[HHH-3127] Create reference guide for the Hibernate/JBC2 integration
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<name>Hibernate/JBoss Cache 2 Reference Manual</name>
<description>The Hibernate / JBoss Cache 2 integration reference manual</description>
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~ Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware, LLC. All rights reserved.
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<title>HIBERNATE - Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java</title>
<subtitle>Using JBoss Cache 2 as a Hibernate Second Level Cache</subtitle>
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~ Red Hat Author(s): Brian Stansberry
<chapter id="architecture">
We've now gone through all the main concepts and the configuration
details; now we'll look a bit under the covers to understand a bit
more about the architectural design of the Hibernate/JBoss Cache
integration. Readers can skip this chapter if they aren't interested
in a look under the covers.
<sect1 id="architecture-interface" revision="1">
<title>Hibernate Interface to the Caching Subsystem</title>
The rest of Hibernate interacts with the Second Level Cache subsystem
via the <literal>org.hibernate.cache.RegionFactory</literal> interface.
What implementation of the interface is used is determined by the
value of the <literal>hibernate.cache.region.factory_class</literal>
configuration property. The interface itself is straightforward:
<programlisting><![CDATA[void start(Settings settings, Properties properties)
throws CacheException;
void stop();
boolean isMinimalPutsEnabledByDefault();
long nextTimestamp();
EntityRegion buildEntityRegion(String regionName,
Properties properties,
CacheDataDescription metadata)
throws CacheException;
CollectionRegion buildCollectionRegion(String regionName,
Properties properties,
CacheDataDescription cdd)
throws CacheException;
QueryResultsRegion buildQueryResultsRegion(String regionName,
Properties properties)
throws CacheException;
TimestampsRegion buildTimestampsRegion(String regionName,
Properties properties)
throws CacheException;]]></programlisting>
The <literal>start</literal> method is invoked during
<literal>SessionFactory</literal> startup and allows the region
factory implementation to access all the configuration settings
and initialize itself. The <literal>stop</literal> method is
invoked during <literal>SessionFactory</literal> shutdown.
The various <literal>build***Region</literal> methods are invoked as
Hibernate detects it needs to cache different data. Hibernate can
invoke these methods multiple times, with different
<literal>regionName</literal> values; each call results in the
establishment of a separate area in the underlying JBoss Cache
instance(s). For example, if an application includes an
entity class <literal>org.example.Order</literal> and another entity
class <literal>org.example.LineItem</literal>, you would see two
calls to <literal>buildEntityRegion</literal>, one for the
<literal>Order</literal> class and one for the
<literal>LineItem</literal> class. (Note that it is possible, and
recommended, to configure one or more shared regions for entities,
collections and queries. See <xref linkend="eviction-organization"/>
for some examples.)
For each call to a <literal>build***Region</literal> method, the
region factory returns a region object implementing the
<literal>EntityRegion</literal>, <literal>CollectionRegion</literal>,
<literal>QueryResultsRegion</literal> or <literal>TimestampsRegion</literal>
interface. Each interface specifies the needed semantics for
caching the relevant type of data. Thereafter, the Hibernate core
invokes on that region object to manage reading and writing data
in the cache.
Next, we'll look at the architecture of how the JBoss Cache integration
implements these interfaces, first in the case where a single JBoss
Cache instance is used, next in the case where multiple instances are
<sect1 id="architecture-single-cache" revision="1">
<title>Single JBoss Cache Instance Architecture</title>
The following diagram illustrates the key elements involved when
a single JBoss Cache instance is used:
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<imagedata fileref="images/single-cache.png" format="PNG" align="center" />
For the single cache case, the user should specify
<literal>SharedJBossCacheRegionFactory</literal> as their
<para>As part of its startup process, te region factory delegates
responsibility for providing JBoss Cache instances to an
implementation of the
interface. The region factory separately requests a JBoss Cache
instance for entities, one for collections, one for queries and one
for timestamps. Whether the <literal>CacheInstanceManager</literal>
provides the same underlying JBoss Cache instance for each
request or provides multiple caches is an implementation detail
of the <literal>CacheInstanceManager</literal>.
<literal>SharedJBossCacheRegionFactory</literal> creates an
instance of <literal>SharedCacheInstanceManager</literal> as
its <literal>CacheInstanceManager</literal>.
<literal>SharedCacheInstanceManager</literal> uses the JBoss Cache
configuration file specified by the user to create a single
<literal>org.jboss.cache.Cache</literal> instance, and provides
that same instance to the region factory when it requests the
cache for entities, collections, queries and timestamps.
<literal>SharedCacheInstanceManager</literal> also creates an
<literal>org.jgroups.ChannelFactory</literal> and passes it to
the <literal>Cache</literal>. The <literal>ChannelFactory</literal>
provides the cache with the <literal>org.jgroups.Channel</literal>
it uses for intra-cluster communication.
At this point, the region factory has a reference to a cache
for entities, a reference to a cache for collections, one for
queries and one for timestamps. In this particular case, each
reference points to the same underlying <literal>Cache</literal>
instance. When core Hibernate invokes the
<literal>buildEntityRegion</literal> operation on the region
factory, it instantiates an implementation of the
<literal>EntityRegion</literal> interface that knows how to
interface with JBoss Cache, passing it a reference to its
entity cache. Same thing happens for collections, etc.
Core Hibernate invokes on the <literal>EntityRegion</literal>,
which in turn invokes read and write operations on the underlying
JBoss Cache. The cache uses its <literal>Channel</literal> to
propagate changes to its peers in the cluster.
When the <literal>SessionFactory</literal> shuts down, it
invokes <literal>stop()</literal> on the region factory, which
in turn ensures that the JBoss Cache instance is stopped and
destroyed (which in turn closes the JGroups channel).
<sect1 id="architecture-cache-per-type" revision="1">
<title>Multiple JBoss Cache Instance Architecture</title>
The situation when multiple JBoss Cache instances are used is very
similar to the single cache case:
<imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata fileref="images/multi-cache.png" format="PNG" align="center" />
<imageobject role="html">
<imagedata fileref="images/multi-cache.png" format="PNG" align="center" />
Here the user should specify
<literal>MultiplexedJBossCacheRegionFactory</literal> as their
<literal>hibernate.cache.region.factory_class</literal>. The
<literal>MultiplexedJBossCacheRegionFactory</literal> shares
almost all its code with <literal>SharedJBossCacheRegionFactory</literal>;
the main difference is it constructs a different <literal>CacheInstanceManager</literal>
implementation -- the <literal>MultiplexedCacheInstanceManager</literal>.
<literal>MultiplexedCacheInstanceManager</literal> differs from
<literal>SharedCacheInstanceManager</literal> in that it does
not directly instantiate a cache. Rather, it creates an
instance of <literal>org.jboss.cache.CacheManager</literal>,
providing it with a <literal>ChannelFactory</literal> and the
location of the user-specified cache configuration file. The
<literal>CacheManager</literal> parses the configuration file.
<literal>MultiplexedCacheInstanceManager</literal> analyzes
Hibernate's configuration to determine the name of the desired
cache configuration for entities, collections, queries and
timestamps. See <xref linkend="sessionfactory-multiplexed"/> for
details. It then asks its <literal>CacheManager</literal> to
provide each needed cache. In the diagram, two different caches are needed:
<para>One, using the "optimistic-entity" configuration,
that is used for entities, collections and queries
<para>Another, with the "timestamps-cache" configuration,
that is used for timestamps.
Both the "optimistic-entity" configuration and the "timestamps-cache"
configuration specify the use of the "udp" JGroups channel
configuration, so the <literal>CacheManager</literal>'s
<literal>ChannelFactory</literal> will ensure that they share
the underlying JGroups resources.
The way the region factory creates regions is exactly the same
as in the single JBoss Cache case; the only difference is the
region factory's internal reference to its timestamps cache
now points to a different cache object from the entity, collection
and query cache references.
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~ Red Hat Author(s): Brian Stansberry
<chapter id="concepts">
<title>Core Concepts</title>
This chapter focuses on some of the core concepts underlying how the
JBoss Cache-based implementation of the Hibernate Second Level Cache works.
There's a fair amount of detail, which certainly doesn't all need to be
mastered to use JBoss Cache with Hibernate. But, an understanding of some
of the basic concepts here will help a user understand what some of the
typical configurations discussed in the next chapter are all about.
If you want to skip the details for now, feel free to jump ahead to
<xref linkend="concepts-cache-matching-process"/>
<sect1 id="concepts-data-types" revision="1">
<title>Types of Cached Data</title>
The Second Level Cache can cache four different types of data: entities,
collections, query results and timestamps. Proper handling of each
of the types requires slightly different caching semantics. A major
improvement in Hibernate 3.3 is the addition of the
<literal>org.hibernate.cache.RegionFactory</literal> API, which
allows Hibernate to tell the caching integration layer what type
of data is being cached. Based on that knowledge, the cache integration
layer can apply the semantics appropriate to that type.
<sect2 id="concepts-data-types-entity" revision="1">
Entities are the most common type of data cached in the second level
cache. Entity caching requires the following semantics in a
clustered cache:
Newly created entities should only be stored on the node on
which they are created until the transaction in which they
were created commits. Until that transaction commits, the
cached entity should only be visible to that transaction.
After the transaction commits, cluster-wide the cache should
be in a "consistent" state. The cache is consistent if on
any node in the cluster, the new entity is either:
stored in the cache, with all non-collection fields
matching what is in the database.
not stored in the cache at all.
Maintaining cache consistency basically requires that the
cluster-wide update messages that inform other nodes of
the changes made during a transaction be made
<emphasis>synchronously</emphasis> as part of the transaction
commit process. This means that the transaction thread will
block until the changes have been transmitted to all nodes
in the cluster, those nodes have updated their internal
state to reflect the changes, and have responded to the
originating node telling them of their success (or failure)
in doing so. JBoss Cache uses a 2 phase commit protocol, so
there will actually be 2 synchronous cluster-wide messages per
transaction commit. If any node in the cluster fails in the
initial prepare phase of the 2PC, the underlying transaction
will be rolled back and in the second phase JBoss
Cache will tell the other nodes in the cluster to revert
the change.
For existing entities that are modified in the course of a
transaction, the updated entity state should only be stored
on the node on which the modification occurred until the
transaction commits. Until that transaction commits, the
changed entity state should only be visible to that transaction.
After the transaction commits, cluster-wide the cache should
be in a "consistent" state, as described above.
Concurrent cache updates of the same entity anywhere in the
cluster should not be possible, as Hibernate will acquire
an exclusive lock on the database representation of the entity
before attempting to update the cache.
A read of a cached entity holds a transaction scope read lock on
the relevant portion of cache. The presence of a read lock
held by one transaction should not prevent a concurrent read
by another transaction. Whether the presence of that read
lock prevents a concurrent write depends on whether the cache
is configured for READ_COMMITTED or REPEATABLE_READ semantics
and whether the cache is using optimistic locking. READ_COMMITTED
will allow a concurrent write to proceed; pessimistic locking
with REPEATABLE_READ will cause the write to block until the
transaction with the read lock commits. Optimistic locking
allows a REPEATABLE_READ semantic without forcing the writing
transaction to block.
A read of a cached entity does not result in any messages to
other nodes in the cluster or any cluster-wide read locks.
The basic operation of storing an entity that has been directly
read from the database should have a <emphasis>fail-fast</emphasis>
semantic. This type of operation is referred to as a <emphasis>put</emphasis>
and is the most common type of operation. Basically, the
rules for handling new entities or entity updates discussed
above mean the cache's representation of an entity should
always match the database's. So, if a <literal>put</literal>
attempt encounters any existing copy of the entity in the cache,
it should assume that existing copy is either newer or the same
as what it is trying to store, and the <literal>put</literal>
attempt should promptly and silently abort, with no impact on
any ongoing transactions.
A <literal>put</literal> operation should not acquire any
long-lasting locks on the cache.
If the cache is configured to use replication, the replication
of the <literal>put</literal> should occur immediately, not
waiting for transaction commit and without the calling thread
needing to block waiting for responses from the other nodes
in the cluster. This is a "fire-and-forget" semantic that
JBoss Cache refers to as <emphasis>asynchronous replication</emphasis>.
When other nodes receive a replicated <literal>put</literal>,
they use the same fail-fast semantics as a local <literal>put</literal>
-- i.e. promptly and silently abort if the entity is already cached.
If the cache is configured to use invalidation, a
<literal>put</literal> should not result in any cluster-wide
message at all. The fact that one node in the cluster has
cached an entity should not invalidate another node's cache
of that same entity -- both caches are storing the same
A removal of an entity from the cache (i.e. to reflect a
DELETE from the underlying database) is basically a special
case of a modification; the removal should not be visible on
other nodes or to other transactions until the transaction that
did the remove commits. Cache consistency after commit means the
removed entity is no longer in the cache on any node in the
<sect2 id="concepts-data-types-collection" revision="1">
Collection caching refers to the case where a cached entity has as
one of its fields a collection of other entities. Hibernate handles
this field specially in the second level cache; a special area in
the cache is created where the primary keys of the entities in the
collection are stored.
The management of collection caching is very similar to entity
caching, with a few differences:
When a new entity is created that includes a collection,
no attempt is made to insert the collection into the cache.
When a transaction updates the contents of a collection,
no attempt is made to reflect the new contents of the collection
in the cache. Instead, the existing collection is simply
removed from the cache across the cluster, using the same
semantics as an entity removal.
In essence, for collections Hibernate only supports cache reads and
the <literal>put</literal> operation, with any modification of the
collection resulting in cluster-wide invalidation of that collection
from the cache. If the collection field is accessed again, a new read from
the database will be done, followed by another cache <literal>put</literal>.
<sect2 id="concepts-data-types-queries" revision="1">
Hibernate supports caching of query results in the second level
cache. The HQL statement that comprised the query is cached (including
any parameter values) along with the primary keys of all entities
that comprise the result set.
The semantics of query caching are significantly different
from those of entity caching. A database row that reflects an
entity's state can be locked, with cache updates applied with that
lock in place. The semantics of entity caching take advantage of
this fact to help ensure cache consistency across the cluster.
There is no clear database analogue to a query result set that can
be efficiently locked to ensure consistency in the cache. As a result,
the fail-fast semantics used with the entity caching <literal>put</literal>
operation are not available; instead query caching has semantics
akin to an entity insert, including costly synchronous cluster
updates and the JBoss Cache two phase commit protocol. Furthermore,
Hibernate must agressively invalidate query results from the cache
any time any instance of one of the entity classes involved in the
query's WHERE clause changes. All such query results are invalidated,
even if the change made to the entity instance would not have affected
the query result. It is not performant for Hibernate to try to
determine if the entity change would have affected the query result,
so the safe choice is to invaldiate the query. See
<xref linkend="concepts-data-types-timestamps"/> for more on query
The effect of all this is that query caching is less likely to
provide a performance boost than entity/collection caching. Use it
with care and benchmark your application with it enabled and disabled.
Be careful about replicating query results; caching them locally
only on the node that executed the query will be more
performant unless the query is quite expensive, is very likely to
be repeated on other nodes, and is unlikely to be invalidated out
of the cache.<footnote><para>See the discussion of the
property in <xref linkend="sessionfactory"/></para> for more on how
to only cache query results locally.</footnote>.
The JBoss Cache-based implementation of query caching adds a couple
of interesting semantics, both designed to ensure that query
cache operations don't block transactions from proceeding:
The insertion of a query result into the cache is very much
like the insertion of a new entity. The difference is it
is possible for two transactions, possibly on different
nodes, to try to insert the same query at the same time.
(If this happened with entities, the database would throw
an exception with a primary key violation before any
caching work could start). This could lead to long delays
as the transactions compete for cache locks. To prevent
such delays, the cache integration layer will set a very
short (a few ms) lock timeout before attempting to cache a
query result. If there is any sort of locking conflict,
it will be detected quickly, and the attempt to cache the
result will be quietly abandonded.
A read of a query result does not result in any long-lasting
read lock in the cache. Thus, the fact that an uncommitted
transaction had read a query result does not prevent concurrent
transactions from subsequently invalidating that result and
caching a new result set. However, an insertion of a query result
into the cache will result in an exclusive write lock that
lasts until the transaction that did the insert commits; this
lock will prevent other transactions from reading the result.
Since the point of query caching is to improve performance,
blocking on a cache read for an extended period seems
suboptimal. So, the cache integration code will set a very
low lock acquisition timeout before attempting the read; if
there is a lock conflict, the read will silently fail,
resulting in a cache miss and a re-execution of the query
against the database.
<sect2 id="concepts-data-types-timestamps" revision="1">
Timestamp caching is an internal detail of query caching. As part of
each query result, Hibernate stores the timestamp of when the query
was executed. There is also a special area in the cache (the
<emphasis>timestamps cache</emphasis>) where, for each entity class,
the timestamp of the last update to any instance of that class is
stored. When a query result is read from the cache, its timestamp
is compared to the timestamps of all entities involved in the query.
If any entity has a later timestamp, the cached result is discarded
and a new query against the database is executed.
The semantics of of the timestamp cache are quite different from
those of the entity, collection and query caches.
For all nodes in the cluster, the contents of the timestamp
cache should be identical, with all timestamps represented.
For the other cache types, it is acceptable for some nodes
in the cluster to not store some data, as long as everyone
who does store an item stores the same thing. Not so with
timestamps -- everyone must store all timestamps. Using a
JBoss Cache configured for invalidation is not allowed for
the timestamps cache. Further, configuring JBoss Cache
eviction to remove old or infrequently used data from the
timestamps cache should not be done. Also, when a new node
joins a running cluster, it must acquire the current state of all
timestamps from another member, performing what is known as an
<emphasis>initial state transfer</emphasis>.
For other cache types, an initial state transfer is not
A timestamp represents an entire entity class, not a single
instance. Thus it is quite likely that two concurrent
transactions will both attempt to update the same timestamp.
These updates need to be serialized, but no long lasting
exclusive lock on the timestamp is held.
As soon as a timestamp is updated, the new value needs to be
propagated around the cluster. Waiting until the transaction
that changed the timestamp commits is inadequate. So, changes
to timestamps can be quite "chatty" in terms of how many
messages are sent around the cluster. Sending the timestamp
update messages synchronously would have a serious impact
on performance, and would quite likely result in
cluster-wide lock conflicts that would prevent transactions
from progressing for tens of seconds at a time. To mitigate
these issues, timestamp updates are sent asynchronously.
<sect1 id="concepts-cache-attributes" revision="1">
<title>Key JBoss Cache Behaviors</title>
JBoss Cache is a very flexible tool and includes a great number of
configuration options. See the <emphasis>JBoss Cache User Guide</emphasis>
for an in depth discussion of these options. Here we focus on the
main concepts that are most important to the Second Level Cache use case.
This discussion will focus on concepts; see <xref linkend="jbc-config"/> for
details on the actual configurations involved.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-attr-repl" revision="1">
<title>Replication vs. Invalidation vs. Local Mode</title>
JBoss Cache provides three different choices for how a node in the
cluster should interact with the rest of the cluster when its local
state is updated:
<emphasis>Replication:</emphasis> The updated cache will
send its new state (e.g. the new values for an entity's fields)
to the other members of the cluster. This is heavy in terms
of the size of network traffic, since the new state needs to
be transmitted. It also has the effect forcing the data that
is cached in each node in the cluster to be the same, even if
the users accessing the various nodes are interested in
different data. So, if a user on node A reads an
<literal>Order</literal> entity with primary
key <literal>12343439485030</literal> from the database,
with replication that entity will be cached on every node
in the cluster, even though no other users are interested
in that particular <literal>Order</literal>.
Because of these downsides, replication is generally not the
best choice for entity, collection and query caching.
However, in a cluster <emphasis>replication is the only
valid choice for the timestamps cache</emphasis>.
<emphasis>Invalidation:</emphasis> The updated cache will
send a message to the other members of the cluster telling
them that a particular piece of data (e.g. a particular entity)
has been modified. Upon receipt of this message, the other
nodes will remove this data from their local cache, if it
is stored there. Invalidation is lighter than replication
in terms of network traffic, since only the "id" of the
data needs to be transmitted, not the entire new state.
The downside to invalidation is that if the invalidated
data is needed again, it has to be re-read from the database.
However, in most cases data that many nodes in the cluster
all want to have in memory is not data that is frequently
Invalidation makes no sense for query caching; if it is
used for a query cache region the Hibernate/JBoss Cache
integration will detect this and switch any query cache
related calls to Local mode. Invalidation must not be used
for timestamp caching; Hibernate will throw an exception
during session factory startup if it finds that it is.
<emphasis>Local:</emphasis> The updated cache does not even
know if there are any other nodes, and will not attempt
to update them. If JBoss Cache is used as a Second
Level Cache in a non-clustered environment, Local mode
should be used. <emphasis>If there is a cluster, Local
mode should never be used for entity, collection or
timestamp caching.</emphasis> Local mode can be used
for query caching in a cluster, since the replicated
timestamps cache will ensure that outdated cached queries
are not used. Often Local mode is the best choice for
query caching, as query results can be large and the cost
of replicating them high.
If the same underlying JBoss Cache instance is used for
the query cache and any of the other caches, the
<literal>SessionFactory</literal> can be configured to suppress
replication of the queries, essentially making the queries
operate in Local mode. This is done by adding the following
If the JBoss Cache instance that the query cache is using
is configured for invalidation, setting this property isn't
even necessary; the Hibernate/JBoss Cache integration will
detect this condition and switch any query cache-related
calls to Local mode.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-attr-sync" revision="1">
<title>Synchronous vs. Asynchronous</title>
In JBoss Cache terms, <emphasis>synchronous</emphasis> vs.
<emphasis>asynchronous</emphasis> refers to whether a thread that
initiates a cluster-wide message blocks until that message has been
received, processed and acknowledged by the other members of the
cluster. Synchronous means the thread blocks; asynchronous means
the message is sent and the thread immediately returns; more of a
"fire and forget". An example of a message would be a set of cache
inserts, updates and removes sent out to the cluster as part of a
transaction commit.
In almost all cases, the cache should be configured to use synchronous
messages, as these are the only way to ensure data consistency
across the cluster. JBoss Cache supports programatically overriding
the default configured behavior on a per-call basis, so for the
special cases where sending a message asynchronously is appropriate,
the Hibernate/JBoss Cache integration code will force the call
to go asynchronously. So, configure your caches to use
synchronous messages.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-attr-lock" revision="1">
<title>Locking Scheme</title>
JBoss Cache supports both optimistic and pessimistic locking schemes.
See the <emphasis>JBoss Cache User Guide</emphasis> for an in depth
discussion of these options. In the Second Level Cache use case, the
main benefit of optimistic locking is that updates of cached entities
by one transaction do not block reads of the cached entity by other
transactions, yet REPEATABLE_READ semantics are preserved. Optimistic
locking has a higher level of runtime overhead, however.
If you are using optimistic locking and data versioning in Hibernate
for your entities, you should use it in the entity cache as well.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-attr-state" revision="1">
<title>Initial State Transfer</title>
When a new node joins a running cluster, it can request from an
existing member a copy of that member's current cache contents.
This process is known as an <emphasis>initial state transfer</emphasis>.
Doing an initial state transfer allows the new member to have a
"hot cache"; i.e. as user requests come in, data will already be
cached, helping avoid an initial set of reads from the database.
However, doing an initial state transfer comes at a cost. The node
providing the state needs to lock its entire tree, serialize it and
send it over the network. This could be a large amount of data and
the transfer could take a considerable period of time to process.
While the transfer is ongoing, the state provider is holding locks
on its cache, preventing any local or replicated updates from
proceeeding. All work around the cache can come to a halt for a period.
Because of this cost, we generally recommend avoiding initial state
transfers in the second level cache use case. The exception to this
is the timestamps cache. <emphasis>For the timestamps cache, an
initial state transfer is required.</emphasis>
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-attr-eviction" revision="1">
<title>Cache Eviction</title>
<emphasis>Eviction</emphasis> refers to the process by which old,
relatively unused, or excessively voluminous data can be dropped
from the cache, allowing the cache to remain within a memory budget.
Generally, applications that use the Second Level Cache should
configure eviction. See <xref linkend="eviction"/> for details.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-attr-misc" revision="1">
<title>Buddy Replication and Cache Loading</title>
<emphasis>Buddy replication</emphasis> refers to a JBoss Cache feature
whereby each node in the cluster replicates its cached data to a
limited number (often one) of "buddies" rather than to all nodes
in the cluster. <emphasis>Buddy replication should not be used in a
Second Level Cache</emphasis>. It is intended for use cases where
one node in the cluster "owns" some data , and just wants to make a
backup copy of the data to provide high availability. The data
(e.g. a web session) is never meant to be accessed simultaneously on
two different nodes in the cluster. Second Level Cache data does
not meet this "ownership" criteria; entities are meant to be
simultaneously usable by all nodes in the cluster.
<emphasis>Cache Loading</emphasis> refers to a JBoss Cache feature
whereby cached data can be persisted to disk. The persisted data
either serves as a highly available copy of the data in case of
a cluster restart, or as an overflow area for when the amount of
cached data exceeds an application's memory budget. <emphasis>Cache
loading should not be used in a Second Level Cache</emphasis>.
The underlying database from which the cached data comes already
serves the same functions; adding a cache loader to the mix is
just wasteful.
<sect1 id="concepts-cache-matching" revision="1">
<title>Matching JBC Behavior to Types of Data</title>
The preceding discussion has gone into a lot of detail about what
Hibernate wants to accomplish as it caches data, and what JBoss Cache
configuration options are available. What should be clear is that the
configurations that are best for caching one type of data are not
the best (and are sometimes completely incorrect) for other types.
Entities likely work best with synchronous invalidation; timestamps
<emphasis>require</emphasis> replication; query caching might do
best in local mode.
Prior to Hibernate 3.3 and JBoss Cache 2.1, the conflicting requirements
between the different cache types led to a real dilemna, particularly
if query caching was enabled. This conflict arose because all four
cache types needed to share a single underlying cache, with a single
configuration. If query caching was enabled, the requirements of the
timestamps cache basically forced use of synchronous replication,
which is the worst performing choice for the more critical
entity cache and is often inappropriate for the query cache.
With Hibernate 3.3 and JBoss Cache 2.1 it has become
possible, even easy, to use separate underlying JBoss Cache instances
for the different cache types. As a result, the entity cache can be
optimally configured for entities while the necessary configuration
for the timestamps cache is maintained.
There were three key changes that make this improvement possible:
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-matching-region-factory" revision="1">
<title>The <literal>RegionFactory</literal> Interface</title>
As mentioned previously, Hibernate 3.3 introduced the
<literal>RegionFactory</literal> API as its mechanism for managing
the Second Level Cache. This API makes it possible for implementations
to know at all times whether they are working with entities,
collections, queries or timestamps. That knowledge allows the
Hibernate/JBoss Cache integration layer to make the best use of the
various options JBoss Cache provides.
A Hibernate user doesn't need to understand the <literal>RegionFactory</literal>
API in any detail at all; the main point is internally it makes
possible independent management of the different cache types.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-matching-cache-manager" revision="1">
<title>The <literal>CacheManager</literal> API</title>
The <literal>CacheManager</literal> API is a new feature of JBoss
Cache 2.1. It provides an API for managing multiple distinct
JBoss Cache instances in the same VM. Basically a
<literal>CacheManager</literal> is instantiated and provided a set
of <emphasis>named</emphasis> cache configurations. An application
like the Hibernate/JBoss Cache integration layer accesses the
<literal>CacheManager</literal> and asks for a cache configured with
a particular named configuration.
Again,a Hibernate user doesn't need to understand the
<literal>CacheManager</literal>; it's an internal detail. The thing
to understand is that the task of a Hibernate Second Level Cache user
is to:
Provide a set of named JBoss Cache configurations in an XML
file (or just use the default set included in the
<literal>jbc2-configs.xml</literal> file found in the
<literal>org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.builder</literal> package
in <literal>hibernate-jbosscache2.jar</literal>).
Tell Hibernate which cache configurations to use for entity,
collection, query and timestamp caching. In practice, this
can be quite simple, as there is a reasonable set of defaults.
See <xref linkend="configuration"/> for more on how to do this.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-matching-jgroups" revision="1">
<title>Sharable JGroups Resources</title>
JGroups is the group communication library JBoss Cache uses to send
messages around a cluster. Each cache has a JGroups
<literal>Channel</literal>; different channels
around the cluster that have the same name and compatible
configurations detect each other and form a group for message
A <literal>Channel</literal> is a fairly heavy object, typically
using a good number of threads, several sockets and some good sized
network I/O buffers. Creating multiple different channels in the
same VM was therefore costly, and was an administrative burden as
well, since each channel would need separate configuration to use
different network addresses or ports. Architecturally, this
mitigated against having multiple JBoss Cache instances in an
application, since each would need its own <literal>Channel</literal>.
Added in JGroups 2.5 and much improved in the JGroups 2.6
series is the concept of sharable JGroups resources. Basically,
the heavyweight JGroups elements can be shared. An application
(e.g. the Hibernate/JBoss Cache integration layer) uses a JGroups
<literal>ChannelFactory</literal>. The <literal>ChannelFactory</literal>
is provided with a set of <emphasis>named</emphasis> channel
configurations. When a <literal>Channel</literal> is needed (e.g.
by a JBoss Cache instance), the application asks the
<literal>ChannelFactory</literal> for the channel by name. If
different callers ask for a channel with the same name, the
<literal>ChannelFactory</literal> ensures that they get
channels that share resources.
The effect of all this is that if a user wants to use four separate
JBoss Cache instances, one for entity caching, one for collection
caching, one for query caching and one for timestamp caching, those
four caches can all share the same underlying JGroups resources.
The task of a Hibernate Second Level Cache user is to:
Provide a set of named JGroups configurations in an XML file
(or just use the default set included in the
<literal>jgroups-stacks.xml</literal> file found in the
<literal>org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.builder</literal> package
in the <literal>hibernate-jbosscache2.jar</literal>).
Tell Hibernate where to find that set of configurations
on the classpath. See <xref linkend="sessionfactory"/> for
details on how to do this. This is not necessary if the
default set included in <literal>hibernate-jbosscache2.jar</literal>
is used.
In the JBoss Cache configurations you are using specify
the name of the channel you want to use. This should be
one of the named configurations in the JGroups XML file.
The default set of JBoss Cache configurations found in the
<literal>hibernate-jbosscache2.jar</literal> already have
appropriate default choices. See <xref linkend="jbc-config-jgroups"/>
for details on how to set this if you don't wish to use the
See <xref linkend="jgroups-config"/> for more on JGroups.
<sect2 id="concepts-cache-matching-process" revision="1">
<title>Bringing It All Together</title>
So, we've seen that Hibernate caches up to four different types of
data (entities, collections, queries and timestamps) and that
Hibernate 3.3 + JBoss Cache 2 gives you the flexibility to use a
separate underlying JBoss Cache, with different behavior, for each
type. You can actually deploy four separate caches, one for each type.
In practice, four separate caches are unnecessary. For example,
entities and collection caching have similar enough semantics that
there is no reason not to share a JBoss Cache instance between them.
The queries can usually use the same cache as well. Similarly,
queries and timestamps can share a JBoss Cache instance configured
for replication, with the
configuration letting you turn off replication for the queries if
you want to.
Here's a decision tree you can follow:
Decide if you want to enable query caching.
Decide if you want to use invalidation or replication for
your entities and collections. Invalidation is generally
recommended for entities and collections.
If you want invalidation, and you want query
caching, you will need two JBoss Cache instances, one
with synchronous invalidation for the entities and collections,
and one with synchronous replication for the timestamps.
The queries will go in the timestamp cache if you want them
to replicate; they can go with the entities and collections
If you want invalidation but don't want query caching, you can
use a single JBoss Cache instance, configured for synchronous
If you want replication, whether or not you want query caching,
you can use a single JBoss Cache instance, configured for
synchronous replication.
If you are using query caching, from the above decision tree
you've either got your timestamps sharing a cache with other
data types, or they are by themselves. Either way,
the cache being used for timestamps <emphasis>must have
initial state transfer enabled</emphasis>. Now, if the timestamps
are sharing a cache with entities, collections or queries,
decide whether you want initial state transfer for that other
data. See <xref linkend="concepts-cache-attr-state"/>
for the implications of this. If you don't want initial state
transfer for the other data, you'll need to have a separate
cache for the timestamps.
Finally, if your queries are sharing a cache configured
for replication, decide if you want the cached query results
to replicate. (The timestamps cache <emphasis>must</emphasis>
replicate.) If not, you'll want to set the
option when you configure your <literal>SessionFactory</literal>
Once you've made these decisions, you know whether you need just one
underlying JBoss Cache instance, or more than one.
Next we'll see how to actually configure the setup you've selected.
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~ Red Hat Author(s): Brian Stansberry
<chapter id="eviction">
<title>Cache Eviction</title>
<sect1 id="eviction-overview" revision="1">
<emphasis>Eviction</emphasis> refers to the process by which old,
relatively unused, or excessively voluminous data can be dropped
from the cache, allowing the cache to remain within a memory budget.
Generally, applications that use the Second Level Cache should
configure eviction, unless only a relatively small amount of
reference data is cached. This chapter provides a brief overview
of how JBoss Cache eviction works, and then explains how to configure
eviction to effectively manage the data stored in a Hibernate Second
Level Cache. A basic understanding of JBoss Cache eviction and of
concepts like FQNs is assumed; see the <emphasis>JBoss Cache User Guide</emphasis>
for more information.
<sect2 id="eviction-overview-process" revision="1">
<title>The Eviction Process</title>
The JBoss Cache eviction process is fairly straightforward. Whenever
a node in a cache read or written to, added or removed, the cache
finds the <emphasis>eviction region</emphasis> (see below) that
contains the node and passes an <emphasis>eviction event</emphasis>
object to the <emphasis>eviction policy</emphasis> (see below)
associated with the region. The eviction policy uses the stream of
events it receives to track activity in the region. Periodically,
a background thread runs and contacts each region's eviction
policy. The policy uses its knowledge of the activity in the region,
along with any configuration it was provided at startup, to determine
which if any cache nodes should be evicted from memory. It then
tells the cache to evict those nodes. Evicting a node means
dropping it from the cache's in-memory state. The eviction only
occurs on that cache instance; there is no cluster-wide eviction.
An important point to understand is that eviction proceeds
independently on each peer in the cluster, with what gets
evicted depending on the activity on that peer. There is no
"global eviction" where JBoss Cache removes a piece of data in
every peer in the cluster in order to keep memory usage inside
a budget. The Hibernate/JBC integration layer may remove some
data globally, but that isn't done for the kind of memory
management reasons we're discussing in this chapter.
An effect of this is that even if a cache is configured for
replication, if eviction is enabled the contents of a cache will
be different between peers in the cluster; some may have evicted
some data, while others will have evicted different data. What
gets evicted is driven by what data is accessed by users on each
Controlling when data is evicted from the cache is a matter
of setting up appropriate eviction regions and configuring
appropriate eviction policies for each region.
<sect2 id="eviction-overview-regions" revision="1">
<title>Eviction Regions</title>
JBoss Cache stores its data in a set of nodes organized in a tree
structure. An eviction region is a just a portion of the tree
to which an eviction policy has been assigned. The name of the
region is the FQN of the topmost node in that portion of the tree.
An eviction configuration always needs to include a special region
named <literal>_default_</literal>; this region is rooted in the
root node of the tree and includes all nodes not covered by
other regions.
It's possible to define regions that overlap. In other words, one
region can be defined for <emphasis>/a/b/c</emphasis>, and another
defined for <emphasis>/a/b/c/d</emphasis> (which is just the
<emphasis>d</emphasis> subtree of the <emphasis>/a/b/c</emphasis>
sub-tree). The algorithm that assigns eviction events to eviction
regions handles scenarios like this consistently by always choosing
the first region it encounters. So, if the algorithm needed to
decide how to handle an event affecting <emphasis>/a/b/c/d/e</emphasis>,
it would start from there and work its way up the tree until it
hits the first defined region - in this case <emphasis>/a/b/c/d</emphasis>.
<sect2 id="eviction-overview-policies" revision="1">
<title>Eviction Policies</title>
An <emphasis>Eviction Policy</emphasis> is a class that knows how
to handle eviction events to track the activity in its region.
It may have a specialized set of configuration properties that
give it rules for when a particular node in the region should be
evicted. It can then use that configuration and its knowledge of
activity in the region to to determine what nodes to evict.
JBoss Cache ships with a number of eviction policies. See the
<emphasis>JBoss Cache User Guide</emphasis> for a discussion of
all of them. Here we are going to focus on just two.
<sect3 id="eviction-overview-policies-lru" revision="1">
<title>The <literal>LRUPolicy</literal></title>
The <literal>org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUPolicy</literal> evicts
nodes that have been Least Recently Used. It has the following
configuration parameters:
- This is the maximum number of nodes allowed in this region.
0 denotes no limit. If the region has more nodes than this,
the least recently used nodes will be evicted until the number
of nodes equals this limit.
- The amount of time a node is not written to or read (in seconds)
before the node should be evicted. 0 denotes no limit. Nodes that
exceed this limit will be evicted whether or not a
<literal>maxNodes</literal> limit has been breached.
- Lifespan of a node (in seconds) regardless of idle time before
the node is swept away. 0 denotes no limit. Nodes that
exceed this limit will be evicted whether or not a
<literal>maxNodes</literal> or <literal>timeToLiveSeconds</literal>
limit has been breached.
- the minimum amount of time a node must be allowed to live after
being accessed before it is allowed to be considered for eviction.
0 denotes that this feature is disabled, which is the default value.
Should be set to a value less than <literal>timeToLiveSeconds</literal>.
It is recommended that this be set to a value slightly greater
than the maximum amount of time a transaction that affects the
region should take to complete. Configuring this is particularly
important when optimistic locking is used in conjunction with
<sect3 id="eviction-overview-policies-null" revision="1">
<title>The <literal>NullEvictionPolicy</literal></title>
The <literal>org.jboss.cache.eviction.NullEvictionPolicy</literal>
is a simple policy that very efficiently does ... nothing. It
is used to efficiently short-circuit eviction handling for regions
where you don't want objects to be evicted (e.g. the timestamps
cache, which should <emphasis>never</emphasis> have data
evicted). Since the <literal>NullEvictionPolicy</literal> doesn't
actually evict anything, it doesn't take any configuration parameters.
<sect1 id="eviction-organization" revision="1">
<title>Organization of Data in the Cache</title>
In order to understand how to configure eviction, you need to
understand how Hibernate organizes data in the cache.
<sect2 id="eviction-organization-elements" revision="1">
<title>Region Prefix and Region Name</title>
All FQNs in a second level cache include two elements:
A <emphasis>Region Prefix</emphasis>, which is simply
any value assigned to the
<literal>hibernate.cache.region_prefix</literal> Hibernate
configuration property. If no Region Prefix is set, this
portion of the FQN is omitted.
If different session factories are sharing the same underlying
JBoss Cache instance(s) it is <emphasis>strongly encouraged</emphasis>
that a distinct Region Prefix be assigned to each. This will
help ensure that the different session factories cache their
data in different subtrees in JBoss Cache.
A <emphasis>Region Name</emphasis>, which is either
any value assigned to a <literal><cache></literal> element's
<literal>region</literal> attribute in a class or collection mapping.
See <xref linkend="eviction-organization-entity"/> for
an example.
Any value assigned to a Hibernate <literal>Query</literal>
object's <literal>cacheRegion</literal> property. See
<xref linkend="eviction-organization-query"/> for an
The <emphasis>escaped class name</emphasis> of the type
being cached. An <emphasis>escaped class name</emphasis>
is simply a fully-qualified class name with any
<literal>.</literal> replaced with a <literal>/</literal>
-- for example <literal>org/example/Foo</literal>.
<sect2 id="eviction-organization-entity" revision="1">
The FQN for the cache region where entities of a particular class
is stored is derived as follows:
<literal>/</literal> + <emphasis>Region Prefix</emphasis> + <literal>/</literal>
+ <emphasis>Region Name</emphasis> + <literal>/ENTITY</literal>
If no region prefix was specified, the leading <literal>/</literal> and
<emphasis>Region Prefix</emphasis> is not included in the FQN.
So, if <literal>hibernate.cache.region_prefix</literal> was set to
"appA" and a class was mapped like this:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<class name="org.example.Foo">
<cache usage="transactional" region="foo_region"/>
The FQN of the region where <literal>Foo</literal> entities
would be cached is <literal>/appA/foo_region/ENTITY</literal>.
If the class mapping does not include a <literal>region</literal>
attribute, the region name is based on the name of the entity
class, e.g.
<programlisting><![CDATA[<class name="org.example.Bar">
<cache usage="transactional"/>
the FQN of the region where <literal>Bar</literal> entities
would be cached is <literal>/appA/org/example/Bar/ENTITY</literal>.
<sect2 id="eviction-organization-coll" revision="1">
The FQN for the cache region where entities of a particular class
is stored is derived as follows:
<literal>/</literal> + <emphasis>Region Prefix</emphasis> + <literal>/</literal>
+ <emphasis>Region Name</emphasis> + <literal>/COLL</literal>
So, let's say our example <literal>Foo</literal> entity
included a collection field <literal>bars</literal> that
we wanted to cache:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<class name="org.example.Foo">
<cache usage="transactional"/>
<one-to-many name="bars" class="org.example.Bar">
<cache usage="transactional" region="foo_region"/>
The FQN of the region where the collection would be cached
would be
If the collection's <literal><cache></literal> element
did not include a <literal>region</literal>, the FQN would be
<sect2 id="eviction-organization-query" revision="1">
Queries follow this pattern:
<literal>/</literal> + <emphasis>Region Prefix</emphasis> + <literal>/</literal>
+ <emphasis>Region Name</emphasis> + <literal>/QUERY</literal>
Say we had the following query (again with a region prefix set to
<programlisting><![CDATA[List blogs = sess.createQuery("from Blog blog " +
"where blog.blogger = :blogger")
.setEntity("blogger", blogger)
The FQN of the region where this query's results would be cached
would be <literal>/appA/frontpages/QUERY</literal>.
If the call to <literal>setCacheRegion("frontpages")</literal>
were ommitted, the <emphasis>Region Name</emphasis> portion of
the FQN would be based on a Hibernate class:
<sect2 id="eviction-organization-timestamps" revision="1">
Timestamps follow this pattern:
<literal>/TS/</literal> + <emphasis>Region Prefix</emphasis> +
again with a <literal>/</literal> and the <emphasis>Region Prefix</emphasis>
portion omitted if no region prefix was set.
Note that in the timestamps case the special constant ("TS") comes
at the start of the FQN rather than the end. This makes it easier
to ensure that eviction is never enabled for the timestamps region.
<sect1 id="eviction-organization-example" revision="1">
<title>Example Configuration</title>
So far we've been looking at things in the abstract; let's see an
example of how this comes together. In this example, imagine we
have a Hibernate application with the following characteristics.
<para>Query caching is enabled.</para>
There is a region prefix set as part of the Hibernate
configuration: <literal>hibernate.cache.region_prefix==appA</literal>
Some cachable entities and collections have a region
name of "reference" set in their Hibernate mapping.
Some cachable queries have the "reference" region name
set when they are created.
Other cachable entities and collections in the
<literal>org.example.hibernate</literal> package don't have a
region name set in their Hibernate mapping.
Other cachable queries don't have a region name set when they
are created.
Let's see a possible eviction configuration for this scenario:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<attribute name="EvictionPolicyConfig">
<attribute name="wakeUpIntervalSeconds">5</attribute>
<attribute name="policyClass">org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUPolicy</attribute>
Default region to pick up anything we miss in the more specific
regions below.
<region name="/_default_">
<attribute name="maxNodes">500</attribute>
<attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">300</attribute>
<attribute name="minTimeToLiveSeconds">120</attribute>
<!-- Don't ever evict modification timestamps -->
<region name="/TS"
<!-- Reference data -->
<region name="/appA/reference">
<!-- Keep all reference data if it's being used -->
<attribute name="maxNodes">0</attribute>
<!-- Keep it around a long time (4 hours) -->
<attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">14400</attribute>
<attribute name="minTimeToLiveSeconds">120</attribute>
<!-- Be more aggressive about queries on reference data -->
<region name="/appA/reference/QUERY">
<attribute name="maxNodes">200</attribute>
<attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">1000</attribute>
<attribute name="minTimeToLiveSeconds">120</attribute>
Lots of entity instances from this package, but different
users are unlikely to share them. So, we can cache
a lot, but evict unused ones pretty quickly.
<region name="/appA/org/example/hibernate">
<attribute name="maxNodes">50000</attribute>
<attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">1200</attribute>
<attribute name="minTimeToLiveSeconds">120</attribute>
<!-- Clean up misc queries very promptly -->
<region name="/appA/org/hibernate/cache/StandardQueryCache">
<attribute name="maxNodes">200</attribute>
<attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">240</attribute>
<attribute name="minTimeToLiveSeconds">120</attribute>
Notes on the above:
<para>The <literal>wakeUpIntervalSeconds</literal> configuration
controls how often the background eviction process kicks
in to evict nodes.
<para>The first <literal>policyClass</literal> configuration
sets the default eviction policy class to use for each region.
Here we want to use the standard <literal>LRUPolicy</literal>
This can be overridden on a per-region basis, as is done
here for the <literal>/TS</literal> region.</para>
<para>We set up a <literal>/_default_</literal> region. Having
such a region is a requirement if eviction is used. Here we
don't expect any data to end up in this default region, but
if by mistake someone adds a new entity type that doesn't fall
into one of our other regions, we may not have a large memory
budget for it so we evict fairly agressively.
<para>Evicting timestamps is forbidden, so we add a
<literal>/TS</literal> region that disables it. Here we
see how to override the default eviction policy.</para>
The <literal>/appA/reference</literal> region covers our
reference data entities and collections. This is our most
likely to be reused data, so we configure the cache to be
very slow to evict it.
The queries related to our reference data are less likely to
be reused, and may take up a lot of memory, so we override the
<literal>/appA/reference</literal> region with a
<literal>/appA/reference/QUERY</literal> region that is more
agressive about eviction.
The <literal>org.example.hibernate</literal> package includes a
lot of entity classes like <literal>Order</literal>, where
there are hundreds of thousands of records in the database.
These are unlikely to be reused across users, but we have a lot
of users and want to be able to cache many of them so a user
can have fast access to his or her data during the
course of their interaction with the system. So we create a
<literal>/appA/org/example/hibernate</literal> region
with a high <literal>maxNodes</literal> value but a fairly
low <literal>timeToLiveSeconds</literal>. The low time-to-live
ensures an <literal>Order</literal> is evicted quickly once a
user is done with it.
<para>Finally, cacheable queries that aren't assigned to
to the <literal>reference</literal> region will end up in
We've elected not to keep these around long at all.
<sect1 id="eviction-organization-best" revision="1">
<title>Best Practices</title>
Some best practices to follow:
Set <literal>hibernate.cache.region_prefix</literal> in your
configuration. It makes it simple to ensure the different session
factories don't step on each other if they share a JBoss Cache
Always set up an eviction region for the <literal>/TS</literal>
FQN that uses the <literal>NullEvictionPolicy</literal>. This
will ensure that timestamps never get evicted. Even if you are
not doing query caching or aren't caching timestamps in a
particular cache, this is still a good practice, as it costs
almost nothing and helps to ensure that timestamp eviction doesn't
slip in unnoticed later.
Assign a region to your entities, collections and queries rather
than relying on class names to compose the FQN. It makes
it easier to set up eviction, and helps prevent your eviction
setup breaking if class names are refactored.
Assign a different region name to your entities, collections or
queries that have different desirable eviction characteristics.
Put objects like often used reference data in one region, data
probably only accessed by a single user in another. Aggressively
evict the latter region; be less agressive with the former if
you evict it at all.
In some cases, there is an external application (i.e. outside
of Hibernate's control) that can modify data in the database.
Generally, a Second Level Cache should not be used in this sort
of case, since it can result in data in the cache being out of
date with respect to the database. But sometimes application
designers can tolerate having out of date data in the cache. In
this sort of situation, use an <literal>LRUPolicy</literal> with
a fairly low <literal>maxAgeSeconds</literal>. This will ensure
that out-of-date data eventually gets flushed from the cache.
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<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
~ Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware, LLC. All rights reserved.
~ This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
~ copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
~ Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1. This program is distributed in the
~ hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A WARRANTY; without even the implied
~ Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a
~ copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v.2.1 along with this
~ distribution; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
~ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
~ Red Hat Author(s): Brian Stansberry
<chapter id="introduction">
<sect1 id="introduction-overview" revision="1">
JBoss Cache is a tree-structured, clustered, transactional cache. It
includes support for maintaining cache consistency across multiple
cache instances running in a cluster. It integrates with JTA transaction
managers, supporting transaction-scoped locking of cache elements and
automatic rollback of cache changes upon transaction rollback. It
supports both pessimistic and optimistic locking, with the tree-structure
of the cache allowing maximum concurrency.
All of these features make JBoss Cache an excellent choice for use as a
Hibernate <emphasis>Second Level Cache</emphasis>, particularly in
a clustered environment. A Hibernate <literal>Session</literal> is a
transaction-scoped cache of persistent data -- data accessed via the
<literal>Session</literal> is cached in the <literal>Session</literal>
for the duration of the current transaction, and then is cleared. A
<emphasis>Second Level Cache</emphasis> is an optional cluster or
JVM-level cache whose contents are maintained beyond the life of a
transaction and whose contents can be shared across transactions.
Use of a Second Level Cache is configured as part of the configuration
of the Hibernate <literal>SessionFactory</literal>. If a Second Level
Cache is enabled, caching of an instance of a particular
entity class or of results of a particular query can be configured on
a class-by-class, collection-by-collection and query-by-query basis.
See the <emphasis>Hibernate Reference Documentation</emphasis> for more
on Second Level Cache basics and how to configure entity classes,
collections and queries for caching.
The JBoss Cache Second Level Cache integration supports the
<literal>transactional</literal> and <literal>read only</literal>
<emphasis>cache concurrency strategies</emphasis> discussed in the
<emphasis>Hibernate Reference Documentation</emphasis>. It supports
query caching and is, of course, cluster safe.
<sect1 id="introduction-requirements" revision="1">
Second level caching with JBoss Cache 2 requires the use of JBoss
Cache 2.1.0 or later. The core JBoss Cache project is used; the
related PojoCache project/library is not needed. The following jars,
included with the JBoss Cache distribution, need to be on the classpath:
JBoss Cache also needs to have the classes in the
<literal>javax.transaction</literal> package on the classpath,
but those are already included in the Hibernate distribution.
The <literal>hibernate-jbosscache2.jar</literal> that is included with
the Hibernate distribution also needs to be on the classpath.
A JBoss Cache configuration file, and usually a JGroups configuration
file<footnote><para><ulink url="http://labs.jboss.org/jgroups">JGroups</ulink>
is the group communication library used by JBoss Cache for intra-cluster
communication.</para></footnote>, need to be on the classpath. The
<literal>hibernate-jbosscache2.jar</literal> includes standard
configuration files in the <literal>org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.builder</literal>
package. The <literal>jbc2-configs.xml</literal> file is for JBoss
Cache and the <literal>jgroups-stacks.xml</literal> file is for JGroups.
See <xref linkend="jbc-config"/> and <xref linkend="jgroups-config"/>
for more details on these files. Users can create their own versions
and tell the <literal>SessionFactory</literal> to use them; see
<xref linkend="sessionfactory"/> for details.
<sect1 id="introduction-configuration" revision="1">
<title>Configuration Basics</title>
The key steps in using JBoss Cache as a second level cache are to:
Tell Hibernate in your <literal>SessionFactory</literal>
configuration that you want to use JBoss Cache 2 as your
Second Level Cache implementation:
There are a number of values that can be provided for the
property, depending on how you want the JBoss Cache integration
to work. Based on what factory class you specify, there are
additional detail configuration properties you can add to further
control that factory. However, simply specifying the
<literal>MultiplexedJBossCacheRegionFactory</literal> shown
above provides a reasonable set of default values useful for
many applications. See <xref linkend="sessionfactory-factories"/>
for more details.
Do not set the legacy <literal>hibernate.cache.provider_class</literal>
property when using JBoss Cache 2. That is a legacy property
from before Hibernate 3.3's redesign of second level caching
internals. It will not work with JBoss Cache 2.
Tell Hibernate you want to enable caching of entities and
collections. No need to set this property if you don't:
Tell Hibernate you want to enable caching of
query results. No need to set this property if you don't:
If you have enabled caching of query results, tell Hibernate if
you want to suppress costly replication of those results around
the cluster. No need to set this property if you want query
results replicated:
See <xref linkend="configuration"/> for full details on configuration.
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~ Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware, LLC. All rights reserved.
~ This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
~ copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
~ Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1. This program is distributed in the
~ hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A WARRANTY; without even the implied
~ Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a
~ copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v.2.1 along with this
~ distribution; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
~ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
~ Red Hat Author(s): Brian Stansberry
<preface id="preface" revision="1">
This document is focused on the use of the
<ulink url="http://labs.jboss.org/jbosscache">JBoss Cache</ulink>
clustered transactional caching library as a tool for caching data in
a Hibernate-based application.
Working with object-oriented software and a relational database can be cumbersome
and time consuming in today's enterprise environments. Hibernate is an object/relational
mapping tool for Java environments. The term object/relational mapping (ORM) refers to
the technique of mapping a data representation from an object model to a relational
data model with a SQL-based schema.
Hibernate not only takes care of the mapping from Java classes to
database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types), but also provides data
query and retrieval facilities and can significantly reduce development time otherwise
spent with manual data handling in SQL and JDBC.
In any application that works with a relational database, caching data
retrieved from the database can potentially improve application performance.
Hibernate provides a number of facilities for caching data on the
database client side, i.e. in the Java process in which Hibernate is
running. The primary facility is the Hibernate <literal>Session</literal>
itself, which maintains a transaction-scoped cache of persistent data.
If you wish to cache data beyond the scope of a transaction, it is
possible to configure a cluster or JVM-level (technically a
<literal>SessionFactory</literal>-level) cache on a class-by-class,
collection-by-collection and query-by-query basis. This type of cache
is referred to as a <emphasis>Second Level Cache</emphasis>.
Hibernate provides a pluggable architecture for implementing its
Second Level Cache, allowing it to integrate with a number of third-party
caching libraries. This document is focused on the use of the
<ulink url="http://labs.jboss.org/jbosscache">JBoss Cache</ulink>
clustered transactional caching library as an implementation of
the Second Level Cache. It specifically focuses on JBoss Cache 2.
If you are new to Hibernate and Object/Relational Mapping or even Java,
please follow these steps:
Read the <emphasis>Hibernate Reference Documentation</emphasis>,
particularly the <emphasis>Introduction</emphasis> and
<emphasis>Architecture</emphasis> sections.
Have a look at the <literal>eg/</literal> directory in the Hibernate
distribution, it contains a simple standalone application. Copy your
JDBC driver to the <literal>lib/</literal> directory and edit
<literal>etc/hibernate.properties</literal>, specifying correct values for
your database. From a command prompt in the distribution directory,
type <literal>ant eg</literal> (using Ant), or under Windows, type
<literal>build eg</literal>.
Use the <emphasis>Hibernate Reference Documentation</emphasis>
as your primary source of information.
Consider reading <emphasis>Java Persistence with Hibernate</emphasis>
(http://www.manning.com/bauer2) if you need more help with application
design or if you prefer a step-by-step tutorial. Also visit
http://caveatemptor.hibernate.org and download the example application
for Java Persistence with Hibernate.
FAQs are answered on the Hibernate website.
Third party demos, examples, and tutorials are linked on the Hibernate
The Community Area on the Hibernate website is a good resource for
design patterns and various integration solutions (Tomcat, JBoss AS,
Struts, EJB, etc.).
If you are new to the Hibernate Second Level Cache or to JBoss Cache,
please follow these steps:
Read the <emphasis>Hibernate Reference Documentation</emphasis>,
particularly the <emphasis>Second Level Cache</emphasis> and
<emphasis>Configuration</emphasis> sections.
Read the
<ulink url="http://labs.jboss.org/jbosscache/docs/index.html">JBoss Cache User Guide, Core Edition</ulink>.
Use this guide as your primary source of information on the
usage of JBoss Cache 2 as a Hibernate Second Level Cache.
If you have questions, use the user forum linked on the Hibernate website.
The user forum on the JBoss Cache website is also useful.
We also provide a JIRA issue tracking system for bug reports and feature requests. If you
are interested in the development of Hibernate, join the developer mailing list. If
you are interested in translating this documentation into your language, contact us
on the developer mailing list.
Commercial development support, production support, and training for Hibernate is
available through Red Hat Inc. (see http://www.hibernate.org/SupportTraining/).
Hibernate is a Professional Open Source project and a critical component of the
JBoss Enterprise Middleware System (JEMS) suite of products.
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