update explanation of limit/fetch join problem for H6

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Gavin King 2022-01-08 11:58:44 +01:00
parent e79d7efbce
commit 60ad64b2a6
2 changed files with 35 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -2105,17 +2105,17 @@ include::{sourcedir}/HQLTest.java[tags=hql-limit-example]
These are well-defined limits: the number of results returned by `getMaxResults()` will be limited to 50, as promised.
These are well-defined limits: the number of results returned by the database will be limited to 50, as promised.
But not every query is quite so well-behaved.
_Limiting_ certainly _isn't_ a well-defined relational operation, and must be used with care.
A limit can easily break the semantics of certain other features of HQL, including <<hql-explicit-fetch-join,fetch joins>>.
In particular, limits don't play well with <<hql-explicit-fetch-join,fetch joins>>.
This next query is accepted by HQL, but the last `Phone` in the result list might have an incomplete collection of phones:
This next query is accepted by HQL, and no more than 50 results are returned by `getResultList()`, just as expected:
//.Order by example
@ -2126,7 +2126,36 @@ include::{sourcedir}/HQLTest.java[tags=hql-bad-limit-example]
The `limit 50` here refers to the total number of rows returned from the database.
The final number of ``Phone``s returned by `getResultList()` will be fewer, after Hibernate eliminates duplicate ``Phone``s from the result list.
However, if you log the SQL executed by Hibernate, you'll notice something wrong:
[source, SQL, indent=0]
Phone p1_0
phone_call c1_0
on p1_0.id=c1_0.phone_id
order by 1
What happened to the `limit` clause?
When limits or pagination are combined with `fetch join`, Hibernate must retrieve all matching results from the database and _apply the limit in memory_!
This _almost certainly_ isn't the behavior you were hoping for, and in general will exhibit _terrible_ performance characteristics.
In the next chapter we'll see a completely different way to write queries in Hibernate.

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@ -2939,15 +2939,12 @@ public class HQLTest extends BaseEntityManagerFunctionalTestCase {
doInJPA(this::entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
// don't do this!
// don't do this! join fetch should not be used with limit
List<Phone> wrongCalls = entityManager.createQuery(
"select p " +
"from Phone p " +
// join fetch should not be used with limit
"join fetch p.calls " +
// but if you insist, at least sort by the collection owner
"order by p " +
// this won't be the final number of results!
"limit 50",