
75 lines
3.1 KiB

pipeline {
agent {
node { label 'linux' }
// save some io during the build
options { durabilityHint('PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED') }
stages {
stage("Parallel Stage") {
parallel {
stage("Build / Test - JDK17") {
agent { node { label 'linux' } }
steps {
container('jetty-build') {
timeout( time: 180, unit: 'MINUTES' ) {
mavenBuild( "jdk17", "clean install -Perrorprone", "maven3")
// Collect up the jacoco execution results (only on main build)
// jacoco inclusionPattern: '**/org/eclipse/jetty/**/*.class',
// exclusionPattern: '' +
// // build tools
// '**/org/eclipse/jetty/ant/**' + ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/maven/**' +
// ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/jspc/**' +
// // example code / documentation
// ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/embedded/**' + ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/asyncrest/**' +
// ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/demo/**' +
// // special environments / late integrations
// ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/gcloud/**' + ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/infinispan/**' +
// ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/osgi/**' +
// ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/http/spi/**' +
// // test classes
// ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/tests/**' + ',**/org/eclipse/jetty/test/**',
// execPattern: '**/target/jacoco.exec',
// classPattern: '**/target/classes',
// sourcePattern: '**/src/main/java'
recordIssues id: "jdk17", name: "Static Analysis jdk17", aggregatingResults: true, enabledForFailure: true, tools: [mavenConsole(), java(), checkStyle(), errorProne(), spotBugs()]
* To other developers, if you are using this method above, please use the following syntax.
* mavenBuild("<jdk>", "<profiles> <goals> <plugins> <properties>"
* @param jdk the jdk tool name (in jenkins) to use for this build
* @param cmdline the command line in "<profiles> <goals> <properties>"`format.
* @return the Jenkinsfile step representing a maven build
def mavenBuild(jdk, cmdline, mvnName) {
script {
try {
withEnv(["JAVA_HOME=${ tool "$jdk" }",
"PATH+MAVEN=${ tool "$jdk" }/bin:${tool "$mvnName"}/bin",
"MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms2g -Xmx4g -Djava.awt.headless=true"]) {
[configFile(fileId: 'oss-settings.xml', variable: 'GLOBAL_MVN_SETTINGS')]) {
sh "mvn --no-transfer-progress -s $GLOBAL_MVN_SETTINGS -Dmaven.repo.local=.repository -Pci -V -B -e -Djetty.testtracker.log=true $cmdline"
junit testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml,**/target/invoker-reports/TEST*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true
// vim: et:ts=2:sw=2:ft=groovy