HHH-4527 - added handling of proper default access propagation for class hierarchies and embedded classes (components)
git-svn-id: https://svn.jboss.org/repos/hibernate/core/trunk@18417 1b8cb986-b30d-0410-93ca-fae66ebed9b2
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.Access;
import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType;
@ -191,8 +190,6 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
* bindSomething usually create the mapping container and is accessed by one of the 2 first level method
* makeSomething usually create the mapping container and is accessed by bindSomething[else]
* fillSomething take the container into parameter and fill it.
private AnnotationBinder() {
@ -618,7 +615,7 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
//try to find class level generators
// try to find class level generators
HashMap<String, IdGenerator> classGenerators = buildLocalGenerators( clazzToProcess, mappings );
// check properties
@ -626,9 +623,6 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
persistentClass, clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass, entityBinder, mappings
if ( elements == null ) {
throw new AnnotationException( "No identifier specified for entity: " + propertyHolder.getEntityName() );
final boolean subclassAndSingleTableStrategy = inheritanceState.getType() == InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE
&& inheritanceState.hasParents();
//process idclass if any
@ -644,9 +638,7 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
idClass = current.getAnnotation( IdClass.class );
state = InheritanceState.getSuperclassInheritanceState(
current, inheritanceStatePerClass, mappings.getReflectionManager()
state = InheritanceState.getSuperclassInheritanceState( current, inheritanceStatePerClass );
while ( state != null );
@ -657,10 +649,10 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
String generatorType = "assigned";
String generator = BinderHelper.ANNOTATION_STRING_DEFAULT;
PropertyData inferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData(
entityBinder.getPropertyAccessor(), "id", compositeClass
entityBinder.getPropertyAccessType(), "id", compositeClass
PropertyData baseInferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData(
entityBinder.getPropertyAccessor(), "id", current
entityBinder.getPropertyAccessType(), "id", current
HashMap<String, IdGenerator> localGenerators = new HashMap<String, IdGenerator>();
boolean ignoreIdAnnotations = entityBinder.isIgnoreIdAnnotations();
@ -834,11 +826,7 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
private static PersistentClass getSuperEntity(XClass clazzToProcess, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass, ExtendedMappings mappings, InheritanceState inheritanceState) {
final ReflectionManager reflectionManager = mappings.getReflectionManager();
InheritanceState superEntityState =
clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass, reflectionManager
InheritanceState superEntityState = InheritanceState.getInheritanceStateOfSuperEntity( clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass );
PersistentClass superEntity = superEntityState != null ?
@ -880,8 +868,7 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
* Get the annotated elements
* Guess the annotated element from @Id or @EmbeddedId presence
* Get the annotated elements, guessing the access type from @Id or @EmbeddedId presence.
* Change EntityBinder by side effect
private static List<PropertyData> getElementsToProcess(
@ -892,104 +879,50 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
InheritanceState inheritanceState = inheritanceStatePerClass.get( clazzToProcess );
assert !inheritanceState.isEmbeddableSuperclass();
AccessType accessType = determineExplicitAccessType(
clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass, mappings, inheritanceState
List<XClass> classesToProcess = getMappedSuperclassesTillNextEntityOrdered(
persistentClass, clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass, mappings
AccessType accessType = determineDefaultAccessType( clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass );
List<PropertyData> elements = new ArrayList<PropertyData>();
int deep = classesToProcess.size();
boolean hasIdentifier = false;
* delay the exception in case field access is used
AnnotationException exceptionWhileWalkingElements = null;
try {
for (int index = 0; index < deep; index++) {
PropertyContainer properyContainer = new PropertyContainer( classesToProcess.get( index ) );
boolean currentHasIdentifier = addElementsOfClass( elements, accessType , properyContainer, mappings );
hasIdentifier = hasIdentifier || currentHasIdentifier;
catch ( AnnotationException e ) {
exceptionWhileWalkingElements = e;
for ( int index = 0; index < deep; index++ ) {
PropertyContainer properyContainer = new PropertyContainer( classesToProcess.get( index ) );
boolean currentHasIdentifier = addElementsOfClass( elements, accessType, properyContainer, mappings );
hasIdentifier = hasIdentifier || currentHasIdentifier;
entityBinder.setPropertyAccessType( accessType );
if ( !hasIdentifier && !inheritanceState.hasParents() ) {
if ( AccessType.PROPERTY.equals( accessType ) ) {
//the original exception is legitimate
if ( exceptionWhileWalkingElements != null) throw exceptionWhileWalkingElements;
return null; //explicit but no @Id: the upper layer will raise an exception
accessType = AccessType.FIELD;
for (int index = 0; index < deep; index++) {
PropertyContainer properyContainer = new PropertyContainer( classesToProcess.get( index ) );
boolean currentHasIdentifier = addElementsOfClass(elements, accessType, properyContainer, mappings );
hasIdentifier = hasIdentifier || currentHasIdentifier;
throw new AnnotationException( "No identifier specified for entity: " + clazzToProcess.getName() );
//the field show no id, fallback to he original exception
if (!hasIdentifier && exceptionWhileWalkingElements != null) throw exceptionWhileWalkingElements;
entityBinder.setPropertyAccessor( accessType );
inheritanceState.setAccessType( accessType );
return hasIdentifier || inheritanceState.hasParents() ?
elements :
return elements;
* Check whether either the class itself or any of its super classes explicitly defines a value access strategy.
* @return {@code AccessType.FIELD} or {@code AccessType.PROPERTY} in case there is an explicit value,
* {@code AccessType.DEFAULT} otherwise.
private static AccessType determineExplicitAccessType(XClass clazzToProcess, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass, ExtendedMappings mappings, InheritanceState inheritanceState) {
AccessType explicitAccessType = AccessType.DEFAULT;
// check whether any of the super classes or the class itself
if ( inheritanceState.hasParents() ) {
InheritanceState superEntityState =
clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass, mappings.getReflectionManager()
if ( superEntityState != null ) {
explicitAccessType = superEntityState.getAccessType();
private static AccessType determineDefaultAccessType(XClass annotatedClass, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass) {
XClass xclass = annotatedClass;
while ( xclass != null && !Object.class.getName().equals( xclass.getName() ) ) {
if ( xclass.isAnnotationPresent( Entity.class ) || xclass.isAnnotationPresent( MappedSuperclass.class ) ) {
for ( XProperty prop : xclass.getDeclaredProperties( AccessType.PROPERTY.getType() ) ) {
if ( prop.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || prop.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) {
return AccessType.PROPERTY;
for ( XProperty prop : xclass.getDeclaredProperties( AccessType.FIELD.getType() ) ) {
if ( prop.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || prop.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) {
return AccessType.FIELD;
xclass = xclass.getSuperclass();
else {
AccessType hibernateExplicitAccessType = AccessType.DEFAULT;
AccessType jpaExplicitAccessType = AccessType.DEFAULT;
//the are the root entity but we might have mapped superclasses that contain the id class
org.hibernate.annotations.AccessType accessType = clazzToProcess.getAnnotation( org.hibernate.annotations.AccessType.class );
if ( accessType != null ) {
hibernateExplicitAccessType = AccessType.getAccessStrategy( accessType.value() );
Access access = clazzToProcess.getAnnotation( Access.class );
if( access != null ) {
jpaExplicitAccessType = AccessType.getAccessStrategy( access.value() );
if ( hibernateExplicitAccessType != AccessType.DEFAULT
&& jpaExplicitAccessType != AccessType.DEFAULT
&& hibernateExplicitAccessType != jpaExplicitAccessType ) {
throw new MappingException( "@AccessType and @Access specified with contradicting values. Use of @Access only is recommended. " );
if(hibernateExplicitAccessType != AccessType.DEFAULT) {
explicitAccessType = hibernateExplicitAccessType;
} else {
explicitAccessType = jpaExplicitAccessType;
return explicitAccessType;
throw new AnnotationException( "No identifier specified for entity: " + annotatedClass.getName() );
private static List<XClass> getMappedSuperclassesTillNextEntityOrdered(
@ -1021,7 +954,7 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
// classes from 0 to n-1 are @MappedSuperclass and should be linked
org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass mappedSuperclass = null;
final InheritanceState superEntityState =
InheritanceState.getInheritanceStateOfSuperEntity(annotatedClass, inheritanceStatePerClass, reflectionManager);
InheritanceState.getInheritanceStateOfSuperEntity( annotatedClass, inheritanceStatePerClass );
PersistentClass superEntity =
superEntityState != null ?
mappings.getClass( superEntityState.getClazz().getName() ) :
@ -1162,7 +1095,7 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
* @param elements List of {@code ProperyData} instances
* @param propertyAccessor The default value access strategy which has to be used in case no explicit local access
* @param defaultAccessType The default value access strategy which has to be used in case no explicit local access
* strategy is used
* @param propertyContainer Metadata about a class and its properties
* @param mappings Mapping meta data
@ -1170,19 +1103,20 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
* the determined access strategy, {@code false} otherwise.
private static boolean addElementsOfClass(
List<PropertyData> elements, AccessType propertyAccessor, PropertyContainer propertyContainer, ExtendedMappings mappings
List<PropertyData> elements, AccessType defaultAccessType, PropertyContainer propertyContainer, ExtendedMappings mappings
) {
boolean hasIdentifier = false;
AccessType classDefinedAccessType = propertyContainer.getDefaultAccessStrategy();
AccessType accessType = defaultAccessType;
if ( classDefinedAccessType.equals( AccessType.DEFAULT ) ) {
classDefinedAccessType = propertyAccessor;
if ( propertyContainer.hasExplicitAccessStrategy() ) {
accessType = propertyContainer.getExplicitAccessStrategy();
Collection<XProperty> properties = propertyContainer.getProperties( classDefinedAccessType );
propertyContainer.assertTypesAreResolvable( accessType );
Collection<XProperty> properties = propertyContainer.getProperties( accessType );
for ( XProperty p : properties ) {
final boolean currentHasIdentifier = addProperty(
propertyContainer.getXClass(), p, elements, classDefinedAccessType.getType(), mappings
propertyContainer.getXClass(), p, elements, accessType.getType(), mappings
hasIdentifier = hasIdentifier || currentHasIdentifier;
@ -1193,7 +1127,7 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
XClass declaringClass, XProperty property, List<PropertyData> annElts,
String propertyAccessor, ExtendedMappings mappings
) {
boolean hasIdentifier = false;
boolean hasIdentifier;
PropertyData propertyAnnotatedElement = new PropertyInferredData(
declaringClass, property, propertyAccessor,
mappings.getReflectionManager() );
@ -2048,7 +1982,6 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
List<PropertyData> baseClassElements = null;
XClass baseReturnedClassOrElement;
PropertyHolder baseSubHolder;
if(baseInferredData != null)
baseClassElements = new ArrayList<PropertyData>();
@ -2567,29 +2500,22 @@ public final class AnnotationBinder {
* inheritance status of a class.
* @param orderedClasses Order list of all annotated entities and their mapped superclasses
* @param reflectionManager Reference to the reflection manager (commons-annotations)
* @return A map of {@code InheritanceState}s keyed against their {@code XClass}.
public static Map<XClass, InheritanceState> buildInheritanceStates(
List<XClass> orderedClasses, ReflectionManager reflectionManager
) {
public static Map<XClass, InheritanceState> buildInheritanceStates(List<XClass> orderedClasses) {
Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass = new HashMap<XClass, InheritanceState>(
for (XClass clazz : orderedClasses) {
InheritanceState superclassState = InheritanceState.getSuperclassInheritanceState(
clazz, inheritanceStatePerClass,
clazz, inheritanceStatePerClass );
InheritanceState state = new InheritanceState( clazz );
if ( superclassState != null ) {
//the classes are ordered thus preventing an NPE
//FIXME if an entity has subclasses annotated @MappedSperclass wo sub @Entity this is wrong
superclassState.setHasSiblings( true );
InheritanceState superEntityState = InheritanceState.getInheritanceStateOfSuperEntity(
clazz, inheritanceStatePerClass,
clazz, inheritanceStatePerClass );
state.setHasParents( superEntityState != null );
final boolean nonDefault = state.getType() != null && !InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE.equals( state.getType() );
if ( superclassState.getType() != null ) {
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ public class AnnotationConfiguration extends Configuration {
//bind classes in the correct order calculating some inheritance state
List<XClass> orderedClasses = orderAndFillHierarchy( annotatedClasses );
Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass = AnnotationBinder.buildInheritanceStates(
orderedClasses, reflectionManager
ExtendedMappings mappings = createExtendedMappings();
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
@ -57,11 +56,6 @@ public class InheritanceState {
private InheritanceType type;
private boolean isEmbeddableSuperclass = false;
* only defined on embedded superclasses
private AccessType accessType = AccessType.DEFAULT;
private void extractInheritanceType() {
XAnnotatedElement element = getClazz();
Inheritance inhAnn = element.getAnnotation( Inheritance.class );
@ -84,8 +78,7 @@ public class InheritanceState {
public static InheritanceState getInheritanceStateOfSuperEntity(
XClass clazz, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> states,
ReflectionManager reflectionManager
XClass clazz, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> states
) {
XClass superclass = clazz;
do {
@ -95,14 +88,11 @@ public class InheritanceState {
return currentState;
while ( superclass != null && !reflectionManager.equals( superclass, Object.class ) );
while ( superclass != null && !Object.class.getName().equals( superclass.getName() ) );
return null;
public static InheritanceState getSuperclassInheritanceState(
XClass clazz, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> states,
ReflectionManager reflectionManager
) {
public static InheritanceState getSuperclassInheritanceState( XClass clazz, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> states) {
XClass superclass = clazz;
do {
superclass = superclass.getSuperclass();
@ -111,7 +101,7 @@ public class InheritanceState {
return currentState;
while ( superclass != null && !reflectionManager.equals( superclass, Object.class ) );
while ( superclass != null && !Object.class.getName().equals( superclass.getName() ) );
return null;
@ -154,12 +144,4 @@ public class InheritanceState {
public void setEmbeddableSuperclass(boolean embeddableSuperclass) {
isEmbeddableSuperclass = embeddableSuperclass;
public AccessType getAccessType() {
return accessType;
public void setAccessType(AccessType type) {
this.accessType = type;
@ -45,38 +45,39 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Target;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Type;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XProperty;
import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
* A helper class to keep the {@code XProperty}s of a class ordered by access type.
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
* A temporary class where we keep the {@code XProperty}s of a class ordered by access type.
class PropertyContainer {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( AnnotationBinder.class );
private final TreeMap<String, XProperty> fieldAccessMap;
private final TreeMap<String, XProperty> propertyAccessMap;
private final XClass xClass;
private final AccessType defaultAccessType;
private final AccessType explicitClassDefinedAccessType;
PropertyContainer(XClass clazz) {
this.xClass = clazz;
fieldAccessMap = initProperties( AccessType.FIELD );
propertyAccessMap = initProperties( AccessType.PROPERTY );
defaultAccessType = determineClassDefinedAccessStrategy();
explicitClassDefinedAccessType = determineClassDefinedAccessStrategy();
public XClass getXClass() {
return xClass;
public AccessType getDefaultAccessStrategy() {
return defaultAccessType;
public AccessType getExplicitAccessStrategy() {
return explicitClassDefinedAccessType;
public boolean hasExplicitAccessStrategy() {
return !explicitClassDefinedAccessType.equals( AccessType.DEFAULT );
public Collection<XProperty> getProperties(AccessType accessType) {
@ -88,6 +89,24 @@ class PropertyContainer {
public void assertTypesAreResolvable(AccessType access) {
TreeMap<String, XProperty> xprops;
if ( AccessType.PROPERTY.equals( access ) || AccessType.DEFAULT.equals( access ) ) {
xprops = propertyAccessMap;
else {
xprops = fieldAccessMap;
for ( XProperty property : xprops.values() ) {
if ( !property.isTypeResolved() && !discoverTypeWithoutReflection( property ) ) {
String msg = "Property " + StringHelper.qualify( xClass.getName(), property.getName() ) +
" has an unbound type and no explicit target entity. Resolve this Generic usage issue" +
" or set an explicit target attribute (eg @OneToMany(target=) or use an explicit @Type";
throw new AnnotationException( msg );
private void checkForJpaAccess() {
List<XProperty> tmpList = new ArrayList<XProperty>();
for ( XProperty property : fieldAccessMap.values() ) {
@ -136,16 +155,10 @@ class PropertyContainer {
TreeMap<String, XProperty> propertiesMap = new TreeMap<String, XProperty>();
List<XProperty> properties = xClass.getDeclaredProperties( access.getType() );
for ( XProperty property : properties ) {
// if ( !property.isTypeResolved() && !discoverTypeWithoutReflection( property )
// && !mustBeSkipped( property ) ) {
// String msg = "Property " + StringHelper.qualify( xClass.getName(), property.getName() ) +
// " has an unbound type and no explicit target entity. Resolve this Generic usage issue" +
// " or set an explicit target attribute (eg @OneToMany(target=) or use an explicit @Type";
// throw new AnnotationException( msg );
// }
if ( !mustBeSkipped( property ) ) {
propertiesMap.put( property.getName(), property );
if ( mustBeSkipped( property ) ) {
propertiesMap.put( property.getName(), property );
return propertiesMap;
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class EntityBinder {
private InheritanceState inheritanceState;
private boolean ignoreIdAnnotations;
private boolean cacheLazyProperty;
private AccessType propertyAccessor = AccessType.DEFAULT;
private AccessType propertyAccessType = AccessType.DEFAULT;
* Use as a fake one for Collection of elements
@ -843,16 +843,28 @@ public class EntityBinder {
public AccessType getPropertyAccessor() {
return propertyAccessor;
public AccessType getPropertyAccessType() {
return propertyAccessType;
public void setPropertyAccessor(AccessType propertyAccessor) {
this.propertyAccessor = propertyAccessor;
public void setPropertyAccessType(AccessType propertyAccessor) {
this.propertyAccessType = getExplicitAccessType( annotatedClass );
// only set the access type if there is no explicit access type for this class
if( this.propertyAccessType == null ) {
this.propertyAccessType = propertyAccessor;
public AccessType getPropertyAccessor(XAnnotatedElement element) {
AccessType accessType = propertyAccessor;
AccessType accessType = getExplicitAccessType( element );
if ( accessType == null ) {
accessType = propertyAccessType;
return accessType;
public AccessType getExplicitAccessType(XAnnotatedElement element) {
AccessType accessType = null;
AccessType hibernateAccessType = null;
AccessType jpaAccessType = null;
@ -868,7 +880,9 @@ public class EntityBinder {
if ( hibernateAccessType != null && jpaAccessType != null && hibernateAccessType != jpaAccessType ) {
throw new MappingException( " " );
throw new MappingException(
"Found @Access and @AccessType with conflicting values on a property in class " + annotatedClass.toString()
if ( hibernateAccessType != null ) {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
public void testInconsistentAnnotationPlacement() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Course.class );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Course1.class );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Student.class );
try {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
public void testFieldAnnotationPlacement() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
Class<?> classUnderTest = CourseFieldAccess.class;
Class<?> classUnderTest = Course6.class;
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( classUnderTest );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Student.class );
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) cfg.buildSessionFactory();
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
public void testPropertyAnnotationPlacement() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
Class<?> classUnderTest = CoursePropertyAccess.class;
Class<?> classUnderTest = Course7.class;
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( classUnderTest );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Student.class );
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) cfg.buildSessionFactory();
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
public void testExplicitPropertyAccessAnnotationsOnProperty() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
Class<?> classUnderTest = CourseExplicitPropertyAccess.class;
Class<?> classUnderTest = Course2.class;
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( classUnderTest );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Student.class );
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) cfg.buildSessionFactory();
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
public void testExplicitPropertyAccessAnnotationsOnField() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( CourseExplicitPropertyAccess3.class );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Course4.class );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Student.class );
try {
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
public void testExplicitPropertyAccessAnnotationsWithHibernateStyleOverride() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
Class<?> classUnderTest = CourseExplicitPropertyAccess2.class;
Class<?> classUnderTest = Course3.class;
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( classUnderTest );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Student.class );
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) cfg.buildSessionFactory();
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
public void testExplicitPropertyAccessAnnotationsWithJpaStyleOverride() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
Class<?> classUnderTest = CourseExplicitPropertyAccess4.class;
Class<?> classUnderTest = Course5.class;
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( classUnderTest );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Student.class );
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) cfg.buildSessionFactory();
@ -151,4 +151,43 @@ public class AccessMappingTest extends TestCase {
tuplizer.getGetter( 0 ) instanceof BasicPropertyAccessor.BasicGetter
public void testDefaultFieldAccessIsInherited() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
Class<?> classUnderTest = User.class;
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( classUnderTest );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Person.class );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Being.class );
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) cfg.buildSessionFactory();
EntityMetamodel metaModel = factory.getEntityPersister( classUnderTest.getName() )
PojoEntityTuplizer tuplizer = ( PojoEntityTuplizer ) metaModel.getTuplizer( EntityMode.POJO );
"Field access should be used since the default access mode gets inherited",
tuplizer.getIdentifierGetter() instanceof DirectPropertyAccessor.DirectGetter
public void testDefaultPropertyAccessIsInherited() throws Exception {
AnnotationConfiguration cfg = new AnnotationConfiguration();
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Horse.class );
cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Animal.class );
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) cfg.buildSessionFactory();
EntityMetamodel metaModel = factory.getEntityPersister( Animal.class.getName() )
PojoEntityTuplizer tuplizer = ( PojoEntityTuplizer ) metaModel.getTuplizer( EntityMode.POJO );
"Property access should be used since explicity configured via @Access",
tuplizer.getIdentifierGetter() instanceof BasicPropertyAccessor.BasicGetter
metaModel = factory.getEntityPersister( Horse.class.getName() )
tuplizer = ( PojoEntityTuplizer ) metaModel.getTuplizer( EntityMode.POJO );
"Property access should be used since the default access mode gets inherited",
tuplizer.getGetter( 0 ) instanceof BasicPropertyAccessor.BasicGetter
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
tx = s.beginTransaction();
john = (User) s.get( User.class, john.getId() );
assertEquals("Wrong number of friends", 1, john.getFriends().size() );
john = ( User ) s.get( User.class, john.getId() );
assertEquals( "Wrong number of friends", 1, john.getFriends().size() );
assertNull( john.firstname );
s.delete( john );
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
tx = s.beginTransaction();
fur = (Furniture) s.get( Furniture.class, fur.getId() );
fur = ( Furniture ) s.get( Furniture.class, fur.getId() );
assertFalse( fur.isAlive );
assertNotNull( fur.getColor() );
s.delete( fur );
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
tx = s.beginTransaction();
fur = (Furniture) s.get( Furniture.class, fur.getId() );
fur = ( Furniture ) s.get( Furniture.class, fur.getId() );
assertNotNull( fur.getGod() );
s.delete( fur );
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
tx = s.beginTransaction();
fur = (Furniture) s.get( Furniture.class, fur.getId() );
fur = ( Furniture ) s.get( Furniture.class, fur.getId() );
assertEquals( 5, fur.weight );
s.delete( fur );
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
tx = s.beginTransaction();
chair = (Chair) s.get( Chair.class, chair.getId() );
chair = ( Chair ) s.get( Chair.class, chair.getId() );
assertNull( chair.getPillow() );
s.delete( chair );
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
tx = s.beginTransaction();
bed = (BigBed) s.get( BigBed.class, bed.getId() );
bed = ( BigBed ) s.get( BigBed.class, bed.getId() );
assertEquals( 5, bed.size );
assertNull( bed.getQuality() );
s.delete( bed );
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
tx = s.beginTransaction();
gs = (Gardenshed) s.get( Gardenshed.class, gs.getId() );
gs = ( Gardenshed ) s.get( Gardenshed.class, gs.getId() );
assertEquals( 4, gs.floors );
assertEquals( 6, gs.getFloors() );
s.delete( gs );
@ -169,6 +169,29 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
public void testEmbeddableUsesAccessStrategyOfContainingClass() throws Exception {
Circle circle = new Circle();
Color color = new Color( 5, 10, 15 );
circle.setColor( color );
Session s = openSession();
s.persist( circle );
Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction();
tx = s.beginTransaction();
circle = ( Circle ) s.get( Circle.class, circle.getId() );
assertEquals( 5, circle.getColor().r );
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// success
s.delete( circle );
protected Class[] getMappings() {
return new Class[] {
@ -178,7 +201,10 @@ public class AccessTest extends TestCase {
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.test.annotations.access.jpa;
import javax.persistence.Access;
import javax.persistence.AccessType;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class Animal {
private long id;
@Access( AccessType.PROPERTY)
public long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
//$Id: Being.java 18260 2009-12-17 21:14:07Z hardy.ferentschik $
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.test.annotations.access.jpa;
import javax.persistence.Access;
import javax.persistence.AccessType;
import javax.persistence.Embedded;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class Circle extends Shape {
private Color color;
public Color getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(Color color) {
this.color = color;
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
//$Id: Being.java 18260 2009-12-17 21:14:07Z hardy.ferentschik $
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.test.annotations.access.jpa;
import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class Color {
public int r;
public int g;
public int b;
public Color() {
public Color(int r, int g, int b) {
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
public int getB() {
throw new RuntimeException();
public void setB(int b) {
this.b = b;
public int getG() {
throw new RuntimeException();
public void setG(int g) {
this.g = g;
public int getR() {
throw new RuntimeException();
public void setR(int r) {
this.r = r;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class Course {
public class Course1 {
private long id;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
public class CourseExplicitPropertyAccess {
public class Course2 {
private long id;
private String title;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
public class CourseExplicitPropertyAccess2 {
public class Course3 {
private long id;
private String title;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
public class CourseExplicitPropertyAccess3 {
public class Course4 {
private long id;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
public class CourseExplicitPropertyAccess4 {
public class Course5 {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class CourseFieldAccess {
public class Course6 {
private long id;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class CoursePropertyAccess {
public class Course7 {
private long id;
private String title;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ public class Furniture extends Woody {
this.id = id;
public long weight;
public long getWeight() {
return weight + 1;
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
//$Id: Being.java 18260 2009-12-17 21:14:07Z hardy.ferentschik $
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.test.annotations.access.jpa;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class Horse extends Animal {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
//$Id: Being.java 18260 2009-12-17 21:14:07Z hardy.ferentschik $
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.test.annotations.access.jpa;
import javax.persistence.Access;
import javax.persistence.AccessType;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class Shape {
private long id;
public long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
Reference in New Issue