#!/bin/bash echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo " Verify Environment" requiredExecutable() { hash $1 2>/dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR: $1 not found. Install $1" exit -1 fi } requiredExecutable "git" requiredExecutable "xmllint" requiredExecutable "sed" requiredExecutable "gpg" requiredExecutable "egrep" requiredExecutable "mvn" proceedyn() { while true; do read -p "$1 " yn case ${yn:-$2} in [Yy]* ) return 0;; [Nn]* ) return 1;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done } echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo " Collect Information About Release" function gitFindRemoteByUrl() { URL="$1" for GREMOTE in $(git remote); do git ls-remote --get-url $GREMOTE | grep "$URL" 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo $GREMOTE fi done return 0 } GIT_REMOTE_URL="github.com:eclipse/jetty.project.git" GIT_REMOTE_ID=$(gitFindRemoteByUrl "$GIT_REMOTE_URL") GIT_BRANCH_ID=$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match) if [ -z "$GIT_REMOTE_ID" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Unable to determine git remote id for $GIT_REMOTE_URL" echo "Are you running this build from a properly cloned git local repository?" exit -1 fi # Ensure that git user is in their gpg key list GIT_USER_EMAIL=`git config --get user.email` #gpg -q --list-keys "$GIT_USER_EMAIL" 2>&1 > /dev/null #if [ $? != 0 ] ; then # echo "ERROR: git user.email of $GIT_USER_EMAIL is not present in your gpg --list-keys" # echo "Go ahead and make one $ gpg --gen-key" # exit -1 #fi VER_CURRENT=`sed -e "s/xmlns/ignore/" pom.xml | xmllint --xpath "/project/version/text()" -` echo "Current pom.xml Version: ${VER_CURRENT}" read -e -p "Release Version ? " VER_RELEASE read -e -p "Next Dev Version ? " VER_NEXT TAG_NAME="jetty-$VER_RELEASE" # Ensure tag doesn't exist (yet) git rev-parse --quiet --verify "$TAG_NAME" 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Git Tag $TAG_NAME already exists" echo "" git show -s "$TAG_NAME" exit -1 fi ALT_DEPLOY_DIR=$HOME/.m2/alt-deploy if [ ! -d "$ALT_DEPLOY_DIR" ] ; then mkdir -p "$ALT_DEPLOY_DIR" fi # DEPLOY_OPTS="-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true" DEPLOY_OPTS="-DskipTests -Dtest=None" # DEPLOY_OPTS="$DEPLOY_OPTS -DaltDeploymentRepository=intarget::default::file://$ALT_DEPLOY_DIR/" # Uncomment for Java 1.7 export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=128m" echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo " Release Plan Review" echo "" echo "Git Remote ID : $GIT_REMOTE_ID" echo "Git Branch ID : $GIT_BRANCH_ID" echo "Git user.email : $GIT_USER_EMAIL" echo "Current Version : $VER_CURRENT" echo "Release Version : $VER_RELEASE" echo "Next Dev Version : $VER_NEXT" echo "Tag name : $TAG_NAME" echo "MAVEN_OPTS : $MAVEN_OPTS" echo "Maven Deploy Opts: $DEPLOY_OPTS" reportMavenTestFailures() { failFiles=$(egrep -lr --include="*.txt" -E "^Tests .* FAILURE" .) oldIFS="$IFS" IFS=' ' IFS=${IFS:0:1} failarray=( $failFiles ) IFS="$oldIFS" for index in ${!failarray[@]}; do echo ${failarray[index]} cat ${failarray[index]} done if [ ${#failarray[@]} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "There are ${#failarray[@]} Test Cases with failures" else echo "There are no testcases with failures" fi } echo "" if proceedyn "Are you sure you want to release using above? (y/N)" n; then echo "" if proceedyn "Update VERSION.txt for $VER_RELEASE? (Y/n)" y; then # Uncomment alternate JVM for jetty 9.2 builds # JAVA_HOME_ORIG=$JAVA_HOME # PATH_ORIG=$PATH # JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_171.jdk/Contents/Home # PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH mvn -N -Pupdate-version generate-resources cp VERSION.txt VERSION.txt.backup cat VERSION.txt.backup | sed -e "s/$VER_CURRENT/$VER_RELEASE/" > VERSION.txt rm VERSION.txt.backup # JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME_ORIG # PATH=$PATH_ORIG echo "VERIFY the following files (in a different console window) before continuing." echo " VERSION.txt - top section" echo " target/version-tag.txt - for the tag commit message" fi # This is equivalent to 'mvn release:prepare' if proceedyn "Update project.versions for $VER_RELEASE? (Y/n)" y; then mvn org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.7:set \ -DoldVersion="$VER_CURRENT" \ -DnewVersion="$VER_RELEASE" \ -DprocessAllModules=true fi if proceedyn "Commit $VER_RELEASE updates? (Y/n)" y; then git commit -a -m "Updating to version $VER_RELEASE" fi if proceedyn "Create Tag $TAG_NAME? (Y/n)" y; then echo "TODO: Sign tags with GIT_USER_EMAIL=$GIT_USER_EMAIL" echo "Using target/version-tag.txt as tag text" git tag --file=target/version-tag.txt $TAG_NAME fi # This is equivalent to 'mvn release:perform' if proceedyn "Build/Deploy from tag $TAG_NAME? (Y/n)" y; then git checkout $TAG_NAME mvn clean package gpg:sign javadoc:aggregate-jar deploy \ -Peclipse-release $DEPLOY_OPTS reportMavenTestFailures git checkout $GIT_BRANCH_ID fi if proceedyn "Update working directory for $VER_NEXT? (Y/n)" y; then echo "Update VERSION.txt for $VER_NEXT" cp VERSION.txt VERSION.txt.backup echo "jetty-$VER_NEXT" > VERSION.txt echo "" >> VERSION.txt cat VERSION.txt.backup >> VERSION.txt echo "Update project.versions for $VER_NEXT" mvn org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.7:set \ -DoldVersion="$VER_RELEASE" \ -DnewVersion="$VER_NEXT" \ -DprocessAllModules=true echo "Commit $VER_NEXT" if proceedyn "Commit updates in working directory for $VER_NEXT? (Y/n)" y; then git commit -a -m "Updating to version $VER_NEXT" fi fi if proceedyn "Push git commits to remote $GIT_REMOTE_ID? (Y/n)" y; then git push $GIT_REMOTE_ID $GIT_BRANCH_ID git push $GIT_REMOTE_ID --tags fi else echo "Not performing release" fi