Fix subquery throwing SqlTreeCreationException( Found un-correlated path usage in sub query)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2851,7 +2851,8 @@ public abstract class BaseSqmToSqlAstConverter<T extends Statement> extends Base
if ( parentTableGroup == null ) {
final TableGroup parent = fromClauseIndex.findTableGroupOnParents( parentPath.getNavigablePath() );
if ( parent != null ) {
throw new SqlTreeCreationException( "Found un-correlated path usage in sub query - " + parentPath );
fromClauseIndex.register( (SqmPath<?>) parentPath, parent );
return parent;
throw new SqlTreeCreationException( "Could not locate TableGroup - " + parentPath.getNavigablePath() );
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package org.hibernate.orm.test.jpa.compliance;
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.EntityManagerFactoryScope;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.Jpa;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.SkipForDialect;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.Root;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery;
import jakarta.persistence.metamodel.EntityType;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
annotatedClasses = { CriteriaSubqueryTest.TestEntity.class }
public class CriteriaSubqueryTest {
public void setUp(EntityManagerFactoryScope scope) {
entityManager -> {
TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity( 1, "1", 10 );
TestEntity testEntity2 = new TestEntity( 2, "2", 17 );
TestEntity testEntity3 = new TestEntity( 3, "3", 22 );
TestEntity testEntity4 = new TestEntity( 4, "4", 38 );
entityManager.persist( testEntity );
entityManager.persist( testEntity2 );
entityManager.persist( testEntity3 );
entityManager.persist( testEntity4 );
public void tearDown(EntityManagerFactoryScope scope) {
entityManager ->
entityManager.createQuery( "delete from TestEntity" ).executeUpdate()
public void existsInSubqueryTest(EntityManagerFactoryScope scope) {
entityManager -> {
final Integer expectedId = 2;
final CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<TestEntity> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> from = criteriaQuery.from( TestEntity.class );
final EntityType<TestEntity> testEntityType = from.getModel();
final Subquery<TestEntity> subquery = criteriaQuery.subquery( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> subqueryFrom = subquery.from( TestEntity.class );
assertThat( subqueryFrom.getModel().getName(), is( TestEntity.class.getSimpleName() ) );
subquery.where( criteriaBuilder.equal(
from.get( testEntityType.getSingularAttribute( "id", Integer.class ) ),
) ).select( subqueryFrom );
criteriaQuery.where( criteriaBuilder.exists( subquery ) );
|||| from );
final List<TestEntity> testEntities = entityManager.createQuery( criteriaQuery ).getResultList();
assertThat( testEntities.size(), is( 1 ) );
assertThat( testEntities.get( 0 ).getId(), is( expectedId ) );
public void subqueryCiteriaSelectTest(EntityManagerFactoryScope scope) {
entityManager -> {
final Integer expectedId = 2;
final CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<TestEntity> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> from = criteriaQuery.from( TestEntity.class );
final EntityType<TestEntity> testEntityType = from.getModel();
final Subquery<TestEntity> subquery = criteriaQuery.subquery( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> subqueryFrom = subquery.from( testEntityType );
assertThat( subqueryFrom.getModel().getName(), is( testEntityType.getName() ) );
subquery.where( criteriaBuilder.equal(
from.get( testEntityType.getSingularAttribute( "id", Integer.class ) ),
) ).select( subqueryFrom );
criteriaQuery.where( criteriaBuilder.exists( subquery ) );
|||| from );
final List<TestEntity> testEntities = entityManager.createQuery( criteriaQuery ).getResultList();
assertThat( testEntities.size(), is( 1 ) );
assertThat( testEntities.get( 0 ).getId(), is( expectedId ) );
@SkipForDialect( dialectClass = MySQLDialect.class, matchSubTypes = true, reason = "does not support specifying in the subquery from clause the the same table used in the delete/update ")
public void subqueryCriteriaDeleteTest(EntityManagerFactoryScope scope) {
entityManager -> {
final CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaDelete<TestEntity> criteriaDelete = criteriaBuilder.createCriteriaDelete( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> from = criteriaDelete.from( TestEntity.class );
final EntityType<TestEntity> testEntityType = from.getModel();
final Subquery<TestEntity> subquery = criteriaDelete.subquery( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> subqueryFrom = subquery.from( TestEntity.class );
subquery.where( criteriaBuilder.equal(
from.get( testEntityType.getSingularAttribute( "id", Integer.class ) ), 2 ) )
.select( subqueryFrom );
criteriaDelete.where( criteriaBuilder.exists( subquery ) );
final int entityDeleted = entityManager.createQuery( criteriaDelete ).executeUpdate();
assertThat( entityDeleted, is( 1 ) );
entityManager -> {
final TestEntity testEntity = entityManager.find( TestEntity.class, 2 );
assertNull( testEntity );
@SkipForDialect( dialectClass = MySQLDialect.class, matchSubTypes = true, reason = "does not support specifying in the subquery from clause the the same table used in the delete/update ")
public void subqueryCriteriaUpdateTest(EntityManagerFactoryScope scope) {
entityManager -> {
final CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaUpdate<TestEntity> criteriaUpdate = criteriaBuilder.createCriteriaUpdate( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> from = criteriaUpdate.from( TestEntity.class );
final EntityType<TestEntity> testEntityType = from.getModel();
from.<Integer>get( "age" ),
from.get( testEntityType.getSingularAttribute( "age", Integer.class ) ),
final Subquery<TestEntity> subquery = criteriaUpdate.subquery( TestEntity.class );
final Root<TestEntity> subqueryFrom = subquery.from( TestEntity.class );
subquery.where( criteriaBuilder.equal(
from.get( testEntityType.getSingularAttribute( "id", Integer.class ) ), 2 ) )
.select( subqueryFrom );
criteriaUpdate.where( criteriaBuilder.exists( subquery ) );
int entityUpdated = entityManager.createQuery( criteriaUpdate ).executeUpdate();
assertThat( entityUpdated, is( 1 ) );
entityManager -> {
TestEntity testEntity = entityManager.find( TestEntity.class, 2 );
assertThat( testEntity.getAge(), is( 30 ) );
@Entity(name = "TestEntity")
public static class TestEntity {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Integer age;
public TestEntity() {
public TestEntity(Integer id, String name, Integer age) {
|||| = id;
|||| = name;
this.age = age;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public Integer getAge() {
return age;
Reference in New Issue