This commit is contained in:
Andrea Boriero 2020-02-07 17:27:10 +00:00
parent 90b69ffc7d
commit 878f75c6b5
2 changed files with 55 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,60 @@ Hibernate 5 Changelog
Note: Please refer to JIRA to learn more about each issue.
Changes in 5.4.11.Final (February 07, 2020)
** Bug
* [HHH-6615] - int type in Revision number
* [HHH-6686] - JPQL operator "is empty" failes for @ElementCollection
* [HHH-10844] - Resolve columnDefinition to appropriate sql-type for audit mappings
* [HHH-13373] - Hibernate report query hibernate_sequence table error in spring-boot application starting on a multi-database mariadb server
* [HHH-13456] - ForeignGenerator Throws ClassCastException When Using StatelessSession
* [HHH-13472] - Error creating hibernate_sequence in MariaDB 10.3
* [HHH-13644] - NullPointerException when calling StoredProcedureQuery.getResultStream() instead of StoredProcedureQuery.getResultList()
* [HHH-13677] - org.hibernate.flushMode property not applied
* [HHH-13704] - Make sure javassist is really an optional dependency
* [HHH-13752] - Delete doesn't work when many-to-many uses non-primary key for join table
* [HHH-13759] - Bytecode enhancement fails for an embedded field in a MappedSuperclass
* [HHH-13760] - Envers tries to use relationship's entity as value for column instead of numeric identifier (cast class exception happens) for LAZY @ManyToOne
* [HHH-13770] - Envers - modified flag column value set to null from 5.4.7 onwards
* [HHH-13780] - Allow NamedQuery to set hint QueryHints.PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH
* [HHH-13783] - org.hibernate.MappingException: The increment size of the sequence is set to [10] in the entity mapping while … size is [1]
* [HHH-13792] - L2 entity cache is evicted prior to committing transaction for HQL/native updates
* [HHH-13796] - Missing from clause in query from BinaryLogicOperatorNode row value constructor translation
* [HHH-13804] - HibernateProxy might need to be instantiated even with build-time enhancement
* [HHH-13806] - CoreMessageLogger#unableToLoadCommand is not printing the cause of the error
* [HHH-13808] - Incorrect String format in log
* [HHH-13831] - Replaced listener is not called when EventListenerGroup#fireEventOnEachListener is called
** Task
* [HHH-13726] - Extract org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl#prepareEventListeners from SessionFactoryImpl
* [HHH-13767] - Remove mention of Oracle and DB2 not being in MC
* [HHH-13821] - Update to Byte Buddy 1.10.7
* [HHH-13822] - OSGi integration tests need to be able to download dependencies from Maven Central using HTTPS
* [HHH-13823] - Various visibility changes to help prototyping of Hibernate RX
* [HHH-13833] - Byte Buddy enhancer should use ASM7 opcodes to improve compatibility with code compiled for Java 11
* [HHH-13837] - Initialize the Hibernate VERSION as a real constant
* [HHH-13838] - Allow extension of PersistenceXmlParser
* [HHH-13849] - Convert ProxyFactoryFactory and BytecodeProvider into a Service
** Improvement
* [HHH-8776] - Ability for JPA entity-graphs to handle non-lazy attributes as lazy
* [HHH-11958] - Apply QueryHints.HINT_READONLY to load operations
* [HHH-12856] - Upgrade DB2400 dialect to use the DB2 for i improvements
* [HHH-13390] - Upgrade JPA MetaModel Generator (jpamodelgen) to support Gradle Incremental Compile
* [HHH-13800] - Correct some typos in the javadocs of hibernate-core module
* [HHH-13802] - fix javadoc warnings in 'hibernate-core'
* [HHH-13809] - Various improvements in the user guides
* [HHH-13830] - Fixing typo on the build task description
* [HHH-13832] - Optimise setting of default Flush Mode on a newly created Session
* [HHH-13850] - Clear the BytecodeProvider caches both after SessionFactory creation and stop
* [HHH-13851] - Rework initialization of ProxyFactoryFactory to move responsibility out of PojoEntityTuplizer
* [HHH-13854] - Allow extensions of StandardServiceRegistryBuilder to ignore Environment variables
Changes in 5.4.10.Final (December 05, 2019)

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
apply plugin: 'base'
ext {
ormVersion = new HibernateVersion( '5.4.11-SNAPSHOT', project )
ormVersion = new HibernateVersion( '5.4.11.Final', project )
baselineJavaVersion = '1.8'
jpaVersion = new JpaVersion('2.2')