* Moved -api, -common, -client to jetty-core/jetty-websocket.
* Implemented jetty-core/jetty-websocket/jetty-websocket-jetty-server using only Jetty core APIs, not Servlet.
* Fixed Graceful shutdown order.
* Fixed mistakes in HttpFieldsWrapper, wrongly calling HttpHeader.name() instead of asString().
* Updated tests to pass cleanly.
* Fixed BOMs and POM dependencies.
* Introduced websocket-jetty.mod and websocket-jetty-client.mod, now used by ee10's Jetty WebSocket.
* Fixed OSGi references to old artifactIds.
* Added test to show how to lookup and use ServerWebSocketContainer from a Handler.
Signed-off-by: Simone Bordet <simone.bordet@gmail.com>
Re-enabled the documentation module.
Now using ee10 rather than ee9.
Updated sources to reference ee10 implementation classes.
Now -DskipTests will compile the documentation classes but not build the documentation, saving time when building.
Much more work to do to update the documentation for Jetty 12.
Signed-off-by: Simone Bordet <simone.bordet@gmail.com>