HHH-6605 - Added documentation for the Mod Flags feature

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Michal Skowronek 2011-10-05 22:56:08 +02:00
parent 1c7532f875
commit 07a0b2931c
1 changed files with 164 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -259,6 +259,33 @@
and <xref linkend="envers-tracking-modified-entities-queries"/>.
false, driven by @Audited annotation parameter
Indicates if detailed information about individual properties changes (so-called "Modified Flags") should be stored for all entities.
When set to true all audit tables will contain for each property an additional BOOLEAN column
saying if the property has changed in the generated revision. When set to false, the feature will be disabled.
For more information refer to <xref linkend="envers-tracking-properties-changes"/>
and <xref linkend="envers-envers-tracking-properties-changes-queries"/>.
The suffix for columns storing "Modified Flags".
For example: a property called "age", will by default get modified flag with column name "age_MOD".
@ -270,6 +297,12 @@
@ -616,6 +649,65 @@ Set<ModifiedEntityTypeEntity> modifiedEntityTypes = revEntity.getModifiedEntityT
<section id="envers-tracking-properties-changes">
<title>Tracking entity changes at property level</title>
By default the only information stored at commit time by Envers are
"snapshots" (new revisions) of modified entities.
This approach lets user create audit queries based on historical
values of entity's properties.
In most cases this is good enough, however there are many scenarios
in which auditor is more concerned about types of changes, not
resulting values.
The feature described in
<xref linkend="envers-tracking-modified-entities-revchanges"/>
makes it possible to tell
which entities were modified in given revision.
Feature describe here takes it one step further - with so-called
"Modified Flags" enabled, Envers can say which parts (properties) of
those entities were modified in a given revision.
Tracking entity changes at property level can be enabled by:
parameter to
<literal>true</literal>. This global switch will force tracking
changes for all audited properties in all audited entities.
parameter of the annotation
to true. When the parameter is set at class-level, all class
properties will be tracked. When it's set for a property, then
it affects only that one property.
Class-level settings will always be overriden by field-level ones.
The trade-off coming with this functionality is an increased size of
audit tables and a very little, almost negligible, performance drop
during audit writes. This is due to the fact, that every tracked
property has to have an accompanying, boolean type, column in the
schema that stores information about property's modifications. Of
course it's
Envers job to fill these columns accordingly - no additional work of
developer is required. Because of costs mentioned, it is recommended
to enable the feature selectively, when needed with use of the
granular configuration means described above.
To see how "Modified Flags" can be utilized, check out the very
simple API that uses them: <xref
<section id="envers-queries">
@ -805,6 +897,78 @@ query.add(AuditEntity.relatedId("address").eq(relatedEntityId));]]></programlist
<section id="envers-envers-tracking-properties-changes-queries">
<title>Querying for revisions of entity that modified given property</title>
For the two types of queries described above it's possible to use
special Audit criteria called
that makes use of the functionality
described in <xref linkend="envers-tracking-properties-changes"/>.
They're best suited for vertical queries,
however existing API doesn't restrict their usage for horizontal
Let's have a look at following examples:
AuditQuery query = getAuditReader().createQuery()
.forRevisionsOfEntity(MyEntity.class, false, true)
This query will return all revisions of MyEntity with given id,
that modified property
Using this query we won't get all other revisions in which
wasn't touched. Of course nothing prevents user from combining
hasChanged condition with some additional criteria - add method
can be used here in a normal way.
AuditQuery query = getAuditReader().createQuery()
.forEntitiesAtRevision(MyEntity.class, revisionNumber)
This query will return horizontal slice for MyEntity at the time
revisionNumber was generated. It will be limited to revisions
that modified
but not <property>prop2</property>.
Note that the result set will usually also contain revisions
with numbers lower than the revisionNumber, so we cannot read
this query as "Give me all MyEntities changed in revisionNumber
modified and
untouched". To get such result we would have to refine the query
as follows (or use forRevisionsOfEntity API):
AuditQuery query = getAuditReader().createQuery()
.forEntitiesAtRevision(MyEntity.class, revisionNumber)
<section id="envers-tracking-modified-entities-queries">
<title>Querying for entities modified in a given revision</title>