+ Refactored websocket-commons Session creation to be factory based
+ Introduced new org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.SessionFactory
+ Made websocket-client and websocket-server use new SessionFactory
+ Introduced JsrSessionFactory to allow for consistent Session creation
even in the Jsr (no more duplciate Session creation)
+ Using JsrSessionFactory in javax-websocket-client-impl
+ Introducing PathMappings to hopefully replace jetty-util's PathMap
+ Using standard ClientEndpointConfig when appropriate.
+ Introducing JettyClientEndpointConfig for annotation based
+ Renaming EchoSocket used in javax.websocket client testing to
JettyEchoSocket to better indicate that its the Jetty server side
implementation and not the javax.websocket client side socket.
+ Changed IncomingFrames.incomingError() parameter from
WebSocketException to Throwable to match behavior on the JSR