HHH-18528 JDK 23 strict JAXP testing

This commit is contained in:
marko-bekhta 2024-08-29 10:31:51 +02:00 committed by Steve Ebersole
parent f25c70a9cd
commit 250a59a1c7

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@ -222,16 +222,49 @@ stage('Build') {
def repo2 = tempDir + '/repo2'
// build Hibernate ORM two times without any cache and "publish" the resulting artifacts to different maven repositories
// so that we can compare them afterwards:
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon clean publishToMavenLocal --no-build-cache -Dmaven.repo.local=$repo1"
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon clean publishToMavenLocal --no-build-cache -Dmaven.repo.local=$repo2"
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon clean publishToMavenLocal --no-build-cache -Dmaven.repo.local=${repo1}"
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon clean publishToMavenLocal --no-build-cache -Dmaven.repo.local=${repo2}"
sh "sh ci/compare-build-results.sh $repo1 $repo2"
sh "sh ci/compare-build-results.sh ${repo1} ${repo2}"
sh "cat .buildcompare"
executions.put('Strict JAXP configuration', {
// we want to test with JDK 23 where the strict settings were introduced
def testJavaHome = tool(name: "OpenJDK 23 Latest", type: 'jdk')
def javaHome = tool(name: DEFAULT_JDK_TOOL, type: 'jdk')
// Use withEnv instead of setting env directly, as that is global!
// See https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-plugin/blob/master/TUTORIAL.md
withEnv(["JAVA_HOME=${javaHome}", "PATH+JAVA=${javaHome}/bin"]) {
stage('Checkout') {
checkout scm
stage('Test') {
withGradle {
def tempDir = pwd(tmp: true)
def jaxpStrictProperties = tempDir + '/jaxp-strict.properties'
def jaxpStrictTemplate = testJavaHome + '/conf/jaxp-strict.properties.template'
echo 'Copy strict JAXP configuration properties.'
sh "cp $jaxpStrictTemplate $jaxpStrictProperties"
// explicitly calling toString here to prevent Jenkins failures like:
// > Scripts not permitted to use method groovy.lang.GroovyObject invokeMethod java.lang.String java.lang.Object (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl positive)
String args = ("-Ptest.jdk.version=23 -Porg.gradle.java.installations.paths=${javaHome},${testJavaHome}"
+ " -Ptest.jdk.launcher.args=\"-Djava.xml.config.file=${jaxpStrictProperties}\"").toString()
timeout( [time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES'] ) {
@ -273,6 +306,14 @@ void ciBuild(buildEnv, String args) {
// it has limited access, essentially it can only push build scans.
def develocityCredentialsId = buildEnv.node ? 'ge.hibernate.org-access-key-pr' : 'ge.hibernate.org-access-key'
ciBuild(develocityCredentialsId, args)
void ciBuild(String args) {
ciBuild('ge.hibernate.org-access-key-pr', args)
void ciBuild(String develocityCredentialsId, String args) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: develocityCredentialsId,
variable: 'DEVELOCITY_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
withGradle { // withDevelocity, actually: https://plugins.jenkins.io/gradle/#plugin-content-capturing-build-scans-from-jenkins-pipeline