HHH-5149 Merge embedded object / component documentations

git-svn-id: https://svn.jboss.org/repos/hibernate/core/trunk@19619 1b8cb986-b30d-0410-93ca-fae66ebed9b2
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Emmanuel Bernard 2010-05-26 16:20:43 +00:00
parent 7c5f43737e
commit 89b2659331
1 changed files with 109 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -4572,13 +4572,114 @@ List results = s.createCriteria( Citizen.class )
<section id="mapping-declaration-component" revision="2">
<title>Component and dynamic-component</title>
<section id="mapping-declaration-component">
<title>Embedded objects (aka components)</title>
<para>The <literal>&lt;component&gt;</literal> element maps properties
of a child object to columns of the table of a parent class. Components
can, in turn, declare their own properties, components or collections.
See the "Component" examples below:</para>
<para>Embeddable objects (or components) are objects whose properties
are mapped to the same table as the owning entity's table. Components
can, in turn, declare their own properties, components or
<para>It is possible to declare an embedded component inside an entity
and even override its column mapping. Component classes have to be
annotated at the class level with the <literal>@Embeddable</literal>
annotation. It is possible to override the column mapping of an embedded
object for a particular entity using the <literal>@Embedded</literal>
and <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal> annotation in the associated
<programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
public class Person implements Serializable {
// Persistent component using defaults
Address homeAddress;
@AttributeOverrides( {
@AttributeOverride(name="iso2", column = @Column(name="bornIso2") ),
@AttributeOverride(name="name", column = @Column(name="bornCountryName") )
} )
Country bornIn;
} </programlisting>
<programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
public class Address implements Serializable {
String city;
Country nationality; //no overriding here
} </programlisting>
<programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
public class Country implements Serializable {
private String iso2;
@Column(name="countryName") private String name;
public String getIso2() { return iso2; }
public void setIso2(String iso2) { this.iso2 = iso2; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
} </programlisting>
<para>An embeddable object inherits the access type of its owning entity
(note that you can override that using the <literal>@Access</literal>
<para>The <literal>Person</literal> entity has two component properties,
<literal>homeAddress</literal> and <literal>bornIn</literal>.
<literal>homeAddress</literal> property has not been annotated, but
Hibernate will guess that it is a persistent component by looking for
the <literal>@Embeddable</literal> annotation in the Address class. We
also override the mapping of a column name (to
<literal>bornCountryName</literal>) with the
<literal>@Embedded</literal> and <literal>@AttributeOverride
</literal>annotations for each mapped attribute of
<literal>Country</literal>. As you can see, <literal>Country
</literal>is also a nested component of <literal>Address</literal>,
again using auto-detection by Hibernate and JPA defaults. Overriding
columns of embedded objects of embedded objects is through dotted
<programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA"> @Embedded
@AttributeOverrides( {
@AttributeOverride(name="city", column = @Column(name="fld_city") ),
@AttributeOverride(name="nationality.iso2", column = @Column(name="nat_Iso2") ),
@AttributeOverride(name="nationality.name", column = @Column(name="nat_CountryName") )
//nationality columns in homeAddress are overridden
} )
Address homeAddress;</programlisting>
<para>Hibernate Annotations supports something that is not explicitly
supported by the JPA specification. You can annotate a embedded object
with the <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> annotation to make the
superclass properties persistent (see
<literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> for more informations).</para>
<para>You can also use association annotations in an embeddable object
(ie <literal>@OneToOne</literal>, <classname>@ManyToOne</classname>,
<classname>@OneToMany</classname> or <literal>@ManyToMany</literal>). To
override the association columns you can use
<para>If you want to have the same embeddable object type twice in the
same entity, the column name defaulting will not work as several
embedded objects would share the same set of columns. In plain JPA, you
need to override at least one set of columns. Hibernate, however, allows
you to enhance the default naming mechanism through the
<classname>NamingStrategy</classname> interface. You can write a
strategy that prevent name clashing in such a situation.
<classname>DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy</classname> is an example
of this.</para>
<para>If a property of the embedded object points back to the owning
entity, annotate it with the <classname>@Parent</classname> annotation.
Hibernate will make sure this property is properly loaded with the
entity reference.</para>
<para>In XML, use the <literal>&lt;component&gt;</literal>
<programlistingco role="XML">
@ -4676,7 +4777,8 @@ List results = s.createCriteria( Citizen.class )
<para>The <literal>&lt;dynamic-component&gt;</literal> element allows a
<literal>Map</literal> to be mapped as a component, where the property
names refer to keys of the map. See <xref
linkend="components-dynamic" /> for more information.</para>
linkend="components-dynamic" /> for more information. This feature is
not supported in annotations.</para>
<section id="mapping-declaration-properties" revision="2">