HHH-14872 - Re-enable hibernate-gradle-plugin

plus additional improvements to Gradle scripts
This commit is contained in:
Steve Ebersole 2022-03-15 20:10:17 -05:00
parent 58d4d8a6e1
commit 5403e95958
13 changed files with 64 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ if ( !project.description ) {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Configurations and Dependencies
configurations.all {
exclude group: 'xml-apis', module: 'xml-apis'
dependencies {
implementation libraries.logging
@ -122,6 +117,20 @@ dependencies {
configurations {
javadocSources {
canBeConsumed = true
canBeResolved = false
visible = false
description = 'Configuration for accessing the sources that should be included in the javadoc for the project'
artifacts {
sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs.each { srcDir ->
javadocSources srcDir
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Compilation
@ -462,21 +471,25 @@ task copyResourcesToIntelliJOutFolder(type: Task, dependsOn: project.tasks.proce
Afterward, you can run any test from the IDE against that particular DB.
task setDataBase dependsOn( processTestResources, copyResourcesToIntelliJOutFolder ) {
println( 'Setting current database to ' + db )
println( "Setting current database to ${db}" )
copyResourcesToIntelliJOutFolder.mustRunAfter processTestResources
tasks.copyResourcesToIntelliJOutFolder.mustRunAfter processTestResources
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Report configs
checkstyle {
sourceSets = [ project.sourceSets.main ]
it.sourceSets = [ project.sourceSets.main ]
configFile = rootProject.file( 'shared/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml' )
showViolations = false
// exclude generated java sources - by explicitly setting the base source dir
checkstyleMain.source = 'src/main/java'
tasks.checkstyleMain.source = 'src/main/java'
// because cfg package is a mess mainly from annotation stuff
tasks.checkstyleMain.exclude '**/org/hibernate/cfg/**'
tasks.checkstyleMain.exclude '**/org/hibernate/cfg/*'
// define a second checkstyle task for checking non-fatal violations
task nonFatalCheckstyle(type:Checkstyle) {
@ -486,10 +499,6 @@ task nonFatalCheckstyle(type:Checkstyle) {
configFile = rootProject.file( 'shared/config/checkstyle/checkstyle-non-fatal.xml' )
// because cfg package is a mess mainly from annotation stuff
checkstyleMain.exclude '**/org/hibernate/cfg/**'
checkstyleMain.exclude '**/org/hibernate/cfg/*'
task forbiddenApisSystemOut(type: CheckForbiddenApis, dependsOn: compileJava) {
bundledSignatures += 'jdk-system-out'
@ -510,26 +519,22 @@ task forbiddenApisNonPortable(type: CheckForbiddenApis, dependsOn: compileJava)
bundledSignatures += 'jdk-non-portable'
task forbiddenApis
project.tasks.withType( CheckForbiddenApis ).each { task ->
def outputFile = project.file( "${buildDir}/forbidden-apis/${task.name}-output.txt" )
task forbiddenApis {
description 'Grouping task for all defined forbidden-apis tasks'
task.classesDirs = project.sourceSets.main.output.classesDirs
task.classpath = project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + project.sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
task.targetCompatibility = project.forbiddenAPITargetJDKCompatibility
project.tasks.withType( CheckForbiddenApis ) {
outputs.upToDateWhen { true }
task.outputs.file outputFile
classesDirs = project.sourceSets.main.output
classpath = configurations.runtimeClasspath + configurations.compileClasspath
targetCompatibility = project.forbiddenAPITargetJDKCompatibility
// This slows down the checks a little, but is necessary to avoid the gradle deamon holding on
// This slows down the checks a little, but is necessary to avoid the gradle daemon holding on
// to class definitions loaded previously - even possibly in a previous build.
task.disableClassloadingCache = true
disableClassloadingCache = true
tasks.forbiddenApis.finalizedBy task
task.doLast {
tasks.forbiddenApis.finalizedBy it
project.tasks.check.finalizedBy tasks.forbiddenApis

View File

@ -10,20 +10,6 @@ apply plugin : 'java'
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/base-information.gradle' )
configurations {
javadocSources {
canBeConsumed = true
canBeResolved = false
description = 'Configuration for accessing the sources that should be included in the javadoc for the project'
artifacts {
sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs.each { srcDir ->
javadocSources srcDir
javadoc {
exclude( "**/internal/*" )
exclude( "**/generated-src/**" )

View File

@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ apply plugin: 'eclipse'
// minimize changes, at least for now (gradle uses 'build' by default)..
buildDir = "target"
configurations.all {
exclude group: 'xml-apis', module: 'xml-apis'

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/base-information.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/module.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/libraries.gradle' )
apply plugin: 'idea'

View File

@ -156,11 +156,8 @@ include 'metamodel-generator'
project(':metamodel-generator').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/metamodel-generator")
project(':metamodel-generator').name = 'hibernate-jpamodelgen'
//include 'hibernate-gradle-plugin'
//project(':hibernate-gradle-plugin').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/hibernate-gradle-plugin")
//include 'project-template'
//project(':project-template').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/project-template")
include 'hibernate-gradle-plugin'
project(':hibernate-gradle-plugin').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/hibernate-gradle-plugin")
include 'hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin'
project(':hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin")

View File

@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
plugins {
id 'java-gradle-plugin'
id 'com.gradle.plugin-publish' version '0.16.0'
id 'com.gradle.plugin-publish' version '0.20.0'
id 'com.github.sebersole.testkit-junit5' version '1.2.0'
id 'checkstyle'
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/java-module.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/module.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/javadoc.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/libraries.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/releasable.gradle' )
description = "Gradle plugin for integrating Hibernate aspects into your build"
@ -63,6 +66,9 @@ pluginBundle {
tasks.release {
dependsOn tasks.publishPlugins
task publish {
dependsOn tasks.publishPlugins
@ -87,14 +93,12 @@ else {
" Using the JDK that runs Gradle for Groovy compilation." )
tasks.test {
// Needs add-opens because Gradle uses illegal accesses to inject... mocks? Something like that.
jvmArgs( ['--add-opens', 'java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED'] )
checkstyle {
sourceSets = [ project.sourceSets.main ]
configFile = rootProject.file( 'shared/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml' )
showViolations = false
tasks.release {
dependsOn tasks.publishPlugins
afterEvaluate {
if ( project.ormVersion.isSnapshot ) {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
package org.hibernate.orm.tooling.gradle;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.gradle.api.Action;
import org.gradle.api.Project;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
package org.hibernate.orm.tooling.gradle.enhance;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.provider.Property;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
package org.hibernate.orm.tooling.gradle.enhance;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.Project;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
package org.hibernate.orm.tooling.gradle.metamodel;
import java.util.Arrays;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion;
import org.gradle.api.Project;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode;
import jakarta.persistence.ValidationMode;
import jakarta.persistence.spi.ClassTransformer;

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public class ObjectFactory {
Consumer<Component> componentConsumer) {
if ( propertyValueMapping instanceof BasicValue ) {
final BasicValue basicValue = (BasicValue) propertyValueMapping;
return basicValue.resolve().getDomainJavaDescriptor().getJavaTypeClass();
return basicValue.resolve().getDomainJavaType().getJavaTypeClass();
if ( propertyValueMapping instanceof Component ) {
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public class ObjectFactory {
if ( partJavaType instanceof BasicValue ) {
final BasicValue basicValue = (BasicValue) partJavaType;
return basicValue.resolve().getDomainJavaDescriptor().getJavaTypeClass();
return basicValue.resolve().getDomainJavaType().getJavaTypeClass();
if ( partJavaType instanceof Component ) {

View File

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'jakarta.persistence:jakarta.persistence-api:3.0.0'
hibernate {
enhancement {
lazyInitialization( true )