+ Removing SessionListener
+ Work in CDI layer for WebSocketContainerScope is reused for
session tracking on the parent scope of the WebSocketSession only.
no more multi-listener behavior
+ Reworked JsrSession ID behavior to not be based on AtomicLong
+ AbstractWebSocketConnection now has .hashCode and .equals
+ Reworked PerMessageDeflateExtensionTest to test with different
modes (http/ws vs https/wss), different messages sizes, and
input buffer sizes (these various configurations do trigger
the reported bug)
+ Made CompressExtension loop over the input buffer if the buffer
happens to not be entirely consumed.
+ WebSocket Connection objects no longer need to
hold a reference to the WebSocketSession object
eliminating another reference to the WebSocketSession
that could hold GC efforts to clean it up
+ Reducing looping references Session -> otherObj -> Session
+ Using Container LifeCycle bean management more consistently
+ All sessions are now child beans
+ A stopped session that hasn't been closed, will auto-close now
+ Using SessionListener more consistently
+ Client ConnectionManager no longer tracks Sessions
+ EventDriver stop cleans up its Session references
+ Moving all DummyConnection test classes to websocket-common:tests
+ Breaking down jetty-cdi into 3 modules
* cdi-core
* cdi-servlet
* cdi-websocket
+ Creating WebSocketScope for cdi-websocket
+ Creating @Produces for jetty websocket api session
and javax.websocket.Session
+ Unit tests for new functionality
+ Verifying ServletContextHandler behavior of Decorators
+ Marking old ServletContextHandler methods as deprecated
+ Updates to DecoratedObjectFactory
+ Removing customized weld scopes/context (for now)
+ Deferring JSR356 ServerContainer endpoint init
till Container.doStart() to allow weld to init properly first
+ Removing JSR356 BasicServerEndpointConfigurator in favor
of ContainerDefaultEndpointConfigurator
+ Only decorating server endpoints if they were created by
ContainerDefaultEndpointConfigurator, all others are trusted
to be complete and injected already.
+ Making use of LeakTrackingByteBufferPool more consistent
+ Using MappedByteBufferPool.Tagged where appropriate in test cases
+ Adding leak count tracking to LeakDetector
+ Adding leak count tracking to LeakTrackingByteBufferPool
+ Renaming websocket LeakTrackingBufferPool to
LeakTrackingBufferPoolRule to reflect junit @Rule usage
+ Making websocket LeakTrackingBufferPoolRule always use
+ Fixed various grammar concerns