConsole.
==== Explanation of the Dump Key
- `+- bean` is a java POJO that is contained by the parent object as a bean added with the addBean method.
- `+= managed` is a bean that is also a LifeCycle that is started and stopped with the parent object.
- `+~ unmanaged` is a bean that is also a LifeCycle that is started and stopped with the parent object. It is typically shared with other objects (hence its children are not dumped).
- `+? auto` is a bean that has been added to an unstarted parent. If it is a LifeCycle that is not started when the parent is started, then it is started and becomes a managed bean, otherwise it becomes either unmanaged or just a bean.
- `+: iterable` is an object that is contained within an iterable field of the parent (eg a list, set etc).
- `+] array` is an object that is contained within an array field of the parent.
- `+@ map` is an object that is contained within an map field of the parent.
- `+> undefined` is an object that is contained within the parent by an undefined relationship.
==== Jetty Server Dump Example
This is a dump of the OneServletContext embedded example with extra threadpool information:
Server@59906517{STARTED}[9.4.32-SNAPSHOT] - STARTED
+= QueuedThreadPool[qtp1740189450]@67b92f0a{STARTED,8<=8<=200,i=5,r=4,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0}] - STARTED
| += ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0} - STARTED
| +> threads size=8
| | +> 12 qtp1740189450-12 SELECTING RUNNABLE 5
| | +> 14 qtp1740189450-14-acceptor-0@4c78251c-ServerConnector@76707e36{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} ACCEPTING RUNNABLE 3
| | +> 16 qtp1740189450-16 IDLE TIMED_WAITING 5
| | +> 18 qtp1740189450-18 IDLE TIMED_WAITING 5
| | +> 15 qtp1740189450-15 SELECTING RUNNABLE 5
| | +> 19 qtp1740189450-19 IDLE TIMED_WAITING 5
| | +> 17 qtp1740189450-17 IDLE TIMED_WAITING 5
| | +> 13 qtp1740189450-13 IDLE TIMED_WAITING 5
| +> jobs size=0
+= ServerConnector@76707e36{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} - STARTED
| +~ Server@59906517{STARTED}[9.4.32-SNAPSHOT] - STARTED
| +~ QueuedThreadPool[qtp1740189450]@67b92f0a{STARTED,8<=8<=200,i=5,r=4,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0}] - STARTED
| += ScheduledExecutorScheduler@7fe8ea47{STARTED} - STARTED
| +-
| += HttpConnectionFactory@711f39f9[HTTP/1.1] - STARTED
| | +- HttpConfiguration@731f8236{32768/8192,8192/8192,https://:0,[]}
| | +> customizers size=0
| | +> formEncodedMethods size=2
| | | +> POST
| | | +> PUT
| | +> outputBufferSize=32768
| | +> outputAggregationSize=8192
| | +> requestHeaderSize=8192
| | +> responseHeaderSize=8192
| | +> headerCacheSize=1024
| | +> secureScheme=https
| | +> securePort=0
| | +> idleTimeout=-1
| | +> blockingTimeout=-1
| | +> sendDateHeader=true
| | +> sendServerVersion=true
| | +> sendXPoweredBy=false
| | +> delayDispatchUntilContent=true
| | +> persistentConnectionsEnabled=true
| | +> maxErrorDispatches=10
| | +> minRequestDataRate=0
| | +> minResponseDataRate=0
| | +> cookieCompliance=RFC6265
| | +> setRequestCookieCompliance=RFC6265
| | +> notifyRemoteAsyncErrors=true
| | +> relativeRedirectAllowed=false
| += SelectorManager@ServerConnector@76707e36{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} - STARTED
| | += ManagedSelector@564718df{STARTED} id=0 keys=0 selected=0 updates=0 - STARTED
| | | += EatWhatYouKill@51b7e5df/SelectorProducer@18a70f16/PRODUCING/p=false/QueuedThreadPool[qtp1740189450]@67b92f0a{STARTED,8<=8<=200,i=5,r=4,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0}][pc=0,pic=0,pec=0,epc=0]@2020-08-26T08:51:02.711784+10:00 - STARTED
| | | | +- SelectorProducer@18a70f16
| | | | +~ QueuedThreadPool[qtp1740189450]@67b92f0a{STARTED,8<=8<=200,i=5,r=4,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0}] - STARTED
| | | +> updates @ 2020-08-26T08:51:02.705944+10:00 size=0
| | | +> keys @ 2020-08-26T08:51:02.706914+10:00 size=0
| | += ManagedSelector@62e136d3{STARTED} id=1 keys=0 selected=0 updates=0 - STARTED
| | += EatWhatYouKill@c8e4bb0/SelectorProducer@6279cee3/PRODUCING/p=false/QueuedThreadPool[qtp1740189450]@67b92f0a{STARTED,8<=8<=200,i=5,r=4,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0}][pc=0,pic=0,pec=0,epc=0]@2020-08-26T08:51:02.717119+10:00 - STARTED
| | | +- SelectorProducer@6279cee3
| | | +~ QueuedThreadPool[qtp1740189450]@67b92f0a{STARTED,8<=8<=200,i=5,r=4,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0}] - STARTED
| | +> updates @ 2020-08-26T08:51:02.715887+10:00 size=0
| | +> keys @ 2020-08-26T08:51:02.716158+10:00 size=0
| +-[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:8080]
| +- qtp1740189450-14-acceptor-0@4c78251c-ServerConnector@76707e36{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
+= AttributeContainerMap@4206a205{size=0} - STARTED
+= o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@4ba2ca36{/,file:///tmp/,AVAILABLE} - STARTED
| += org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler2007331442==dftMaxIdleSec=-1 - STARTED
| | += ServletHandler@29ba4338{STARTED} - STARTED
| | | +> listeners ServletHandler@29ba4338{STARTED} size=2
| | | | +> ListenerHolder@57175e74{STARTED}: org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$InitListener - STARTED
| | | | +> ListenerHolder@7bb58ca3{STARTED}: org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$RequestListener - STARTED
| | | +> filters ServletHandler@29ba4338{STARTED} size=2
| | | | +> org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter-29b5cd00@29b5cd00==org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter,inst=true,async=true - STARTED
| | | | | +> org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter@c540f5a
| | | | +> org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter-7113b13f@7113b13f==org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter,inst=true,async=true - STARTED
| | | | +> org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter@770c2e6b
| | | +> filterMappings ServletHandler@29ba4338{STARTED} size=2
| | | | +> [/test/*]/[]/[REQUEST]=>org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter-29b5cd00
| | | | +> [*.test]/[]/[REQUEST, ASYNC]=>org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$TestFilter-7113b13f
| | | +> servlets ServletHandler@29ba4338{STARTED} size=3
| | | | +> org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.HelloServlet-6b57696f@99887e98==org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.HelloServlet,jsp=null,order=-1,inst=false,async=true - STARTED
| | | | | +> class org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.HelloServlet
| | | | +> debug@5b09653==org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.DumpServlet,jsp=null,order=-1,inst=false,async=true - STARTED
| | | | | +> class org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.DumpServlet
| | | | +> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet-38bc8ab5@f1bd2681==org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet,jsp=null,order=-1,inst=false,async=true - STARTED
| | | | +> class org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet
| | | +> servletMappings ServletHandler@29ba4338{STARTED} size=4
| | | +> [/hello/*]=>org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.HelloServlet-6b57696f
| | | +> [/dump/*]=>debug
| | | +> [*.dump]=>debug
| | | +> [/]=>org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet-38bc8ab5
| | += org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.DefaultSessionCache@6328d34a[evict=-1,removeUnloadable=false,saveOnCreate=false,saveOnInactiveEvict=false] - STARTED
| | | += org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.NullSessionDataStore@145eaa29[passivating=false,graceSec=3600] - STARTED
| | +~ DefaultSessionIdManager@15bb6bea{STARTED}[worker=node0] - STARTED
| +> No ClassLoader
| +> eventListeners o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@4ba2ca36{/,file:///tmp/,AVAILABLE} size=2
| | +> org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$InitListener@8b96fde
| | +> org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.OneServletContext$RequestListener@2d2e5f00
| +> handler attributes o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@4ba2ca36{/,file:///tmp/,AVAILABLE} size=1
| | +> org.eclipse.jetty.server.Executor=QueuedThreadPool[qtp1740189450]@67b92f0a{STARTED,8<=8<=200,i=5,r=4,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@77e4c80f{s=0/4,p=0}]
| +> context attributes o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@4ba2ca36{/,file:///tmp/,AVAILABLE} size=2
| | +> org.eclipse.jetty.util.DecoratedObjectFactory=org.eclipse.jetty.util.DecoratedObjectFactory[decorators=1]
| | +> X-Init=true
| +> initparams o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@4ba2ca36{/,file:///tmp/,AVAILABLE} size=0
+= ErrorHandler@2ea6137{STARTED} - STARTED
+= DefaultSessionIdManager@15bb6bea{STARTED}[worker=node0] - STARTED
| += HouseKeeper@3439f68d{STARTED}[interval=660000, ownscheduler=true] - STARTED
+> jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@2c13da15
+> jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$PlatformClassLoader@41ee392b
key: +- bean, += managed, +~ unmanaged, +? auto, +: iterable, +] array, +@ map, +> undefined