* [JBoss Nexus User Guide](http://community.jboss.org/wiki/MavenGettingStarted-Users) - explains how to set up _~/.m2/settings.xml_ to use JBoss Nexus repo.
1.`cd` into that module directory and execute the task
2. name the "task path". For example, in order to run the tests for the _hibernate-core_ module from the root directory you could say `gradle hibernate-core:test`
* _build_ - Assembles (jars) and tests this project
* _buildDependents_ - Assembles and tests this project and all projects that depend on it. So think of running this in hibernnate-entitymanager, Gradle would assemble and test hibernate-entitymanager as well as hibernate-envers (because envers depends on entitymanager)
* _classes_ - Compiles the main classes
* _testClasses_ - Compiles the test classes
* _jar_ - Generates a jar archive with all the compiled classes
* _test_ - Runs the tests
* _uploadArchives_ - Think Maven deploy
* _install_ - Installs the project jar to your local maven cache (aka ~/.m2/repository)