* [HHH-17975] - Envers revision cannot be found when the lookup is made based on an Instant
* [HHH-17965] - @ElementCollection with @CollectionTable throws o.h.MappingException Foreign key must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key
* [HHH-17916] - CCE when @CompositeType attribute is contained in a generic @MappedSuperclass
* [HHH-17908] - Schema validation error for STRING enums on MySQL
* [HHH-17906] - Missing type inference for SqmValues
* [HHH-17898] - Validate derived join queries not using lateral
* [HHH-17887] - Release mode After Statment with deferred result set access does not work
* [HHH-17885] - Same named formula attribute of different Embedded uses same selection expression
* [HHH-17884] - Native enum type should respect ordering implied by EnumeratedType
* [HHH-17881] - Unable to use a proxy as parameter in Query when the FK does not target the PK
* [HHH-17872] - NPE in JtaIsolationDelegate
* [HHH-17871] - NullPointerException during the creation of the session if ManyToAny that references a MappedSuperClass and defined in multiple subclasses
* [HHH-17867] - WrongClassException when trying to query by the base type with joined inheritance type
* [HHH-17857] - Query with consecutive OneToMany and ManyToOne join will fail with AssertionError
* [HHH-17854] - @SqlRestriction("xyz IS NULL") generates 2 SQL clauses when using entity graph
* [HHH-17835] - Converted primitive boolean columns can no longer be used in comparable functions
* [HHH-17832] - Select with circular bidirectional association with joined inheritance subclass SyntaxErrorException
* [HHH-17830] - Missing custom join conditions for inner joined element collection join
* [HHH-17828] - Find and locking a lazy referenced entity fails with Bytecode Enhancement enabled
* [HHH-17826] - ResultSet closed while scrolling results
* [HHH-17825] - Attribute 'name' in @UniqueConstraint Annotation ignored
* [HHH-17823] - Failing to execute HQL queries when entity is located in a package containing `fk` package
* [HHH-17808] - NPE when null vector is read with VectorJdbcType
* [HHH-17803] - NPE in TupleMappingModelExpressible constructor when enum is used in "in" clause tuple within subquery
* [HHH-17801] - array_position fails with enums in Hibernate 6.4 (worked in 6.2)
* [HHH-17776] - java.lang.NullPointerException when subquery doesn't have from clause
* [HHH-17769] - Query#setFirst/MaxResults with CTEs leads to incorrect rendering of offset/limit
* [HHH-17765] - Query method parameter checker unable to cope with multiline queries
* [HHH-17763] - Hibernate Schema Validation filter is not working after upgrading to Hibernate 6
* [HHH-17759] - Undocumented escape behavior of colon characters in native queries
* [HHH-17755] - OneToMany mapping with IdClass does not set id as foreign key
* [HHH-17750] - JPA entities containing LAZY loaded relations cannot be merged in another transaction
* [HHH-17743] - hibernate.allow_update_outside_transaction=true property is not working after migration from Hibernate 5.6.15 to 6.4.1 version
* [HHH-17742] - Race condition in ConcreteSqmSelectQueryPlan#withCacheableSqmInterpretation
* [HHH-17734] - Hibernate should prioritize provider_class over datasource
* [HHH-17730] - Merge causes "IllegalAccessException can not set final field" when using record as embedded id
* [HHH-17726] - Additional java types missing same type in wrap/unwrap
* [HHH-17711] - Multiple level joined inheritance leads to incorrect discriminator alias
* [HHH-17701] - @Converter ignored for attributes used in tuples leading to NullPointerException in TupleMappingModelExpressible constructor
* [HHH-17695] - Persistence fails when nested JSON aggregate is null
* [HHH-17671] - SqmPredicate copy fails
* [HHH-17661] - The jpamodelgen component caused compilation failure
* [HHH-17638] - OneToMany association annotated with @NotFound generates different JOINs for SELECT and COUNT
* [HHH-17613] - Generated metamodel contains invalid import when using generics
* [HHH-17600] - Annotation @ListIndexBase is not properly handled
* [HHH-17579] - Metamodel Generator with JDK11 and ormXml fails
* [HHH-17508] - java.lang.IllegalStateException when using union query as source for CTE expression
* [HHH-17493] - Negating a SqmNegatedPredicate has no effect on Hql string
* [HHH-17275] - NullPointerException from BooleanJavaType
* [HHH-17578] - ClassCastException when calling generic typed method on proxy
* [HHH-17574] - Exception on query: Could not convert ‘java.util.Currency’ to ‘java.util.Currency’ using ‘org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.CurrencyJavaType’ to wrap
* [HHH-17572] - Persist of entity with ToOne association which contains an embeddable with associated collection fails with SemanticException
* [HHH-17566] - addNamedQuery leads to "Named query exists, but did not specify a resultClass"
* [HHH-17560] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in DirtyHelper.isModified()
* [HHH-17530] - Criteria query with nested dynamic instantiations and sorting is not working
* [HHH-17528] - Explicit selection of an @Embeddable property containing associated collections doesn't work
* [HHH-17515] - DynamicInstantiationResult wrong java type constructor selected
* [HHH-17511] - The @SoftDelete HQL join entity does not generate a delete condition
* [HHH-17507] - Could not convert 'java.time.Year' to 'java.time.Year' using 'org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.YearJavaType' to wrap
* [HHH-17496] - Inconsistent handling of enum fields
* [HHH-17492] - IN predicate with numeric/decimal parameter types leads to Binding is multi-valued; illegal call to #getBindValue
* [HHH-17490] - NOT IN clause does not work with empty list
* [HHH-17483] - Nested subtypes filtered out in bidirectional OneToMany association load
* [HHH-17481] - OneToMany load empty collection due to discriminator in Polymorphic relationship
* [HHH-17467] - QueryArgumentException when using a proxy as parameter value in a query
* [HHH-17463] - UnsupportedOperationException when using JAKARTA_JDBC_URL
* [HHH-17435] - Trim function not escaping single quotes and not allowing input parameters as trim character
* [HHH-17395] - Refresh with PESSIMISTIC_WRITE ignored for lazy loaded entity
* [HHH-17327] - Adding support for Union All in IncrementGenerator
* [HHH-17307] - Hibernate 6 ListResultsConsumer.Results#addUnique really slow for ElementCollections
* [HHH-17253] - Stackoverflow error on jpamodelgen generation
* [HHH-17106] - Varchar(1) column for Java Enum fails with ClassCastException
* [HHH-16881] - Envers RevisionListener is not created when Hibernate CDI Extensions are enabled
* [HHH-16526] - Query toHqlString() loses function arguments
* [HHH-14821] - EntityKey 'null identifier' should not happen
* [HHH-14358] - Support binding null UUID sql parameter with PostgreSQL
* [HHH-1645] - refresh with LockMode on an unitialized proxy does not work
** Improvement
* [HHH-17396] - Fix typos in javadoc
* [HHH-17303] - More realistic testcase for HHH-16180
** Task
* [HHH-17616] - Move resources to the src/resources folders
* [HHH-17570] - Wrong name provided when checking Oracle autonomous JSON database
* [HHH-17561] - NullPointerException at OracleServerConfiguration class
* [HHH-17555] - equals hashcode combined with naturalId
* [HHH-17553] - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null when loading an entity
* [HHH-17551] - Gradle Enterprise improvements
* [HHH-17528] - Explicit selection of an @Embeddable property containing associated collections doesn't work
* [HHH-17525] - StackOverflowError when using @ManyToMany with composite id
* [HHH-17520] - Schema creation fails with interval second data type on PostgreSQL
* [HHH-17519] - Initializing a lazy association with a non aggregate id causes a NPE
* [HHH-17515] - DynamicInstantiationResult wrong java type constructor selected
* [HHH-17499] - SemanticException when querying embedded id entity with positional parameter
* [HHH-17494] - Metamodel generator produces an uncompilable class when an EntityGraph name contains a comma
* [HHH-17491] - UnknownEntityTypeException thrown when multiple subclasses define an attribute with the same name and one is a MappedSuperclass
* [HHH-17489] - ConcurrentModificationException after upgrading to 6.4.0
* [HHH-17466] - Exception on query: Could not convert 'java.util.Locale' to 'java.util.Locale' using 'org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.LocaleJavaType' to wrap
* [HHH-17464] - 6.4.0 regression: NullPointerException in DefaultEvictEventListener#onEvict
* [HHH-17456] - java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException thrown why logging set to TRACE
* [HHH-17445] - Subquery correlated path expressions do not work with nullness predicates
* [HHH-17418] - Bytecode enchanced read accessor for a final field uses "missing" writer method
* [HHH-17416] - Using tuples in WHERE clause throws SemanticException
* [HHH-17413] - Invalid SQL with TYPE() function and CASE expression in SELECT clause
* [HHH-17408] - Unproxying leads to uninitialized one-to-one associations in some cases involving polymorphism
* [HHH-17407] - AssertionError when using JpaEntityJoin with correlated subqery if criteria copy tree is enabled
* [HHH-17405] - Cannot resolve path of generic mapped-superclass association path
* [HHH-17402] - UnknownEntityTypeException: Unable to locate persister - when comparing generic interface ToOne attribute to parameter
* [HHH-17397] - Count with right join returns count on the left entity although requested by the right one
* [HHH-17395] - Refresh with PESSIMISTIC_WRITE ignored for lazy loaded entity
* [HHH-17393] - Incorrect return type for List attribute, wrap in additional list
* [HHH-17392] - UnsupportedOperationException when using row_number() window function without top level GROUP BY
* [HHH-17391] - AssertionError when using row_number() window function with ORDER BY
* [HHH-17387] - Can't use EAGER ManyToOne on parent abstract class of joined table entity
* [HHH-17379] - Right join does not return records from the right table if there is condition on ID field and there's no matching record in the from clause
* [HHH-17359] - Query Cache contains null values for entity associations when entity was already loaded
* [HHH-17334] - Duplicated columns when updating indexed @ElementCollection with non updatable fields
* [HHH-17293] - Schema validation fails on postgres interval seconds type
* [HHH-17280] - UnknownTableReferenceException in subquery selecting embeddable foreign key
* [HHH-16967] - Missing join on inheritance parent table to validate @Where condition
* [HHH-16756] - orphanRemoval does not work when bytecode enhancement is enabled
* [HHH-16306] - CountExpressionTest.testCountDistinctTuple fails on Sybase
* [HHH-16100] - Dynamic-map entity mode does not register a column for one-to-one associations
* [HHH-1645] - refresh with LockMode on an unitialized proxy does not work
** Improvement
* [HHH-17554] - No join on the table of the parent class with JOINED inheritance strategy when the select not contains a column used in @Where or @SQLRestriction
* [HHH-16809] - Add JavaType#createArray
** Task
* [HHH-17565] - Add testing for JDK 22-ea
* [HHH-17546] - Update Cockroach CI testing to 23.1.12
* [HHH-17545] - Update SAP HANA JDBC driver to 2.19.11
* [HHH-17544] - Update SAP HANA CI testing to
* [HHH-17543] - Update DB2 CI testing to
* [HHH-17542] - Update DB2 JDBC driver to
* [HHH-17541] - Update SQL Server JDBC driver to 12.4.2
* [HHH-17412] - Type comparison error due to surprising javac method selection
* [HHH-17411] - Fetch join on treated join leads to owner not selected error
* [HHH-17386] - Type inference source is not reset for top level predicates
* [HHH-17384] - OneToMany association with @NotFound results in SQL with different JOIN-type for SELECT (LEFT JOIN) and COUNT (JOIN)
* [HHH-17383] - Association is null in lazy initialized element collection
* [HHH-17382] - Dynamic instantiation leads to superclass fields not found when using injection
* [HHH-17381] - fix wrong groupId in Compatibility.adoc
* [HHH-17380] - Persisting an entity with a non generated id and @MapsId throws PropertyValueException
* [HHH-17370] - ServiceException: Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment] due to: Cannot invoke "org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.JdbcObserver.jdbcConnectionAcquisitionEnd(java.sql.Connection)" because "this.observer" is null
* [HHH-17344] - DB2zDialect NullPointerException
* [HHH-17328] - Retrieve entity using entity graph not adding type in the where clause for @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
* [HHH-17313] - Session#setDefaultReadOnly is ignored by named queries
* [HHH-17308] - AssertionError when mixing @SQLSelect and composite ID
* [HHH-17299] - AssertionError in DiscriminatorPathInterpretation when treating a path with the same subtype
* [HHH-17294] - Non-Embeddable JSON objects are not marked as dirty when modified
* [HHH-17292] - MappedSuperclass with more than 1 subclass level leads to "UnknownPathException: Could not resolve attribute"
* [HHH-17102] - @SqlResultSetMapping doesn’t work with @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
** Deprecation
* [HHH-17441] - Deprecate @Comment
** Improvement
* [HHH-17425] - Introduce new configuration parameters for offline Dialect initialization
* [HHH-17424] - Have Dialect manage more of ExtractedDatabaseMetadata
* [HHH-16853] - Setting Named Query Parameters Is VERY Slow
* [HHH-16849] - When we use partition key in join columns generated query is incorrect and its failing.
* [HHH-16843] - HQL 'value = null'
* [HHH-16839] - Failing to update a one-to-one lazy association with `OptimisticLockType.DIRTY` and enabled bytecode enhancement
* [HHH-16833] - Assertion Error when inserting two entities linked with a OneToOne relation
* [HHH-16832] - Bytecode enhancement leads to broken constructor for a generic embedded field in a MappedSuperclass
* [HHH-16821] - Fail to delete entity that contains an embedded with a many to many association as field
* [HHH-16820] - When batching enabled the LockModeType is ignored
* [HHH-16818] - JPQL parser treats 'N' as a String and fails org.hibernate.query.SemanticException: The assignment expression type [java.lang.String] did not match the assignment path type [java.lang.Character]
* [HHH-16813] - Metamodel Generator adds @Generator annotations that cannot be compiled
* [HHH-16812] - StackOverflowError an embeddable's @Parent is a subclass in an inheritance tree
* [HHH-16811] - Dirty property lost and not detected with Batch Fetch, Embedded and FetchMode SELECT
* [HHH-16810] - Fail to delete entity with a composite id using an @IdClass with one of its fields mapped from the id of a @ManyToOne association
* [HHH-16802] - typecheck subquery predicates
* [HHH-16799] - Using bytecode enhancement may result in incorrect AccessType being picked
* [HHH-16772] - Generated bytecode for HibernateAccessOptimizer class is invalid and causes operand stack overflow issue.
* [HHH-16767] - From#getJoins throws exception if non-attribute was joined
* [HHH-16765] - Cannot parse quoted table name
* [HHH-16747] - interpretation of queries with no 'select', multiple elements in 'from', and no explicit result class
* [HHH-16742] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when calling Tuple.getElements()
* [HHH-16732] - HQL id() function does not work for @Any mappings
* [HHH-16707] - Saving entities using @MappedSuperclass does not work with classes in foreign packages
* [HHH-16669] - Batch loading prevents throwing ObjectNotFoundException on initialization of non-existent enhanced entity
* [HHH-16663] - TCK failure due to wrong refactoring in schema management Action enum
* [HHH-16619] - associations on fields beginning with underscore
* [HHH-16593] - mappedBy non-association
* [HHH-16586] - When merging a persisted entity with a null Version, Hibernate treats entity as transient instead of throwing an Exception
* [HHH-16578] - Incorrect validation error for tinyint, but and datetime
* [HHH-16563] - Hibernate 6.x.x should use jakarta.annotation.Generated
* [HHH-16556] - SQLServer2016Dialect deprecation javadoc has wrong version
* [HHH-16545] - PersistenceUtilHelper.MetadataCache is not Thread-Safe
* [HHH-16514] - Property sorting can lead to incorrect column mappings with derived embeddable keys
* [HHH-16494] - Right or full joining on single tablepolymorphic entities gives incorrect results
* [HHH-15545] - @NotFound(Ignore) defaults to eager loading
* [HHH-15522] - Hibernate.isInitialized method not working for Envers Collections
* [HHH-15505] - Getter of loaded entity returns null when using bytecode enhancement on entity whose field is defined both in mapped superclass and concrete entity
* [HHH-15485] - Tests for Collections in default FetchGroup are not enabling this property
* [HHH-15463] - Adjust JdbcType based on DDL capacity for varchar/varbinary like types
* [HHH-15159] - Orphan removal of an entity with an @ElementCollection causes a ConstraintViolationException
* [HHH-15430] - Allow use of @Enumerated on basic collection
* [HHH-15428] - Converters for BasicCollectionType don't work
* [HHH-15423] - @Any discriminated association fails to be implicitly fetched due to UnsupportedOperationException
* [HHH-15420] - Getting Started Guide Code does not build
* [HHH-15418] - Composite primary key with NativeQuery & alias not working
* [HHH-15417] - UUID with AttributeConverter, merge throws ClassCastException
* [HHH-15414] - For Oracle Dialect from version 8 Envers should not generate new revision when database replaces empty string with NULL during INSERT or UPDATE statements
* [HHH-15413] - For Oracle Dialect from version 8 Envers should use an ordered sequence
* [HHH-15406] - Tests annotated with org.hibernate.testing.RequiresDialect having as value deprecated dialect are not executed
* [HHH-15403] - Likely Statement leak on invoking a stored procedure
* [HHH-15396] - Quick Start guide, hibernate-tutorials.zip link is broken
* [HHH-15245] - Minor regression in CockroachDB test cases
* [HHH-15241] - fix nonexistent references in hibernate core's Javadoc
* [HHH-15240] - Defining a UserVersionType causes AssertionError from VersionResolution if running in JVM with "-ea" flag set
* [HHH-15239] - "user guide" for 5.6 is missing after 6.0 is released
* [HHH-15238] - Documentation: update JDBC logging configuration for 6.0
* [HHH-15236] - Fix signing of published artifacts
* [HHH-15233] - Query NPE when using ":param IS NULL" and the parameter value is an Entity
* [HHH-15232] - OneToOne-Relation: Exception when using empty List in setParameter
* [HHH-15229] - Query returns null for broken foreign key reference and NotFoundAction.EXCEPTION
* [HHH-15225] - Jta transactions, name queries with errors throw IllegalStateException instead of IllegalArgumentException when transaction is not active
* [HHH-15223] - Embeddables in the Query Result, the embeddable instance returned by the query will not be in the managed state
* [HHH-15212] - SchemaExport.execute does not replace the ${schema}-placeholder in HBM database-object with configured schema
* [HHH-15211] - ClassCastException being thrown in transaction commit()
* [HHH-15202] - Unnecessary memory waste due to SubselectFetch
* [HHH-15201] - Composite ID with dynamic-map entities fails with an exception
* [HHH-15196] - LikeExpression.getTypedValues() should use the default Locale instead of Locale.ROOT for lowercasing.
* [HHH-15082] - JDBC Statement leaks after exceptions other than SQLException during insert/update/...
* [HHH-15073] - Criteria query built from JPA metamodel throws PersistenceException: Specified result type [long] did not match Query selection type [java.lang.Long]
* [HHH-15071] - "this.anticipatedType" is null
* [HHH-15068] - "CDI BeanManager not (yet) ready to use" when refferring to a user type by name and using an ExtendedBeanManager
* [HHH-15057] - JdbcSQLException: NULL not allowed for column "BOOKS_ORDER" when inserting into many-to-many list
* [HHH-15054] - NPE on cascade-delete for @OneToMany(mappedBy = ...) association
* [HHH-14932] - Spatial support for PostgreSQL 10+ uses invalid WKB dialect
* [HHH-13694] - Numeric Overflow Exception when retrieving the Meta-data for sequences from Oracle Database
* [HHH-10463] - Coalesce does not handle NULL values properly for PostgreSQL
* [HHH-14719] - Hibernate has a dependency on apache-derby: that is vulnerable to CVE-2015-1832 with a CVSS of 9.1 and CVE-2018-1313 with a CVSS of 5.3
* [HHH-14715 - Hibernate has a dependency to maven-core:3.0.5 that is vulnerable to CVE-2021-26291 with a CVSS of 9.1]
* [HHH-14704] - Union \+ OneToOne is broken in Hibernate 6
** Improvement
* [HHH-14745] - Add FunctionContributor contract
* [HHH-14678] - Drop ResultSetWrapper and friends
* [HHH-14617] - Remove `QueryLiteralRendering` and `LiteralHandlingMode` from v6 codebase