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synced 2025-02-17 00:24:57 +00:00
Re-enable additional scrollable fetch test
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
package org.hibernate.query.sqm;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
* Represents a general uncaught problem performing the interpretation. This might indicate
@ -14,14 +14,15 @@
* @author Steve Ebersole
public class InterpretationException extends HibernateException {
public class InterpretationException extends QueryException {
public InterpretationException(String query) {
this( query, null );
public InterpretationException(String query, Throwable cause) {
public InterpretationException(String query, Exception cause) {
"Error interpreting query [" + query + "]; this may indicate a semantic (user query) problem or a bug in the parser",
@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.orm.test.hql;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.ScrollMode;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.dialect.AbstractHANADialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASEDialect;
import org.hibernate.query.sqm.InterpretationException;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.DialectFeatureChecks;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.DomainModel;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.RequiresDialectFeature;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.SessionFactoryScope;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.SkipForDialect;
import org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.ExtraAssertions.assertTyping;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.fail;
* Tests the new functionality of allowing scrolling of results which
* contain collection fetches.
* @author Steve Ebersole
xmlMappings = "org/hibernate/test/hql/Animal.hbm.xml"
public class ScrollableCollectionFetchingTest {
public void testTupleReturnFails(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
session -> {
try {
session.createQuery( "select a, a.weight from Animal a inner join fetch a.offspring" ).scroll();
fail( "scroll allowed with collection fetch and reurning tuples" );
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTyping( QueryException.class, e.getCause() );
catch (HibernateException e) {
// expected result...
@SkipForDialect(dialectClass = SybaseASEDialect.class, version = 1500, matchSubTypes = true, reason = "HHH-5229")
@SkipForDialect(dialectClass = AbstractHANADialect.class, reason = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors.")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesEmptyResultSet(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
s -> {
final String query = "from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id";
// first, as a control, make sure there are no results
int size = s.createQuery( query ).setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).list().size();
assertEquals( 0, size );
// now get the scrollable results
ScrollableResults results = s.createQuery( query ).setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).scroll();
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.first() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.last() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
for ( int i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) {
assertFalse( results.scroll( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.scroll( -i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( -i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
@RequiresDialectFeature(feature = DialectFeatureChecks.SupportsTemporaryTable.class)
@SkipForDialect(dialectClass = AbstractHANADialect.class, reason = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesSingleRowResultSet(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
session -> {
Animal mother = new Animal();
mother.setDescription( "root-1" );
Animal daughter = new Animal();
daughter.setDescription( "daughter" );
daughter.setMother( mother );
mother.addOffspring( daughter );
session.save( mother );
session.save( daughter );
session -> {
"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" )
.uniqueResult() );
ScrollableResults results = session
"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).scroll();
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertTrue( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertTrue( results.previous() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertTrue( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertTrue( results.first() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.last() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.first() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
for ( int i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) {
assertTrue( results.setRowNumber( 1 ) );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.scroll( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertTrue( results.setRowNumber( 1 ) );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.scroll( -i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
if ( i != 1 ) {
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( -i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
session -> {
session.createQuery( "delete Animal where not description like 'root%'" ).executeUpdate();
session.createQuery( "delete Animal" ).executeUpdate();
feature = DialectFeatureChecks.SupportsResultSetPositioningOnForwardOnlyCursorCheck.class,
comment = "Driver does not support result set positioning methods on forward-only cursors"
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesForward(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
TestData data = new TestData();
s -> {
ScrollableResults results = s
"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" )
.scroll( ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY );
int counter = 0;
while ( results.next() ) {
Animal animal = (Animal) results.get();
checkResult( animal );
assertEquals( 2, counter, "unexpected result count" );
@RequiresDialectFeature(feature = DialectFeatureChecks.SupportsTemporaryTable.class)
@SkipForDialect(dialectClass = AbstractHANADialect.class, reason = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors.")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesReverse(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
TestData data = new TestData();
s -> {
ScrollableResults results = s
"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).scroll();
int counter = 0;
while ( results.previous() ) {
Animal animal = (Animal) results.get();
checkResult( animal );
assertEquals( 2, counter, "unexpected result count" );
@RequiresDialectFeature(feature = DialectFeatureChecks.SupportsTemporaryTable.class)
@SkipForDialect(dialectClass = AbstractHANADialect.class, reason = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors.")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesPositioning(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
TestData data = new TestData();
data.prepare( scope );
session -> {
ScrollableResults results = session
"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" )
Animal animal = (Animal) results.get();
assertEquals( data.root1Id, animal.getId(), "first() did not return expected row" );
results.scroll( 1 );
animal = (Animal) results.get();
assertEquals( data.root2Id, animal.getId(), "scroll(1) did not return expected row" );
results.scroll( -1 );
animal = (Animal) results.get();
assertEquals( data.root1Id, animal.getId(), "scroll(-1) did not return expected row" );
results.setRowNumber( 1 );
animal = (Animal) results.get();
assertEquals( data.root1Id, animal.getId(), "setRowNumber(1) did not return expected row" );
results.setRowNumber( 2 );
animal = (Animal) results.get();
assertEquals( data.root2Id, animal.getId(), "setRowNumber(2) did not return expected row" );
public void tearDown(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
TestData.cleanup( scope );
private void checkResult(Animal animal) {
if ( "root-1".equals( animal.getDescription() ) ) {
assertEquals( 2, animal.getOffspring().size(), "root-1 did not contain both children" );
else if ( "root-2".equals( animal.getDescription() ) ) {
assertEquals( 0, animal.getOffspring().size(), "root-2 did not contain zero children" );
private static class TestData {
private Long root1Id;
private Long root2Id;
private void prepare(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
Animal mother = new Animal();
Animal another = new Animal();
session -> {
mother.setDescription( "root-1" );
another.setDescription( "root-2" );
Animal son = new Animal();
son.setDescription( "son" );
Animal daughter = new Animal();
daughter.setDescription( "daughter" );
Animal grandson = new Animal();
grandson.setDescription( "grandson" );
Animal grandDaughter = new Animal();
grandDaughter.setDescription( "granddaughter" );
son.setMother( mother );
mother.addOffspring( son );
daughter.setMother( mother );
mother.addOffspring( daughter );
grandson.setMother( daughter );
daughter.addOffspring( grandson );
grandDaughter.setMother( daughter );
daughter.addOffspring( grandDaughter );
session.save( mother );
session.save( another );
session.save( son );
session.save( daughter );
session.save( grandson );
session.save( grandDaughter );
root1Id = mother.getId();
root2Id = another.getId();
public static void cleanup(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
session -> {
session.createQuery( "delete Animal where description like 'grand%'" ).executeUpdate();
session.createQuery( "delete Animal where not description like 'root%'" ).executeUpdate();
session.createQuery( "delete Animal" ).executeUpdate();
@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.test.hql;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.ScrollMode;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.AbstractHANADialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE15Dialect;
import org.hibernate.testing.DialectChecks;
import org.hibernate.testing.RequiresDialectFeature;
import org.hibernate.testing.SkipForDialect;
import org.hibernate.testing.junit4.BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hibernate.testing.junit4.ExtraAssertions.assertTyping;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
* Tests the new functionality of allowing scrolling of results which
* contain collection fetches.
* @author Steve Ebersole
public class ScrollableCollectionFetchingTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
public String[] getMappings() {
return new String[] { "hql/Animal.hbm.xml" };
public void testTupleReturnFails() {
Session s = openSession();
Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();
try {
s.createQuery( "select a, a.weight from Animal a inner join fetch a.offspring" ).scroll();
fail( "scroll allowed with collection fetch and reurning tuples" );
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTyping( QueryException.class, e.getCause() );
catch( HibernateException e ) {
// expected result...
@SkipForDialect(value = SybaseASE15Dialect.class , jiraKey = "HHH-5229")
@SkipForDialect(value = { AbstractHANADialect.class }, comment = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors.")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesEmptyResultSet() {
s -> {
final String query = "from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id";
// first, as a control, make sure there are no results
int size = s.createQuery( query ).setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).list().size();
assertEquals( 0, size );
// now get the scrollable results
ScrollableResults results = s.createQuery( query ).setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).scroll();
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.first() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.last() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
for ( int i=1; i<3; i++ ) {
assertFalse( results.scroll( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.scroll( - i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( - i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
@SkipForDialect(value = AbstractHANADialect.class, comment = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesSingleRowResultSet() {
Session s = openSession();
Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();
Animal mother = new Animal();
mother.setDescription( "root-1" );
Animal daughter = new Animal();
daughter.setDescription( "daughter" );
daughter.setMother( mother );
mother.addOffspring( daughter );
s.save( mother );
s.save( daughter );
s = openSession();
txn = s.beginTransaction();
.createQuery( "from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" )
.uniqueResult() );
ScrollableResults results = s
.createQuery( "from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).scroll();
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertTrue( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertTrue( results.previous() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertTrue( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.previous() );
assertTrue( results.first() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.last() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.next() );
assertTrue( results.first() );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
for ( int i=1; i<3; i++ ) {
assertTrue( results.setRowNumber( 1 ) );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.scroll( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertTrue( results.setRowNumber( 1 ) );
assertTrue( results.isFirst() );
assertTrue( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.scroll( - i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
if ( i != 1 ) {
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
assertFalse( results.setRowNumber( - i ) );
assertFalse( results.isFirst() );
assertFalse( results.isLast() );
s = openSession();
txn = s.beginTransaction();
s.createQuery( "delete Animal where not description like 'root%'" ).executeUpdate();
s.createQuery( "delete Animal" ).executeUpdate();
value = DialectChecks.SupportsResultSetPositioningOnForwardOnlyCursorCheck.class,
comment = "Driver does not support result set positioning methods on forward-only cursors"
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesForward() {
TestData data = new TestData();
s -> {
ScrollableResults results = s
.createQuery( "from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" )
.scroll( ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY );
int counter = 0;
while ( results.next() ) {
Animal animal = ( Animal ) results.get();
checkResult( animal );
assertEquals( "unexpected result count", 2, counter );
@SkipForDialect(value = AbstractHANADialect.class, comment = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors.")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesReverse() {
TestData data = new TestData();
s -> {
ScrollableResults results = s
"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" ).scroll();
int counter = 0;
while ( results.previous() ) {
Animal animal = ( Animal ) results.get( );
checkResult( animal );
assertEquals( "unexpected result count", 2, counter );
@SkipForDialect(value = AbstractHANADialect.class, comment = "HANA only supports forward-only cursors.")
public void testScrollingJoinFetchesPositioning() {
TestData data = new TestData();
Session s = openSession();
Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();
ScrollableResults results = s
.createQuery( "from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring where a.description like :desc order by a.id" )
.setParameter( "desc", "root%" )
Animal animal = ( Animal ) results.get( );
assertEquals( "first() did not return expected row", data.root1Id, animal.getId() );
results.scroll( 1 );
animal = ( Animal ) results.get( );
assertEquals( "scroll(1) did not return expected row", data.root2Id, animal.getId() );
results.scroll( -1 );
animal = ( Animal ) results.get( );
assertEquals( "scroll(-1) did not return expected row", data.root1Id, animal.getId() );
results.setRowNumber( 1 );
animal = ( Animal ) results.get();
assertEquals( "setRowNumber(1) did not return expected row", data.root1Id, animal.getId() );
results.setRowNumber( 2 );
animal = ( Animal ) results.get();
assertEquals( "setRowNumber(2) did not return expected row", data.root2Id, animal.getId() );
private void checkResult(Animal animal) {
if ( "root-1".equals( animal.getDescription() ) ) {
assertEquals( "root-1 did not contain both children", 2, animal.getOffspring().size() );
else if ( "root-2".equals( animal.getDescription() ) ) {
assertEquals( "root-2 did not contain zero children", 0, animal.getOffspring().size() );
private class TestData {
private Long root1Id;
private Long root2Id;
private void prepare() {
Session s = openSession();
Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();
Animal mother = new Animal();
mother.setDescription( "root-1" );
Animal another = new Animal();
another.setDescription( "root-2" );
Animal son = new Animal();
son.setDescription( "son");
Animal daughter = new Animal();
daughter.setDescription( "daughter" );
Animal grandson = new Animal();
grandson.setDescription( "grandson" );
Animal grandDaughter = new Animal();
grandDaughter.setDescription( "granddaughter" );
son.setMother( mother );
mother.addOffspring( son );
daughter.setMother( mother );
mother.addOffspring( daughter );
grandson.setMother( daughter );
daughter.addOffspring( grandson );
grandDaughter.setMother( daughter );
daughter.addOffspring( grandDaughter );
s.save( mother );
s.save( another );
s.save( son );
s.save( daughter );
s.save( grandson );
s.save( grandDaughter );
root1Id = mother.getId();
root2Id = another.getId();
private void cleanup() {
Session s = openSession();
Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();
s.createQuery( "delete Animal where description like 'grand%'" ).executeUpdate();
s.createQuery( "delete Animal where not description like 'root%'" ).executeUpdate();
s.createQuery( "delete Animal" ).executeUpdate();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user