diff --git a/tooling/metamodel-generator/pom.xml b/tooling/metamodel-generator/pom.xml
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--- a/tooling/metamodel-generator/pom.xml
+++ b/tooling/metamodel-generator/pom.xml
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- make-assembly
- site
- assembly
- org.apache.maven.plugins
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- package deploy
+ package deploy javadoc:javadoc org.jboss.maven.plugins:maven-jdocbook-plugin:2.2.0:resources org.jboss.maven.plugins:maven-jdocbook-plugin:2.2.0:generate assembly:assembly
diff --git a/tooling/metamodel-generator/src/main/assembly/dist.xml b/tooling/metamodel-generator/src/main/assembly/dist.xml
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--- a/tooling/metamodel-generator/src/main/assembly/dist.xml
+++ b/tooling/metamodel-generator/src/main/assembly/dist.xml
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- tar.bz2zip
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- /
- true
- /
- /
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+ target/docbook/publish
+ docs/reference
+ .true
- *.txt**/target/**
- *.iml
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+++ b/tooling/metamodel-generator/src/main/docbook/en-US/master.xml
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What is it about?
- Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator is an annotation processor
- with the task of creating the static metamodel classes for JPA 2
- entities. In the following I will show how to integrate the annotation
- processor into your build environment.
+ JPA 2 defines a new typesafe Criteria API
+ which allows criteria queries to be constructed in a strongly-typed
+ manner, using metamodel objects to provide type safety. This type saftey
+ is of course only useful for developers if the task of the metamodel
+ generation can be automated. Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator is an
+ annotation processor based on the annotation processing API defined in
+ JSR 269 with the task of creating the static
+ metamodel classes for JPA 2 entities. The following examples show a
+ managed JPA 2 entity, together with is metamodel class and an example
+ typesafe query.
+ JPA 2 annotated entity
+ @Entity public class Order {
+ @Id
+ Integer id;
+ @ManyToOne
+ Customer customer;
+ @OneToMany
+ Set<Item> items;
+ BigDecimal totalCost;
+ // standard setter/getter methods
+ ...
+ Matching metamodel class for entity
+ Order
+ @StaticMetamodel(Order.class)
+public class Order_ {
+ public static volatile SingularAttribute<Order, Integer> id;
+ public static volatile SingularAttribute<Order, Customer> customer;
+ public static volatile SetAttribute<Order, Item> items;
+ public static volatile SingularAttribute<Order, BigDecimal> totalCost;
+ Example of typesafe query using the metamodel class
+ Order_
+ CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
+CriteriaQuery<Order> cq = cb.createQuery(Order.class);
+SetJoin<Order, Item> itemNode = cq.from(Order.class).join(Order_.orderItems);
+cq.where( cb.equal(itemNode.get(Item_.id), 5 ) ).distinct(true);
- Installation
+ Canonical Metamodel
- Prerequisites
+ The structure of the metamodel classes is described in the JPA 2 specification
+ and its definition is included for completeness in the following
+ paragraphs . Feel free to skip ahead to
+ if you are not interested into the gory details.
+ The annotation processor produces for every managed class in the
+ persistence unit a metamodel class based on these rules:
+ For each managed class X in package
+ p, a metamodel class X_ in package p is
+ created.
+ The name of the metamodel class is derived from the name of
+ the managed class by appending "_" to the name of the managed
+ class.
+ The metamodel class X_ must be
+ annotated with the
+ javax.persistence.StaticMetamodel
+ annotation.
+ If class X extends another class
+ S, where S is the
+ most derived managed class (i.e., entity or mapped superclass)
+ extended by X, then class
+ X_ must extend class
+ S_, where S_ is the
+ metamodel class created for S.
+ For every persistent non-collection-valued attribute y
+ declared by class X, where the type of y is
+ Y, the metamodel class must contain a
+ declaration as follows: public static volatile SingularAttribute<X, Y> y;
+ For every persistent collection-valued attribute z declared
+ by class X, where the element type of z is
+ Z, the metamodel class must contain a
+ declaration as follows:
+ if the collection type of z is java.util.Collection,
+ then public static volatile CollectionAttribute<X, Z> z;
+ if the collection type of z is java.util.Set, then
+ public static volatile SetAttribute<X, Z> z;
+ if the collection type of z is java.util.List, then
+ public static volatile ListAttribute<X, Z> z;
+ if the collection type of z is java.util.Map, then
+ public static volatile MapAttribute<X, K, Z> z;
+ where K is the type of the key of the map in class X
+ Import statements must be included for the needed
+ javax.persistence.metamodel types as appropriate
+ and all classes X, Y,
+ Z, and K.
+ Usage
+ The jar file for the annotation processor can be found in the
+ JBoss Maven repository
+ under:
+ Maven dependency for Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hibernate-jpamodelgen</artifactId>
+ <version>1.0.0</version>
+ Alternatively, a full distribution package can be downloaded from
+ SourceForge.
In most cases the annotation processor will automatically run
- provided the annotation processor jar is on the classpath. This happens
- due to Java's Service Provider contract and the fact the the Hibernate
- Static Metamodel Generator jar files contains the file
+ provided a JDK version 6i used and the jar file is added to the classpath.
+ This happens due to Java's
+ Service Provider contract and the fact the the Hibernate Static
+ Metamodel Generator jar files contains the file
javax.annotation.processing.Processor in the
- META-INF/services listing
- org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor
- as annotation processor.
+ META-INF/services directory. The fully qualified name
+ of the processor itself is:
+ org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.
+ The use of a Java 6 compiler is a prerequisite.
+ Usage from the command line
+ Usage with AntAs mentioned before, the annotation processor will run
- automatically in a Java 6 environment. In case you want configure the
- processor explicitly or disable it you can use the compilerarg option of
- the Javac Task. The supported command javac line options are listed
- here.
+ automatically each time the Java compiler is called - provided the jar
+ file is on the classpath. Somtimes it is, however, useful to control the
+ annotation processing in more detail, for example if you exclusively
+ want to run the processor without compiling any other source files.
+ shows how the Ant Javac
+ Task can be configured to just run annotation
+ processing.
+ Ant Javac Task configuration
+ <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
+ destdir="${target.dir}"
+ failonerror="false"
+ fork="true"
+ classpath="${classpath}">
+ <compilerarg value="-proc:only"/>
+ The option -proc:only instructs the
+ compiler to just run the annotation processing. You can also completely
+ disable processing by specifying -proc:none.
+ Run 'javac -help' to see which other
+ annotation processor relevant options can be specified.
+ Usage with MavenThere are several ways of running the annotation processor
- as part of a Maven build. It will automatically run if you are using a
- JDK 6 compiler and the annotation processor jar is on the classpath. In
- case you have more than one annotation processors on your classpath you
- can explicitly pass the processor option to the compiler plugin:
+ as part of a Maven build. Again, it will automatically run if you are
+ using a JDK 6 compiler and the annotation processor jar is on the
+ classpath. In case you have more than one annotation processors on your
+ classpath you can explicitly pass the processor option to the compiler
+ plugin:Maven compiler plugin configuration - direct
@@ -105,7 +266,7 @@
- <processor>org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor</processor>
+ <processor>org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor</processor>
@@ -113,11 +274,15 @@
The maven-compiler-plugin approach has the disadvantage that the
maven compiler plugin does currently not allow to specify multiple
- compiler arguments (MCOMPILER-62) and that messages from the Messenger
- API are suppressed (MCOMPILER-66). A better approach is to disable
- annotation processing for the compiler plugin:
+ compiler arguments (MCOMPILER-62)
+ and that messages from the Messenger API are suppressed (MCOMPILER-66).
+ A better approach is to disable annotation processing for the compiler
+ plugin as seen in .
+ Maven compiler plugin configuration - indirect
@@ -126,16 +291,22 @@
- <compilerArgument>-proc:none</compilerArgument>
+ <compilerArgument>-proc:none</compilerArgument>
- and use the maven-annotation-plugin for annotation processing (you
- will need the following additional maven repositories -
- maven-annotation-plugin and jfrog):
+ Once disabled, the maven-annotation-plugin
+ for annotation processing (you will need the following additional maven
+ repositories - maven-annotation-plugin
+ and jfrog)
+ can be used. The configuration can be seen in .
+ Maven compiler plugin configuration with
@@ -181,9 +352,19 @@
Usage within the IDE
+ Of course you also want to have annotation processing available in
+ your favorite IDE. The following paragraphs and screenshots show you how
+ to enable the Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator within your
+ IDE.
+ Intellij Idea contains from version 9.x onwards a specifc
+ configuration section for annotation processing under the project
+ settings window. The screenshots show you how to configure the
+ Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator.
- Eclipse
+ In Eclipse, from the Galileo release onwards, exists an
+ additional configuration section under Java Compiler. There you can
+ configure all kinds of aspects of annotation processing. Just check
+ the "Enable annotation processing" option, configure the directory for
+ the generated sources and finally add the Hibernate Static Metamodel
+ Generator and JPA 2 jar files to the factory path.
- Of course you also want to have annotation processing available
- in your favorite IDE. In Eclipse (at least since the latest Galileo
- release) exists an additional configuration section under Java
- Compiler where you can configure all kinds of aspects of annotation
- processing. Just check the "Enable annotation processing" option,
- configure the directory for the generated sources and finally add the
- Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator and JPA 2 jar files to the
- factory path.
- Options
+ Processor specific options
- The annotaton processor accepts a series of custom properties
- which can be passed to the processor execution in the format
+ The Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator accepts a series of
+ custom options which can be passed to the processor in the format
-A[property]=[value]. The supported properties
Annotation processor options (passed via
@@ -245,9 +424,10 @@
- Option name
+ Option name
- Option value and usage
+ Option value and
+ usage
@@ -280,4 +460,15 @@
+ Further information
+ For further usage question or problems consult the Hibernate
+ Forum. For bug reports use the METAGEN project in the Hibernate Jira instance.
+ Feedback is always welcome.