
113 lines
2.6 KiB

node('linux') {
// System Dependent Locations
def mvntool = tool name: 'maven3', type: 'hudson.tasks.Maven$MavenInstallation'
def jdktool = tool name: 'jdk7', type: 'hudson.model.JDK'
// Environment
List mvnEnv = ["PATH+MVN=${mvntool}/bin", "PATH+JDK=${jdktool}/bin", "JAVA_HOME=${jdktool}/", "MAVEN_HOME=${mvntool}"]
mvnEnv.add("MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true")
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
} catch (Exception e) {
notifyBuild("Checkout Failure")
throw e
stage 'Compile'
withEnv(mvnEnv) {
sh "mvn -B clean install -Dtest=None"
} catch(Exception e) {
notifyBuild("Compile Failure")
throw e
stage 'Javadoc'
withEnv(mvnEnv) {
sh "mvn -B javadoc:javadoc"
} catch(Exception e) {
notifyBuild("Javadoc Failure")
throw e
stage 'Test'
timeout(60) {
withEnv(mvnEnv) {
// Run test phase / ignore test failures
sh "mvn -B install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true"
// Report failures in the jenkins UI
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
notifyBuild("Unstable / Test Errors")
} catch(Exception e) {
notifyBuild("Test Failure")
throw e
// True if this build is part of the "active" branches
// for Jetty.
def isActiveBranch()
def branchName = "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
return ( branchName == "master" ||
branchName.startsWith("jetty-") );
// Test if the Jenkins Pipeline or Step has marked the
// current build as unstable
def isUnstable()
return currentBuild.result == "UNSTABLE"
// Send a notification about the build status
def notifyBuild(String buildStatus)
if ( !isActiveBranch() )
// don't send notifications on transient branches
// default the value
buildStatus = buildStatus ?: "UNKNOWN"
def email = "${env.EMAILADDRESS}"
def summary = "${env.JOB_NAME}#${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${buildStatus}"
def detail = """<h4>Job: <a href='${env.JOB_URL}'>${env.JOB_NAME}</a> [#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]</h4>
<tr><td>Build</td><td><a href='${env.BUILD_URL}'>${env.BUILD_URL}</a></td><tr>
<tr><td>Console</td><td><a href='${env.BUILD_URL}console'>${env.BUILD_URL}console</a></td><tr>
<tr><td>Test Report</td><td><a href='${env.BUILD_URL}testReport/'>${env.BUILD_URL}testReport/</a></td><tr>
emailext (
to: email,
subject: summary,
body: detail
// vim: et:ts=2:sw=2:ft=groovy