* Respect the project code style - find templates for [IntelliJ IDEA](https://hibernate.org/community/contribute/intellij-idea/) or [Eclipse](https://hibernate.org/community/contribute/eclipse-ide/)
* Have a corresponding JIRA [issue](https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH) and be sure to include the key for this JIRA issue in your commit messages.
* Have a set of appropriate tests.
For your convenience, a [set of test templates](https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-test-case-templates/tree/main/orm) have been made available.
When submitting bug reports, the tests should reproduce the initially reported bug and illustrate that your solution addresses the issue.
For features/enhancements, the tests should demonstrated that the feature works as intended.
In both cases, be sure to incorporate your tests into the project to protect against possible regressions.
* If applicable, documentation should be updated to reflect the introduced changes
* The code compiles and the tests pass (`./gradlew clean build`)
For documentation contributions, mainly to respect the project code style, especially in regards
to the use of tabs - as mentioned above, code style templates are available for both IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse
IDEs. Ideally, these contributions would also have a corresponding JIRA issue, although this
* Push your changes to the topic branch in your fork of the repository
* Initiate a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request)
* Once your pull request has been summitted you can verify that the pull request has been properly linked to its corrosponding Jira issue by clicking on the _Recent rule runs__Refresh_ button on the right side of issue, if your pull request has been properly linked a _Pull Request (ORM)_ entry will be displayed.
<sup>(1)</sup> Gradle `eclipse` plugin is no longer supported, so the recommended way to import the project in your IDE is with the proper IDE tools/plugins. Don't try to run `./gradlew clean eclipse --refresh-dependencies` from the command line as you'll get an error because `eclipse` no longer exists