HHH-18406 Add test for issue

This commit is contained in:
Marco Belladelli 2024-07-25 12:29:14 +02:00
parent 8d39709cec
commit 6d3ee70f72

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
package org.hibernate.orm.test.schemaupdate;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Array;
import org.hibernate.boot.Metadata;
import org.hibernate.boot.MetadataSources;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate;
import org.hibernate.tool.schema.TargetType;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.Jira;
import org.hibernate.testing.util.ServiceRegistryUtil;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
* @author Marco Belladelli
@Jira( "https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-18406" )
public class SchemaUpdateArrayPropertiesTest {
public void testUpdateExisting() {
final StandardServiceRegistry ssr = ServiceRegistryUtil.serviceRegistryBuilder()
.applySetting( Environment.HBM2DDL_AUTO, "none" )
final Metadata metadata = new MetadataSources( ssr ).addAnnotatedClass( TestEntity.class ).buildMetadata();
// First create the schema
new SchemaExport().createOnly( EnumSet.of( TargetType.DATABASE ), metadata );
// Then update the existing table
new SchemaUpdate().execute( EnumSet.of( TargetType.DATABASE ), metadata );
// Verify a query works as expected
try (final SessionFactory sf = metadata.getSessionFactoryBuilder().build()) {
try (Session session = sf.openSession()) {
assertThat( session.find( TestEntity.class, 1 ) ).isNull();
sf.getSchemaManager().dropMappedObjects( false );
public void testUpdateNew() {
final StandardServiceRegistry ssr = ServiceRegistryUtil.serviceRegistryBuilder()
.applySetting( Environment.HBM2DDL_AUTO, "none" )
final Metadata metadata = new MetadataSources( ssr ).addAnnotatedClass( TestEntity.class ).buildMetadata();
// Update should create the schema and all necessary types
new SchemaUpdate().execute( EnumSet.of( TargetType.DATABASE ), metadata );
// Verify a query works as expected
try (final SessionFactory sf = metadata.getSessionFactoryBuilder().build()) {
try (Session session = sf.openSession()) {
assertThat( session.find( TestEntity.class, 1 ) ).isNull();
sf.getSchemaManager().dropMappedObjects( false );
@Entity( name = "TestEntity" )
static class TestEntity {
private Integer id;
private Integer[] integerArray;
@Array( length = 3 )
private String[] stringArrayAnnotated;
@Array( length = 5 )
private BigInteger[] bigIntegerArrayAnnotated;