2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish-auth'
apply plugin: 'build-dashboard'
apply plugin: 'project-report'
apply plugin: org.hibernate.build.HibernateBuildPlugin
apply plugin: 'idea'
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
ext {
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
// NOTE : `wildflyVersion` comes from libraries.gradle...
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
// Exact ORM version, e.g. "5.1.1.Final"
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
slot = rootProject.hibernateFullVersion
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
// Just the minor ORM version, e.g. "5.1"; Is used as an alias for the exact version
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
minorSlot = rootProject.hibernateMajorMinorVersion
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
// "10" for WildFly 10.x, "11" for 11.x, etc
wildFlyMajorVersion = wildflyVersion.split( '\\.' )[0]
2017-12-15 08:06:32 -05:00
wildFlyJPA22PatchVersion = '1.0.0.Beta1'
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
artifactClassifier = "wildfly-${wildFlyMajorVersion}-dist"
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
moduleXmlStagingDir = file( "$buildDir/tmp/modules" )
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
wildFlyInstallDirBase = "$rootProject.buildDir.absolutePath/wildfly"
// this is just a "guess" as to the root directory inside the dist zip
// todo : Would be better to actually ask the zip
wildFlyInstallDir = "$wildFlyInstallDirBase/wildfly-${wildflyVersion}"
2016-08-06 15:05:03 -04:00
expandedModuleProperties = [
slot: slot,
minorSlot: minorSlot,
version: rootProject.hibernateTargetVersion,
wildflyVersion: wildflyVersion,
2016-10-04 16:43:27 -04:00
byteBuddyVersion: byteBuddyVersion
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
mavenPom {
name = "Hibernate ORM modules for WildFly ${wildFlyMajorVersion}"
description = "Hibernate ORM modules for WildFly ${wildFlyMajorVersion}"
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
configurations {
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
jipijapa {
transitive = false
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2017-12-15 08:06:32 -05:00
2016-10-04 16:43:27 -04:00
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
dependencies {
jipijapa "org.wildfly:jipijapa-hibernate5:${wildflyVersion}"
wildflyDist "org.wildfly:wildfly-dist:${wildflyVersion}@zip"
2016-10-04 16:43:27 -04:00
byteBuddy libraries.byteBuddy
2017-12-15 08:06:32 -05:00
wildflyJPA22Patch "org.hibernate.javax.persistence:hibernate-jpa-api-2.2-wildflymodules:${wildFlyJPA22PatchVersion}:wildfly-${wildflyVersion}-patch@zip"
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
testCompile project( ":hibernate-core" )
2016-09-13 15:57:21 -04:00
testCompile project( ":hibernate-envers" )
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
testCompile libraries.junit
testCompile libraries.arquillian_junit_container
testCompile libraries.arquillian_protocol_servlet
testCompile libraries.shrinkwrap_descriptors_api_javaee
testCompile libraries.shrinkwrap_descriptors_impl_javaee
testCompile libraries.wildfly_arquillian_container_managed
2017-09-21 06:54:35 -04:00
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Java 9 ftw!
if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible() ) {
compile( 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.2.11' )
compile( 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-xjc:2.2.11' )
compile( 'org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics:0.11.0' )
compile( 'org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics-ant:0.11.0' )
compile( 'javax:javaee-api:7.0' )
testCompile( 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.2.11' )
testCompile( 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-xjc:2.2.11' )
testCompile( 'org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics:0.11.0' )
testCompile( 'org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics-ant:0.11.0' )
testCompile( 'javax:javaee-api:7.0' )
testRuntime( 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.2.11' )
testRuntime( 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-xjc:2.2.11' )
testRuntime( 'org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics:0.11.0' )
testRuntime( 'org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics-ant:0.11.0' )
testRuntime( 'javax:javaee-api:7.0' )
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// tasks related to creating and publishing the module zip
task copyAndExpandModuleXml(type: Copy) {
description 'Performs a copy of the XML files defining the module into a staging directory for the purpose of performing token-replacement'
2016-08-06 15:05:03 -04:00
inputs.properties( expandedModuleProperties as Map )
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
into moduleXmlStagingDir
2016-08-06 15:05:03 -04:00
expand( expandedModuleProperties as Map )
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
into( 'org/hibernate/' + slot ) {
from 'src/main/modules/org/hibernate/core'
into( 'org/hibernate/infinispan/' + slot ) {
from 'src/main/modules/org/hibernate/infinispan'
into( 'org/hibernate/jipijapa-hibernate5/' + slot ) {
from 'src/main/modules/org/hibernate/jipijapa-hibernate5'
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
// create alias for the short name
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
into( 'org/hibernate/' + minorSlot ) {
from 'src/main/aliases/org/hibernate/core'
into( 'org/hibernate/infinispan/' + minorSlot ) {
from 'src/main/aliases/org/hibernate/infinispan'
into( 'org/hibernate/jipijapa-hibernate5/' + minorSlot ) {
from 'src/main/aliases/org/hibernate/jipijapa-hibernate5'
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
task createModulesZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [copyAndExpandModuleXml]) {
baseName 'hibernate-orm-modules'
classifier artifactClassifier
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
from moduleXmlStagingDir
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
into( 'org/hibernate/' + slot ) {
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
from parent.project( 'hibernate-envers' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
2016-10-04 16:43:27 -04:00
// also need Byte Buddy's jar
from configurations.byteBuddy
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
into( 'org/hibernate/infinispan/' + slot ) {
from parent.project( 'hibernate-infinispan' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') && !file.name.endsWith('-tests.jar') }
into( 'org/hibernate/jipijapa-hibernate5/' + slot ) {
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
from configurations.jipijapa
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
publishing {
publications {
mavenZip( MavenPublication ) {
artifact( createModulesZip ) {
classifier artifactClassifier
build.dependsOn createModulesZip
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// tasks related to in-container (Arquillian + WF) testing
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
task installWildFly(type: Copy, dependsOn: createModulesZip) {
description = 'Downloads the WildFly distribution, installs it into a local directory and prepares it for use (in testing)'
2016-07-27 10:53:00 -04:00
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
from configurations.wildflyDist.collect { zipTree(it) }
2016-08-06 15:05:03 -04:00
into wildFlyInstallDirBase
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
final File patchFile = configurations.wildflyJPA22Patch.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts[0].file
inputs.file( patchFile )
doFirst {
2017-12-15 08:06:32 -05:00
doLast {
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
// until we have a version of WF supporting EE 8 (JPA 2.2), we need to patch
// the install to support JPA 2.2
2018-01-08 10:13:00 -05:00
def executableExtension = (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) ? 'bat' : 'sh'
2017-12-15 08:06:32 -05:00
exec {
ignoreExitValue = true
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
2018-01-08 10:13:00 -05:00
executable "$wildFlyInstallDir/bin/jboss-cli." + executableExtension
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
args "patch apply $patchFile.absolutePath"
// and then install the Hibernate
copy {
duplicatesStrategy DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from zipTree( createModulesZip.archivePath )
into "${wildFlyInstallDir}/modules"
2017-12-15 08:06:32 -05:00
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
clean.dependsOn cleanInstallWildFly
task installHibernateModule( dependsOn: [createModulesZip, installWildFly])
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2018-01-02 14:47:29 -05:00
task prepareWildFlyForTests( dependsOn: [installWildFly, installHibernateModule] )
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00
test.dependsOn prepareWildFlyForTests
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2016-06-29 16:48:20 -04:00
processTestResources {
2016-08-06 15:05:03 -04:00
expand( wildFlyInstallDir: wildFlyInstallDir, arquillianDeploymentExportDir: "${rootProject.buildDir.absolutePath}/arquillian-deployments" )
2016-06-27 08:07:08 -04:00
2016-08-05 11:08:35 -04:00