HHH-9777 : Copy tests from AbstractDereferencedCollectionTest into subclasses

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Gail Badner 2015-05-21 16:09:09 -07:00 committed by Andrea Boriero
parent 93f56ecf5d
commit 4e2f7aeae4
10 changed files with 1209 additions and 354 deletions

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@ -48,314 +48,11 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public abstract class AbstractDereferencedCollectionTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testMergeNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
One one = createOwner();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = getCollectionOwnerClass().getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (One) s.merge( one );
// after merging, one.getManies() should still be null;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain a PersistentCollection though.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertNotNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndNullifyCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
One one = createOwner();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = getCollectionOwnerClass().getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (One) s.get( getCollectionOwnerClass(), one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManies = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManies );
assertEquals( role, ceManies.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManies.getKey() );
// nullify collection
one.setManies( null );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManies.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManies.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndReplaceCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
One one = createOwner();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = getCollectionOwnerClass().getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (One) s.get( getCollectionOwnerClass(), one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// replace collection
one.setManies( new HashSet<Many>() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// one.getManies() should be "wrapped" by a PersistentCollection now; role, key, and session should be set properly.
assertTrue( PersistentCollection.class.isInstance( one.getManies() ) );
assertEquals( role, ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getKey() );
assertSame( s, ( (AbstractPersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getSession() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() contains the new collection.
assertSame( one.getManies(), eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure there is a new CollectionEntry for the new collection and that role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesAfterReplace = getCollectionEntry( s, (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() );
assertNotNull( ceManiesAfterReplace );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesAfterReplace.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesAfterReplace.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesAfterReplace.getKey() );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
public void testSaveOrUpdateNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
One one = createOwner();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = getCollectionOwnerClass().getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
s.saveOrUpdate( one );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state contains null for the manies collection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state still contains null for the manies collection.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
protected abstract Class<?> getCollectionOwnerClass();
protected final One createOwner() {
try {
return (One) getCollectionOwnerClass().newInstance();
catch (InstantiationException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException( ex );
catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException( ex );
private EntityEntry getEntityEntry(Session s, Object entity) {
protected EntityEntry getEntityEntry(Session s, Object entity) {
return ( (SessionImplementor) s ).getPersistenceContext().getEntry( entity );
private CollectionEntry getCollectionEntry(Session s, PersistentCollection collection) {
protected CollectionEntry getCollectionEntry(Session s, PersistentCollection collection) {
return ( (SessionImplementor) s ).getPersistenceContext().getCollectionEntry( collection );
protected Class[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return new Class[] {

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.test.collection.dereferenced;
import java.util.Set;
* @author Gail Badner
public interface One {
long getId();
Set<Many> getManies();
void setManies(Set<Many> manies);

View File

@ -23,13 +23,313 @@
package org.hibernate.test.collection.dereferenced;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.testing.TestForIssue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* @author Gail Badner
public class UnversionedCascadeDereferencedCollectionTest extends AbstractDereferencedCollectionTest {
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testMergeNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedCascadeOne one = new UnversionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = UnversionedCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (UnversionedCascadeOne) s.merge( one );
// after merging, one.getManies() should still be null;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain a PersistentCollection though.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertNotNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndNullifyCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedCascadeOne one = new UnversionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = UnversionedCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (UnversionedCascadeOne) s.get( UnversionedCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManies = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManies );
assertEquals( role, ceManies.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManies.getKey() );
// nullify collection
one.setManies( null );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManies.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManies.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndReplaceCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedCascadeOne one = new UnversionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = UnversionedCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (UnversionedCascadeOne) s.get( UnversionedCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// replace collection
one.setManies( new HashSet<Many>() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// one.getManies() should be "wrapped" by a PersistentCollection now; role, key, and session should be set properly.
assertTrue( PersistentCollection.class.isInstance( one.getManies() ) );
assertEquals( role, ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getKey() );
assertSame( s, ( (AbstractPersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getSession() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() contains the new collection.
assertSame( one.getManies(), eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure there is a new CollectionEntry for the new collection and that role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesAfterReplace = getCollectionEntry( s, (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() );
assertNotNull( ceManiesAfterReplace );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesAfterReplace.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesAfterReplace.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesAfterReplace.getKey() );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
public void testSaveOrUpdateNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedCascadeOne one = new UnversionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
s = openSession();
s.saveOrUpdate( one );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state contains null for the manies collection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state still contains null for the manies collection.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
protected Class<?> getCollectionOwnerClass() {
return UnversionedCascadeOne.class;
protected Class[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return new Class[] {

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import javax.persistence.Version;
* @author Gail Badner
public class UnversionedCascadeOne implements One {
public class UnversionedCascadeOne {
private long id;

View File

@ -23,17 +23,312 @@
package org.hibernate.test.collection.dereferenced;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.hibernate.testing.FailureExpected;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.testing.TestForIssue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* @author Gail Badner
public class UnversionedNoCascadeDereferencedCollectionTest extends AbstractDereferencedCollectionTest {
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testMergeNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedNoCascadeOne one = new UnversionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = UnversionedNoCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (UnversionedNoCascadeOne) s.merge( one );
// after merging, one.getManies() should still be null;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain a PersistentCollection though.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertNotNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndNullifyCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedNoCascadeOne one = new UnversionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = UnversionedNoCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (UnversionedNoCascadeOne) s.get( UnversionedNoCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManies = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManies );
assertEquals( role, ceManies.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManies.getKey() );
// nullify collection
one.setManies( null );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManies.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManies.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndReplaceCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedNoCascadeOne one = new UnversionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = UnversionedNoCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (UnversionedNoCascadeOne) s.get( UnversionedNoCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// replace collection
one.setManies( new HashSet<Many>() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// one.getManies() should be "wrapped" by a PersistentCollection now; role, key, and session should be set properly.
assertTrue( PersistentCollection.class.isInstance( one.getManies() ) );
assertEquals( role, ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getKey() );
assertSame( s, ( (AbstractPersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getSession() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() contains the new collection.
assertSame( one.getManies(), eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure there is a new CollectionEntry for the new collection and that role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesAfterReplace = getCollectionEntry( s, (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() );
assertNotNull( ceManiesAfterReplace );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesAfterReplace.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesAfterReplace.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesAfterReplace.getKey() );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
public void testSaveOrUpdateNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
UnversionedNoCascadeOne one = new UnversionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
s = openSession();
s.saveOrUpdate( one );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state contains null for the manies collection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state still contains null for the manies collection.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
protected Class<?> getCollectionOwnerClass() {
return UnversionedNoCascadeOne.class;
protected Class[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return new Class[] {

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
* @author Gail Badner
public class UnversionedNoCascadeOne implements One {
public class UnversionedNoCascadeOne {
private long id;

View File

@ -23,13 +23,312 @@
package org.hibernate.test.collection.dereferenced;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.testing.TestForIssue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* @author Gail Badner
public class VersionedCascadeDereferencedCollectionTest extends AbstractDereferencedCollectionTest {
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testMergeNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedCascadeOne one = new VersionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = VersionedCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (VersionedCascadeOne) s.merge( one );
// after merging, one.getManies() should still be null;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain a PersistentCollection though.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertNotNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndNullifyCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedCascadeOne one = new VersionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = VersionedCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (VersionedCascadeOne) s.get( VersionedCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManies = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManies );
assertEquals( role, ceManies.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManies.getKey() );
// nullify collection
one.setManies( null );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManies.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManies.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndReplaceCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedCascadeOne one = new VersionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role = VersionedCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (VersionedCascadeOne) s.get( VersionedCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// replace collection
one.setManies( new HashSet<Many>() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// one.getManies() should be "wrapped" by a PersistentCollection now; role, key, and session should be set properly.
assertTrue( PersistentCollection.class.isInstance( one.getManies() ) );
assertEquals( role, ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getKey() );
assertSame( s, ( (AbstractPersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getSession() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() contains the new collection.
assertSame( one.getManies(), eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure there is a new CollectionEntry for the new collection and that role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesAfterReplace = getCollectionEntry( s, (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() );
assertNotNull( ceManiesAfterReplace );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesAfterReplace.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesAfterReplace.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesAfterReplace.getKey() );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
public void testSaveOrUpdateNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedCascadeOne one = new VersionedCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
s = openSession();
s.saveOrUpdate( one );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state contains null for the manies collection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state still contains null for the manies collection.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
protected Class<?> getCollectionOwnerClass() {
return VersionedCascadeOne.class;
protected Class[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return new Class[] {

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import javax.persistence.Version;
* @author Gail Badner
public class VersionedCascadeOne implements One {
public class VersionedCascadeOne {
private long id;

View File

@ -23,13 +23,312 @@
package org.hibernate.test.collection.dereferenced;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.testing.TestForIssue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* @author Gail Badner
public class VersionedNoCascadeDereferencedCollectionTest extends AbstractDereferencedCollectionTest {
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testMergeNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedNoCascadeOne one = new VersionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role =VersionedNoCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (VersionedNoCascadeOne) s.merge( one );
// after merging, one.getManies() should still be null;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain a PersistentCollection though.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertNotNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndNullifyCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedNoCascadeOne one = new VersionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role =VersionedNoCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (VersionedNoCascadeOne) s.get(VersionedNoCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManies = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManies );
assertEquals( role, ceManies.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManies.getKey() );
// nullify collection
one.setManies( null );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManies.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManies.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManies.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() returns null for collection after flush.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-9777" )
public void testGetAndReplaceCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedNoCascadeOne one = new VersionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
final String role =VersionedNoCascadeOne.class.getName() + ".manies";
s = openSession();
one = (VersionedNoCascadeOne) s.get(VersionedNoCascadeOne.class, one.getId() );
// When returned by Session.get(), one.getManies() will return a PersistentCollection;
// the EntityEntry loaded state should contain the same PersistentCollection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNotNull( one.getManies() );
AbstractPersistentCollection maniesEEOneStateOrig = (AbstractPersistentCollection) eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" );
assertSame( one.getManies(), maniesEEOneStateOrig );
// Ensure maniesEEOneStateOrig has role, key, and session properly defined (even though one.manies == null)
assertEquals( role, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertSame( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
// Ensure there is a CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig and that the role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesOrig = getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig );
assertNotNull( ceManiesOrig );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// replace collection
one.setManies( new HashSet<Many>() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure CollectionEntry for maniesEEOneStateOrig is no longer in the PersistenceContext.
assertNull( getCollectionEntry( s, maniesEEOneStateOrig ) );
// Ensure the original CollectionEntry has role, persister, and key set to null.
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getRole() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getLoadedPersister() );
assertNull( ceManiesOrig.getKey() );
// Ensure the PersistentCollection (that was previously returned by eeOne.getLoadedState())
// has key and role set to null.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getKey() );
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getRole() );
// one.getManies() should be "wrapped" by a PersistentCollection now; role, key, and session should be set properly.
assertTrue( PersistentCollection.class.isInstance( one.getManies() ) );
assertEquals( role, ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getRole() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ( (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getKey() );
assertSame( s, ( (AbstractPersistentCollection) one.getManies() ).getSession() );
// Ensure eeOne.getLoadedState() contains the new collection.
assertSame( one.getManies(), eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure there is a new CollectionEntry for the new collection and that role, persister, and key are set properly.
CollectionEntry ceManiesAfterReplace = getCollectionEntry( s, (PersistentCollection) one.getManies() );
assertNotNull( ceManiesAfterReplace );
assertEquals( role, ceManiesAfterReplace.getRole() );
assertSame( sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( role ), ceManiesAfterReplace.getLoadedPersister() );
assertEquals( one.getId(), ceManiesAfterReplace.getKey() );
// Ensure the session in maniesEEOneStateOrig has been unset.
assertNull( maniesEEOneStateOrig.getSession() );
public void testSaveOrUpdateNullCollection() {
Session s = openSession();
VersionedNoCascadeOne one = new VersionedNoCascadeOne();
assertNull( one.getManies() );
s.save( one );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
EntityEntry eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
assertNull( one.getManies() );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
s = openSession();
s.saveOrUpdate( one );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state contains null for the manies collection.
eeOne = getEntityEntry( s, one );
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
// Ensure one.getManies() is still null.
assertNull( one.getManies() );
// Ensure the same EntityEntry is being used.
assertSame( eeOne, getEntityEntry( s, one ) );
// Ensure the EntityEntry loaded state still contains null for the manies collection.
assertNull( eeOne.getLoadedValue( "manies" ) );
protected Class<?> getCollectionOwnerClass() {
return VersionedNoCascadeOne.class;
protected Class[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return new Class[] {

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import javax.persistence.Version;
* @author Gail Badner
public class VersionedNoCascadeOne implements One {
public class VersionedNoCascadeOne {
private long id;