more cleanups to dependencies (#9354)
This commit is contained in:
@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ dependencies {
javadocClasspath jakartaLibs.jacc
javadocClasspath jakartaLibs.jsonbApi
javadocClasspath libs.ant
javadocClasspath dbLibs.postgresql
javadocClasspath jdbcLibs.postgresql
javadocClasspath libs.jackson
javadocClasspath gradleApi()
javadocClasspath libs.jacksonXml
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ def buildTutorialZipTask = tasks.register( 'buildTutorialZip', Zip ) { task ->
version: project.version,
slf4j: "2.0.7",
junit: testLibs.versions.junit4.get(),
h2: dbLibs.versions.h2.get()
h2: jdbcLibs.versions.h2.get()
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ dependencies {
compileOnly libs.loggingAnnotations
// Used for compiling some Oracle specific JdbcTypes
// JUnit dependencies made up of:
// * JUnit 5
@ -98,51 +98,49 @@ dependencies {
testImplementation testLibs.junit4Engine
testImplementation testLibs.assertjCore
testImplementation testLibs.byteman
testRuntimeOnly testLibs.log4j2
testRuntimeOnly libs.byteBuddy
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.h2
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.derby
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.derbyTools
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.hsqldb
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.postgresql
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.mssql
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.informix
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.cockroachdb
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.sybase
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.h2
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.derby
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.derbyTools
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.hsqldb
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.postgresql
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.mssql
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.informix
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.cockroachdb
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.sybase
testRuntimeOnly rootProject.fileTree(dir: 'drivers', include: '*.jar')
// Since both the DB2 driver and HANA have a package "net.jpountz" we have to add dependencies conditionally
// This is due to the "no split-packages" requirement of Java 9+
if ( db.startsWith( 'db2' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.db2
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.db2
else if ( db.startsWith( 'hana' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.hana
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.hana
else if ( db.startsWith( 'mysql' ) || db.startsWith( 'tidb' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.mysql
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.mysql
else if ( db.startsWith( 'mariadb' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.mariadb
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.mariadb
else if ( db.startsWith( 'firebird' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.firebird
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.firebird
else if ( db.startsWith( 'oracle' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.oracleXml
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.oracleXmlParser
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.oracleXml
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.oracleXmlParser
else if ( db.startsWith( 'altibase' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.altibase
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.altibase
else if ( db.startsWith( 'informix' ) ) {
testRuntimeOnly dbLibs.informix
testRuntimeOnly jdbcLibs.informix
annotationProcessor libs.loggingProcessor
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ dependencies {
compileOnly jakartaLibs.jsonbApi
compileOnly libs.jackson
compileOnly libs.jacksonXml
compileOnly dbLibs.postgresql
compileOnly jdbcLibs.postgresql
// annotationProcessor project( ":annotation-descriptor-generator" )
compileOnly project( ":annotation-descriptor-generator" )
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ dependencies {
testImplementation project(':hibernate-ant')
testImplementation project(':hibernate-scan-jandex')
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapApi
// testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapApi
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrap
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapDescriptors
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapDescriptorsApi
// testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapDescriptorsApi
testImplementation jakartaLibs.cdi
testImplementation jakartaLibs.jacc
testImplementation jakartaLibs.validation
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ dependencies {
transitive = true
testImplementation "joda-time:joda-time:2.3"
testImplementation dbLibs.h2
testImplementation jdbcLibs.h2
testImplementation libs.hibernateModelsJandex
testRuntimeOnly libs.byteBuddy
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ dependencies {
api project( ':hibernate-core' )
api libs.geolatte
compileOnly dbLibs.postgresql
compileOnly jdbcLibs.postgresql
testImplementation project( ':hibernate-testing' )
testImplementation project( ':hibernate-ant' )
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ dependencies {
testImplementation libs.validator
testImplementation 'org.dom4j:dom4j:2.1.3@jar'
testImplementation dbLibs.postgresql
testImplementation dbLibs.h2gis
testImplementation jdbcLibs.postgresql
testImplementation jdbcLibs.h2gis
testRuntimeOnly jakartaLibs.el
testRuntimeOnly 'jaxen:jaxen:1.1'
@ -17,26 +17,24 @@ dependencies {
api testLibs.junit5Api
api testLibs.junit5Params
api 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:1.3'
api testLibs.hamcrest
api testLibs.assertjCore
api testLibs.mockito
// api testLibs.mockitoInline
api testLibs.byteman
api testLibs.bytemanInstall
api testLibs.bytemanBmunit
// api testLibs.xapool
api( testLibs.jbossTxSpi ) {
api( testLibs.jbossJta ) {
api ''
api 'org.javamoney:moneta:1.1'
api ''
api ( 'org.javamoney.moneta:moneta-core:1.4.4' ) {
transitive = false
api testLibs.log4j2
@ -91,13 +91,15 @@ dependencyResolutionManagement {
def viburVersion = version "vibur", "25.0"
def ucpVersion = version "ucp", ""
def jcacheVersion = version "jcache", "1.0.0"
def jcacheVersion = version "jcache", "1.1.1"
def ehcache3Version = version "ehcache3", "3.10.8"
def micrometerVersion = version "micrometer", "1.14.1"
def hibernateValidatorVersion = version "hibernateValidator", "8.0.1.Final"
def antVersion = version "ant", "1.10.15"
library( "antlr", "org.antlr", "antlr4" ).versionRef( antlrVersion )
library( "antlrRuntime", "org.antlr", "antlr4-runtime" ).versionRef( antlrVersion)
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ dependencyResolutionManagement {
library( "micrometer", "io.micrometer", "micrometer-core" ).versionRef( micrometerVersion )
library( "ant", "org.apache.ant", "ant" ).version( "1.8.2" )
library( "ant", "org.apache.ant", "ant" ).versionRef( antVersion )
jakartaLibs {
// `jakartaJpaVersion` comes from the local-build-plugins to allow for command-line overriding of the JPA version to use
@ -179,17 +181,16 @@ dependencyResolutionManagement {
def junit5LauncherVersion = version "junit5Launcher", "1.11.3"
def assertjVersion = version "assertj", "3.26.3"
def hamcrestVersion = version "hamcrest", "3.0"
def bytemanVersion = version "byteman", "4.0.23"
def jbossJtaVersion = version "jbossJta", "7.1.0.Final"
def jbossTxSpiVersion = version "jbossTxSpi", "8.0.0.Final"
def log4jVersion = version "log4j", "2.24.2"
def mockitoVersion = version "mockito", "5.14.2"
//Compatible with JDK20
def shrinkwrapVersion = version "shrinkwrap", "1.2.6"
def shrinkwrapDescriptorsVersion = version "shrinkwrapDescriptors", "2.0.0"
def weldVersion = version "weld", "5.1.3.Final"
def wildFlyTxnClientVersion = version "wildFlyTxnClient", "2.0.0.Final"
// def xapoolVersion = version "xapool", "1.5.0"
def jfrUnitVersion = version "jfrUnit", "1.0.0.Alpha2"
@ -202,22 +203,17 @@ dependencyResolutionManagement {
library( "assertjCore", "org.assertj", "assertj-core" ).versionRef( assertjVersion )
library( "assertjApi", "org.assertj", "assertj-core-api" ).versionRef( assertjVersion )
library( "hamcrest", "org.hamcrest", "hamcrest" ).versionRef( hamcrestVersion )
library( "log4j2", "org.apache.logging.log4j", "log4j-core" ).versionRef( log4jVersion )
library( "shrinkwrap", "org.jboss.shrinkwrap", "shrinkwrap-impl-base" ).versionRef( shrinkwrapVersion )
library( "shrinkwrapApi", "org.jboss.shrinkwrap", "shrinkwrap-api" ).versionRef( shrinkwrapVersion )
library( "shrinkwrapDescriptors", "org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptors", "shrinkwrap-descriptors-impl-javaee" ).versionRef( shrinkwrapDescriptorsVersion )
library( "shrinkwrapDescriptorsApi", "org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptors", "shrinkwrap-descriptors-api-javaee" ).versionRef( shrinkwrapDescriptorsVersion )
library( "byteman", "org.jboss.byteman", "byteman" ).versionRef( bytemanVersion )
library( "bytemanInstall", "org.jboss.byteman", "byteman-install" ).versionRef( bytemanVersion )
library( "bytemanBmunit", "org.jboss.byteman", "byteman-bmunit" ).versionRef( bytemanVersion )
library( "mockito", "org.mockito", "mockito-core" ).versionRef( mockitoVersion )
// library( "mockitoInline", "org.mockito", "mockito-inline" ).versionRef( mockitoVersion )
// library( "xapool", "com.experlog", "xapool" ).versionRef( xapoolVersion )
library( "jbossJta", "org.jboss.narayana.jta", "narayana-jta" ).versionRef( jbossJtaVersion )
library( "jbossTxSpi", "org.jboss", "jboss-transaction-spi" ).versionRef( jbossTxSpiVersion )
library( "wildFlyTxnClient", "org.wildfly.transaction", "wildfly-transaction-client-jakarta" ).versionRef( wildFlyTxnClientVersion )
@ -226,7 +222,7 @@ dependencyResolutionManagement {
library( "jfrUnit", "org.moditect.jfrunit", "jfrunit-core" ).versionRef( jfrUnitVersion )
dbLibs {
jdbcLibs {
def h2Version = version "h2", overrideableVersion( "gradle.libs.versions.h2", "2.3.232" )
def db2Version = version "db2", ""
@ -241,7 +237,6 @@ dependencyResolutionManagement {
def mssqlVersion = version "mssql", "12.8.1.jre11"
def mysqlVersion = version "mysql", "9.1.0"
def oracleVersion = version "oracle", ""
def oracleLegacyVersion = version "oracleLegacy", ""
def pgsqlVersion = version "pgsql", "42.7.4"
def sybaseVersion = version "sybase", "1.3.1"
def tidbVersion = version "tidb", mysqlVersion
Reference in New Issue