HHH-8607 - Start Topical Guide - Service Registries

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= Services and Registries
Services and Registries are a new *formalized* concept starting in 4.0, but have actually been around in
Hibernate much, much earlier. This guide aims to describe the purposes of these Services and Registries. To a
certain extent we will also look at details of their implementations
== What are Services?
Services provide various types of functionality, in a pluggable manner. Specifically they are implementations
of certain service contract interfaces. The interface is known as the service role; the implementation class is
known as the service implementation.
NOTE: The interface is known as the service role; the implementation class is known as the service implementation.
The pluggability comes from the fact that the service implementation adheres to contract defined by the interface
of the service role.
Let's look at an example to better define what a Service is. Internally Hibernate needs to be able to access
JDBC Connections to the database. The way it obtains and releases these Connections is through the
ConnectionProvider service. The service is defined by the interface (service role)
+org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider+ which declares methods for obtaining and releasing
the Connections. There are then multiple implementations of that service contract, varying in how they actually
manage the Connections:
* +org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.internal.DatasourceConnectionProviderImpl+ for using a +javax.sql.DataSource+
* +org.hibernate.c3p0.internal.C3P0ConnectionProvider+ for using a C3P0 Connection pool
* etc.
Internally Hibernate always references +org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider+ rather than
specific implementations in consuming the service (we will get to producing the service later when we talk about
registries). Because of that fact, other ConnectionProvider service implementations could be plugged in. There is
nothing revolutionary here; programming to interfaces is a generally accepted good programming practice.
== What is a ServiceRegistry?
A ServiceRegistry, at its most basic, hosts and manages Services.
We already gave a basic overview and definition of services. But services have other interesting characteristics as
well. Services have a lifecycle. They have a scope. Services might depend on other services. And as we mentioned
before, they need to be produced (choose using one implementation over another). The ServiceRegistry fulfills all
these needs.
In a concise definition, the ServiceRegistry acts as a inversion-of-control (IoC) container.
NOTE: Despite some recent revisionist history, Spring did not invent IoC and dependency injection nor were they even
the first to bring it into Java. Projects like the JBoss MicroContainer and Apache Avalon pre-date Spring
by many years. The concepts in ServiceRegistry are actually very similar to Apache Avalon.
Why not just use an existing IoC framework? In a word, weight. I wanted, no needed, this to be as light-weight as
possible. A Service is associated with a ServiceRegistry. The ServiceRegistry scopes the Service. The
ServiceRegistry manages the lifecycle of the Service. The ServiceRegistry handles injecting dependencies into
the Service (actually both a pull and a push/injection approach are supported).
ServiceRegistries are also hierarchical, meaning a ServiceRegistry can have a parent ServiceRegistry. A "child"
ServiceRegistry can see Services in its parent, but the inverse is not true. Services can also be registered
in a child ServiceRegistry that hide or override the Service of the same role from its parent(s). We'll talk more
about this last capability when we discuss expanding versus extending.
== Types of ServiceRegistries
=== BootstrapServiceRegistry
=== StandardServiceRegistry
=== SessionFactoryServiceRegistry
== Service lifecycle
=== Initiation (creation)
=== Starting/Stopping
=== Configuration
== Service Dependencies
== Management (JMX)
== Customization
=== Extending
=== Expanding