# Security Policy ## Supported Versions All [stable versions](https://jetty.org/download.html) of jetty are actively supported for security issues. [Deprecated versions](https://jetty.org/download.html) may be supported for serious security issues or on a commercial support basis. ## Reporting a Vulnerability Do not open a public issue to report a security vulnerability. Please send a message to security@webtide.com and we will create a private issue in which the issue can be triaged and handled. ## Handling a Vulnerability The following checklist is used to handle security issues: - [ ] On receipt of a security report via security@webtide.com or other channels, if it cannot be trivially dismissed (already fixed, known not a problem, etc.), then a Github security advisory is created by project leadership. - [ ] Copy this list as a markdown in the security advisory for tracking the completion of various tasks. - [ ] Jetty committers and the reporters are added to the security advisory. Individual committers can also be named in the comments for addition. - [ ] Initial triage and discussion are performed in the comments of the advisory. - [ ] If enough information exists to attempt reproduction or fix, then a private repository is created as part of the GitHub security advisory. - [ ] If the vulnerability cannot be confirmed then close the security advisory, else continue. - [ ] Generate a CVE score and add it to the advisory description. - [ ] Identify a CWE Definition and add it to the advisory description. - [ ] Identify vulnerable version(s), including current and past versions that are affected (e.g. 9.4.0 through 9.4.35, and 10.0.0.alpha1 through 10.0.0.beta3 etc.) - [ ] Identify and document workaround(s), if applicable, in the comments of the security advisory. - [ ] Open an [Gitlab@Eclipse CVE Assignment](https://gitlab.eclipse.org/security/cve-assignement/-/issues/new) to have a CVE allocated. The issue should be opened under the "Eclipse Foundation" > "EMO Team" > "EMO" section as a "cve" description, with the "This issue is confidential" checkbox checked. Follow the template for what details are necessary to file for a CVE. - [ ] Once the CVE is allocated update the Security Advisory with the number - [ ] Build and test fix(es) locally and in CI environment. - [ ] Merge tests and fix - ensure description does not mention vulnerability directly. Do not merge directly from the security advisory as it can be traced back before publication. - [ ] Build and stage release candidate. - [ ] Notify interested parties of pending security advisory and staged release: 1. Include CVE number, CVE score, and CWE 2. Include Workarounds 3. Stress that it is confidential 4. Advise the security advisory will be published in 2 days unless they indicate they need more time. - [ ] If testing is OK, then the release is promoted. - [ ] Interested parties are notified of the availability of release on Maven Central. - [ ] Publish security advisory and CVE publicly. - [ ] Edit VERSION.txt and so that the CVE number is now recorded against merged PR. - [ ] Edit the release(s) on Github to identify CVE number that was addressed/resolved. - [ ] Update downstream images (Docker, etc.). - [ ] Update project website with new security entry. - [ ] Review security processes & completion.