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* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
apply plugin: 'hibernate-matrix-testing'
configurations {
hibernateJpaModelGenTool {
description = "Dependencies for running the Hibernate JPA Metamodel Generator AnnotationProcessor tool"
tests {
description = 'Configuration for the produced test jar'
dependencies {
compile( project(':hibernate-core') )
compile( libraries.dom4j )
compile( libraries.commons_annotations )
compile( libraries.jpa )
compile( libraries.javassist )
compile( libraries.jta )
2013-03-25 15:03:26 -05:00
provided( "javax.enterprise:cdi-api:1.1-PFD" )
testCompile( project(':hibernate-testing') )
testCompile( libraries.shrinkwrap_api )
testCompile( libraries.shrinkwrap )
testCompile( libraries.validation )
2013-03-25 15:03:26 -05:00
testCompile( "org.jboss.weld:weld-core:2.0.0.Beta6" )
testCompile( "org.jboss.weld.arquillian.container:arquillian-weld-ee-embedded-1.1:1.1.2.Final" )
testCompile( libraries.mockito )
2013-03-25 15:03:26 -05:00
testRuntime( libraries.validator )
testRuntime( "org.jboss.spec.javax.ejb:jboss-ejb-api_3.2_spec:1.0.0.Alpha2" )
// testRuntime( "org.glassfish.web:el-impl:2.1.2-b04" )
// for testing stored procedure support
testCompile( libraries.derby )
testCompile( 'joda-time:joda-time:2.3' )
testCompile( project( ':hibernate-jpamodelgen' ) )
mavenPom {
name = 'Hibernate JPA Support'
description = 'Hibernate O/RM implementation of the JPA specification'
2013-12-02 22:11:00 -06:00
public String osgiDescription() {
return mavenPom.description
2013-12-02 20:53:19 -06:00
2013-01-23 18:22:03 -05:00
jar {
manifest {
// A cdi-api OSGi bundle does not currently exist. For now, explicitly
// ignore its packages. This will only cause issues if an app tries
// to use the BeanManagerListenerFactory functionality.
// NOTE: The "!" negates the package, keeping it out of Import-Package
// and including it in Ignore-Package. Also note that '*' does not mean
// <Import-Package>*</ImportPackage> will occur. This is simply a
// BND instruction -- the auto-discovery of imported packages still
// occurs.
instructionFirst 'Import-Package',
2013-01-23 18:22:03 -05:00
// TODO: Shouldn't have to explicitly list the JPA packages, but
// the plugin generates them with [1.0,2) versions.
2013-01-23 18:22:03 -05:00
//addMetaGenProcessor( sourceSets.test )
2013-12-02 22:11:00 -06:00
// Process 'bundle resources' for the packaging tests
task copyBundleResources (type: Copy) {
2012-08-08 17:09:11 +08:00
ext.bundlesTargetDir = file( "${buildDir}/bundles" )
from file('src/test/bundles')
into bundlesTargetDir
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
buildDirName: buildDir.absolutePath,
'db.dialect': 'org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect',
'jdbc.driver': 'org.h2.Driver',
'jdbc.user': 'sa',
'jdbc.pass': '',
'jdbc.url': 'jdbc:h2:mem:db1;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1',
doFirst {
processTestResources.dependsOn copyBundleResources
// create an artifact configuration composed of the test classes so that envers can access hem test classes
task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testClasses) {
classifier = 'test'
2012-08-08 17:09:11 +08:00
from sourceSets.test.output
artifacts {
tests testJar
2012-08-08 17:09:11 +08:00