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2011-07-18 11:53:44 -07:00
Hibernate JPA 2 Metamodel Generator Changelog
1.2.0.Final (06.03.2012)
2011-07-18 11:53:44 -07:00
1.2.0.CR1 (25.01.2012)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-54] - XML-only field access type Set attribute not generated
* [METAGEN-55] - XML Only reference to Embeddable not written
* [METAGEN-57] - Attributes are not generated for EmbeddedId and collections when the mapping is defined in orm.xml mapping files
* [METAGEN-63] - Parameter for additional entity mapping files is ormXmlList but not ormXml
* [METAGEN-64] - Normal class in hierarchy breaks metamodel
* [METAGEN-65] - Example maven configuration is not working
* [METAGEN-66] - XML Based Mapping of Embeddets in Mapped-Superclass is ignored
* [METAGEN-67] - @MappedSuperclass without @Id or explicit access type don't inherit the right hierachy access type
* [METAGEN-68] - Some documented options are not recognized, namely, ormXml and addGeneratedAnnotation
* [METAGEN-69] - When the root class of hierarchy does not declare @Id default access type cannot be resolved
* [METAGEN-75] - Maven plugin and JPA XML configuration path problem
* [METAGEN-76] - hashCode is treated as a persistent attribute
* [METAGEN-77] - Inheritance of metamodel classes
** Improvement
* [METAGEN-50] - Suppress Warnings
* [METAGEN-52] - Remove dependency to JPA jar/classes
* [METAGEN-62] - SortedSet attributes are not included in metamodel
* [METAGEN-73] - Refactoring of the Generated annotation
* [METAGEN-78] - Support for Java 7
** New Feature
* [METAGEN-53] - Remove dependency of JPA API classes to simplify setup
** Task
* [METAGEN-79] - The Generated annotation should be added by default
1.1.1.Final (06.12.2010)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-48] - Distribution bundle does not contain jar artifact
* [METAGEN-49] - JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.createMetaModelClasses calls remove within foreach loop (causing a ConcurrentModificationException)
** Improvement
* [METAGEN-47] - Improve documentation on IntelliJ's configuration
1.1.0.Final (03.11.2010)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-42] - The Hibernate Metamodel Generator project contains an outdated version of persistence_2_0.xsd
* [METAGEN-45] - Generated metamodel sources are not compiled in JDK 6
** Task
* [METAGEN-41] - Update pom and readme after move to GitHub
1.1.0.CR1 (15.10.2010)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-28] - Custom UserType not supported in Hibernate's static MetaModel generator
* [METAGEN-29] - Embedded generic types not supported by metamodel generator
* [METAGEN-30] - @Target
* [METAGEN-35] - Generated meta model classes does not extend the super class' meta model.
* [METAGEN-36] - Attempt to recreate a file for type
* [METAGEN-37] - MappedSuperclass with type parameters result in uncompilable metamodels
* [METAGEN-38] - Attribute not generated for Blob type fields
* [METAGEN-40] - Generator does not work when classes are in the default package
* [METAGEN-43] - @Entity extending from @MappedSuperClass from another package does not generate META MODEL properly
** Task
* [METAGEN-7] - Try to find a way to be able to use @SupportedAnnotationTypes("javax.persistence.Entity") in JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor
* [METAGEN-31] - Update pom to use the new distributationManagement information
* [METAGEN-32] - Update the documentation regarding the usage of the maven-processor-plugin
* [METAGEN-33] - Metamodel is not generated with @Generated annotation
* [METAGEN-39] - Cleanup the pom
1.0.0.Final (10.03.2010)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-27] - Review of documentation
** Task
* [METAGEN-26] - Update readme.txt
1.0.0-CR-1 (10.03.2010)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-17] - Consider XML for targetEntity
* [METAGEN-19] - Support @MapKeyClass overriding of the key class
* [METAGEN-22] - Handle map-key-class in xml configuration
* [METAGEN-23] - Handle @IdClass case
* [METAGEN-25] - Ensure that the default package name gets used in all cases where class names can be specified
** Improvement
* [METAGEN-13] - Only re-process xml files if thay have changed
** Task
* [METAGEN-4] - Document how to use the processor in different environments
* [METAGEN-9] - Implement mixed configuration (annotation + xml)
* [METAGEN-24] - Create a mechanism to check whether xml files have changed
1.0.0-Beta-3 (27.01.2010)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-14] - Compiling HEM tests raises an error level log
* [METAGEN-15] - When generics are used (outside of collection), the face value of the generic is used leading to compilation failure of the metaclass
* [METAGEN-16] - Code makes use of getAnnotation() instead of getAnnotationMirrors()
* [METAGEN-18] - Support @ElementCollection.targetClass + its XML equivalent
* [METAGEN-20] - Support collections defined as raw types and targetElement
** Improvement
* [METAGEN-10] - Output to the compiler are meaninglessly verbose
** Task
* [METAGEN-5] - Make the logging output configurable
* [METAGEN-6] - Move xml parsing code in JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor into a separate class
* [METAGEN-21] - Add @SupportedOptions annotation to annotation processor so that tools can query the processor for supported options
1.1.0-Beta-2 (12.12.2009)
** Task
* [METAGEN-11] - Upgrade JPA dependency to hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0-CR-1
1.1.0-Beta-1 (01.12.2009)
** Bug
* [METAGEN-2] - Does not handle byte[] at all
* [METAGEN-8] - Processor does not handle @ElementCollection on a Map
** Task
* [METAGEN-3] - Refactor project structure