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executing queries
This commit is contained in:
@ -296,8 +296,192 @@ Hibernate features three complementary ways to write queries:
The query language is discussed in great detail below in <<query-language>>.
Here we want to see how to execute a query via the `Session` or `EntityManager` API.
The method we call depends on what kind of query it is:
- _selection queries_ return a result list, but do not modify the data, but
- _mutation queries_ modify data, and return the number of modified rows.
Selection queries usually start with the keyword `select` or `from`, whereas mutation queries begin with the keyword `insert`, `update`, or `delete`.
.Executing HQL
| Kind of query | `Session` method | `EntityManager` method | `Query` execution method
| Selection query | `createSelectionQuery(String,Class)` | `createQuery(String,Class)` | `getResultList()`, `getSingleResult()`, or `getSingleResultOrNull()`
| Mutation query | `createMutationQuery(String)` | `createQuery(String,Class)` | `executeUpdate()`
So for the `Session` API we would write:
List<Book> matchingBooks =
s.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like :titleSearchPattern", Book.class)
.setParameter("titleSearchPattern", titleSearchPattern)
Or, if we're sticking to the JPA-standard APIs:
List<Book> matchingBooks =
s.createQuery("from Book where title like :titleSearchPattern", Book.class)
.setParameter("titleSearchPattern", titleSearchPattern)
The only difference between `createSelectionQuery()` and `createQuery()` is that `createSelectionQuery()` throw an exception if passed a mutation query.
In the query above, `:titleSearchPattern` is called a _named parameter_.
We may also identify parameters by a number.
These are called _ordinal parameters_.
List<Book> matchingBooks =
s.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titleSearchPattern)
When a query has multiple parameters, named parameters tend to be easier to read, even if slightly more verbose.
.Using parameters to avoid injection attacks
_Never_ concatenate user input with HQL and pass the concatenated string to `createSelectionQuery()`.
This would open up the possibility for an attacker to execute arbitrary code on your database server.
If we're expecting a query to return a single result, we can use `getSingleResult()`.
Book book =
s.createSelectionQuery("from Book where isbn = ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, isbn)
Or, if we're expecting it to return at most one result, we can use `getSingleResultOrNull()`.
Book bookOrNull =
s.createSelectionQuery("from Book where isbn = ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, isbn)
Occasionally we need to build a query at runtime, from a set of optional conditions.
For this, JPA offers an API which allows programmatic construction of a query.
.HQL is implemented in terms of criteria queries
Actually, in Hibernate 6, every HQL query is compiled to a criteria query before being translated to SQL.
This ensures that the semantics of HQL and criteria queries are identical.
=== Criteria queries
Imagine we're implementing some sort of search screen, where the user of our system is offered several different ways to constrain the query result set.
For example, we might let them search for books by title and/or the author name.
Of course, we could construct a HQL query by string concatenation, but this is a bit fragile, so it's quite nice to have an alternative.
First we need an object for building criteria queries.
Using the JPA-standard APIs, this would be a `CriteriaBuilder`, and we get it from the `EntityManagerFactory`:
CriteriaBuilder cb = emf.getCriteriaBuilder();
But if we have a `SessionFactory`, we get something much better, a `HibernateCriteriaBuilder`:
HibernateCriteriaBuilder cb = sf.getCriteriaBuilder();
The `HibernateCriteriaBuilder` extends `CriteriaBuilder` and adds many operations that JPQL doesn't have.
.Getting a `HibernateCriteriaBuilder` in JPA
If you're using `EntityManagerFactory`, don't despair, you have two perfectly good ways to obtain the `HibernateCriteriaBuilder` associated with that factory.
HibernateCriteriaBuilder cb = emf.unwrap(SessionFactory.class).getCriteriaBuilder();
Or simply:
HibernateCriteriaBuilder cb = (HibernateCriteriaBuilder) emf.getCriteriaBuilder();
We're ready to create a criteria query.
CriteriaQuery<Book> query = cb.createQuery(Book.class);
Root<Book> book = query.from(Book.class);
Predicate where = conjunction();
if (titlePattern != null) {
where = cb.and(where, cb.like(book.get(Book_.title), titlePattern));
if (namePattern != null) {
Join<Book,Author> author = book.join(Book_.author);
where = cb.and(where, cb.like(author.get(Author_.name), namePattern));
:generator: https://hibernate.org/orm/tooling/
:generator-guide: https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/6.2/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html#tooling-modelgen
Here, the classes `Book_` and `Author_` are classes generated by Hibernate's {generator}[JPA Metamodel Generator], which is documented in the {generator-guide}[User Guide].
.Injection attacks and criteria queries
Notice that we did not bother treating `titlePattern` and `namePattern` as parameters.
That's safe because, _by default_, Hibernate automatically and transparently handles any literal string passed to the `CriteriaBuilder` as a JDBC parameter.
But this behavior is controlled by the configuration setting `hibernate.criteria.value_handling_mode`.
If you change the default behavior, and set the property to `INLINE` instead of `BIND`, you _must_ pass user-input via a JPA `ParameterExpression`.
Execution of a criteria query works almost exactly like execution of HQL.
.Executing criteria queries
| Kind of query | `Session` method | `EntityManager` method | `Query` execution method
| Selection query | `createSelectionQuery(CriteriaQuery)` | `createQuery(CriteriaQuery)` | `getResultList()`, `getSingleResult()`, or `getSingleResultOrNull()`
| Mutation query | `createMutationQuery(CriteriaUpdate)` or `createMutationQuery(CriteriaDelte)` | `createQuery(CriteriaUpdate)` or `createQuery(CriteriaDelte)` | `executeUpdate()`
For example:
List<Book> matchingBooks =
When all else fails, and sometimes even before that, we're left with the option of writing a query in SQL.
=== Native SQL queries
=== Native SQL queries
Reference in New Issue
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