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apply plugin: 'base'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'distribution'
2013-01-23 18:22:03 -05:00
apply from: "../utilities.gradle"
buildDir = "target"
idea.module {
final String[] versionComponents = version.split( '\\.' );
final String majorVersion = versionComponents[0];
final String majorMinorVersion = versionComponents[0] + '.' + versionComponents[1];
final File documentationDir = mkdir( new File( project.buildDir, 'documentation' ) );
final File javadocDir = mkdir( new File( documentationDir, 'javadocs' ) );
* Builds the JavaDocs aggregated (unified) across all the sub-projects
task aggregateJavadocs(type: Javadoc) {
description = 'Builds the aggregated (unified) JavaDocs across all sub-projects'
final int copyrightYear = new GregorianCalendar().get( Calendar.YEAR );
// exclude any generated sources (this is not working: http://forums.gradle.org/gradle/topics/excluding_generated_source_from_javadoc)
exclude "**/generated-src/**"
// process each project, building up:
// 1) appropriate sources
// 2) classpath
// 3) the package list for groups
Set<String> apiPackages = new HashSet<String>()
Set<String> spiPackages = new HashSet<String>()
Set<String> internalPackages = new HashSet<String>()
parent.subprojects.each{ Project subProject->
// skip certain sub-projects
if ( ! ['release','documentation'].contains( subProject.name ) ) {
subProject.sourceSets.each { sourceSet ->
// skip certain source sets
if ( ! ['test','matrix'].contains( sourceSet.name ) ) {
source sourceSet.java
if( classpath ) {
classpath += sourceSet.output + sourceSet.compileClasspath
else {
classpath = sourceSet.output + sourceSet.compileClasspath
sourceSet.java.each { javaFile ->
final String packageName = determinePackageName( sourceSet.java, javaFile );
if ( packageName.endsWith( ".internal" ) || packageName.contains( ".internal." ) ) {
internalPackages.add( packageName );
else if ( packageName.endsWith( ".spi" ) || packageName.contains( ".spi." ) ) {
spiPackages.add( packageName );
else if ( packageName.startsWith( "org.hibernate.testing" ) ) {
// do nothing as testing support is already handled...
else {
apiPackages.add( packageName );
// apply standard config
maxMemory = '512m'
destinationDir = javadocDir
configure( options ) {
overview = rootProject.file( 'shared/javadoc/overview.html' )
stylesheetFile = rootProject.file( 'shared/javadoc/stylesheet.css' )
windowTitle = 'Hibernate JavaDocs'
docTitle = "Hibernate JavaDoc ($project.version)"
bottom = "Copyright &copy; 2001-$copyrightYear <a href=\"http://redhat.com\">Red Hat, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved."
use = true
links = [ 'http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/', 'http://download.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/' ]
group( 'API', apiPackages.asList() )
group( 'SPI', spiPackages.asList() )
group( 'Internal', internalPackages.asList() )
group ( 'Testing Support', ['org.hibernate.testing*'] )
// ugh, http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1563
// tags ["todo:X"]
// work around:
addStringOption( "tag", "todo:X" )
doLast {
copy {
from rootProject.file( 'shared/javadoc/images' )
into new File( javadocDir, "/images" )
final File documentationUploadStagingDir = mkdir( "${project.buildDir}/tmp/documentation" );
final File versionedDocumentationDir = mkdir( new File( new File( documentationUploadStagingDir, "orm" ), majorMinorVersion ) );
* Builds the complete documentation set in preparation for upload to the doc server.
* It builds the docbook manuals as well as the aggregated, cross-project JavaDocs and stages them into
* a single directory that can be directly rsync-ed to the doc server
task buildDocumentation(type: Task, dependsOn: [rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).tasks.buildDocs, aggregateJavadocs]) {
description = "Builds and consolidates all documentation"
doLast {
// copy docbook outputs into target/documentation (javadocs are already there). this is used in
// building the dist bundles
copy {
from "${rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).buildDir}/docbook/publish"
into documentationDir
// now prepare the upload staging directory
copy {
from documentationDir
into versionedDocumentationDir
if ( ! version.endsWith( 'SNAPSHOT' ) ) {
final File currentSymLinkContainerDir = new File( documentationUploadStagingDir, 'stable' )
action: 'delete',
link: "${currentSymLinkContainerDir.absolutePath}/orm"
action: 'single',
link: "${currentSymLinkContainerDir.absolutePath}/orm",
2013-05-29 13:42:26 -05:00
resource: "../orm/${majorMinorVersion}"
* Upload the documentation to the JBoss doc server
task uploadDocumentation(type:Exec, dependsOn: buildDocumentation) {
description = "Uploads documentation to the JBoss doc server"
final String url = 'filemgmt.jboss.org:/docs_htdocs/hibernate/';
executable 'rsync'
2013-05-23 15:07:48 -04:00
args '-avz', '--links', '--protocol=28', "${documentationUploadStagingDir.absolutePath}/", url
doFirst {
if ( version.endsWith( "SNAPSHOT" ) ) {
logger.error( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT documentation" );
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT documentation" );
else {
logger.lifecycle( "Uploading documentation [{$url}]..." )
doLast {
logger.lifecycle( 'Done uploading documentation' )
* Configuration of the distribution plugin, used to build release bundle as both ZIP and TGZ
distributions {
main {
baseName = 'hibernate-release'
contents {
from rootProject.file( 'lgpl.txt' )
from rootProject.file( 'changelog.txt' )
from rootProject.file( 'hibernate_logo.gif' )
into('lib/required') {
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.provided.files { dep -> dep.name == 'jta' }
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
// for now,
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.provided.files { dep -> dep.name == 'javassist' }
into( 'lib/jpa' ) {
from parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
into( 'lib/jpa-metamodel-generator' ) {
from parent.project( 'hibernate-jpamodelgen' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
into( 'lib/envers' ) {
( parent.project( 'hibernate-envers' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
+ parent.project( 'hibernate-envers' ).configurations.runtime )
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
- parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.runtime
- parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
into( 'lib/osgi' ) {
( parent.project( 'hibernate-osgi' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
+ parent.project( 'hibernate-osgi' ).configurations.runtime )
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
- parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.runtime
- parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
// todo : this closure is problematic as it does not write into the hibernate-release-$project.version directory
// due to http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1450
[ 'hibernate-c3p0', 'hibernate-proxool', 'hibernate-ehcache', 'hibernate-infinispan' ].each { feature ->
final String shortName = feature.substring( 'hibernate-'.length() );
// WORKAROUND http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1450
// into('lib/optional/' + shortName) {
owner.into('lib/optional/' + shortName) {
from (
( parent.project( feature ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
+ parent.project( feature ).configurations.runtime )
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
into('documentation') {
from documentationDir
into( 'project' ) {
from ( rootProject.projectDir ) {
exclude( '.git' )
exclude( '.gitignore' )
exclude( 'changelog.txt' )
exclude( 'lgpl.txt' )
exclude( 'hibernate_logo.gif' )
exclude( 'tagRelease.sh' )
exclude( 'gradlew' )
exclude( 'gradlew.bat' )
exclude( 'wrapper/*' )
exclude( '**/.gradle/**' )
exclude( '**/target/**' )
exclude( '.idea' )
exclude( '**/*.ipr' )
exclude( '**/*.iml' )
exclude( '**/*.iws' )
exclude( '**/atlassian-ide-plugin.xml' )
exclude( '**/.classpath' )
exclude( '**/.project' )
exclude( '**/.settings' )
exclude( '**/.nbattrs' )
distZip.dependsOn buildDocumentation
distTar.dependsOn buildDocumentation
distTar {
compression = Compression.GZIP
* "virtual" task for building both types of dist bundles
task buildBundles(type: Task, dependsOn: [distZip,distTar]) {
description = "Builds all release bundles"
task uploadBundles(type: Exec, dependsOn: buildBundles) {
description = "Uploads release bundles to SourceForge"
final String url = "frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/hibernate/hibernate${majorVersion}/${version}";
executable 'rsync'
args '-vr', '-e ssh', "${project.buildDir}/distributions/", url
doFirst {
if ( version.endsWith( "SNAPSHOT" ) ) {
logger.error( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT documentation" );
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT bundles" )
else {
logger.lifecycle( "Uploading release bundles [${url}]..." )
doLast {
logger.lifecycle( 'Done uploading release bundles' )
// Full release related tasks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
task cleanAllSubProjects(type: Task) {
description = 'Performs clean on all sub-projects'
task testAllSubProjects(type: Task) {
description = 'Performs test on all sub-projects'
task publishAllSubProjects(type: Task) {
description = 'Performs publish on all sub-projects'
task buildAllSubProjects(type: Task, dependsOn: [testAllSubProjects,publishAllSubProjects])
task uploadReleaseArtifacts(type: Task, dependsOn: [uploadDocumentation, uploadBundles])
task announce(type: Task) { doFirst { println 'Hear ye, hear ye...' } }
task release(type: Task, dependsOn: [cleanAllSubProjects, buildAllSubProjects, uploadReleaseArtifacts, announce]) {
description = "Coordinates all release tasks"
// must-run-afters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
buildAllSubProjects.mustRunAfter cleanAllSubProjects
publishAllSubProjects.mustRunAfter testAllSubProjects
publishAllSubProjects.mustRunAfter cleanAllSubProjects
uploadReleaseArtifacts.mustRunAfter buildAllSubProjects
announce.mustRunAfter uploadReleaseArtifacts
// sub-project task dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
rootProject.subprojects { Project subproject ->
final Task subprojectCleanTask = subproject.tasks.findByPath( 'clean' );
if ( subprojectCleanTask != null ) {
cleanAllSubProjects.dependsOn subprojectCleanTask
final Task subprojectTestTask = subproject.tasks.findByPath( 'test' );
if ( subprojectTestTask != null ) {
testAllSubProjects.dependsOn subprojectTestTask
final Task subprojectPublishTask = subproject.tasks.findByPath( 'publish' );
if ( subprojectPublishTask != null ) {
publishAllSubProjects.dependsOn subprojectPublishTask